Red Moon Returns

Chapter 95 Where is this

Under the dim light of the kerosene lamp, shark-like sharp teeth tore into the fresh meat, and the crunching sound of chewing was particularly clear in the silent environment.

This is the underground cave of the Thorn Flower. The passage leading deeper has been blown up. This is the most suitable hiding place.

Female reporter Maya was sitting on the floor next to the kerosene lamp. The dirt on her face had been washed away, and she had changed into a set of clean clothes. She looked much fresher.

He shouldn't be old, about twenty-one or twelve years old, with a petite figure and fair skin. You can see a bit of what he looks like in the photos, but his appearance has become extremely ugly, especially the two rows of fangs, which look very white under the light. Brutal.

At this time, she was holding a huge turkey leg, tearing it apart and swallowing it hard. She had already eaten one of the nine-penny turkey legs and was attacking the second one. But looking at her hungry look, Lin Qi could only sigh and refill her cup of coffee.

It seemed that she hadn't had a solid meal for several days, and Lin Qi couldn't bear to disturb her meal. After buying her food, he helped her transport daily necessities from the building on the ground to let her You can live a little more comfortably these days.

"Whatever you want to know, just ask."

Seeing that Lynch had finished his work, Maya finally let go of the remaining half of the turkey leg and carefully put it away lest it run away. Then she took the towel and wiped her mouth, regaining the elegance befitting her status.

"Can you trust me? You were quite suspicious of me in the carriage cemetery."

"The old man with the white beard is the leader of the Nikolai tribe of the mountain people. It is said that he is a very scary and powerful person."

Maya turned on the kerosene lamp. Even if she turned into a monster, her eyes were still shining under the light:

"You let me run away without thinking. If I couldn't run away, you blocked me behind me. If those policemen had come a little later, you might have gone up and fought with them. What else should I suspect? Forget it. You don’t need to ask, I’ll tell you everything I’ve experienced during this time. If you don’t understand anything, you can always ask.”

Lynch nodded, poured himself a cup, and then put the coffee pot on the kerosene stove.

"Today is May 19th, I guess. Well, I went to the mountain in early May. I wanted to interview the mountain residents and write a report on the Best Tunnel dispute."

"Well, I saw the stack of photos."

"Donnie's?" Maya's eye circles immediately turned red. She wiped her eyes and said in a choked voice, "It's those records. The journey into the mountain was actually very smooth, and the mountain people were also very friendly. Although I accidentally took a few photos along the way, It’s a monster, but Chief Nikolai explained that it was their national costume for sacrifice, so I believed it.”

"That's it? Actually, you know that it's not a prop?"

"As reporters, we will hear some strange rumors. For the safety of our lives, we will not take it seriously, but we will not think it is false. As ethnic minorities, those mountain people enjoy preferential treatment policies in Rand for hundreds of The nobles in the capital are not stupid. They must have their own reasons for doing this. I am not surprised at all that the mountain people have secrets. "

The female reporter did not drink coffee, but directly took the red wine that Tolinqi bought, drank several sips, then wiped the corner of her mouth and sighed:

"They stated their reasons for blocking the tunnel. There are relics of their ancestors buried under Best Mountain. Once excavated, it will bring huge disasters. The mountain residents hope to change the route, but the people in the city government, especially Speaker Grant, have no idea. They refused to accept it, saying that this was the only feasible route and must be excavated, so the mountain people tried every means to resist and even instigated workers on the preliminary projects to go on strike.”

"Those workers just started making trouble with them?"

"Those workers did encounter many strange accidents. Not only did they see monsters, but several people even died. So they were very scared, thinking that if they continued to work, even they would be threatened by the curse. In fact, you should also know what happened to the monsters that the workers encountered."

"Yeah, but are the mountain people the only ones responsible for those workers?" Lynch asked, "What about the other weird deaths?"

"I don't know. I won't have the energy to continue investigating later, but other things should have nothing to do with the mountain people. Just because they were behind what happened to the workers, I didn't write down the ancestral ruins and disasters they mentioned in the manuscript. Ugh, because I’m not sure that’s their excuse.”

Lynch nodded in understanding.

"Everything went well until the last night, when I drank some fruit wine brewed by the mountain people and had a dream."

Lin Qi straightened his back and his expression became serious.

"I dreamed that I was in a huge abandoned city, surrounded by monsters, and no one could see me. I walked to a place that looked like a temple, and followed a long black shadow deep into the temple. Deep in the temple, I saw a huge group of..."


