Red sand dust

Chapter 1044 Unfinished Business

Regarding the opening of a secret space in Konoha Village, what Daimaru was most worried about was that one of the Hyuga clan members was bored, turned on his Byakugan and turned his gaze here, and realized something was wrong.

Chakra vision is very troublesome. It must be isolated with a barrier or deceived by illusions. Daimaru simply uses both methods.

In the perception of the ninja, this secret place is just an ordinary big rock. If someone who has nothing to do wants to explore, he will be induced by the triggering illusion and ignore the key elements, and finally leave with nothing.

If someone is powerful enough to transmit power so deep into the ground, or if the earth escape ninja inadvertently changes the surrounding layout, then you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Fortunately, Daimaru is cautious enough. If he is discovered, there is nothing that can reveal his identity and origin. Perhaps the Konoha ninjas will think that this is the secret laboratory where Orochimaru once studied forbidden arts, and will not suspect Daimaru.

"Do your best and obey fate! This is the only thing I can do!"

It is not an easy task to establish a passage at such a long distance to connect the Wind Country's stations. Moreover, the conditions are limited. It can only be used urgently at necessary and critical moments. Most of the time, it can only do a few things. It is too important for research, and it is used as a transit point to send and receive some small and important supplies.

As for whether Otsutsuki Toneri would have any objections after being captured and used as a tool, Daimaru couldn't care less now.

After Kurama Yakumo, an illusion expert, eliminated the hidden dangers one by one, Daimaru released some guard puppets and distributed them in the directions of several traffic arteries. After doing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, after thinking for a while, Daimaru took out a large ball of detonating clay, and used the big killer weapon made by Deidara to bury it in the rock and soil under the center of the laboratory, preparing to directly implode when needed. , destroy everything and clear all traces.

Explosive Escape, a type of blood inheritance limit, is actually nothing special. There are many restrictions on its use. Whether it is strong or not depends entirely on personal performance, but one thing is really eye-catching, and that is that the destructive power is indeed considerable.

It is simple, violent, and has a very high upper limit of power. At certain times, it can be more effective than some magical and forbidden techniques.

Koyamabuki and Kashiwagi, together with Kurama Yakumo, saw how Daimaru arranged this place into a dangerous place full of traps and ready to destroy everything and destroy corpses and traces at any time.

"You are too careful..."

Kurama Yakumo asked a little strangely,

"This is the underground of Konoha Village. What is there that needs to be so guarded against?"

Daimaru replied casually:

"It's better to be prepared. Look at our Sand Hidden Village. If we hadn't prepared in advance, we would have been breached by the Akatsuki organization..."

Although it was defended, the loss was not small, and even rebuilding it altogether would cost a lot.

"Konoha Village is different. There are so many masters. Even if the Akatsuki organization attacks with all its strength, they are still not afraid..."

“Having confidence is a good thing, but who can say for sure about the future?”

Daimaru didn't want to go into depth on this issue.

In the more than sixty years since the establishment of Konoha Village, only the Suna Ninja had managed to achieve a dangerous situation with troops approaching the city by means of a sneak attack.

Confidence is not something that is repeatedly emphasized or touted, but is shaped by victory in wars.

Konoha Village, which has never been defeated, is indeed very convincing. Not only Konoha ninjas are confident, but most outsiders do not think that any force can shake the dominance of Konoha ninjas, let alone raze Konoha Village to the ground. .

Seeing that Daimaru did not argue, Kurama Yakumo, who was originally full of confidence, began to doubt his own judgment. After thinking for a while, he asked tentatively:

"Some time ago, we have seen the power of the giant reincarnation eye. Although it is not very flexible, it is indeed terrifying. If its ability is not fully utilized and the eponymous reincarnation eye has the same power, it will be very dangerous... …”

Coupled with the other slightly inferior S-class rebel ninjas, it's hard to say whether Konoha Village can definitely win.

In fact, this does not take into account the terrifying power of the heretic golem that is gradually recovering. Fortunately, Nagato is not the owner of the Samsara Eye, but is only a "holding agent". He cannot bring out the power of the heretic golem, which is almost immune to the Five Elements Escape Technique. , only immortal magic, taijutsu, and yin-yang escape can harm monsters, and few people in the ninja world can compete with them.

"Relying on Konoha Village alone to resist is not safe enough. That's why we have the 'Rescue Team' and the 'Sniper Team'. It is not impossible to even form an unprecedented ninja coalition..."

"Is it?"

After thinking over and over again, Kurama Yakumo, who didn't have much insight, sighed, and then gave up on further inquiring.

"Anyway, I am just a 'idle' ordinary Konoha ninja. The crisis caused by the 'Akatsuki' organization will naturally have big people to worry about. It is really my turn to fight for Konoha Village through life and death. The ninja world is probably almost over..." …”

"It's really incredible that Konoha ninjas can still be 'idle' now..."

Daimaru, who was in a good mood, joked,

"In our Sand Hidden Village, everyone from the retired elderly to the babbling children must contribute to the construction of the village..."

Not only ninjas, but also ninja beasts, puppets, and even "dead people" have to do the work they can. Now they are just activating the dirty earth bodies and human puppets. In the future, even the dead seniors will be awakened to serve as tool men.

Sunagakure is my home, and its construction depends on everyone. How can I die to evade responsibility?

Kurama Yakumo couldn't listen to Daimaru's words at all.

"Who told my family to be so rich? There is absolutely no need to humiliate yourself for the sake of livelihood and money!"

After a pause, she shook her long hair off her shoulders. The girl seemed to have remembered something and suddenly said with a smile,

"I used to be bedridden and unable to do anything. When my hope of becoming a ninja of Konoha was almost dashed, I thought about whether I should bribe a big name from a small country to build a ninja village, and then make myself a ninja. He formed an alliance with the Leaf Village and came back to take the Chuunin Exam. However, before the day of implementation, the Blood Succession Limits got out of control and he was imprisoned in a forbidden area..."

"Wait, are you saying that you have actually considered executing such an outrageous thing?"

Daimaru really couldn't understand the brain circuits of people who were born rich.

"What's wrong? It's just throwing money anyway. It's not troublesome to build a ninja village..."

Indeed, it is not difficult to build a small country ninja village. It is easy to have a reputation and strength like Orochimaru. If not, you can spend money, but it is difficult to develop and grow.

"Should I be lucky that the ninja world doesn't have an inexplicable ninja village because of this?"

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