Red sand dust

Chapter 1058 Deviation

In Konoha Village, underground where the Uchiha family originally lived, Hyuga Neji took off his shirt, revealing his body covered in sealing runes.

Hinata Neji, who turned sixteen in the first half of this year, looks inconspicuous, but he has a physique that "looks thin when dressed, but fleshy when stripped off". Unlike those who have strong and eye-catching muscles, if he exercises properly, Hyuga Neji, who has a well-proportioned body and flexible and strong muscles, contains no less power than Rock Lee who practices in the "self-mutilation style".

On the one hand, the soft fist practice method itself does not value the short-term explosive power of the body. The Hyuga family has a profound heritage and has a set of training methods that can give full play to its own advantages. This is also one of the important factors.

The seemingly useless "muscle stick" requires a special diet and fitness methods to develop, but only a body like Hinata Neji's that combines strength, flexibility and toughness can take advantage of the soft fist.

In order to clarify the relationship between Hyuga Neji's body, Rou Fist and Byakugan, the two also agreed to conduct examinations at a fixed time. If Hyuga Neji feels that there is anything abnormal, he can also ask for help. Daimaru will provide the necessary information when he is free. help.

After Jin finished recording all the data carefully, he asked Hinata Neji to tidy up his clothes, while Daimaru frowned at the results.

"has a problem?"

Seeing the seriousness on Daimaru's face, the Hinata family genius, who was always full of confidence, couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

"Well! It's not a big deal, but I think I should still let you know..."

Daimaru responded nonchalantly,

"Your body, due to too intense cultivation in the past, shows signs of premature maturation..."

"what is this?"

Hinata Neji was stunned for a moment, feeling a little funny.

"As long as it doesn't affect your strength, this price is not worth mentioning..."

Daimaru smiled and shrugged:

"Even if the bodies of the Hyuga tribe are indeed very strong and have great potential, and the family practice is not bad, but it violates the law of growth, and the price paid is worth it compared with the improved strength, it will take time to test..."

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of long-term vision, but for ninjas, sometimes they have to "rush for quick success". If they cannot overcome the imminent difficulties, there will be no future.

If Hyuga Nei didn't work harder, even if he had excellent qualifications, he would still be just a promising rising star until his potential was realized.

There is also Daimaru, which is the best example. He does not waste time and money, and cannot even control his own destiny. He can only think about helping his relatives, friends and compatriots in Sunagakure Village live a better life.

Hyuga Neji still seemed very open-minded.

“What are the specific impacts?”

Daimaru replied:

"I won't mention it if it's too professional. You won't understand it anyway. Based on the current situation, it is estimated that your height is probably a little short, and your height is over 1.7 meters, which is the limit..."

If a girl has this height, it must be enough, while the boy is only slightly below the average height.

"Among the five major ninja villages, the standard kunai of Kumogakure Village is five percent longer than other ninja villages, and the average length of the sword is 10% longer than other ninja villages; the shuriken of Iwagakure Village is equipped with a large number of Fifteen percent overweight, special-shaped models...and many more, all due to the differences in the physical conditions of ninjas from various countries! When masters compete, the outcome is determined by the fine line, whether the height, physique, arm length and bone growth are perfect, It will affect the performance of the ninja, especially a taijutsu ninja like you, who needs to fine-tune his combat skills according to changes in body data..."

Judging from Hyuga Neji's current age, he should obviously be in the last golden stage of growth in his life, but in Daimaru's view, his physical condition is already showing signs of finalization.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha will both be over 1.8 meters tall in the future. Standing next to them, Hinata Neji, who is half a head shorter, the contrast is too obvious.

Is there such a big gap between the treatment of the protagonist and supporting actors?

Hinata Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi are both tall men. Hyuga Hinata's nutrition is not known to be in the right place. Daimaru estimates that she will be the shortest among the twelve ninjas in Konoha in the future. Hinata Hanabi is also the same as Hinata Nei. It looks almost the same.

The main characters of the next generation of Hyuga family do not seem to have inherited the physical advantages of the twin brothers of the previous generation, and their "altitude" has been significantly lowered.

Hinata Neji, who had few close friends, this was the first time someone mentioned these topics to him. While he felt strange in his heart, he was also impressed by Daimaru's meticulous research on ninjutsu.

