Red sand dust

Chapter 1089 Subtle

What restricts the development of the Kingdom of Wind is the lack of fresh water.

As the former Fourth Kazekage, Rasa couldn't possibly not understand this issue.

But knowing is one thing, having the ability to solve it is another.

Before Daimaru found a way to prepare fresh water, water in Sunagakure Village was more expensive than oil. This "oil" was still very valuable cooking oil, not kerosene used for lighting.

Only after a large-scale "multi-stage flash" seawater desalination plant was built in Awaji Village in the South China Sea, residents' water costs began to decline. Even so, the desalinated seawater with the salty smell of seawater and the lingering astringent taste of coal ash is still A valuable resource that requires careful budgeting.

Drinking water is the first level, followed by kitchen waste water, washing water, and washing and cleaning water. This second level cannot be thrown away, but must be collected and recycled by the urban management department for use as industrial water with less demanding requirements. , only at this step does it enter the wastewater recovery system, using the increasingly mature multi-stage flash evaporation technology to purify the cycle.

Finally, the highly polluted concentrated wastewater with no utilization value is stored in the fermentation tank, and is later used for irrigation of sand-fixing vegetation and drip irrigation of experimental orchards and vegetable gardens.

Saving water is almost the instinct of the residents of the Land of Wind, and the village managed by the Sand Ninjas also maximizes this tradition.

In the early days, all kinds of fruits and vegetables in Awaji Village, except for a few farm produce, were not directly eaten. Instead, they were fermented or detoxified and made into wine, juice or canned food for sale.

The irrigation water is not clean, which affects the fruits and vegetables produced in the fields to some extent. It also causes the land to accelerate salinization, casting a shadow over the development of Awaji Village.

Improving the quality of desalinated water and increasing its output are also top priorities, as is the need to cultivate alkali-resistant crops and plants.

In the central part of the Land of Winds, with the melted water from the plateau snow peaks, the demand for fresh water in the coastal areas is still strong, so Daimaru set his sights on a reverse osmosis method that is more sophisticated and effective than "multi-stage flash evaporation".

There are two difficulties in removing the minutiae requirements.

The first is a stable high-pressure environment. Originally, Sand Hidden Village did not have such conditions. Whether it was the development of materials, technology or mechanical equipment, it was far behind. But with the giant reincarnation eye brought back from the moon , can provide a fine and powerful enough pressure field, this problem is easily solved.

The second one is the efficient, reliable and cheap reverse osmosis membrane. This is the real difficulty. The most advanced material technology in Daimaru's previous life could not take into account efficiency and cost. Today's ninja world is even worse. Not to mention the reverse osmosis membrane that can purify seawater into fresh water, it cannot even filter large particles below 100 nanometers. Ultrafiltration membranes cannot produce molecular impurities, and can intercept solid substances below one micron at most. At this level, not to mention the inorganic salts in seawater, even smaller macromolecular proteins, colloids, bacteria and suspended solids can be filtered. Activated charcoal isn’t much stronger.

Therefore, Daimaru has never taken up the idea of ​​seawater desalination technology, which has many benefits but is not low in technical content.

Fortunately, some time ago, an unexpected discovery gave Daimaru an inspiration.

Members of the Sunagakure Air Combat Team, who eliminated pirates in the South China Sea, conducted a detailed investigation of the distribution of major islands and ocean currents. They accidentally discovered that several species of seagulls, albatross, and marine mammals had actually swallowed seawater, causing their bodies to become inflamed. The ability of the pressure to filter fresh water.

In other words, the miracle of nature has helped these naturally-raised creatures evolve efficient and reliable reverse osmosis membranes.

It is precisely because of this "magical skill" that these creatures that rely on the sea have never worried about insufficient drinking water.

Daimaru was extremely surprised to learn this, and entrusted his capable subordinates to conduct a more detailed investigation, and even asked several "artificial elves" to take turns to observe the matter on the spot, confirming whether the matter was true or false, and even discovered several more Large categories of species have similar functions.

The organs they have evolved to have reverse osmosis membrane functions are different, but they have one thing in common: they allow them to drink seawater directly without dying of thirst, and they can also replenish fresh water and maintain body fluid balance.

