Red sand dust

Chapter 1065 Identity

Studying Ninjutsu, especially forbidden Jutsu, is a very dangerous thing.

Once human experimentation is involved, the cost is even more staggering, and the moral risks borne cannot be ignored. Therefore, there are many ninjas who have to defect. There is Orochimaru in Konoha Village and the Red Sand Scorpion in Sand Hidden Village. These are just two of the more typical and well-known ones, and there are many others that are unknown.

"It's so bold to actually want to use dead people for experiments..."

Hinata Hizashi was silent for a while, and then sighed.

Daimaru, who had expected it, sneered:

"This is not my original creation. The Forbidden Technique: The Reincarnation of the Earth was first created by the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama of Konoha Village and perfected by Orochimaru. At most, I am just a free ride..."

As the head of the Hyuga family, the twin brothers naturally understand many secrets in Konoha Village that are not known to outsiders, and there is no way to refute Daimaru's overt and insidious sarcasm.

Even if he is just a collaborator, this matter is ultimately beneficial to Hyuga Neji. As for the possibility of harming the Hyuga family, he would have resisted with death, but now he has become a filthy body, let alone the so-called family interests. Take it to heart.

The only obstacle is the knowledge of being a Konoha ninja. Working with a Suna ninja always feels a bit difficult to adapt to.

In the previous ninja war, Hyuga Hizashi also went to the battlefield, and fought with Suna ninja in darkness. I don't know how many fellow tribesmen died on the battlefield. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it was a blood feud, but many years of hostility cannot be solved by a piece of paper. Dissolved.

"I'm very curious, what price did Neji pay to be qualified to have your...former agent Kazekage be so interested in you and cooperate with him on a relatively equal basis?"

In the final analysis, in a mutually beneficial transaction, both parties want something. Hyuga Hizashi is a little suspicious of Daimaru's purpose. Considering Hyuga Neji's situation, he really doesn't see anything worthy of Daimaru's heart. The only limit is the blood inheritance. ·White Eyes and Curse Seal·Caged Bird seems to have some value.

"Is it a white eye?"

Daimaru didn't mean to be perfunctory about Hinata Hizashi's direct question. It was too boring to fight with a dead man. He communicated with Hinata Hizashi just to persuade him not to resist Daimaru's experiment.

Even without the cooperation of Hinata Hizashi's dirty earth body, the plan can still move forward. It just requires more preparation and more energy, and the result will not change much.

"Although the Byakugan's combat power and investigative value within the realm of blood inheritance are very high, it is not worthy of me attacking the foundation of the Hyuga family. The deeper meaning of the cursed seal and the caged bird is what I value..."

Daimaru answered bluntly,

"Sooner or later, things like blood inheritance limits will spread to the outside world. The Minazuki family's ice escape, the Uzumaki family's immortal body, the Senju family's wood escape, etc. Sooner or later, the era of being monopolized by one family will pass. The Hyuga family The Byakugan and the Sharingan of the Uchiha family are no exception..."

"Mu Dun has already leaked out?"

Compared to the Byakugan, Senshi body, etc., the spread of wood escape power is even more shocking. Although it has been known for a long time that the Senju family has been scattered in Konoha Village and no longer exists as a family, the famous skill of the first generation of Hokage has been lost. But the news that it was taken away by outsiders is still a bit unacceptable.

Hinata Hizashi's question, Daimaru didn't waste any time, he stretched out his hand directly, and a group of dark green rattan appeared out of thin air. In the dark underground space, a small white flower bloomed, and the refreshing fragrance overflowed, proving that this It's definitely not an illusion effect.

"Mudun is indeed very powerful, but it is only a limited blood inheritance. It was Senju Hashirama who pushed it to the altar..."

What is powerful is not the limit of blood inheritance, but people. The same technique, in the hands of different people, can exert very different powers. Everyone knows the truth, but it still makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Just like the Byakugan and the Soft Fist that established the reputation of the Hyuga family, if any one of them is leaked, without the cooperation of the other, the power will be greatly reduced, but whether it is the Byakugan or the Soft Fist, it is unacceptable for outsiders to master it.

"Have you thought about it? The theory of ninjutsu in the ninja world is developing very fast nowadays. Many of the Uchiha family's fire ninjutsu, which dominates the world, are about to become a piece of junk on the street. Without systematic education and careful training, they have powerful blood successors. Limitations and ninjutsu inheritance are just the belly of the fish that can be slaughtered by others..."

