Red Moon Returns

Chapter 528 Double Collapse

Sample No. 7 exploded.

Festering flesh, broken bones, and disgusting pus splashed around at the moment of the explosion, covering the other seven samples and a dozen nuns.

The explosion was not violent, but it seemed to explode in everyone's heart. There was a cry of surprise in the observation room, and representatives of various countries stepped back subconsciously, and some even hugged their heads, fearing that the glass wall would be shattered.

At this moment, Lynch only made one move. He subconsciously opened his arms and blocked the three women. Everything was an instinctive reaction of the body, and he didn't even think about it.

However, the situation in the laboratory was beyond everyone's expectations.

At the moment of the explosion, Ms. Nightingale just took a step forward.

With this step, everyone's eyes, whether inside or outside, even including the seven infected people, were involuntarily focused on her.

[Power: Sacrifice, Ability: Attraction]

At this moment, under the traction of the mysterious power, she became the focus inside and outside the laboratory, not only the focus of attention, but also the focus of all filth.

The concept has changed. The pus that was exploding in all directions suddenly violated most of the physical rules in the world and turned on the spot, sweeping towards the old woman without a drop left.

Facing the disgusting and dangerous pus and blood rain that was pouring all over the sky, the shriveled and thin body was hunched as usual, and coughed a few times with her fist covering her mouth.

[Power: Stability, Ability: Blockade and Isolation]

A strange and mysterious force suddenly appeared around her. Within three meters, whether it was the white-robed nuns, the infected, or the pus splashing all over the sky, they all fell into a state of stillness.

The expressions could not be seen clearly under the bird-beak mask, but the nuns maintained various strange postures and became motionless. The pus was suspended in the air above Nightingale's head, but not a drop fell.

After a few dry coughs, the old woman was still hunched over, raised her head to face the pus and blood in the air, and waved her hand gently.

As she moved, a soft light burst out from her body and instantly filled the entire laboratory.

[Power: Holiness, Ability: Breath of Holiness]

So, the remaining half of the physical rules were also broken.

Under the illumination of the light, the filth in the sky was like grease dripping into the flame, and turned into clean air in an instant, without a drop left. In one step, the laboratory became clean. If it weren't for the lack of a sample, everything just now seemed to be just a dream.

The observation room fell into a dead silence. Everyone didn't react for a while, staring at the glass in a daze. Even Lin Qi was a little dazed, but he reacted immediately.

Yes, after all, he is a level 5 soul-distracted person, and he has been in and out of the most dangerous epidemic area all year round, fighting against the mystery all day long. It would be too embarrassing if something went wrong so easily. Even if he is old and weak, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to crush three of them with one hand. I am worried for her. Am I a little floating?


A finger suddenly poked Lin Qi's back, interrupting his self-complaint. When he turned around, he saw three pairs of eyes with complicated expressions.

Lynch then noticed that he was still holding his hands open, and there were three ladies behind him.

"Well, actually you misunderstood, it was just a coincidence, yes, coincidence, I just moved my arms because they were sore, nothing else... hey hey hey."

The ladies' eyes were very gentle, especially Natalie, who pulled him away so gently, it was so gentle that it was deadly, Diana was even more gentle as she turned her folding fan, only Her Royal Highness bit her lip and smiled softly.

The people in the observation room finally regained consciousness, and there was a buzzing sound in the spacious room. The audience became more and more uneasy, and whispered to each other from time to time.

Surprisingly, everything in the laboratory was normal, and it was a little abnormal.

The nuns showed no signs of panic throughout the process. When the pus and blood stopped in the air, several nuns outside the three-meter range quietly dispersed. When the pus and blood dissipated, the nuns who were blocked and isolated within three meters also regained their mobility. They stepped back a few steps to tidy up their clothes, and then returned to the other samples. Especially the one in charge of recording, she didn't even move her legs. When she regained her mobility, the tip of her pen began to quickly scratch on the notebook, recording everything that was happening.

"At 7:08, sample No. 7 triggered an abnormal reaction. The source of the abnormality was the effect of the power of 'disease', and the triggering reason was the overload of the mysterious antibody."

"At 7:08, the mysterious antigen overload reached its peak, the injection of the stabilizing agent failed, the antigen overload exceeded the upper limit, the soul collapsed, the collapse speed exceeded level 6, the filth invaded, and the distortion began."

"At 7:09, the distortion broke through the soul's carrying limit, the body began to collapse, and the degree of collapse was special."

"At 7:09, the collapse was completed, the effect was cleared, and no damage was caused. The conclusion is that the content of the detoxification grass and the Atilan root should be reduced as appropriate, estimated to be 5%, and the test will continue."

The well-organized situation quickly calmed down the commotion outside, and Lynch stopped his outrageous abuse and asked the police officer and the princess:

"What is she talking about?"

Diana explained: "Part of the function of the medicine is to use poison-repellent herbs and artilan root to stimulate a special spirit in the soul that resists mysterious erosion. We call it the mysterious antibody, and use it to fight against the invasion of the mysterious plague. It's just that each individual's The physiques are different. Number 7 may be more sensitive and over-stimulated, causing the mysterious antibody to conflict with the 'disease' power from Mordiggian. The conflict is too intense, causing the sample to completely collapse from body to soul."

Lynch immediately understood that this was a story similar to that of white blood cells and viruses. Obviously, this time it was white blood cells that lost the bet.

"Does this happen often?" Officer Natalie also sighed, "Looking at their reactions, they were too calm."

"What do you think?" Diana sighed quietly, "Everything has a price."

"Then those experimental subjects..."

"From the beginning of research and development to now, we have lost more than thirty people. Your Highness the Princess and Your Excellency the Duke know that many people who know the details are strongly opposed to this, but the lady has suppressed all their objections."

The princess and the duke on the side smiled bitterly when they heard this.

"In the name of love and suffering, each of us has lost countless innocent lives, whether animals or humans. We will not deny this, and we are mentally prepared to bear this sin, and we will bear it. Suffering and pain are not limited to others, but also to ourselves." Diana smiled self-deprecatingly, "Sample No. 7 who had the accident is a fellow believer in the church, our sisters, you met her the first time you came, I just don’t remember, a very gentle sister. Oh, the church is not a completely safe place, and we may become the initial infected.”

Hiss~~ There was another commotion in the observation room, and the expressions of the audience became more and more complicated.

"We have all promised in advance that if we become infected and become infected, we will be willing to become experimental subjects first."

Talking calmly about the cruelest reality, Diana looked at the empty experimental platform No. 7 with a look of dismay. However, the experimenters inside were still indifferently completing each operation according to the order. It was just that in the flickering firelight of the gas lamp, the bird There is a faint shimmer behind the mouth mask.

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