The industrial level cannot be reached, but biological reverse osmosis membranes are readily available. The only trouble is that there are not enough marine organisms to kill. Even if they are all caught and "harvested" and the crops, swim bladders, pulmonary conjunctiva, etc. are cut off, it will not be enough. Not enough to build a very large desalination plant.

At this time, the advantage of the ninja world's extraordinary power comes. Industrial products, such as carbonated cellulose, polyamide, etc., Daimaru estimates that he will not be able to create them for another twenty years of research, but with ready-made biological samples, puppetry And the enhanced version of biological cloning technology in ninjutsu can come in handy.

Annoyed and wondering why he hadn't thought of it before, Daimaru quickly ordered his subordinates to speed up related research and experiments. In Naruto Village, a trial small-scale reverse osmosis pressurized seawater desalination base has been in trial operation for a week, but no one has appeared. Accident.

With the first mature experience, it has been rolled out along the coast of the Kingdom of Wind, and combined with the melted snow water in the central part of the Kingdom of Wind, it can basically meet the water needs of the entire country.

The envisaged scenario is that high-quality fresh water is prepared by reverse osmosis, and a multi-stage flash desalination plant is dedicated to wastewater recycling and less demanding industrial water.

Because of this, Daimaru's attitude towards the giant reincarnated eye has also undergone tremendous changes. His previous purpose was to let it go after using it. As a result, he now discovered that this powerful energy source and power generator that can almost maintain the operation of a satellite, It is an inexhaustible treasure trove in itself.

"It's such a waste to use the giant Tenseigan for fighting. This is a biological version of a "semi-perpetual motion machine"! 』

The experience of the previous life gave Daimaru a lot of help, but also brought deep-rooted prejudices. When it comes to the combination of ninjutsu, chakra and blood inheritance limits with natural technology, he still has many blind spots and ignores the truly valuable treasures.

Because of this, the original thought of studying Baiyan was just to hit three poles if there were dates but no dates, with the idea of ​​making money if there were any results, but now I am very serious about finding the secret.

The Otsutsuki clan and the sacred tree are extraordinary creatures that truly transcend common sense. Their true value still needs to be discovered.

For example, Daimaru used all possible means to obtain a Sharingan, and then captured the second-tailed Jinchuriki Yuki. After handing in the "letter of surrender", Uchiha Obito handed over the "financial payment" - another A Sharingan.

Together they are a pair of three Magatama Sharingan. Daimaru doesn't know who its original owner is, and he is probably not an unknown person in the Uchiha family.

But these are not important, how to use them is the top priority.

The possibility of transplanting it into other people's bodies to open the Mangekyō Sharingan is basically zero. Such blood inheritance limits are of little use to today's Daimaru.

One of the methods that Daimaru can think of is to use it as the material for the forbidden art of filthy earth reincarnation, channeling his own soul, summoning it from the pure land, and becoming a filthy earth body.

However, this is too risky and may not succeed.

Ordinary methods are useless, you have to think of some special means.

If it were to be done completely out of thin air, Daimaru's imagination would not be able to do it. However, it is still possible to learn from "ready-made" examples.

For example, Orochimaru was regarded as an excellent material, and even transplanted an arm covered with Sharingan eyes to Danzo Shimura, with body cells with perfect carrying capacity.

It is still unknown what the guy with special abilities will become in the future. Daimaru already has cell samples in his hands. He even has several clones of the ignorant ones, which are also used as "material" for preparation. , used in several special biological puppets, the effect is quite good.

Whenever such experiments were conducted, Daimaru was particularly envious of Orochimaru's talents and his right-hand man, Kabuto Yakushi.

After receiving the news that a prototype puppet collapsed because it could not withstand the erosion of the Sharingan, Daimaru, who was far away in Konoha Village, had to temporarily stop the futile attempt.

"There have been too many things piled up recently. I need to calm down, sort out the gains and losses, and then consider the next step..."

As the "eldest sister", Koyamabuki was really exhausted from running around, busy, and instructing several sisters to arrange the tasks assigned by Daimaru.

In his spare time, while playing with several poisonous pets he kept, he echoed somewhat distractedly:

"Mother, there are a lot of things going on there, and Jin was also called over to deal with them..."

"Is it!"