"Well, I can't resist anyway! There is no need to worry about the future of the family with a dead person..."

Hinata Hizashi answered openly that now, the only thing he hopes is that his son will not be deceived by the seemingly sincere, but actually cunning and treacherous guy in front of him, and be betrayed to pay for others.

Daimaru gave a thumbs up and responded cheerfully:

"You are worthy of being a hero who fought against fate with your life! If you cooperate so well, I will not be stingy. If the experiment goes well, I will arrange for seniors to visit your family in your spare time..."

The development trend of the ninja world is generally in the stage of rising faster and faster. The time difference of more than ten years is enough to show the progress of the times.

After putting away the roughly agreed-upon Hinata Hizashi, he gave it to Jin for pre-processing and preparing to put it on the test bench, while Daimaru was busy talking to the other two seniors.

One is the scorching warrior Ye Cang who died before Daimaru became sensible, and the other is the ancestor Kazekage Rasa who has never spoken to him a few times. The former is a big trouble how to persuade him when he is angry, and the latter is even more troublesome. He is Daimaru's soon-to-be father-in-law. It always feels a little weird to meet him in this way.

The original plan was to negotiate with the two of them separately and try to persuade them, but after thinking about it again, Daimaru decided to meet and chat at the same time.

It would be fine if he could only contribute his strength with his dirty earth body and be active in the Fourth Ninja War. Daimaru was planning to use a "special method" to use Nagato's forbidden art - the heretic and reincarnated art to resurrect them. of.

Just dig a big hole for each of the dead seniors and bury them. You have to be more careful when dealing with the living ones. If you can't convince them, you can only use illusions to completely control the two stubborn old stubborns with bad intentions. You can't help them. Don’t worry about being busy for the time being, it would be bad if it causes trouble.

In the same closed secret room, the dirty bodies of Ye Cang and Luo Sha stood two meters apart and faced each other. Daimaru was sitting on a chair five meters away. After unlocking some of the controls, he curiously watched the two meeting each other after a long absence. What happens next.

After opening his eyes, he regained consciousness for a full two minutes. The two stared at each other motionless, making Daimaru wonder if there was something wrong with the control, making the two of them fools.

After waiting for a while, Daimaru stepped forward, stretched out his palm, waved it in front of the two of them, and then said to himself strangely:

"It should be fine. Why is there no response?"

Daimaru, who circled around the two people a few times and looked carefully, was about to poke a few times with his kunai to see if the dirt body was broken, when he heard Ye Cang's cold voice and remembered:

"Even if I open my eyes and see you, a coward who only knows how to play tricks, I also meet an idiot who is not very smart. Is the Suna ninja now so stupid?"


Before Daimaru could react, Luo Sha responded with a deep voice:

"He is a young man that I have some impression of. He should not be so stupid. Judging from his age, it seems that I have not been dead for a few years..."

"You two..."

Daimaru tried his best to smile and said patiently,

"You're obviously awake and you saw your enemy, but why didn't you react at all? How naughty!"


Luo Sha retorted casually,

"She is just a fighting madman who incites young people to go to the battlefield and lose their lives needlessly. I have no personal grudge against her..."

Not to be outdone, Ye Cang said sarcastically:

"You are begging for mercy from the Konoha ninjas with a low eyebrow. You have to sell your dignity to get a chance to survive. It doesn't matter if you don't want it. You are just a coward who was frightened by the enemy. The subordinates of a coward like you are not a good thing. , just look at his stupid look..."

"It's not worth taking a single generalization..."

The two of them talked more and more outrageously, and they just laughed at each other. They always liked to carry big pills with guns and sticks, and they didn't know which eye they were looking at.

"Since you two are dead, shouldn't the grudges you had during your lifetime be put aside?"

Luo Sha glanced at Daimaru who was smiling, and asked distantly:

"Your name is Daimaru. Look at the Suna ninja protector on your head. The village has not been destroyed after my death. It seems that I did the right thing by entrusting Elder Chiyo to clean up the mess..."

"It's been more than three years, it can't be any worse than it was then..."

Daimaru responded vaguely,

"Sixteen years have passed since the death of Hayakura-senpai, and three years have passed since the fourth generation passed away. There is nothing we can do about meeting in this state. I also want to take control of the two of them from Orochimaru. I have put a lot of thought into it, and I also ask you two to put aside your prejudices and do your best for the village..."