"You became so strong just because you didn't miss the slightest possibility of improvement?"

"There is this factor, but it is not the main factor..."

Daimaru grinned and said some irritating words,

"Luck dictated that a savior came from the sky. In addition, I also did some trivial things and worked a little harder. I didn't expect to become what I am now..."

After the words fell, Hinata Neji, who originally wanted to ask more questions, swallowed the words on his lips, and then listened to Daimaru and continued to talk nonsense.

"To be honest, you are like this, which makes me a little disappointed. Premature maturity means that your potential is exhausted early. If you want to work hard to improve, you will have to spend more money..."

"Is there any remedy?"

In the final analysis, there was something wrong with Hyuga Neji's mentality after his father Hyuga Hizashi committed suicide. In his past training, he placed too much emphasis on strength and performance, which led to this situation now.

Without anyone's guidance, he practiced Rouquan to a level that surpassed that of Miss Zong's family, and even realized Huitian on his own. On the surface, it seemed that he was indeed gifted and had excellent qualifications, but how many detours were taken along the way and how much price he paid. , only he himself knows.

Ninjutsu training is not about treating guests to dinner, it can be done at will. Daimaru practices wind escape in private, and has so many scars on his arms that he needs bandages to cover them; Rouquan is also a physically destructive skill, and the cost of trial and error must be extremely high. Every time chakra energy goes out of control, damage to the meridians and internal organs is bound to be inevitable.

Even if there are medical ninjas and family secret medicine to treat it, over time, it will definitely leave a lot of hidden wounds, and even overdraw part of the potential, and the body will enter the maturity stage early.

Although it is not serious and it is not obvious now, since he is Daimaru's observation and experiment subject, Hyuga Neji should always understand his state.

"The intensity of your training should be lowered a little. Since you don't plan to take the path of the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, there is no need to practice hard like Rock Lee. He has no other way but you. You are a genius. There are other things that can be better." A means to take advantage..."

As the carrier of Soft Fist and Byakugan, Hyuga Neji's physical strength is obviously sufficient, and there is a lot of excess. If he wants to use the method of accumulating quantitative changes to induce qualitative changes, it cannot be achieved by ordinary methods.

Effort is not about blind practice. If you fail to practice to the key points, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

"Rou Fist and White Eyes?"

Daimaru emphasized many times, and Hyuga Neji also understood that he should not insist on competing with Rock Lee in Eight Gate Dungeon, investing in hidden weapons with Tenten, and competing with Kurama Yakumo in genjutsu.

The practice of ninja does require a lot of hard work to make up for shortcomings, but this does not mean using one's own shortcomings to compete with other people's strengths.

Daimaru replied affirmatively:

"I'm not very familiar with Soft Fist, so let's start with White Eyes first! Do you feel any different recently?"

"The scope and sensitivity of observation have improved a lot, does this count?"

"Just so-so!"

The intensity of the pupil technique has been enhanced, but the essence has not changed. This is obviously not the focus of Daimaru's concern.

"in addition……"

Hyuga Neji hesitated for a while and then added,

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that my chakra perception is much stronger, my intuition is sharper, and I am very aware of imminent danger..."


Daimaru was a little surprised;

"This thing is generally driven by subconscious perception and instinct. The intuition you feel is groundless is actually your bottom consciousness, based on the information obtained from the five senses, based on instinct and experience. If it were not for this physiological level Judgment, then there is only one explanation..."

Daimaru raised a finger, waved it in front of Hinata Neji, and said narrowly:

"Congratulations, you have awakened your prophecy talent. You can try to be a magician. It is said that those wizards, goddesses, wandering monks, etc. who talk about the magic can deceive people by combining poor divination and talking skills. Foolish husbands and foolish women are convinced..."

Facing Daimaru's smiling face, Hyuga Neji waved his hand:

"I don't think I have that ability, let alone the ability to dazzle people with the lotus tongue. Even this dangerous intuition and the luck it brings to myself, I don't think it is a prophecy such as divination, let alone Like..."

Just as he was speaking, Hyuga Neji was suddenly startled, his eyes blurred, and then regained his clarity after a few seconds.

"What happened?"

