Red Moon Returns

Chapter 87 New Commission (Two in One)

At this moment, Lynch seemed to see the boundless universe, the vast galaxy, the rising and setting of the sun, the changing of the seasons, the blooming and withering of flowers, the cycle of life and death.

That was countless incomprehensible taboo knowledge, and every piece of information fragment interpreted the truth and essence of this world.

There was no hint or sign, but Lynch realized at the first time that everything he saw was great, noble, and the will of the Supreme.

That represented the rules of the world, the origin of reality, and the authority of truth.

The moment of perception means the beginning of understanding, and the act of understanding itself means witnessing the truth.

But the Supreme is not a field that mortals can touch, and seeking knowledge is a sin, because the soul of a mortal cannot carry a trace of real brilliance.

Lynch only felt that his soul was gradually becoming nothingness, and was merging with this world. He also wanted to look away and stop looking at the weird virtual image, but the process of understanding had already begun at the moment he saw it. Seeing or not seeing it could not bring any changes.

Under the impact of the Supreme Will, Lynch's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and his spirit became increasingly empty. He felt that his soul would soon be unable to bear the weight of the truth and dissipate, but at this moment, the gentle red moon rose slowly in the depths of his soul.

The souls of mortals cannot bear the glory of truth, but the authority of the gods can.

The glory of truth, the Supreme Will, these dangerous impacts penetrated into the soul the moment they came into contact with the divine power, and merged with the crimson full moon.

The uneasy soul stabilized again, and the chaotic consciousness quickly regained consciousness. Lynch found that not only did he not become weak under the impact of the soul, but after experiencing an impact, his spirit became more resolute.

However, before he had time to understand, a shrill cat cry came to his ears.

The cry made the chaotic will sober up, and the moment he regained his sanity, Lynch only felt scared.

He actually lost his mind in front of such a terrifying existence, and he didn't know how long he lost his mind, but if the other party was hostile, it would be enough for her to kill him many times.

His sight immediately focused, and he found that the black cat beside him did not show hostility, but took a few steps back and stared at him with strange eyes. In the shadow of the cat, the shadow of the human woman was still there, and the strange image of the cat head and human body had disappeared.

The image of the shadow was very vague, and it could only be seen that it was a lady wearing noblewoman clothes, and the black cat did not seem to have any hostility. He lay down on the sofa again, yawned while shaking his tail, and uttered human words from the cat's mouth:

"Alas, are you all the soul-distracted people of the Falling God so brave now? You dare to look at everything directly? You still stare carefully when you find something wrong, and you can't hide in time. You must see it clearly? But you can hold on, which is beyond my expectation."

"I didn't expect it either." Lin Qi pretended to be in a trance, but he was actually asking quickly in his heart: 'Neighbor, didn't you say this was an ordinary cat? '

[It is indeed an ordinary cat, until just now. 】

Lin Qi suddenly realized that he had roughly guessed the situation just now.

The cat is an ordinary cat, and the human woman should be the real Countess Anna Hathaway, who uses the cat as a medium to communicate with me. As for the cat-headed human figure on the third floor, it is probably the existence behind the Countess, and was accidentally peeped by my high inspiration.

Damn it, can I see such a scary thing with high inspiration? Can I go down again? When I came here, I thought I wouldn’t encounter cultists. I didn’t see the cultists, but looked directly at the evil god.

‘Neighbor, is it really okay for me to look directly at the Supreme like this? ’

[It’s just an evil god, not a real god, no need to care. As long as your will can withstand the first impact, it’s okay. It’s not only harmless but beneficial. 】

Beneficial? Lin Qi was stunned, recalling the feeling of the glory of the Supreme and the truth merging into the soul just now, and immediately gathered his will to the soul image deep in the soul.

The soul image was extremely solid, especially the activated hidden divine power, which was as clear as if it was about to materialize, just like the performance of the moment when the soul was alienated. Could it be that...

[Yes, Ping An looked directly at the evil god, felt the supreme will and used it for his own benefit. Your soul is now filled with the power of divine power, and you can activate the soul image at any time to lead the power of the red moon to descend on the mortal world. ]

'Recreate the power of that night? '

[Yes. ]

Lin Qi suddenly had the urge to cry.

Since embarking on this path, as a soul-distracted person who has no attack ability, he has lived cautiously every day. He even pondered every day that with his current strength, he couldn't even deal with a powerful soul-distracted person, so what could he use to fight against those powerful high-level strongmen or even against the evil god.

He never found the answer until he faced the evil god today, and suddenly had an unexpected surprise.

