Red Moon Returns

Chapter 500 Lynch's Plan

Lynch actually thought deeply about taking out the Miracle Light and repeatedly weighed the pros and cons.

This is indeed beneficial. Once necessary, you can access it at any time without worrying about wasting time. Moreover, you are most secure when you have things in your own hands, so you don't have to worry about long nights and dreams.

The disadvantages of the problem are also obvious. No one can take away the ones that are kept well in the Silver Gate. It is the safest. After taking it out, it is more convenient for you to access, but the League of Shadows is also convenient.

I have two second-level and one third-level, why do I want to protect it from the shadow alliance, just with passion? I'm afraid I won't be able to save it for a day.

It's not "Shounen Jump".

But after weighing it repeatedly, he decided to get the Miracle Light.

As long as the League of Shadows does not dare to grab it for a period of time, or cannot grab it even if it wants to, just hold on until the plague event is over.

It's true that three people can't do it, but someone can do it.

Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, the fox fakes the power of the tiger to help the tiger, borrowing a knife to kill someone and frame the blame... In short, just ask some people who can do it to take care of themselves and make the League of Shadows suffer.

Lynch was looking forward to lying on the beach and speaking those words with emotion to the faces of those from the League of Shadows.

Therefore, two ladies, Natalie and Diana, were responsible for dealing with the professors, while Lynch took the chairman to find a secret room.

"I need your help, Mr. Chairman." He said, pushing the medicine box in front of the other party, and briefly introduced the properties of the strange object: "Light of Miracle, Advent-level rare item..."

The chairman listened carefully, and until Lynch finished speaking, he stroked the box and pondered for a while, then opened the lid, inspected it and said: "I have heard of it, it is a very ancient and rare object, and its whereabouts are unknown. One of the dangerous goods. It’s too dangerous to bring into the city.”

"Where can this effect be placed without danger?"

The chairman sighed: "That's right. Unless it's a professional containment agency, Advent-level rare objects are dangerous wherever they are placed. Do you want me to help you bring them into Rhine City?"

"That's not the case, doesn't that kind of thing just need some help? The main reason is that some people want to take advantage of this thing. They have already taken action once just now, leaving five lives behind, and I am sure they will continue to take action, so I need to Can you help me protect it until this matter is settled?"

"This matter?"

"It's the plague created by the Shadow Alliance. This thing is the trump card I prepared. You also know how insidious the Shadow Alliance is, and they will definitely continue to look for opportunities."

The chairman twirled his beard and frowned: "I don't dare to help you with this."

"Huh? Is the League of Shadows so scary?"

The chairman glared at him and said angrily: "I have lived for eighty-five years, do you think such childish words are useful?"

"Just give it a try, just in case it works." Lin Qi smiled dryly, his eyes wandering, "Do you have any concerns?"

"Theoretically, I should help, and I am personally willing to help." The old man sighed, "But the League of Shadows is too mysterious, and maybe someone is one of theirs. Anyway, I can't guarantee that there are no one of them in the association. If such an important thing goes wrong in the hands of the association, the association's reputation will be ruined. If I am left alone to protect it day and night, I don't have the time or energy to protect it day and night. If something goes wrong due to lack of energy, I will be the whole world. A sinner."

In fact, this is also Lynch's biggest headache, because the Shadow Alliance's nails may be lurking in every corner, and there is no credible organization in the entire Rhine.

The major churches cannot be trusted. There is an unknown god behind the Shadow Alliance. It is possible that all twelve churches will fall into the trap themselves.

The official power cannot be trusted. The top officials of official organizations have always paid no attention to morality but only to interests. Because the positions of interest disputes can jump over and over again, it may suddenly turn 180 degrees at any time. The grassroots level cannot avoid being infiltrated, and the specific executor may not be able to do so. It's the enemy's nail.

Secret societies are equally untrustworthy. Although their backgrounds are relatively simple and there are not so many interest entanglements, their structure is loose, each has its own ideas, and it is easier to be penetrated. It is very likely that all the members of the Riverside Manor are molested. Let them help. Might as well go it alone.

After careful consideration and careful selection, Lynch chose the old chairman of the Archaeological Association to help.

