Red sand dust

Chapter 1087 Worry

Hinata Hizashi's question was really not a whim or a sudden flash of alertness.

The Hyuga family has a long history, and there are some strong-minded people in the branch family who would rather give up their Byakugan to get rid of the control of the clan and avoid being planted with the cursed seal and caged bird.

But this idea has never been put into practice.

Even if the Byakugan is dug out, won't future generations inherit this line of blood inheritance?

Ironically, the curse seal, as a tool used by the clan to control the branch, actually has the effect of cutting off the possibility of Byakugan's deeper atavism.

It is obviously a tool to get rid of control, but it has become a heavier shackles.

"The Curse Seal: Caged Bird only restricted the members of the branch family who had awakened the Byakugan, and even made them pay the price of damage to the Byakugan's insight ability, but the genetic information in the body still cannot completely get rid of the shackles."

The Byakugan is no longer pure after the cursed seal "Caged Bird" is planted on the forehead, but their children can still awaken the complete Byakugan, and are not subject to the suppression of the bloodline of their fathers and ancestors and external influences.

This is like a person whose parents are born with black hair and dye their hair in various colors, and their children also have black hair. Unless there is a major genetic mutation, this result cannot be changed.

Cursed Seal: Caged Bird is a "hair dye". Of course, its actual effect is much greater than this, and it can even leave a mark on the soul.

"The problem now is stuck here..."

Daimaru said with some regret,

"I have been able to use the method of stimulating the white eyes to separate the blood inheritance limit from the bloodline and carry out a certain degree of directional alienation. The experimental results are quite good. However, those acquired traits are difficult to pass on to the next generation, forming Stable blood inheritance limit..."

No matter how much change Daimaru induces in Hyuga Neji, the super repulsive power implicit in the Byakugan will eventually play a role in the next generation.

"Are you...thinking about this now?"

Hinata Hizashi looked at the young Daimaru talking strangely,

"When I died, Neji was less than five years old. According to the passage of time in the ninja world, I am already over forty, but now my mental age is over twenty to less than thirty..."


Daimaru was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.

Brothers Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi are both a bit older, so the impression is not obvious.

When communicating with Ye Cang and Luo Sha, Daimaru could clearly feel that although they were originally the same age, Luo Sha still maintained the mentality of his prime; Ye Cang, who was plotted to death, still had the energy of his youth. , was killed at the most beautiful age, full of hatred for Rasa, and even had strong dissatisfaction with the Sunagakure Village that abandoned him.

When Hyuuga Hizashi heard that the children in his mind who were no more than thigh high were thinking about the next generation, even if they were already dead, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"Is there a lack of time? I understand!"

This is different from the time dilation effect. The story of one day in the sky and thousands of years on the earth does not exist. The dead earth bodies have stopped at the moment of death and will not be continued until they return to the "dirty earth" , after so many years of difference, it’s normal to be a little bit unable to adapt.

This is like committing a crime, being imprisoned for many years, and then returning to society, only to find that you have changed the world and you are at a loss.

"In the future, we will consider trying our best to adapt you to your current status..."

Even if it is a "guinea pig" used in experiments, we must try to satisfy its desire to work together and let it cooperate with the experiment with peace of mind.

"Back to how to get rid of the limitations of the Byakugan and transform it into a brand new blood-restricted eye technique without hidden dangers. At the theoretical level, we have encountered difficulties, but it is not impossible to bypass it. As long as Hyuga Neji becomes enough Just be strong..."

"How strong do you need to be? There must be a standard..."

Daimaru thought for a moment and then replied:

"It would be nice to have Jiraiya, one of the 'Three Ninjas', who is so powerful, but it is too difficult. At least he has to be at the level of the 'Copy Ninja' Hatake Kakashi..."

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Hinata Hizashi couldn't help but laugh.

Impeccable characters like Hatake Kakashi are not always available even in Konoha Village, which is full of geniuses. It would be a blessing if two or three emerge in ten years.

Although Hyuga Neji is talented and has already become a jounin at the age of about sixteen, he is not bad at all, but he is even more amazing and talented than Kakashi Hatake, Itachi Uchiha and Bo at the same age. The momentum of Feng Shui Sect and others is still much weaker.

