Red sand dust

Chapter 1078 Exchange

The young "former agent Kazekage" mercilessly exposed the skin of the daimyo of the Land of Wind and the forces under his command, making Tsunade and Mei Terumi a little embarrassed.

If the Kingdom of Wind is like this, how different are other countries?

There may be differences in degree, but they are essentially the same thing.

Thinking deeply, Tsunade suddenly asked directly:

"You sand ninjas want to challenge the rule of one village and one country?"

"How can it be?"

Daimaru quickly denied,

"We, Sunagakure Village, do not mean not to recognize the authority of the Daimyo. We just govern a country and benefit the people of the Country of Wind. It is the unshirkable responsibility of all residents of the Country of Wind, and we Sunagakure are no exception..."

"It's really a good statement..."

The village chiefs of Kirigakure and Konoha Villages are clear.

The "name and weapon" of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind have fallen by the wayside, and the sand ninja who "borrowed" Daiyi has become qualified to deeply intervene in the power of the Kingdom of Wind.

The daimyo and the Wind Country have not changed, but Sunagakure Village has become stronger and more like a full-fledged government officialdom of the Kingdom of Wind.

Want to interfere?

Tsunade hesitated and couldn't find a reason.

The order of one village and one country has not been destroyed, and the Suna Ninja's actions have not yet broken through the bottom line of Konoha Village. To be honest, fighting for power and profit with daimyo can be found in all major Ninja villages. About the daimyo of Fire Country and Naruto The competition for "jade" is particularly fierce.

Everyone is similar, but they don’t go as far as Sunagakure!

"Well, you sand ninjas are in trouble too..."

Tsunade, who gave excuses against her will, gave up on continuing to struggle on this issue. Originally, this matter was just a household matter that could not be separated. The Daimyo of the Country of Wind did not complain. Ninja villages in other countries were not good. He was forced to come to his door to "seek justice" for him.

It's not worth it to hurt the harmony between allies over this "little thing".

Daimaru originally wanted to continue the conversation and share his rich experience in fooling the daimyo and fighting for power with the government, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. The national conditions of each country are different, and everyone is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so there is no need for Suna Ninja to tell them what to do.

After the most sensitive topic is put aside, the subsequent troubles will be easier to solve. Of course, this is only relatively speaking, but it is actually not a trivial matter.

After the three of them talked for a while about sending a "sniper team" to Kikyo Mountain Castle to monitor the movements of the Land of Rain, Tsunade once again mentioned the Suna Ninja's big move:

"Do you, Sunagakure Village, still insist on taking over the Kingdom of Sichuan? The Kingdom of Sichuan is still nominally under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Rain, but the Rain ninjas have long since withdrawn and do nothing. There is no dominant force there now. A place of lawlessness..."

"What's wrong? Anyway, the buffer zone between the major countries has lost its role now, especially in the Kingdom of Sichuan, which doesn't even have a serious daimyo or ninja village..."

Daimaru replied nonchalantly.

Seemingly discovering some mistake, Tsunade corrected it:

"There are still some famous names..."

"We haven't recognized the rebellious ministers and traitors who usurped the country? If the 'Xiao' organization hadn't participated in the coup, there wouldn't be the current troubles..."

In the chaos in the ninja world over the past few years, there is almost no one in which the "Akatsuki" organization has not intervened. Especially the civil strife in the country of Kawa, which is very close at hand, is an excellent opportunity for the "Akatsuki" organization to fish in troubled waters and reap benefits.

The reason why Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village haven't intervened yet is because they haven't divided their spheres of influence yet. Putting it aside for the time being doesn't mean that Suna Ninja and Konoha Ninja have to sit idly by.

As long as a distant relative of the Daimyo of Harakawa Country goes out to ask for help and help restore the country, whether it is Suna Ninja or Konoha Ninja, they will uphold the time-honored "traditional friendship" and help the descendants of their eternal old friends to uphold justice.

"Essentially, Rain Ninja Village is still our ally. They also pretended to send people to participate in this year's Chuunin Exam. The accompanying Kawa Country is theoretically part of the ally. Isn't it bad to intend to annex it?"

It would be boring to say it this way. Daimaru slapped his mouth in dissatisfaction, but a bright smile appeared on his face.

"I won't mention the buffer zone that exists in name only. It's too difficult to develop a place like Kawakuni. In fact, we sand ninjas don't really need that place. We just don't want it to become pirates and wandering ninjas who do all kinds of evil. The lair of the fallen samurai, the southern part of the Land of Sichuan and the coastal areas of the Land of Fire will be assigned to us Sand Ninjas, which will help the Sand Ninjas fight against pirates and protect the safety of the routes in the Great Bay Area of ​​the South China Sea."

After a pause, Daimaru said leisurely,

"Konoha Village only paid for a small piece of saline land from the Fire Country and got most of the Kawa Country. Why not?"

Tsunade looked at the location of the map drawn in Daimaru's hand, thought for a while and asked:

"But in this case, it will be more beneficial to you Sand Ninjas! The Kingdom of Wind and the Awaji Village enclave are connected..."

Such changes can be seen clearly as long as the eyes are not blind. If such a deal is established, the sphere of influence of Sunagakure Village can be connected into one, and the integration of power can be completed more effectively.

Daimaru really couldn't answer this question directly, but after sorting out his words, he explained:

"In today's ninja world, even the actual national borders and buffer zones are no longer safe. The so-called long and narrow land passage is not a decisive strategic location for the ninja village..."

In fact, this reflects the difference in concepts between land power and sea power. Although the Ninja World Continent has the overlord of Konoha Village, there is no new continent. There is no way to talk about the Age of Discovery. Sea power has never risen, so no one realizes that Sand The true purpose of the Hidden Village.

"These are all my seniors. I won't talk about the false and perfunctory remarks. Let's show our cards straight to the point..."

After rubbing his cheeks that were red and hot from eating too much "fermented juice ice cream", Daimaru calmed down and revealed his true purpose.

"To put it bluntly, we Sand Ninja want to dominate the Greater Bay Area of ​​the South China Sea, and we hope that the Fire Nation's sphere of influence will not interfere with the activities of the Sand Ninja in their private territory through the southern border..."

"that's it?"

Tsunade looked dumbfounded, and even Terumi Mei was a little surprised.

"I thought you were thinking of some big plan, just to block the southern seaport of the Country of Fire?"

Once the Sand Ninja's goal is achieved, the southern border of the Fire Country will become inland, and if you want to go to the sea, you can only go through the eastern coastline.

Spanning two oceans, it becomes necessary to go around in a circle and pass through Awaji Village to reach the Greater Bay Area from the waterway.

Daimaru nodded to confirm their judgment:

"That area is not big, but it is very important to us Suna Ninja. And, with all due respect, if you exchange a small piece of saline-alkali land for the Daimyo of the Fire Country for more than twice the land of the Kawa Country of Konoha Village, you will make a lot of money. Already..."

It is indeed tempting to trade other people's property for your own land.

"It seems feasible, but I still have to think about it..."

Although Tsunade and Terumi Mei still couldn't figure out what they would lose if a corner of their country changed from coastal to inland, they also instinctively realized that their side was not as advantageous as it seemed.

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