Red sand dust

Chapter 1028 Hesitation

Sunagakure Village's unexpected big move, with the appearance of mountains like sky pillars that can be seen from several kilometers away, gradually began to spread its influence.

In the past two years, the rise of the Sunagakure has been very obvious, but they have also become more and more restrained in their aggressive and ruthless nature. The capture of the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki was Daimaru's personal action. Generally speaking, Sunagakure Village is still trying to maintain a stable state. Turn the benefits gained into real strength as soon as possible.

Only the raid by the "Akatsuki" organization in the middle of last year made big news. The attention of the entire ninja world was still focused on the overlord of the ninja world - Konoha Village.

Unexpectedly, after the New Year, the Suna Ninja would restlessly start construction projects, which really made people curious.

People within the Kingdom of Wind were also surprised by the Sand Ninja's vigorous and resolute implementation of the secret plan. They bought a large area of ​​desert that no one cared about and started construction without any fanfare. By the time they realized something was wrong, the prototype of the Six Pillars Mountain Range was already complete and it was too late. blocked.

Except for a very few people who know the inside story, basically no one understands the reason for doing this.

It was not until more than half a month later that the reservoir formed by bursts of spring rain and trickling water overflowed and spread along the trenches dug by the sand ninja to the depths of the desert. Only the bright and dark sights from all walks of life could understand the wind. What kind of drastic changes has the country experienced?

People with normal intelligence can tell what drastic changes an artificially constructed snow-covered plateau can bring to the Kingdom of Wind by looking at the map of the ninja world.

The Country of Wind is vast and sparsely populated, with desolate deserts all over the place. There are no livable places. Most of the necessities of life need to be imported. The economic lifeline is controlled by others. Almost all residents have no basic guarantee for their food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Sunagakure Village cannot be self-sufficient in military supplies, including kunai, shurikens, ration pills, medicinal materials, puppet materials, etc.

Therefore, in all the previous ninja wars, the sand ninjas were all defeated and surrendered because of their shallow foundation and their inability to fight a war of attrition.

In all the ninja villages, there is no one as obsessed with sneak attacks and quick battles as Suna ninja. Orochimaru also saw through this key point, and was able to successfully seduce Kazekage fourth generation Rasa to take the bait and participate in the "Konoha Collapse Plan" Come.

This time to transform the environment of the Country of Wind, Sunagakure Village also adhered to this tradition, attacking quickly and rushing forward. By the time other villages realized that they needed to intervene, it was already too late.

In Konoha Village, several advisors and ANBU worked overtime to reproduce the information they gathered on a huge sand table that included most of the ninja world in a three-dimensional model one by one.

Especially the mountains and snow peaks rising from the ground in the central part of the Kingdom of Wind are quite eye-catching.

The warm wind blowing from the southwest tropical sea to the Rain Country intercepts most of the "new landmarks". What role it can play is clearly shown on the sand table.

Even without considering the impact of melting ice and snow, it is relatively easy to conclude that the environment will be significantly improved in most areas in the central part of the Kingdom of Wind.

"I underestimated those sand ninjas who seemed to be respectful and had a casual attitude of 'forgetting the unpleasantness of the past and looking forward to a bright future'. In fact, they were secretly preparing such a huge plan..."

Even Mito Mono, who was so old-fashioned that he had not shown a special expression for several years, could not help but admire,

"Since the founding days of the Shodaime, we Konoha ninjas have almost lost the spirit of changing the world and fighting for our lives..."

Danzo Shimura, who was punished with confinement for inappropriate behavior and had not appeared in public for a long time, said coldly:

"Instead of caring about why the Suna Ninja did this, I would rather know how they did it. In such a short period of time, they can completely transform an area that is almost half of the Fire Country. This power of action is even more frightening. …”

Ninjas with extraordinary strength and civil engineering abilities are far more powerful than ordinary people, but even the pride of Konoha Village does not dare to do this.

Even if all the ninjas in Konoha Village were recruited to help, it wouldn't be possible to do this kind of thing in three to five years. What's more, no one would be idle to do such thankless hard work.

In addition, the entire ninja world is so big. To raise the land that is larger than a small country by more than a thousand meters, and to erect six peaks that reach straight into the sky, countless earthworks are needed.

Amidst the ebb and flow, an area must have been dug up to fill the gap.

However, some time ago, there was no news about the Sand Ninja transporting soil for backfill from other places. The plateau and mountain peaks appeared so suddenly.