Miss Saya hadn't heard any movement for a while. Daimaru recalled it and seemed to find no problem, so he put it down for the time being. Then he remembered something and asked,

"Honglian...are you working diligently? The crystallization, debugging and installation of the biological reverse osmosis membrane all require the help of her blood successor. It would be bad if the chain is interrupted. It is a trivial matter that affects the progress. Those biofilms It will become ineffective if exposed to air for too long..."

"Do not worry!"

He clapped his hands happily, stood up after feeding the pets, and answered confidently,

"Although the big sister's Blood Succession Limit is very useful, her chakra and physical strength are far from keeping up with the needs. Fortunately, with the support of the White Zetsu clone and the supply of various supplies such as military food pills, I can barely cope with it..."

"That's good, don't go wrong at the critical moment. With so many 'new immigrants' coming in, if there is a problem with drinking fresh water, it will be troublesome..."

Daimaru nodded with satisfaction,

"'s it going?"


Koyamabuki climbed onto Daimaru's shoulders with familiarity, kicked his calves back and forth, and whispered,

"The Godaime seems to be averse to those rituals and pomps..."

"It's normal, as long as he finishes it patiently..."

A boy of fifteen or sixteen is the most rebellious age in his life. Although Gaara appears to be relatively calm due to his childhood experiences, he is still a bit naive in the end.

In the ninja village, even the Kazekage is only a special jounin in name. There is a superior-subordinate relationship between ninjas. In the entire human society, they are actually at the same level and have no ancestral honor and reputation. The "commoners" in secular society are equivalent to powerful people everywhere. It's just that the ninja village is too powerful, and even the daimyo and the government have to look sideways.

But things are different now. Gaara is not only the Kazekage Fifth Generation, the village chief of Sunagakure Village, but also the Grand Imperial Palace, a noble, and an official.

People in peaceful times probably cannot understand that there is a strict class society and respect for the status of aristocrats. Even in a country that shouts "Princes and generals should rather have their own kind", the people at the bottom are not resisting the aristocrats themselves, but the whole family. The surname controls reputation and authority and does not distribute it to others. The purpose of overthrowing the nobility is just to make oneself a nobility. It is definitely not for the ideal that all people are created equal.

In the ninja world, common people who have little experience have obedience and awe that are deeply rooted in their bones and engraved in their souls towards nobles with great righteousness.

Gaara, Tsunade, the Hyuga family and the Uchiha family are at most half nobles, real but nameless. Today's Kazekage Fifth Generation is worthy of his name.

How should I let others know that the Kazekage-sama of Sand Hidden Village is different from before?

Strength is of course the top priority, but you can't just beat up everyone who has doubts to show your authority, right?

Therefore, the importance of systems, rituals, and pomp becomes highlighted.

In the past, in the Kazekage House, basically all Suna ninjas with innocent wealth could go to see him. Daimaru, for example, more than three years ago, went to see Rasa, who was the Kazekage for the purpose of team allocation and Chuunin exam qualifications. Of course, Whether Feng Ying can be seen or not is another matter, but at least, everyone has this right, but usually everyone won't do it if nothing happens.

But it doesn't work anymore. The flat management has turned into a more rigorous, complicated and hierarchical bureaucracy. Now ordinary civilians are not summoned. If they want to take the initiative to see Gaara, they have to go through at least three reviews; In the past, Daimaru just asked the guard to pass a message, and after consent, he met the Kazekage.

The various etiquette requirements for trips and formal occasions at the Imperial Palace were also so strict that Gaara couldn't accept it. This was somewhat contrary to his previous image of a village chief who was close to the people.

Unfortunately, this is the only way to integrate into the world's traditional secular power order. The frivolous behavior of getting along with everyone in the past is probably rarely done. It breaks away from the etiquette of the general public and widens the distance between you and ordinary villagers. Also brings prestige.

"It will be fine once he gets used to it. In addition, the village will be able to speed up the process of taking over the southern coastal area of ​​Kawa no Kuni! By the way, Shouxiang Rin used to be in charge. That kind of ghost place is full of smog. I don't know how many plagues are raging. There are She still has a lot of energy left..."

"Kawakawa Country? By the way, Uchiha Sasuke seems to have appeared at the junction of Fire Country and Kawa Country..."


Daimaru was stunned.

"Is Uchiha Itachi also there? This would be interesting..."

At this time, it was almost time for Uchiha Itachi to die. After fighting with Daimaru and being hit hard several times, his physical condition would only get worse.

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