"Even the dead are not spared and used. It is true that each generation is worse than the last..."

Ye Cang snorted coldly, seeming to be very disdainful of the follow-up of Sunagakure Village without him.

"Anyway, please listen to what I have to say first..."

Daimaru sighed helplessly. If they were alive, there would be a way. Now they both have filthy earth bodies and are already dead. They are not even afraid of death. If they want to take advantage of them, they don't know where to start.

"Now the two elders, Chiyo and Ebizo, have completely retired and are no longer involved in political affairs. Two years after the Kazekage's position was vacant, Gaara the Fifth took over and took charge. During this period, six S-class rebels from the Akatsuki organization Shinobi attacked, the One-Tailed Shukaku was taken away, the Godaime was seriously injured, and I acted as the Kazekage for a period of time. It has been more than half a year since Gaara returned..."

"He is actually an agent of Feng Ying. He should not be judged by his appearance..."

Ye Cang snorted and smiled mockingly, but Luo Sha's focus was different.

"Is the one-tailed Shukaku lost? What is the Akatsuki organization..."

"It's hard to explain in one sentence. In short, the current Sand Ninja is pretty good. Losing the tailed beast will not affect the overall situation..."

Explaining to two dead people the major events that have happened in the ninja world in the past three years is actually just bragging about one's great achievements in a different way.

It would be fine if it was a living father-in-law or a senior with great military exploits. I really don't have much interest in facing two filthy earth bodies.

Just to use the strength of the two people to alleviate the current shortage of talents in Sunagakure Village and the dilemma of too few leaders who can stand on the stage, Daimaru had to reluctantly explain it roughly.

The Iwa ninja were beaten to a pulp, and the Sand ninja rushed in to conquer the lost territory. The "Red Dust" master planned the strategy, vigorously opened up the South China Sea, and won a thousand miles, taking Naruto Village into his pocket. The feat of catching turtles from the ocean and giving the Country of Wind a "facelift", completely changing the topography and turning thousands of miles of yellow sand into a blockade in the south of the Yangtze River, frightened the two seniors who had never seen much of the world.

Until the end, a look of impatience appeared on the calm Luo Sha's face, and Ye Cang sighed as if he was looking at a fool:

"Has the novel and film industry in the ninja world developed to this extent? The screenwriter's imagination is indeed very high, and the stories he writes can be used to deceive people..."

"I knew it……"

Jin, who was sitting at the custom-made small coffee table not far away, said as expected,

"The generation gap of three years is enough to make the two generations have nothing in common..."

Even Daimaru couldn't explain it, and even the most outrageous stories were not so exaggerated.

It was really difficult to explain to Lafayette the meaning of a "steam chicken" that made an iron ship float on the water and could run very fast without being dragged by oxen and horses.

Daimaru stroked his forehead and said helplessly:

"Put this aside for the time being. In the future, you will always be able to see what Suna Ninja is like today! The purpose of inviting these two seniors out is to use your brains to temporarily help me handle official business. The stall is too big. The development is too fast, and the training speed of talents is far behind. Senior Fu Yi, who died two years later than you, would rather be the 'gatekeeper' of the inheritance hall than show up in the public eye. I guess you don't want to be My compatriots think it’s a fake corpse…”

After a pause, Daimaru continued to explain:

"Of course, this is only temporary. In the long-term plan, I have already arranged the resurrection of the two of them. It is estimated that in less than a year or so, the two of them will become living flesh and blood and be reborn again. , when the time comes, I will arrange a new identity for you..."

Suddenly, in Daimaru's words, there was more explosive news than before, which made Luo Sha and Ye Cang's dead hearts tremble.

"You mean...resurrection?"

"There shouldn't be any incomprehensible ambiguity in what I said, right? By the way, you can't use the identities of the Burning Emissary and the Fourth Kazekage. I have already prepared the identities for you. You can use them directly after resurrection. Now, what do you think of 'Hun-Lian' Yan Moluo and 'Fire Mist Demon' Yan Yanluo? Not only the names, but also the nicknames have been given to you..."

The former portrays the image of a silent reaper of death and an extremely efficient bounty hunter; the latter is a humanoid demon who roasts people into charcoal if they disagree with him.

Even the follow-up story has been arranged. Because the two offended their powerful enemies, they defected to the Sand Ninja and received the protection of the "Red Sand Dust" uncle. They contributed their efforts as a reward.

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