On the one hand, although he was cheated on by this old man once, he has a good impression of the chairman. On the other hand, this old man is the strongest fighting force in the local area. With him standing on the same side, he can avoid a lot of trouble. Since he has to take risks after all It is better to bet on the strongest person.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Qi thinks that he is relatively trustworthy. Yu Gong himself has a great cause, Yu Private Archaeological Association has the deepest relationship with him, and has the greatest interests. Moreover, there is a cooperation project, so it is unlikely to betray him at this time. .

But Lynch didn't dare to completely believe him, and he really lacked energy, so Lynch made a plan from the beginning.

If another unlucky person is dragged into the water, the three parties will join forces to complement each other while also restraining each other, which should greatly improve safety.

As for the candidate for the unlucky ghost, of course he must be the most credible. The first thing Lynch thought of was the Church of Suffering.

There is a god behind the League of Shadows, but the Church of Misery is the key point in this plague battle against the League of Shadows. The basis of the battle is that Fiona, the Lord of Misery, and her followers are fine, otherwise the battle itself is a joke. .

Therefore, Lynch is willing to believe these real saints, and that place is considered Diana's mother's home, so it is more credible. Maybe there will be a few nails of the Shadow Alliance among them, but the number will not make a big wave, just be careful.

But the biggest problem of the Church of Suffering is strength. In the second largest city in Rand, the entire church does not even have a high-level sitting, and the strongest is a level 6 mid-level. Once the Shadow Alliance launches a surprise attack at all costs like the Milt family, the Church of Suffering may not be able to stop it. Even if it is barely stopped, it is likely to suffer heavy casualties.

Thinking of the group of ladies who cried until they collapsed because they could not save the seriously injured patients and wished to take their place, Lynch gave up this idea at the first time. Maybe for various reasons, many people are dissatisfied with the Virgin Mary, but Lynch does not think so, especially after reading the memories of the Light of Miracle, he feels that these women who are willing to die to save patients are more noble than most people in this world.

Lynch couldn't do it, so he was willing to give them the greatest respect and involve them as cannon fodder. It was hard to say whether it would be punished by God or not. Lynch estimated that he would swing his fist and beat himself when he woke up in the middle of the night.

Church of Suffering, give up.

This made him turn his sinful eyes to his mother's home.

Church of the Night.

Literally, this is the home of Red Moon's mother.

In the past few months, Lynch has learned through various channels that the Silver Girl and the Scarlet Lady are both daughters of the Goddess of the Night. Legend has it that they had a very close relationship in the mythological era.

Although there is no blood relationship between gods, only genealogical kinship, they themselves are non-pure material existences. For them, genealogical kinship is far more important than blood relationship. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, there is always moonlight shining under the dark night, and there is always a place for Silver and Scarlet in the sanctuary of the night. Archbishop Trinlais was obviously partial to him after knowing that he would become the Soul Forsaken of Red Moon, and this is the reason.

Moreover, the strength of the Dark Night Church is sufficient. There is a seventh-level priest and several sixth-level knights hidden in their church. With the bonus of the sanctuary, it is difficult for the Shadow Alliance to get benefits even if they invite a ninth-level strongman.

His neighbor had reminded him before not to trust the Goddess of the Night too much. The old lady must have no ill will towards the neighbor, but it is not certain for him, Lin Qi. The reason was not said, but Lin Qi had a vague guess. Combined with the doubts mentioned by Chairman Olai, he felt that his guess was correct.

Therefore, Lin Qi has been dragging his feet and not visiting the old lady, and trying to avoid being deeply tied to the Dark Night Church. However, the possibility that the Goddess of the Night is the god behind the Shadow Alliance is very low. It should be no problem to drag the old lady's people into the trap this time.

In this way, the Dark Night Church is the main body, and Chairman Olai personally assists in the name of the association, which should be safe.

Moreover, this strange object originated from the Church of Suffering, and then Ms. Nightingale and others will study it together, and the four parties will cooperate to strangle the conspiracy of the Shadow Alliance together.

"The Church of the Night, if they join, it's fine. I can help, but... are you sure they will help you? You probably haven't discussed this with them yet."

"They will definitely help." Lynch smiled, showing his big teeth. "Of course they will worry if it's just me, but this time, we have the strongest chairman of Rhine, Ole, in charge. They just need to provide assistance. How could they refuse such a good thing?"

"... Why do I feel so familiar with this behavior? How many people have you cheated with this method?"

"Ha, ha, ha, that's just your illusion. I respect Archbishop Trinlais very much. How could I do anything to cheat him? I'm thinking about them. Not only will he not mind, he will also say thank you to me."

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