Nara Shikaku, who personally supervised the sand table production and collected and analyzed intelligence, reminded calmly:

"Our allies seem to have gained a lot of benefits from a mysterious place, and only a handful of senior Sunagakure village officials know about it. The performance of those middle and low-level Sand ninjas who know nothing about it does not seem to be fake..."

One person can pretend, and the possibility that hundreds or thousands of people are "actors" is infinitely close to zero.

In other words, with only the power of a very small number of people, Sunagakure Village accomplished this major event that affected the entire ninja world.

After listening to many analyses, Tsunade nodded clearly:

"No wonder the climate in the ninja world has been abnormal during this period. It turns out that the sand ninja changed the monsoon in half of the continent..."

Water resources will not be born out of thin air. If there are more in the Kingdom of Wind, there will definitely be less in other countries, especially in the Kingdom of Rain. It is estimated that the rainy weather that does not stop all year round will also be reduced a lot.

The resulting buffer countries between the Land of Earth, the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire will be severely impacted, indirectly changing the balance of power between the three Great Ninja Villages.

Sunagakure Village has made many attempts to conquer the Rain Country in the past few decades. If it hadn't been for Hanzo the Sanshouyu, with the faint support of Konohagakure behind him, it would have been annexed long ago.

He folded his arms across his chest. He had been back for a while. Jiraiya, who had been making preparations to investigate the Land of Rain, rubbed his hands after getting off work. After pondering for a while, he said:

"The Ninja world is so big. It is impossible for such a large plateau snow peak to appear out of thin air. Recently, I have not heard of any huge earthquakes that can change the terrain of the Ninja world, so it is indeed a bit strange..."

The action in Sunagakure Village must have started suddenly, and a decent framework was quickly put in place. This was not something that could be done step by step after long preparations, but more like a sudden change that took advantage of the situation.

"Jiraiya, didn't you work with Kazekage Daimaru, the former agent of Sunagakure Village? Didn't he reveal anything about it?"

Tsunade asked tentatively, Jiraiya shook his head and replied:

"The relationship between us is not close enough to discuss village affairs. After all, I am a Konoha ninja and he is a Suna ninja!"

The two villages are allies, and no matter how close they are, they are not our own without fear.

Xiaochun, who had been thinking about something, turned to bed and said:

"The information said that the sand ninjas have begun to plan the water system, break up the sandstone layers, and improve the soil quality. In two or three years, the Kingdom of Wind will no longer be a remote place filled with wind and sand..."

The young people of this generation who lead Sunagakure Village are obviously better at making money than their predecessors. They are also quite good at caring for the people and running the government, and taking advantage of the conflicts between the major ninja villages in the ninja world to make profits for themselves.

It is not something that ordinary people can do to defeat the Iwa Ninja to a rout, but then give up when the situation is good, and not fall into the chaotic war with Iwagakure Village, transcend the shackles of the feud mentality, and put the overall situation first.

There is also the opportunity to capture the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki, take advantage of Konoha Village's eagerness to establish authority, and the strategic recovery of Iwagakure Village, and follow the trend to obtain a large piece of key land in Naruto Village and surrounding areas.

Quietly seizing strategically important areas, it expanded its sphere of influence to the Country of Tea and the Country of Bears, connected the Country of Water and the Country of Thunder, and indirectly affected maritime transportation hubs such as the Country of Waves.

In fact, the Kingdom of Wind, which is bordered by the Kingdom of Fire on three sides, no longer has to work desperately to seek strategic breakthroughs from the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Grass, and the Kingdom of Platycodon Mountain.

The tied hands and feet began to stretch, and at the same time they found a good medicine to relieve stubborn diseases and strengthen the body. It was impossible to stop the rise of Sunagakure Village.

The only way to contain it is to immediately provoke the Fourth Ninja War, knock back the hands and feet that the Suna Ninja had born, and trap him in the Kingdom of Wind again.

Unfortunately, this is only a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. If the Six-Pillar Snow Peak does not fall, the environment of the Country of Wind will continue to improve. Sooner or later, it will benefit Sunagakure Village, lay a solid foundation, and after regaining its strength, it will still compete with the Leaf Village.

"Today's number one enemy is the 'Akatsuki' organization. Let's not add any extraneous details for the time being. After the Kingdom of Rain is captured, there may be even more powerful masterminds behind the scenes. Don't be careless..."

The Ninja Alliance has not yet been formed, and the Rain Country is still shrouded in fog. There are so many S-class rebel ninjas organized by the "Akatsuki" who will attack Konoha or other ninja villages at any time just like they attacked Sunagakure Village.

At least for now, the Suna Ninja are reliable allies, and Konohagakure needs them to maintain the balance of power in the shinobi world.