[Please note, Lin Qi, this is a one-time effect, which can only last for three minutes. After that, unless you complete the next alienation or look directly at the evil god again to fill your soul with the supreme will, it cannot be activated again. ]

‘It’s better than nothing. This simply motivates me to take a photo with the evil god. But what if I keep staring at the evil god? ’

[What works is the understanding you get when you first face the Supreme, not the act of looking at it. It’s this understanding that drives you crazy. ]

‘So the understanding has already been generated the first time, and then it’s useless to look at the same evil god again, and the soul will not collapse again? ’

[Yes. ]

That’s not bad, it’s really a pleasant surprise.

Lin Qi regained consciousness, shook his head and pretended to be dazed and deeply shocked, and forced a smile.

Looking at the black cat at this time, he could no longer feel the terror and pressure just now, but the more this happened, the more Lin Qi felt that she was unfathomable.

Just understanding a hint of the supreme will from her has already made his soul reach its peak. How terrifying will her true strength be?

Lin Qi didn't want to know. In order to avoid using up his divine power as soon as it was full, he asked cautiously: "I'm sorry, I seem to have seen something I shouldn't have seen."

"It doesn't matter. I understand that this was just an accident. You didn't mean to die, so I don't care. In addition, my existence is not a secret in the eyes of some people, so you don't have to worry that I will silence you for it."

Having been seen through, Lin Qi touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Countess Anna Hathaway who invited you here. And as you can see, I am a high-ranking dependent of a relatively gentle old ruler."

Lynch nodded and bowed slightly to the black cat: "Then, Lynch Leviv, private detective, is willing to serve you, Your Majesty the Earl."

"You are indeed qualified to serve." Black Cat glanced at him humanely and nodded, "I invited you here today for two purposes. The first purpose is that you have done us a favor unintentionally. We I want to express my gratitude to you.”


Did I help?

Lin Qi's brain was spinning rapidly, and he quickly sorted out what he had done in the past few days. She used 'we', which of course may refer to the ordinary cat, but Lynch felt that it was more likely to refer to her and the evil god. And since it involves the level of evil gods, there are very few options. The most likely one is...

"The web spinner?"

"Oh, as expected of a detective, your response is really fast. Yes, we don't like those cold spiders very much. We have been trying to dig them out and drive them away, but we can't find them. I didn't expect you to help us complete it. I always I don’t like to owe favors, so I invite you to come over and repay me.”

Lin Qi's heart moved. For a strong man who could not see the depth but always carried the evil spirit with him, and who was also a great nobleman, the rewards were worth looking forward to.

However, at this time, it was even more important to not be embarrassed, so Lynch just secretly believed it and waited calmly for the countess' next words.

"So, what do you want? Money? Fame? Status? Power?"

"Of course it's power. It's best to have the holy mystery of Lady Red Moon."

Lynch did not hesitate. Since he has embarked on the road to immortality, no matter whether it is money or status, it is a way to obtain stronger power. Everything must serve power.

"I see. It seems that you intend to go further on the path of a soul-shifter. However, this favor is far from worth the sacred mystery of the Red Moon. My other gifts that represent power are also too dangerous and are not suitable for the current situation. You, um... let’s do this, come here and give you a little toy.”

Lin Qi was not worried about such a strong man sneaking up on him. He obediently approached the black cat and was subsequently attacked.

The beautiful black cat suddenly jumped up and bit Lynch's right hand.


Lynch's first thought was that there is no vaccine in this world, so what should I do if I get rabies? Then I realized, no, why did she bite me?

However, the black cat took a bite and lay down again. At first glance, there were four holes in the palm of the hand, but the wounds healed in the blink of an eye.

Without needing to be reminded, Lin Qi had already consciously observed his soul. Sure enough, a cat's claw-like light ball appeared outside the red moon soul image.

Cat's Favor: Blessed by Cat God Bastet, you will permanently gain balance and flexibility comparable to that of a cat.


Lin Qi's expression was subtle for a moment. It was not the attack ability he had in mind, but if he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be much better than the attack ability or rare item that a novice with level one power could use.

Cat's Favor is applicable to any physical ability, and it is applicable regardless of the level of power it has been upgraded to. It can be regarded as an ability that can be used for a lifetime.

And at this stage, his most powerful attack is to lurk and approach with a gun or a staff. Cat's Favor can be used for both approach and attack, which is very suitable for his abilities.

"A very nice gift."

