Red Moon Returns

Chapter 538: Offering beauty to a hopeless fate

"In June 438 of the Fourth Era, in the city of Craford, Lorenzal Federation, Cardinal Gina Brydon of the Church of the Passion in Lorenzal Diocese mobilized all the clergy of the diocese to join the front line of disaster relief. During this period, the priests Many people were infected, and by the time the plague dissipated in March 439, four-fifths of the clergy had died. Cardinal Braden also contracted the plague and died in the last ten days. In the last month, all clergymen died. Everyone left a last wish: if they died of an illness, their bodies would be burned and the seeds of the disease would be purified with flames."

"In the summer of 1175 of the Fourth Age, the Tribulation Pope sent Archbishop Narnia Fran to lead a first aid team of hundreds of Tribulation Sisters into the city of St. Kevin in the Kingdom of Tural for disaster relief. They sent support twice in a row within six months. The second support was led by the Pope himself, and carried secret weapons exchanged from the terrifying Changner Fang Geng on the mountain to fight against the plague. In January 1176, the Pope's Holy See returned to the throne of the Lord of Misery, and the whole world was in pain. In the same month, in response to the Holy See's decree, the Holy Body and all the sacrificed companions were burned on the spot in St. Kevin's City, purifying all evil with the flames and sending the soul back to the country of suffering."

"In the year 1511 of the Fourth Age, the Four Horsemen of the Divine Apocalypse came, and the Plague Knights took the lead in breaking out in the Michiu Plain..."

Following the emotionless voice of the bibliography behind the wall, a piece of newly searched information was unfolded in front of the four of them one by one.

The nine pieces of information come from three mysterious documents, one is a manuscript researching the catastrophe, one is a historical research report, and the other is actually a travel note. I don’t know how the author made a travel note mysterious. I don’t even know why there are such weird types of things recorded in the bibliography, but that’s not important. What’s important is that there are really a lot of things hidden between the lines of these three side secretaries.

None of them mentioned the Miracle Light, but almost every one of them vividly described the actions of the Church of Tribulation in the birthplace of the plague before the end of those plagues. If Lynch hadn't opened a new door, there would be no way it would have happened. It's impossible to find these clues hidden in the minutiae.

However, as the messages were read out one by one, the moods of Lynch and the others not only lacked joy, but also sank, because from these contents, they had gradually understood what was hidden behind the beautiful words.

Fighting the plague, contracting diseases, persisting until the last moment, falling one after another, and finally turning their bodies to ashes in the flames.

This is what those bird-beaked doctors did when the Miracle Light was born, and it is also the so-called beauty that wonders need.

It is not ordinary family, friendship and love at all. It is indeed a beautiful thing, but it can only cure ordinary plagues. If you want to fight against the real occult plague, and it is a occult plague involving the outbreak of theocracy, what you need is real beauty. .

The determination to save suffering, the determination to fight to the death, and the courage to sacrifice oneself.

Yes, everything comes at a price.

Shout a few slogans, sing a few high-pitched songs, shed a few tears, and show your mother's heart. This kind of behavior can only move yourself, but it can't help anyone, let alone save this precarious world.

If you want to sacrifice yourself for the safety of the entire world, it makes no sense to stay at the level of thinking. Only if someone actually does it and truly shows the true beauty, will the wonders take effect and the light of hope will shine. Light up the whole world.

Cold and cruel, but that's how the mysterious world is.

"I roughly understand that we must willingly choose to fight against the plague at all costs to save lives until the end of our lives, and we must also actively choose to become a sacrifice and use our own life and soul to exchange for the safety of the world." Listened to everything silently. Ms. Nightingale stared at the white wall in silence for a long time, and finally sighed softly, "It's no wonder that all previous successful examples are related to us, and it's no wonder that the second use will fail."

Yes, Lynch and the other three also understood.

Even if that country burns everyone, it will not be able to activate the light of miracles. Passive sacrifices are just pure killing, and they will never be able to exchange for light and hope.

Looking at the whole world, apart from these believers in suffering, there are not many people who regard salvation and sacrifice as faith. There are people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for others, but those who can be so determined are probably the nuns of the Church of suffering. .

They didn't even encourage the lower-level clergy to devote themselves. During the six plagues, even the pope and two cardinals were given away. In the three thousand years of history in two eras, this was also a rare loss.

"It's not as exaggerated as you think." After hearing Lynch's murmur, Ms. Nightingale actually laughed and said lightly, "I guess that saying "offer beauty" is not limited to the expression. In terms of action, there are also requirements for the sacrifice itself. The more good things it recognizes in the sacrifice, the better the effect should be. They can't bear to have more of their fellow believers sacrifice for it, so they offer themselves as sacrifices. "

Hiss, is it a merit? Lin Qiruo realized something.

Maybe this is really the case, but he still asked doubtfully: "Others may not know the specific uses of rare objects, but it is impossible for the senior leaders of your church not to know. Why didn't you leave a record in the bibliography? This is not a shame. "

But as soon as the words came out, he had already thought of the answer.

Sure enough, Nightingale just smiled kindly and shook her head: "If it were me, I wouldn't leave a record. This is our responsibility, but it is not an experience worth looking forward to. The predecessors did not want future generations to experience such suffering. , they also hope that we can live well, so they deliberately hide the key information. "

"But each of your descendants has persisted in finding things and their uses, completely disappointing the expectations of our predecessors."

"There is no way, who made us follow the same doctrine? Some things must be done by someone."

Lynch pursed his lips and suppressed the trembling of his lips. The only feeling in his heart now was regret.

Why did he spend so much effort to find the light of miracle? Why show off his cleverness and find out the use hidden by his predecessors?

In order to resolve the global crisis and to resolve the impact he had caused before, he was personally sending a group of respectable women to their deaths.

Lynch clenched his fists tightly, his nails had pierced into his palms, and he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "You... don't want to use it again."

"Otherwise?" Ms. Nightingale asked calmly, "History has long proved that besides us suffering believers, who else can meet these conditions in a concentrated manner? Can you find other candidates?"

This sentence made Lynch speechless. Is there really only one way to go?

Lynch felt a sharp pain in his chest, but Miss Diana suddenly interrupted him and said, "Didn't you notice something was wrong?"


"All the information shows one thing, the magic item is only effective after the plague breaks out, and it cannot be used before the plague breaks out."


However, it was this sentence that made Lynch's originally dim eyes suddenly brighten.

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