Red Moon Returns

Chapter 97 Attempt

In fact, Lynch had no idea. This was his first time dealing with a mysterious incident independently.

Everything could only be speculated based on the theory of mysticism, and there was no experience to refer to.

He could only rely on himself to explore.

Lynch decided to rush to the door of the temple, which was the area closest to the core factors, and then shoot to create a sound shock. If this still couldn't wake him up, he would bring the passion of the hot lady, release the fire shock, and set off a big firework.

At least give it a try, anyway, there is still a margin of error, and theocracy is the last resort.

Having made up his mind, Lynch jumped off the roof and walked slowly and quickly, holding the stick and moving in a straight line.

Twenty meters away.

The closer he got to the temple, the brighter the green light and the wider the field of vision.

The wandering ghouls gradually became scarce, and finally disappeared completely. The crystal-clear temple like a crystal palace was clearly displayed in front of Lynch.

There are several giant statues standing at the door. The image is hard to describe. It seems that dozens of strange tentacles have grown on a twisted mass of rotten meat. As the dark green mist spreads, the tentacles of the statues are also shaking slightly, as if they are wriggling and stretching.

Between the giant statues, there are dozens of ghoul ice sculptures scattered around. The ice sculptures are kneeling around the statues, like a group of pilgrims.

The door of the temple is open, revealing the deep and dark space inside. The green fog inside is even thicker, and the green light is dim, as if it leads to a strange dream of eternal damnation.

"Zul-Baha-Sar, Zul-Baha-Sar."

The low murmur seems to come faintly from the dark depths of the door, but it seems to ring in Lin Qi's ears out of thin air.

"Mordiggian, Mordiggian... Zul-Bha-Sair..."

The murmurs seemed to be countless voices whispering in his ears, chanting the same phrase, seemingly real or illusory, and the sound was strange and sharp, making people shudder.

Fifteen meters.

The temperature was getting lower and lower, and the cold wind blew in his face, freezing his bones, and even his muscles were getting stiffer and stiffer.

The murmurs became more frequent. In addition to the biting cold wind, there was also a foul and turbid air blowing out of the temple gate filled with dark green mist. It blew on his face from a long distance. The stench and filth worked together, making him have an unbearable headache and almost nausea.

Lynch's speed increased again. The surrounding statues became taller and taller as the distance approached. The oppressive power of the high position was full, especially the attached ghoul statues. When you get close, they look lifelike, staring at Lynch who was running quickly under his feet.

The sculptures are so real, they are deliberately scary. If they all come to life, it will be lively.

[Hehe. 】


Ten meters.

He had already approached the giant tentacle ice sculpture. The endless whispering suddenly paused for a moment. The air seemed to freeze at this moment. It was as if there were billions of invisible eyes staring at him from an angle that Lynch could not understand. The huge pressure that suddenly formed made him almost lose control of his body.

Damn, was I discovered? In theory, I should be fighting against an ordinary person, Maya. How could I be discovered? Did I make a wrong judgment from the beginning?

Before the doubts could arise, a slight click sounded in my ears, like the sound of glass breaking.

It was just a slight sound, but it made Lynch's back covered with cold sweat. He suddenly started and rushed to the open door at the fastest speed.

At the moment of rushing out, his figure had emerged, and the lurking completely lost its effect. The ghoul ice sculptures behind him also quickly shattered, revealing the ghouls inside. They rushed towards Lynch, with their claws shining coldly, as if they could easily tear Lynch into pieces.

Bang, bang, bang, heavy footsteps sounded behind him, the low roars of the ghouls merged into one, and the stench became stronger. Under the stimulation, Lynch ran forward without looking back.

There are still ten meters, grit your teeth, you can't catch up with me.

Five meters.

Crack, crack.

Ice fragments flew all over the sky.

More and more ice sculptures shattered within the field of vision, and the frozen ghouls regained their vitality.

As soon as they woke up, the ghouls pounced on the running Lynch with the most flexible skills. For a while, the air was full of ghouls running, jumping, breaking through the air and pounced, and the cold light of their claws seemed to be intertwined in the air into a web of death.

Thanks to Bastet.

If it weren't for the gift from the cat god last night, Lynch could swear to Hongyue that he would have become more than thirty pieces.

Definitely more, no less.

But now, he was as flexible as a cat. He supported himself with both hands again, rolled sideways and squeezed through the gap between the claws of two ghouls. Then he twisted his body to make way for the third ghoul that fell from the sky.

The footsteps behind him stopped abruptly. Lynch knew something had changed. He rolled to the side without thinking. Then a tentacle several meters long attacked from behind and hit Lynch hard where he was originally.

Damn, tentacle sculptures are also monsters? What kind of ghost city is this.

Three meters.

No, I'm going to die.

The divine power can only be activated for three minutes. Lynch didn't know the specific effect. He didn't dare to act rashly and waste it. He had to take out the pistol while rolling.

The distance is almost there, let's start.

The pistol was raised before the rolling stopped. It didn't matter whether he aimed or not. He would shoot wherever he wanted.

Bang, bang, bang.

Three gunshots, dark green blood splashed, and his body slid off the ice with the recoil. After a few rolls, he stood up and continued to run towards the temple.

Oops, it didn't work, so I rushed to the front door and tried again.

Actually it worked, and it was very significant.

More ice sculptures woke up from freezing and gathered quickly. Lynch didn't even bother to look at them. He slammed a ghoul facing him sideways, squeezed past it, and rushed to the temple door.

The last meter away, the door was within reach.

Come on.

With his back against the ice surface at the side of the door, Lynch fired three consecutive shots and emptied the magazine. The roar echoed in the abandoned city, and even the temple could vaguely hear the echo of the gunshots.

There was no change around, and there was no sign of the dream being broken. This was within Lynch's expectations. He didn't mourn for the failed plan for a moment, and put on the ring at the first time.

Whether it will succeed depends on this, Ms. Hot, since we have cooperated so many times, please.

In the severe pain, he turned into a human-shaped flame, his body soared into the air, and then a fist fell from the sky and hit the ice surface at the entrance of the temple.

This time, it was not a half-moon-shaped wall of flames, but a pillar of flames rising into the sky at the position of the fist. After reaching the highest point, it suddenly exploded in all directions, turning into a sky full of flames that swept all around.

The effect was remarkable.

Most of the ghouls around were on fire, squeaked by the burning, and became more crazy, rushing over faster.

But the dream was not over.

It was terrible, it seemed that the judgment was wrong.

Seeing that the monsters around were attracted, Lynch knew that he could not hesitate, and made a friendly gesture to the other world behind him, turned around and went into the stinking temple.

Yes, Lynch never liked to risk everything, this was the retreat he had already thought of.

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