Red sand dust

Chapter 1013 Calmness

Interpreting a mysterious blood inheritance limit and copying it requires constant trial and error, and then summarizing various laws before you can find the correct narrow path.

Not only did Daimaru not have such a foundation, he didn't even have enough time.

What is the essential difference between a child born from the union of a normal male and a female and a cloned life?

In a world where extraordinary powers appear, there may not only be moral and ethical issues, but also occult and symbolic dilemmas.

In his previous life, Daiwan had heard some anecdotes. A certain world religion had very different attitudes towards different vaccines.

Traditional attenuated vaccines and inactivated vaccines are generally products that follow the laws of nature. They are considered "created" products and are "god-given" blessings that are allowed to be used. However, adenovirus vector vaccines, under the guidance of devout theologians, In the eyes, it is a man-made "foreign object" that has been genetically edited. It is not within the scope of the concept of "God created all things in the world", but a heretical product that the devil uses the hands of humans to confuse people's hearts and destroy the world.

In the previous life without supernatural power, these would only be regarded as a theoretical discussion in theology and philosophy and harmless symbolic actions.

But the ninja world is different. It not only has the extraordinary power of chakra, but also the pure land, gods, and various demons and ghosts. Many mysterious rituals have real power. Who can guarantee that cloned life forms will be the same as original life forms? Completely consistent?

Ghosts like Bai Zetsu, except for slight differences in physiological phenomena from humans, have vitality countless times more powerful than ninjas, possess chakra, can perform ninjutsu, and even have higher IQs than most residents of the ninja world, but they are not independent. Life is an accessory product of war weapons, and is of the same nature as hair, nails, etc.


Thinking of this, Daimaru's eyes suddenly lit up,

"The lucky ones like Tenzo who survived cruel biological experiments are not actually clones or artificial humans, but real human babies born in ten months' gestation, humans transformed by Orochimaru using Hashirama cells... …”

After listening to Daimaru talking to himself, the smart Jin also understood a little bit.

"Father, what do you mean, refer to existing successful cases?"


Daimaru, who was attracted by the successful cases many years later, Mitsuki, and Uchiha Nobu, and other artificial beings, ignored Tenzo, a ready-made role model.

"Why should I create a clone puppet of Hyuga Neji with Byakugan? As long as I can get that kind of power, it doesn't matter what form it is. I can completely follow the old path that Orochimaru gave up. His experiment had a high mortality rate just because of the pillars. The vitality of the mesenchymal cells is too strong and has an overwhelming advantage over the experimental subjects. It can easily engulf other cells and cause death. The cells of the Hyuga tribe are much less corrosive..."

With Daiwan holding so many life-saving cards, he is absolutely sure to improve the survival rate of the experimental subjects. Even if he fails, he can go back the same way and avoid tragedy.

The biggest obstacle now is that Daimaru does not have enough volunteers. It is definitely impossible to capture prisoners of war or rob innocent people like Orochimaru did.

So where can I find "volunteers" who can be used for experiments without moral dilemmas?

Experimentation on living humans is absolutely not allowed. This goes against Daimaru's moral values, and if it is discovered, the consequences will be serious.

Artificial beings and clones have inherent shortcomings. To make up for them, not only will it take a lot of resources, but it will also take a long time to debug.

If Tenzo's method of obtaining the Wood Release is used to reproduce the Byakugan, the carrier of the Hyuga clan's cells needs to be carefully selected.

After thinking for a long time, Daimaru said to Jin who had been waiting for a long time:

"Go and discuss with Miss Saya and see if their hospital can free up a workshop for me. It mainly operates in two areas, one for congenital and acquired limb defects, organ transplantation and other medical surgeries, and follow-up services. , and the other is the self-transformation of puppet masters or other ninjas..."

In the field of plant cultivation, there is a familiar word called grafting, which is a type of artificial propagation. The branches or buds of one plant are transplanted to the stems or roots of another plant to form a method that combines the advantages of the two plants. of new crops.

Generally, ninjas have strong vitality and unlimited possibilities, but the upper limit of qualifications is too low and it is extremely difficult to improve. Hyuga Neji's clone cells have sufficient potential and strong blood inheritance limits, but they are limited by the reality that the cloned life form is incomplete. , completely unable to stimulate it.

Orochimaru also did many such experiments in the early days. Tenzo was just an accident. The four sound ninjas were already relatively successful. Most of them were doss anvils, saxophone stirrups and hammers in the chunin exam. Trash, he has almost never dabbled in pupil techniques like Byakugan.

Therefore, Daimaru only has a general direction on how to operate it, and the specific implementation must be carefully explored.

"I understand, Father, I support your idea!"

Jin responded happily.

Cruel human experiments are unacceptable, but turning them into semi-welfare and semi-profit medical practices is much more normal.

With the efforts of Daimaru and Gaara, the welfare facilities established have taken in many underage orphans, most of whom are descendants of refugees, and a small number of them are sent by poor families with congenital disabilities who cannot afford treatment and care.

At the level of medical ninjas in the ninja world, operations such as organ transplantation are very mature. The more expensive ones are limbs and organs that are in short supply. If cloned limbs are used as part of the rescue and transplanted into their bodies, it will be beneficial to both parties. Take the kind act you need.

All that is left to do is to try to help them embark on the path of ninja and further stimulate the Hyuga cells in their bodies. Maybe in the future, there will be lucky ones like Tenzo who awakened the wood escape power and opened the Byakugan.

"Don't go against the will of nature, you should make the best of the situation. The continuous success in the past two years has made me feel a little elated. I always feel that I might be able to do what others can't do with my own abilities..."

Daimaru nodded in relief,

"When you improve yourself, you shouldn't forget your original intention! Many of the technologies I have are of great value. If I release a little bit of them, I can save the lives of many compatriots..."

Even if he got on the line with Hyuga Neji, it was not for the Blood Succession Limit and Byakugan, but to become familiar with its operation and prepare to control the giant reincarnated eye.

"Calm down and don't be impatient. At this point in time, there is no need to grasp all the benefits you have seen..."

Try to do what you can and face all challenges of destiny. The first to bear the brunt are the remnants of the moon who are observing the ninja world from a high position.

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