"I don't know what I saw. I just felt that my mind went blank, as if the black shadow touched me with something, and then I woke up with a fright."

Maya's expression became distorted with fear. It wasn't until Lynch held her hand and patted it gently that her breathing gradually calmed down and she said in a dry voice:

"When I woke up, I found that the mountain people had become very strange and gathered together to hold some kind of ceremony. Many of them turned into monsters, shouting the name Mordiggian, and a pronunciation I couldn't understand, like Zul-Bach or something. I was very scared at the time. I took the negatives of the photos and the interview records, and even the camera, and fled all the way out of the cave and fled back to Rhine City overnight. I thought that the matter was over, but I didn't expect that after a few days, I found that something was wrong with my body. Not only was the smell of decay getting stronger and stronger, and my face became more and more like a monster, but I also had nightmares every night, dreaming about the horrible abandoned city."

Lin Qi's lips moved, but in the end he said nothing. With his current understanding of the mysterious world, this was obviously related to the mystery, and it was no longer a problem that could be solved by running away.

"At first, the situation was very minor, so I didn't take it seriously. I continued to investigate the tunnel dispute and took the photos that followed. Since the other party was represented by Speaker Grant, I also interviewed him several times, and one time I accidentally saw him having a secret meeting with a few homeless people."

"Hiss... is that what happened today?"

"Well, they also mentioned Mordiggian and the name Zul-Baha. I didn't dare to listen carefully and ran away. Later, I saw them turn into monsters and crawl into the sewers, and then I realized that they were the same as those mountain people. Later, I became more and more like a monster and I was afraid to see people. Since I really didn't know whether my experience was related to my interview experience, nightmares, or continued investigation after returning, I gave all the photos to Donny and hid in the cabin myself."

"But why did you leave suddenly? And you left that empty picture frame?"

"When I interviewed some big shots before, I heard them mention a strange intelligence organization, so I tried to make one , I wanted to ask myself what happened, but I didn't expect that someone really appeared inside and told me that the mountain people would come to find me soon. The mountain people actually came to me once before and wanted to take me back to the cave. There were many people around at that time, and they didn't dare to do it, so I ran away. When I heard the reminder of the man in the picture frame, I didn't dare to stay in the wooden house, so I ran back to the city, hid in the abandoned carriage, and lived with the homeless. "

After telling everything I knew in one breath, Maya yawned and asked sleepily: "Is there anything else you want to know? I can't sleep every day because of fear. I don't know why today, I suddenly feel sleepy and want to sleep for a while. Can you..."


"Can you..."

"Hehe, I understand, I still have to wait for Officer Natalie to come here, I won't leave, you can sleep with peace of mind, I'll accompany you."

"Hmm." The female reporter looked at Lynch gratefully, wrapped herself in the quilt Lynch sent down, and after only a few seconds, her breathing became even.

Lynch laughed and shook his head, knowing that this ordinary girl had been through too much psychological torture during this period.

She was even worse than me, but at least I had gentle neighbors to harass.

[Huh? ]

No, it was to be my strongest spiritual support, but this girl had nothing, and she hadn't gone crazy yet, which showed how strong she was.

Lynch felt a little pity in his heart, and didn't want to disturb her rest, so he turned the kerosene lamp to the minimum and sorted out the information he had just received with the weak light.

Some of the content was similar to what he imagined, and some of the mysteries about the Best Mountain Tunnel began to emerge, but the entire conspiracy behind the entire Norlin-Rhine Railway was far from clear, and further investigation was needed.

From the existing information, Lynch found that he had made two big mistakes.

Although the mountain ghouls and sewer ghouls are the same species, they seem to have different positions. One opposes tunnel digging, but the other stands with Speaker Grant who supports tunnels.

As for the second mistake, I always thought that the black hand in the picture frame wanted to guide the mountain people to find Maya. Now it seems to be the opposite. He is making trouble, which means that he does not want the mountain people to find Maya. From this perspective, is he more inclined to support the construction of the tunnel?

It's hard to say, I need to draw a question mark, hope... huh?

The darkness seriously affected his vision, but made his hearing more sensitive. Lin Qi suddenly heard some rustling noises nearby.

Officer Natalie is here? It shouldn't be so soon. Or are those spiders running back? It shouldn't be.

Full of doubts, Lin Qi looked around calmly. Although the light was very weak, since he was favored by the cat, it seemed that even his eyesight had improved a lot. With the faint light, he could barely see the surrounding environment.

The moment he saw it clearly, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

At some point, he was no longer in the cave under the thorn flower, but appeared in an unknown building.

What a hell of a place?

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