"Your confidence in your own son is not as high as that of an outsider like me..."

Daimaru curled his lips and did not go too deep into this topic. Although the two of them did not have too many conflicts, they were not close enough to reveal secrets and trump cards casually. Daimaru was still very careful about such taboos as having shallow conversations and deep conversations.

"In short, this is how it is now. If it were another time, it's hard to say how successful Hinata Neji would have been. At least for now, his performance is still good..."

"With your good words, I hope Neji's training will go smoothly..."

Hinata said clearly.

Now, he wished that the subject of the experiment was himself. Without the cooperation of the immortal body of the dirty earth body, and with Daimaru's behavior, he would probably try it on Hyuga Neji. In that case, the risk would be too great.

After bidding farewell to Hyuga Nizashi, Daimaru went straight to the outside of another laboratory and looked at Hyuga Neji inside through the one-way transparent glass, conducting tests one after another.

In terms of how to develop the Byakugan, due to the constraints of the Curse Seal and Caged Bird, there is not much room for Nengou to improve before the hidden dangers are eliminated. The family-inherited Rou Fist does not have this restriction.

Should I be said to be a genius who can realize "return to heaven" on his own?

Even though the prospect of this physical skill doesn't seem that powerful, if it can be used in a suitable environment, it can be quite terrifying.

Kaki, who had already noticed Daimaru approaching, dropped what he was busy with and greeted Daimaru. After receiving praise from "Father", he said happily:

"When it comes to talent, Hinata Neji is really well-deserved. Even without our help, he can perfect his training and combat mode on his own. It just takes a little more time..."

If there is such a genius in Sunagakure Village, I don't know what the treasure will be like. However, in Konoha Village, such a talent does not get much preferential treatment, and even the family to which he belongs does not treat him very much.

"What a waste of natural resources. Konoha Village actually does not cultivate such talents as direct descendants. Instead, it allows them to be bound by the family, and their talents cannot be used..."

Daimaru smiled and patted the immature shoulder of Jin who was eager to try.

"You also have to look at the target when poaching. Hyuga Neji is not a good target. He has too many people's eyes on him. The web of fate surrounding him involves a lot of trouble..."

In my memory, Hyuga Neji died in the Fourth Ninja War, and was killed lightly by the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and Obito Uchiha for some inexplicable reasons.

In order to let the "Destiny Child" prove his forbearance, he killed his brother-in-law. I don't know what the logic of this is. It is really child's play.

In the final analysis, Hyuga Neji is not strong enough, but if he can resist one or two, his death will not be worthless.

Although a little disappointed, Jin will still obey "Father"'s instructions.

"Hyuga Neji may have to think of something for his future training! He is not bad at developing Byakugan, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Sealing Techniques, but it is really incomparable with his talent in Taijutsu..."

"We can only avoid it. We don't have time for him to check and fill in every detail..."

Even if Daimaru allowed him to open the "open door", he had reached the end of the Eight Gate Armor Formation. Ura Renka was really a test of his physical condition, and Hyuga Neji was still a little behind.

"Physical skills?"

Jin responded hesitantly,

"He himself really wants to open up his own path of soft boxing based on opening the door..."

Any skill that reaches its peak will display terrifying power.

"What does he plan to do?"

"Combining my own ninja skills and the ability of the Byakugan, I can expand Soft Fist from destroying chakra meridians and acupoints to a wider field..."

Daimaru thought for a while and then said:

"Let him explore on his own first. It would be better if he has some results. It doesn't matter if he doesn't. We are not very interested in his physical skills. The focus of cooperation with him is his white eyes. For the rest, as long as it does not affect the fundamental goal, let him do it. Let’s go…”

He is a genius after all. If he can really find a way out, Daimaru and Suna Ninja can also benefit from it.

Nowadays, time is quite tight, but not to the point where there is no time to move around. Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto still have a long way to go before they can join forces to save the ninja world.