Lynch shook his arms, adapting to the changes in his body. His strength had not improved, but his muscle control and body coordination had improved significantly. He could easily make many movements that he could not do before. Lynch even felt that I can run all the way on the tightrope. With my current flexibility and balance, I can easily climb up to the third-floor window of the Scarecrow Club. No, what am I thinking?

Shaking his head to get rid of the dangerous thoughts, Lynch bowed to the phantom of the lady on the black cat: "Thank you, Your Excellency, for the gift. I am very satisfied. So, what is the second purpose?"

"Let me ask you a question. I hope you can explain clearly why you have the smell of Mordiggian on your body. Have you mixed with those ghouls?"

The black cat lay on its front paws, staring at Lin Qi with its two vertical pupils. It seemed lazy, but Lin Qi read the danger signal from its pupils.

Once you don't answer well, you may have to make a strong enemy in the future.

what to do?

Playing dumb or making up a story?

Lin Qi's brain raced and he quickly analyzed the situation.

From the words used by Black Cat, it can be seen that she does not like ghouls, nor does she like Mordiggian, a suspected evil god.

Although there is no hatred between himself and the ghoul, if he wants to save Maya, there will definitely be a conflict in the end.

Although this black cat is also a cultist, he is powerful and has a respected position. In addition, he has shown friendliness and sincerity throughout the whole process. Maybe we can cooperate with him for a long time in the future. Moreover, everyone has similar goals, which may bring unexpected help to themselves when they conflict with ghouls.

But first you have to gain the other party's trust, which requires you to show enough sincerity.

After thinking for a moment, Lynch made the decision to only replace Duke Wayne's commission with the Watcher's consultant cooperation, and tell Countess Hathaway, the black cat, everything else.

"So, you got the ghoul's scent from the female reporter's cabin in the woods?"

"Yes." Lin Qi sniffed his body again, "I thought it wasn't stained. I've smelled it many times."

"No need to smell it. Humans can't tell the difference in this concentration. The smell of newborn ghouls, Mordiggian's family." The black cat glanced at Lin Qi lightly and said with satisfaction, "A reasonable explanation, it seems You have no collusion with Mordiggian's family, so the second purpose of inviting you here today is to give you a commission."

"Huh?" Knowing that he had made the right choice, Lin Qi sat up straight.

"Go find out what Mordiggian's Familia are going to do, and stop them for me no matter what their purpose is." Black Cat said coldly, "There is a hostile relationship between Mordiggian and the Old Ones behind me. , my identity is not convenient to deal with directly, so I can only leave it to you."

"Can my strength solve it?"

"That's your problem, I don't need to think about it, and I also saw the red moonlight that night." Black Cat thought for a while and said, "The value of this commission is worth the Red Moon Saint Mystery you just requested. , as long as you complete the commission, I will find a copy of the Red Moon Holy Mystery for you."

"I can accept it." It originally didn't conflict with his goals, so it was a free benefit. It was a rare opportunity, so Lynch immediately agreed and added, "But I need some additional assistance."


"Information support, I have so many questions."

"Ha, no wonder, neither the Church of the Twelve Lords nor the official organizations of the Watchers will let this information spread. Many people within them don't know it, let alone an outsider like you." Black Cat stretched out , "But I don't have such worries. It will become more lively if it spreads. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

"Mordiggian and ghoul information."

"Mordiggian, the gloomy king of cold bones, the king of disease, the king of ghouls, is in charge of the power of cold, disease and death. It is the belief of most ghouls."

"Most?" Lynch asked.

"Yes, there are a very small number of ghoul tribes that are hostile to Mordiggian, but the proportion is too low and usually ignored. Ghouls have human forms and can reproduce like humans, but they can also pass through Mordiggian's The power turns humans into ghouls. You just mentioned that the female reporter should be the victim. Most of the ghouls in Rhine live in the sewers of the city. There are also some in caves, but they are rare. I received news that they have been there recently. The actions are very frequent, and it is likely that there is some conspiracy under the instructions of Mordiggian, so I found you to completely kill their conspiracy. "

"What about the Valente family? You should know their information based on your position."

"Aren't they in the capital?"

"Their eldest daughter, Diana, is in the Rhine and has connections with those mountain ghouls."

"Oh, I remembered. Part of the Valente family's property is the mine in Best Mountain. For many years, they have maintained a deep relationship with the mountain people. But I have seen that Diana, and she is not a ghoul. . I don’t know how specific it is. If you want to start with her, you can only investigate it yourself.”

Lynch thought over and over and confirmed that Black Cat's request did not conflict with his goal, and then extended his hand to Black Cat.

“A pleasure to work with.”

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