Red sand dust

Chapter 1011 Perception

The Hyuga family is not weak. Their physical fitness and chakra volume are top-notch. Even without Rou Fist, most of the clan members are also very outstanding talents with excellent qualifications.

With the soft fist method combined with the Byakugan, the Hyuga family's combat effectiveness has been taken to a higher level, instead of relying on the Byakugan's insight ability to hang out in the field of sensory ninja.

Between the auxiliary ability and the actual combat effectiveness, the latter is obviously more popular.

However, the soft boxing method is more focused on skill. It is good at using softness to overcome hardness and defeat the opponent with late strikes. However, it lacks strength and strength. There are very few moves that can overwhelm people with force and crush the opponent.

The Hyuga people can complete tasks with ease in many scenarios, but it is rare for them to be as powerful and domineering as Metkai, to dash forward like Hatake Kakashi, or to use almighty ninja techniques like Sarutobi Hiruzen to defeat their opponents. Appear.

Elegant but not passionate, which makes them lack appeal at critical moments. They are aloof nobles rather than flag-bearers guiding the direction.

"The largest wealthy family in Konoha Village always gives people the impression that they are aloof and unsociable, too rational, and even almost cruel and rigid, which makes you hold such a huge reputation in vain and fail to fully integrate into it. Konoha Village..."

The embarrassing situation of the Hyuga family is only slightly better than that of the Uchiha family who were forced to rebel, but it is actually limited.

It is right not to fight for power. The villagers of Konoha do regard the Hyuga clan as their own, but they are a small group that is not very gregarious.

"The Hyuga family has a high status and is very prestigious..."

The genius of the Hyuga family, who was thinking with his eyes closed, said unconvincedly,

Even though he has been in this family for more than ten years and has too many unpleasant memories, he still has a sense of identification with them, so Hyuga Neji couldn't help but refute.

"High status and respected prestige are not the same thing as actual authority and influence. In addition to commanding the clan members, who of your clan leaders, Hyuuga Hyuzu, really obeys his orders?"

With the rise of civilian ninjas, old stubborns like the Hyuga family will only slowly decline.

Jin curled his lips and said slightly mockingly:

"You, the Hyuga family, are not the only ones with smart minds and considerable strength. If you don't mingle with the general public who are easily incited by others and lose their minds when they gather together and are infected by some grand goals and catchy slogans, you will The Hyuga family can only maintain its appearance."

"Does this have anything to do with my next arrangements?"

"It's a small benefit..."

Jin said slowly,

"If you have any ideas in the future, as long as you do not break away from the current environment, you must rely on the power of Konoha Village. How can you do this? For you, identity and status are false, and real reputation is It’s more useful to you…”

If Daimaru's plan goes well, Hyuga Neji will also get enough benefits. It is still possible to protect the two little cousins ​​with personal power, but it will be beyond his power to change the Hyuga family.

There is no need to explain too much about the principle of strength in numbers.

If there is no appeal, no followers, and the name of a genius is empty, how useful is it?

I don't know how many young geniuses emerge in the ninja world every year. In Konoha Village alone, one generation after another is always ready to impress their seniors.

"How about using the power of the village and combining it with my identity as a Hyuga clan member and my almost incomprehensible personal strength?"

Hinata Neji nodded in understanding.

In this way, it is indeed safer and more in line with your own requirements.

The variant of "Soft Fist" that Yukin manipulated his body just now, whether in terms of appearance or power, is indeed a step above the traditional Soft Fist of the Hyuga family.

"Even Uzumaki Naruto knows that he has to tell his dream of becoming Hokage, and he will not flinch even if he is laughed at. The stronger his contempt today, when he becomes a hero, the strong contrast will bring people It’s easier to accept him. You should learn from it. In this regard, don’t say that compared with your teammate Rock Lee, you are not even as good as Inuzuka Kiba..."

In terms of advantages, Hyuga Neji is favored by so many people and naturally has many, but in these areas, it is indeed not enough.

Hinata Neji, who listened to Jin's words, was silent for a long time before saying:

"If everything goes well, will I still have to embellish my glory with some dazzling achievements?"

"You finally have some enlightenment. Of course, stepping on the masters is only the basis for becoming famous. You also need some strategies, such as..."

Jin paused and said,

"Have a great teacher or master, form a group with others to praise each other, etc..."

Teacher Metkai is probably hard to count on. Although the hot-blooded green-skinned thick-browed expert is also a well-known master, his image and performance are really unconvincing.

When it comes to backstage, it's hard to say whether the impact of Hinata's status as a member of the branch family is positive or negative.

There was also the opportunity to show his face in the Chunin Exams. He was defeated twice in a row and became a stepping stone for others. Although he also received high evaluations, he still had shortcomings.

The most useful method is to form a group to praise, refer to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Sannin, AB combination, etc.

Picking a loud and easy-to-remember nickname is a big step closer to success.

"Like Daimaru's 'Red Sand', Hatake Kakashi-sensei's 'Copy Ninja'?"

While the two were talking, Hyuga Neji's abrupt question made Jin stunned for a moment, and then he replied:

"Like 'Copy Ninja', 'Konoha Technician', 'Doctor Ninja', etc., they are easy to understand and very good. However, the name of 'Red Dust' is actually a 'posthumous title', and he has been considered dead in battle. The ninja accidentally survived, so he had to wear it on his head. To be honest, it is actually a bit unlucky..."

Daimaru three years ago was just a genin, how could he deserve such a resounding title?

Now that he can live up to his name, it can be considered that Daimaru has the ability.

"I probably understand why you said that my popularity is far inferior to other geniuses..."

Labels such as "The most unexpected crane tail", "The last Uchiha", etc. are not too positive impressions, but they are stronger than those transparent little people like Hyuga Neji who are known as geniuses.

If he hadn't performed well in the Chuunin Exam, few people would have recognized Hyuga Neji, and the impression he gave would not be as good as his teammate Rock Lee's passionate and thick eyebrows.

"Put these remarks aside for now. Now that I have met your requirements, what should I do next?"

"Follow this new way of practicing Soft Boxing and stick to it for a week to improve your physical condition..."

Jin replied leisurely,

"Then it's about stimulating the Byakugan bloodline and letting someone who is naturally sensitive to it notice..."

Fishing also requires "scented bait". Daimaru and Kinagi's plan is to first make Hinata Neji more "eye-catching".

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