While Daimaru was stationed in Konoha Village, patiently waiting for major progress in a certain research field, in the southern border of the Fire Country, in a village near Naruto Village, in a laboratory that had been established for more than two years, Kurama Eight Yun was listening to several researchers and scholars wearing light blue protective suits, masks, and tightly wrapped bodies report on the experimental results.

"There are seven comparison experiments in total. The complexity of chakra and bloodline of sample zero is the lowest. According to past experience, it should have the worst potential. Except for the mental power being more active than normal, there is almost nothing outstanding about it. , can really afford the evaluation of 'mediocre'..."

"No other findings?"

Kurama Yakumo was a little disappointed, but still asked patiently.

The calm scholar at the head replied slowly:

"Based on the Kurama family's rich experience in bloodline research for more than a hundred years, the possibility of errors is almost negligible. Other acquired factors are not considered. The innate qualifications of sample zero are very ordinary. There are no traces of blood inheritance limits, and there is no The phenomenon of actively or passively screening for specific physical conditions does not have more than three generations of secret techniques inherited from its ancestors..."

"Can someone with such qualifications also become a powerful ninja?"

Kurama Yakumo asked uncertainly, not expecting the person opposite to answer.

In order to solve the problem that it is extremely difficult to open the genjutsu-type blood inheritance limit and is easy to backfire, the Kurama family has invested in research for many years. Although the problem has not been solved, there have been many unexpected results.

In terms of judging qualifications, we start from two aspects: body and chakra. Although it cannot be guaranteed to be 100% accurate, it can still reflect most of a person's qualification level.

The provider of Sample Zero was undoubtedly Daimaru. After wanting to obtain it for various reasons, Kurama Yakumo began to analyze it. After a long period of comparison, he finally had preliminary results.

Some of the older scholars at the head responded in an old but steady tone:

"I can understand the eldest lady's doubts. Unfortunately, I am not a serious ninja. I don't understand the deeper mysteries, and I am unable to use many identification methods! I disappoint you..."

" enough!"

Kurama Yakumo smiled and waved his hand, signaling his uncle Kurama Unkai to distribute bonuses to everyone on the spot and take them down to rest before pressing his temples with a headache.

"It's not like me who is a return to the ancestral realm of blood inheritance, nor is it a trend-setter favored by fate. There is actually a 'monster' that disturbs the web of fate with its own strength..."

The more he explores his own power, the more Kurama Yakumo realizes some of the mysteries inherited from the Blood Succession Realm. They may not be as powerful as the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra Chakra, but there are still many precious treasures that have been passed down since ancient times. It has been passed down.

Most of them are out of date and cannot adapt to today's ninja world, but a few are still very valuable.

During this period of time, Kurama Yakumo's absolute combat power may not have improved much, but his potential has undoubtedly been improved, and his future training and development path has become clearer.

"In any case, the risk of blood conflict is gone..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Kurama Yakumo felt that he had gained a lot.

In the world of ninjas, there will always be some talented people who are very quick to master the secret arts or blood-restricted areas and make rapid progress, but they are also more susceptible to incurable blood-relay diseases.

Uchiha Itachi, Kurama Yakumo, Kaguya Kimimaro and others are actually in this category. The causes of the disease are more complicated, but most of them are related to the overactive blood inheritance boundary. Among them, the hybrid of the two blood inheritance boundaries is even more... The hardest hit area.

In the golden age when the blood inheritance boundary is awakened, different bloodline powers will compete for control of the body and fight to the death to exclude other bloodlines, thus causing the power of the blood inheritance boundary to passively "overclock" and overdraw the body's potential.

Not all ninjas have the fairy body of the Uzumaki family. The power brought by chakra generally does not conflict. Once something goes wrong, it will be a terminal disease that is difficult to cure with medicine and stone, and Orochimaru and Tsunade are helpless.

The more powerful a bloodline limited family is, the more cautious it is when marrying another bloodline limited family. For example, it is best not to force the Byakugan and Sharingan together. It is disappointing to give birth to a child with poor qualifications. If there is a gifted genius child, it will be even more frightening, fearing that something will go wrong at any time, such as uncontrolled accidental injury, hemorrhagic disease, etc., dying young, and the tragedy of jealousy of talents, it is better not to happen.

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