Red sand dust

Chapter 1047 A scourge

As for how to make quick money, the only way to do this is in the Land of Fire.

The Kingdom of Wind has been poor for a long time. Poverty is not an isolated phenomenon, but a common problem throughout the Kingdom of Wind.

The leeks have not even grown yet. They are still waiting for watering, fertilization and sunshine to nourish them. It is not the time to harvest, but now we are wielding a sickle, and the harvest will be poor, which will also affect future development.

It's a pity that in today's Fire Country, all walks of life have their own owners. If Suna Ninja wants to get involved, there is basically no chance. If he wants to make a lot of money, he can only take advantage of the sidelines.

Now there is a good opportunity, which is the upcoming Joint Chunin Examination. There are no particularly famous cultural and sports events in the ninja world. The Chunin Examination is already the most influential. If a large-scale handicap can be opened to recruit high-ranking officials, If the nobles come to place bets, they will make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, this is not something that the Sunagakure family can decide. The Joint Chunin Examination is a public event mainly focused on Konoha Village. It might not be appropriate to leave them alone.

If you do it in private, it will be bad if you are discovered. The reputation of the ninja village is not positive to begin with. If it gets mixed up with the low-level people, I am afraid it will attract criticism.

"It's really uncomfortable to watch a lot of money float by in front of my eyes and not know where to start..."

The chuunin exams haven't started yet, but many people have already known about various overt or covert bets. Because he can't dominate the trend, and there are all kinds of ghosts and snakes mixed in, and they don't follow the rules, Daimaru has no choice but to let his subordinates make a little money. Commissions for tasks such as maintaining law and order, combating fraud, and protecting important personnel.

After deducting labor costs, it's not even better than nothing. Naturally, Daimaru won't take a fancy to it and just let others handle it on their own.

What is gratifying is that Temari, as a member of the escort team for candidates from Sunagakure Village, came to Konoha Village to keep Daimaru, who felt a little idle, from being too bored.

"I heard Chaogan say that that guy Kurama Yakumo will come to you whenever he has time..."

"This is a scandal that happened a long time ago..."

Daimaru responded with a normal expression,

"Kurama Yakumo is the biggest creditor and investor of myself, my workshops, and Sunagakure Village. If she wants to see me, it's hard to refuse..."

It's hard to turn your back on someone after taking the other person's money.

"Can't you borrow money from someone else?"

Daimaru spread his hands and replied:

"There is so much money in the ninja world that I can only borrow so much. There is only one person willing to lend it to me. Where can I find a replacement?"

"Don't you always say that money is a scourge, and you should be careful when dealing with it..."

Daimaru explained dumbfounded:

"There is still a gap between money itself and capital. It is too complicated to explain in detail. To put it simply, you can understand it as the embodiment of the collective will of human nature. Money is just a carrier, and its instinct to pursue profits is a terrible scourge... …”

Money with precious metals as its equivalent is not good or bad. Capital has always existed in some form. It does not have to be physical currency. Profits are not necessarily money. They include means of production, monopoly status, dominance, privileges, etc. Force, voice, influence, etc. can all be considered one of them, but their proportions are different in different periods.

For example, in ancient times, slaves were the hard currency. Later in development, arable land was the capital of a life. Then came the period when the well-known money capital completely awakened. The former slaves and land, grain, mineral deposits, etc. , the ability to be traded and redeemed is too poor, and enough money and currency finally meet the basic requirements for the "savage beast" to show its teeth.

As for the later credit currencies, capital bubbles, digital currencies, etc., they are no longer scourges, but the great devils at the level of original sin. The ninja world is still far away from developing to that level.

Nowadays, it is so difficult for Daimaru to issue bonds with collateral in Sunagakure Village. The days of issuing air coins and collecting breathing tax, carbon emission tax, and fart tax are far away, and the foreseeable future cannot be counted on.

"So, in the final analysis, the scary thing is people..."

Temari nodded in understanding.

"It is not a specific person, but the collective will of a group of people. Although the Kurama family is richer, it is actually an economy with power as its core and its leaders making decisions at a word. It is not yet mature. Compared with our capital, the workshops, banks, transportation companies, and offshore farms we jointly established are more like 'savage beasts' and more greedy..."

Temari curled her lips, cursing Daimaru's self-deprecation:

"According to what you said, removing the appearance, the root cause is the change of people's hearts. Even if you let go of the gate of 'capital' and let it be free, it will not be completely controlled by you in the future, and may even backfire..."

"Theoretically, this is true, but, as I said before, the so-called capital is not necessarily money, but also power..."

Daimaru clenched his fist to show his strength, and looked at Temari, who was a little depressed, proudly.

"You have to be careful. The 'beast' has no owner. When you are unable to control it, it might find a master who can control it to fight against you..."

"If you say that, it's not completely impossible..."

Daimaru rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

Capital, in order to pursue profits, will even ignore the risk of "self-destruction", such as selling weapons to enemies at war, or selling ropes to executioners to hang themselves. Daimaru hit a wall with its liquidity. , I will definitely test it with other experts.

"Moreover, there is a huge risk..."

Daimaru had an idea and recalled the words in Temari's words just now.

"The collective will and the changes in people's hearts may have been just a sociological and psychological proposition in previous lives, but they have extraordinary power in the ninja world. If it really reaches the prosperous age of capital, the overwhelming power contained in it will be enough to create things out of thin air. God's

"The myth of capital is probably not just an exaggerated admiration, but a real terror..."

Daimaru murmured to himself, because he couldn't think of what the future would look like, and his somewhat dazed expression made Temari worry.

"What did you think of?"

Daimaru shook his head to wake himself up:

"I have never considered what conceptual rules will look like after being amplified by the collective will of people. However, think about it. I promoted the reputation of artificial elves through various familiar dramas. Kurama Yakumo invested heavily in The whole ninja world builds theaters and collects a lot of spiritual power, isn't it just to become stronger? If the 'monstrous beast' of capital really becomes rampant, it may not be just an adjective..."

Compared with that kind of influence, the evil god Hidan believed in and the Shinigami created by the Uzumaki family were inferior.

"Let me think about how to get benefits from it and avoid being used by others..."

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