"There are more and more troubles in the ninja world. If I had known if I had known, I would not have come back to be the Hokage. It would be too sad..."

Tsunade pressed her temples painfully,

"Both of them are restless! Not long ago, Sunagakure Village also hinted through several channels that after jointly attacking the Rain Country, they will redefine the sphere of influence of the border buffer country. Our allies value the Kawa Country and want to Leave the Kingdom of Grass to us, and then join forces with Iwagakure Village to carve up the Kingdom of Rain..."


Danzo Shimura snorted coldly.

In the past, no matter how large the Kingdom of Wind was, it would not be feared by people. Now, the Kingdom of Sichuan is more difficult to develop. After all, it is also a place rich in resources. It is especially important to the Kingdom of Wind. Once you get it, you can get it. Naruto Village has shortened the distance, and Naruto Village is at each other's horns, oppressing the Fire Country's coastal defense.

That section of the Greater Bay Area waterway is not very spacious. For ninjas who can walk on the water, it is like walking on flat ground. It has no defensive effect at all. On the contrary, it is difficult to guard because it is full of loopholes.

This change in the strength of the strategic posture may seem inconspicuous at first glance, but its subtle effects are quite worrying.

"Actually, it is no longer important whether the Kingdom of Sichuan is given to the Sand Ninja or not. After Naruto Village was established and established a firm foothold, the Kingdom of Sichuan can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for the Kingdom of Wind, and its importance is far less than before... "

Not to mention the six-pillar snow peak now built in Sand Hidden Village, which has improved the inland environment of the Kingdom of Wind. If you practice your internal skills behind closed doors, Sand Hidden Village will become stronger and more threatening.

"Godaime, what are you going to do?"

Shimura Danzo frowned and asked Tsunade, and others were waiting for the current Hokage to decide the future direction of Konoha Village.

"If we look at the future based on conquering the entire ninja world, the changes in Sunagakure Village will undoubtedly be worrying, but..."

After a pause, the Fifth Hokage said solemnly,

"It's not impossible to accept a stronger Sunagakure Village. After all, it's our ally, but the diplomatic posture needs to be slightly adjusted..."

The pattern of one village and one country has been formed, and the balance between one superpower and four strongholds has been maintained for more than 60 years. It would be best if it could continue. Even if it fails, the situation of three pillars and two balancing chips is not impossible.

The Leaf Village is still the overlord of the ninja world, but it's just not as convincing as before.

The rise and fall of strength is actually a normal change. Back then, the second generation of Hokage Senju Tobirama was assassinated, and the precarious Konoha Village was almost defeated. If it weren't for the third generation of Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura and others who fought hard, the overlord would have been defeated. The position has long since changed hands.

Most of the Konoha ninjas who are confident and generous still firmly believe that even if Sunagakure Village becomes stronger, as long as Konoha ninjas continue to strengthen themselves, they can still suppress the challenges of rising stars.

However, Danzo Shimura cannot accept this change.

The "Darkness of Konoha", which is committed to conquering the entire ninja world by force, cannot agree with the rise of another challenger, even if it is an ally.

"Don't you think that the Suna ninja who rebelled against the impermanence will bring harm to the ninja world? The Akatsuki organization is very dangerous, but in the end it is just a rebel ninja organization without cohesion. It can be disintegrated as long as their leader is eliminated. ; Sand Hidden Village is different, it is a ninja village with a complete system..."

No matter how powerful an individual is, they are just a mob, which is completely different from an organized and cohesive "regular army" like the Sand Ninja.

If the "Akatsuki" organization fails, its commanding power will be lost and it will soon dissipate; Suna Ninja is different, even if it is temporarily frustrated, it is difficult to kill with one blow, it will retreat to lick its wounds, and it will come back after a while.

The five major ninja villages are the cornerstone of maintaining the balance of combat power in the ninja world. Once Sunagakure Village rises strongly, it will inevitably seek "rebalancing." It is hard to say whether Konoha Village can withstand the storm.

Following Shimura Danzo's question, the audience suddenly fell silent. After a long time, Tsunade said leisurely:

"The Sand Ninja chose a good time. Internal strife at this time will only destroy the prestige of our Konoha Village..."

When you are the boss, it is an instinctive reaction to curb challengers, but you must not be too reckless. Even if you are suppressing, you must pay attention to methods and do not follow the facts.

"First eliminate the imminent threat. If Sand Hidden Village wants to become stronger, it cannot be done in a short time. Even one generation is not enough. We still have time..."

At this point, I have no choice but to do this for the time being. As for the small actions in private, they are definitely indispensable.

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