Red Moon Returns

Chapter 82: Sense of Presence (make up one more chapter, the two chapters I owe have been completed)

The policewoman dragged Lynch at high speed, as if she was not touching the ground, and quickly closed the distance between the two.

In a breath, the two had jumped off the factory building. As Officer Natalie's pace became faster and faster, the distance of more than ten meters passed in a flash.

The tentacles waving in the sky were reaching out to the five executives hanging upside down in the air, and the movement suddenly stopped. Swish, thousands of eyeballs all over the tentacles turned at the same time, and all the pupils turned to the two people who suddenly rushed out.

Power, protection, ability, deterrence.

The ability was activated, and dozens of tentacles froze in the air before they had time to turn, and there was obvious hesitation. Taking this opportunity, the policewoman's pace did not stop, not slow but fast, carrying the weight of two people and approaching the blood pool at high speed.

Lynch, who was dragged behind him, simply gave up moving his body and let Officer Natalie drag him to the wind. He just tried his best to control his arms to stabilize, took out a pistol from his arms and opened the safety bolt.

Step by step, the tentacles made of blood became sky-covering.

These tentacles hesitated for only a moment before breaking through the suppression of their abilities and entangled the two of them. However, Officer Natalie also took this opportunity to rush into the three-meter range next to the blood pool, and the girl in the giant mouth was already clearly visible.

The long legs stepped on the ground, and the body suddenly jumped up, avoiding the tentacles that were entangled close to the ground. When the two jumped into the air, the policewoman held the scabbard in her mouth and drew out her sword. With a turn of the blade, several tentacles that were oncoming were cut off in the middle. The sky in front of them suddenly became clear, allowing the two to rush out of the tentacles and successfully appear at the edge of the blood pool.


Once again, she took advantage of the edge of the blood pool and suddenly changed direction to the side and front, avoiding the entanglement of more than ten tentacles again. Her body had already appeared above the giant mouth, like a hunting bird of prey, swooping down on the little girl in the giant mouth.

The girl opened her eyes again, with no reason in them, only endless greed and hunger. At the same time, the giant mouth suddenly opened wider, a piercing roar came out, and the dirty blood in the sky also came forward with the sound.

Officer Natalie frowned, and continued to rush down, but the sword was horizontal in front of her.

A light curtain was unfolded in front of the two people with the sword as the center.

Power, protection, ability, defense.

The light curtain followed the two people down and collided with the dirty blood head-on. In an instant, dense ripples appeared on the light curtain, as if it was hit head-on by countless bullets. For a time, the ripples covered the entire sky layer by layer, and the vision was full of ripples, and nothing could be seen clearly.

But such a dense impact could not delay Natalie and Lynch who broke through the air. The two did not change their speed, and broke through the dirty blood in the sky and appeared above the giant mouth, with their swords raised high.

However, the next moment, dozens of tentacles spewed out of the giant mouth.

These tentacles appeared without any warning, but at an incredibly fast speed, they instantly covered the entire space in front of the giant mouth. For a moment, the two were like small fish rushing into a sea anemone bush, with tentacles all around them, and they were like moths flying into a spider web, rushing into the tentacles without any room to turn.

Officer Natalie's face suddenly changed, and she swung her sword violently, this time with the sword spine flat on the tentacle, and her feet also stepped on the tips of the other two tentacles. The three places exerted force at the same time, and the tentacles separated as soon as they touched. Before the tentacles had time to rewind, the two had already used the force to break away, leaving all three tentacles empty, and the two also used this force to turn from bottom to top, flying backwards to try to break away from the encirclement of the new tentacles.

But the opportunity to use the force was still too short, and the speed was obviously not enough. They barely got rid of the siege of the new tentacles, but the old tentacles still surrounded them from behind, like a net that was closing, wrapping the two people in it.

At this moment, gunshots rang out.

Lynch had one hand around the policewoman's waist, holding her in his arms, and with the other hand he fired six shots at the little girl in the giant mouth.

There was no accuracy at all, but the recoil was strong. The originally slowed speed suddenly accelerated, allowing the two to soar into the sky just before the tentacles closed in, and get out of the tentacles in time.

With both feet on the ground, the policewoman immediately took the initiative and hugged Lynch who was hanging on her. Just as she was about to turn around and try again, Lynch's voice came to her ears.

"Three seconds."


"I can make you invisible for three seconds." Lynch added, "The effect is the same as mine."

"That's enough."

"You must trust me."

"Stop talking nonsense."


Lynch calmed his thoughts, put his palm on the back of Officer Natalie, and activated a new ability for the first time.

Divine power, concealment, ability, and sense of existence.

At the same time, Officer Natalie gave up changing direction, suddenly started, and rushed straight to the tentacles in front without hesitation.

In the first second, the countless tentacles chasing the two paused and stopped in midair. Their target suddenly disappeared, and even thousands of strange eyes could not find it. A low roar came from the giant mouth, and dozens of tentacles waved randomly beside the blood pool, and slapped the ground from time to time, as if they wanted to pull out the two little bugs.

In the second second, the tentacles seemed to sense something abnormal, and all the tentacles swung up and smashed the same area at the same time. For a moment, the huge force smashed the ground and the stone chips flew everywhere. Except for the broken stones on the ground, the tentacles got nothing.

In the third second, a faint footstep sounded beside the blood pool, and a ghostly shadow flashed and disappeared, and the blood pool immediately returned to calm. But the flesh mass at the core of the blood pool trembled as a whole, and all the tentacles moved at the same time, rolling towards the position of the shadow from all directions, almost surrounding all the space around the shadow.

There was no way to escape, so the tentacles finally locked onto the target, making it appear out of thin air beside the blood pool.

It was a top hat, just a top hat.

At the same time, two figures hugging each other appeared again above the giant mouth. The policewoman raised her sword high, and with the speed and power of falling from the sky, she chopped down fiercely at the little girl Janet embedded in the giant mouth like a thunderbolt.

The girl's eyes opened again, and the giant mouth roared again, but it was too late to change anything.

The sword was swung down, and everything was a foregone conclusion.

With a loud noise like a steel cable being broken, the sharp sword blade slashed in front of the girl, hitting the tumor in front of her that was beating like a heart. The beating of the tumor stopped for a moment, and then the extended "blood vessels" exploded directly into a foul smell of dirty blood, splashing all over Lynch and Natalie's head and face.

However, neither of them had time to dodge, nor did they discuss in advance. Natalie had already hugged Lynch tightly, and Lynch stretched out his hands and grabbed the little girl's shoulders.

Power, protection, ability, and separation.

A group of people dragged a bloody light and rushed straight up to the sky, and the meatball and the big mouth were chasing closely behind them.

A few meters above were the five executives hanging upside down. As soon as the five woke up, they saw two executives holding a little girl and rushing towards them.

Finally came to save us.

The joy just appeared on his face and froze on his face. The three people who broke through the air passed by, revealing the giant mouth chasing behind them.

The faces of the five people became distorted, and they opened their mouths to scream, but before the sound came out, they were swallowed by the giant mouth.

After swallowing the five sacrifices, the giant mouth stopped chasing, chewing with satisfaction, and waving its tentacles all over its body.

The next moment, the space was broken and the sky was spinning.

From the previous comments, it seems that some friends have a misunderstanding of this ability.

Presence is to hide things around you. If this thing is a living thing, then the "living thing" must trust Lynch enough for the skill to work, rather than the audience needing to trust Lynch.

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