Daimaru's face became serious, this was a secret base deep underground, no one should disturb him.

Hinata Neji came back to his senses and said with a strange expression:

"Are you ready to do something to me?"

"Hey! Did you guess it?"

The blood inheritance limit of Byakugan is really worthy of Daimaru to study hard, and the starting point is Cursed Seal: Caged Bird.

Daimaru also hinted this to Hinata Neji, but never mentioned it in detail.

You can't tell this young man who has been mentally harmed since childhood to take away his father's filthy body and play with it as experimental material.

"I just know something is about to happen, but I don't know the specific circumstances..."

"There's something about this kind of perception!" 』

Daimaru looked seriously at Hinata Neji's eyes again, and there were wisps of blue light in the middle of his opened white eyes.

At this thought, Daimaru also focused the power of Yin Yang Dun in his eyes, and a large network of intricate threads of fate appeared in front of his eyes. Among them, Daimaru and Hyuga Neji had several lines connecting them together. .

Behind Hyuga Neji, the originally uncomplicated future prospects were filled with some obscure threads, extending into the distance.

In memory, Hyuga Neji was killed by Uchiha Obito during the Fourth Ninja War, but now, it seems that there are more possibilities.

Of course, these signs are just one of the possibilities for the future, and they may not actually happen.

Hyuga Neji doesn't seem to see the thread of fate, or has the ability to see through time and space, but he has the instinct to detect the influence of things that are closely related to him.

"The Byakugan claims to be able to see through everything, but you and I both know that this is impossible. Even gods can make mistakes, and the Byakugan can't do it either..."

Byakugan is indeed very powerful. With blind-angle clairvoyance and chakra vision, most things in the ninja world cannot escape their eyes.

"What do you think you saw?"

"I don't know, are they directed at me, kind or malicious?"

Hinata Neji replied,

"Before, when I opened my Byakugan, there were only black, white and gray colors and surging chakra. Now I seem to see halo-like ripples. Some people have it, some people don't..."

"Then take a closer look, what's on me?"

Daimaru asked curiously.

"Wisps of very small black lines converge on your body and are absorbed by you, and some colorful streams of light emerge from your body and shoot into the dark distance of the void..."

"Could it be that what you see is the fluctuation of mental power flowing through natural energy?"

Daimaru had an idea and blocked his emotions with the Yin-Yang Escape Shield.

"Can you still see it now?"

Hinata Neji shook his head:

"No more. Not only can't you see it, but you yourself are also in the chakra vision, turning into a pitch-black mass..."

Daimaru nodded understandingly:

"It's actually possible that the Byakugan itself has the ability to see through fate, but you can't do it. You can only detect the process of fate being fed back to you and taking effect. Moreover, it must be a soul that is not on guard against you or lets down its guard. …”

Just like human beings cannot judge that rain or snow is coming by their senses, but the cold wind is biting and the dripping water turns to ice, so they instinctively feel that winter is coming.

Don't underestimate this ability. At the level of extraordinary power, most ordinary people, even ninjas, are deaf, blind, unable to smell, and bear the wind and waves of fate without knowing anything.

But then again, if Byakugan has such ability, how can it be put to use?

Planting sacred trees absorbs natural energy, chakra and the spiritual power of believers. It is clear at a glance who contributes more and who contributes less.

In addition, for a god, they are also rare priests, priests or witches, because they can easily distinguish the degree of religious devotion and whether they are fake believers in disguise at a glance.

Hinata Neji said with some embarrassment:

"This ability is sometimes ineffective, and it has no benefit in improving combat effectiveness..."

"It is still useful to judge friends and foes, distinguish lies, and discern conspiracies. Moreover, this may be a sign that your white eyes have awakened to mind control..."

"What does this mean? I am a taijutsu ninja, and ninjutsu and illusion are not my focus..."

Daimaru waved his hand and said with great certainty:

"If you can integrate this ability into Rouquan, think about it. In addition to attacking the meridians and acupuncture points of the body, you can also damage the spirit simultaneously. You can deal with those previously helpless monsters, tailed beasts, water bodies, and chakra modes. Even Can it make up for my illusion resistance?"

Especially the last one, after losing to Kurama Yakumo, Hinata Neji was a little moved.

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