Red sand dust

Chapter 1104 The End of the Crossbow

The power of Pain's Six Paths will definitely not only be reflected in Tiandao. Other puppet clones that inherit part of the power of the Samsara Eye are equally dangerous.

The six paths of Pain each perform their own duties. Just using the black stick weapon condensed from Yin Yang Escape is quite troublesome, and the powerful secret technique is even more difficult to resist.

It would be too superficial to just regard them as derivatives of the power of the Samsara Eye. Pain's Six Paths also inherited most of the talents of his original body, and his ability to use the Five Elements Escape Technique is also amazing.

For example, Zhu Shengdao is not only proficient in channeling and controlling large ninja beasts, but also has outstanding water escape ninjutsu.

In the watery environment of the Land of Rain, Jiraiya, who is better at fire escape, does feel that his hands are tied.

Fortunately, many psychic beasts from Mt. Miaomu assisted, making up for many of Jiraiya's shortcomings.

"Senpō Goemon!"

Jiraiya spit out the condensed oil of chakra, Fukasaku Sage used wind escape, and Shima sage used fire escape. The three of them were superimposed together, adding fuel to the fire, and the wind assisted the fire. A high-temperature flame ball that could burn almost everything to ashes was directed towards Spreading forward, taking advantage of the opportunity before the hungry ghosts could intervene, they killed everyone including the immortal psychic dog.

In just a few seconds, the originally menacing herd of psychic beasts was reduced to a pile of black smoke-emitting bones. Even an arm and a small half of the shoulder of the human being who could not escape were burned off. .

Judging from the tactics of Jiraiya and the two Myobokusan Sage, they should be squeezing Pain's six paths of activity, gathering them together, and then killing them all in one fell swoop.

But Nagato is not a naive guy without combat experience. Even if all six puppets are lost, they will be replaced soon. It is difficult to find a corpse suitable for being modulated into Pain's Six Paths, but it is not so difficult that it is embarrassing. .

The only thing that has any value to Nagato may be Yahiko's body.

Only the way of heaven is the existence that makes Nagato reluctant to give up at will.

The reason why Yahiko's body was made into a god was because of his past ideals, and he wanted his companions to see the dream come true.

Jiraiya naturally understood this, so the focus of the attack was tilted towards the direction of heaven.

However, Tiandao, as the puppet with the most powerful attack power, is not that easy to deal with.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

As soon as he got a little closer, he was hit by a strong repulsive force, and was thrown away and fell into the distance. After Jiraiya tried his best to turn over in the air, he used the force to cushion and landed on the water, causing a wave of white waves.

It was this move that easily seriously injured Gamabunta, Gamahiro and Gamatake. Jiraiya, who had turned on the sage mode, was hit by the attack. He felt dizzy, nauseated and nauseated. It took him a few seconds to get used to it before he came back to his senses.

"Not only taijutsu and ninjutsu, but also tangible ninjutsu can rebound. This is so unreasonable..."

Although force field attacks are rare, Jiraiya has not seen them before. Daimaru is good at manipulating the air and using air pressure to simulate rebound, but there is a limit. Unlike the Rinnegan's Shinra Tensei, which can even use ninjutsu and chakra. open.

Even if ordinary ninjutsu breaks through the sealing seal of the Hungry Ghost Path, it cannot get close to the Heavenly Dao.

There are also the swift missiles and ray impacts of Shura Dao, which make it impossible to stop. If you are not careful, you will be seriously injured.

Fortunately, the other three puppets are not good at directly enhancing combat effectiveness.

"No, we must let Toad Chu come over. Only the huge magic chakra in his body can allow us to hold on for a little longer..."

If you summon the stomach bag of the giant toad of Iwajuku. Maybe I can hold on for a while longer. The transformation ability and self-contained space ability of Calabash Toad and Shishi Toad can also allow me to hide, but this is meaningless. If I don't defeat Pain Six Paths in front of me, the next step The ideas are all castles in the air, with no hope of realization.

"If you need it, then do it, Jiraiya. Although Toadada is not good at frontal combat, he is not a weak child. He will be brave when needed. When I signed the contract with you, I should have thought that this day would come. Already..."

Fukasaku Sage said solemnly, Jiraiya's face turned slightly gloomy, he nodded imperceptibly, and then quickly used his psychic technique, and a toad with red skin and black lines that was much smaller than Gamabunta appeared.

Jiraiya jumped up, stood on Toadada's back, half-crouched down, and patted Toadada's head.

"Old man, please!"

The self-disciplined and rigorous Toadada remained silent. The Senjutsu chakra accumulated in his body for many years was slowly poured into Jiraiya's body, allowing the Senjutsu chakra in Jiraiya's body, which was somewhat exhausted after performing several Senjutsu, to fill up again. .

Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while!

Although the envisioned application scenario is not so sinister, we can’t worry about that much.

Fortunately, Jiraiya was lucky this time. The other five puppets gathered around him warily. Tiandao raised his head and looked at the small black dot in the sky.

The movement at such a high place has long been beyond human perception. If it hadn't been for the sudden burst of chakra that poured down just now, it would have been difficult for Pain to detect it.

"The Ring of the Azure Dragon, so that's it, the raiding formation is ready to move!"

Tiandao, whose face remained unchanged and whose tone was cold, looked in Jiraiya's direction again. Just a moment of hesitation allowed the panting Jiraiya to regain a little strength and chakra.

"Even Teacher Jiraiya is still a Konoha ninja after all, and he is not the same as us..."

"What are you talking about? Did you misunderstand..."

Jiraiya, who was ready to fight again, said coldly,

"No matter what our position is, we are not enemies. Wake up, Nagato. It's still not too late..."

There was no answer, and Pain's Six Paths gathered around him again in a fan shape. Seeing the opportunity, Jiraiya accelerated his speed in absorbing the senjutsu chakra while supplying the consumption of Shima Sage and Fukasaku Sage standing on his shoulders.

With the tacit understanding of the three people, Shima Sennin and Fukasaku Sennin quickly formed seals at the same time and opened their big mouths.

"Immortal magic·magic·the toad is singing!"

The terrifying "Toad Duet" was like countless toads chattering, emitting huge waves of magic chakra full of illusion power, instantly passing through every corner of the battlefield.

Bathed in the enchantment of such a terrifying sound illusion, Pain's six paths briefly lost control and could no longer act.

Jiraiya quickly summoned the world-seeing toad and sealed the Six Paths of Pain into its self-contained stomach with spatial attributes, making it difficult for him to escape. He then stabbed the Six Paths of Pain into the Six Paths of Pain with the unique weapon of Mt. Myoboku - a stone sword. body, cutting off its vitality and contractual connections.

In a very short period of time, Jiraiya, who had almost exhausted all the chakra in his body, performed a very exciting counterattack.

Of course, the fact that this can be accomplished is a miracle that can only be achieved based on very reliable intelligence advantages.

"What to do with the rest...?"

Fukasaku Sennin looked at the six puppets that were no longer moving and asked slightly relaxedly,

"How about pushing them into the stomach juice of the toad? They will be digested soon..."

Trying their best to eliminate the threat is also a necessary method for the three of them to sneak into the dangerous Country of Rain.

However, Jiraiya did not agree immediately. Instead, he looked at the faces of several puppets. Basically, he could see familiar shadows, especially Tiandao, who was almost exactly the same as what Yahiko had imagined when he grew up.

"As expected, it's you, Yahiko! So...Are Nagato and Konan really the leaders of the Akatsuki organization?"

Although multiple sources of information are supporting it, the information obtained from Daimaru is true, but when the facts are really before our eyes, it is still so hard to accept.

"My condolences, little Jiraiya! Those who are alive must treat life well..."

The two senior immortals comforted the "young" Jiraiya.

"I know that I still have to find Nagato and Konan while I still have some energy left. I can't let them make the same mistake again and again..."

"Are you too optimistic? Immortal mode is not a conventional tactic. Several puppets are so difficult to deal with. Isn't the Samsara Eye itself stronger? Also... we are in enemy territory now, so we must be more cautious..."

Shima Sennin said worriedly, Jiraiya shook his head slightly,

"I have a hunch that if I miss this time, I won't have a chance! I'm really sorry for you two seniors to continue taking risks with me. If things are unavoidable, you two can leave early..."

As he spoke, Jiraiya stepped out, once again in the Land of Rain, and quickly ran towards the central tower.

Shima Sennin and Fukasaku Sennin, who were determined to persuade them, looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and had no choice but to work hard for a while longer.

The three of them rushed forward rapidly for more than a minute. A huge wave of chakra rose up in front of them, and waves of time and space ninjutsu broke out. It was obvious that someone was using psychic skills.

When Jiraiya stepped back cautiously and distanced himself, he saw a huge figure appearing. Its appearance looked like its hands were locked by iron chains. There were several eyes on its head, three of which were open and six of which were closed. .

Its appearance is like a giant tree that has been dead for countless years, and its ferocious appearance makes people feel fearful.

"What's this?"

Jiraiya, Shima Sennin and Fukasaku Sennin were shocked. This thing may not have appeared for the first time, but those who had really seen its true face were basically dead except for a few masterminds behind the scenes.

The most shocking thing was the skinny figure assisted by a sophisticated machine underneath him, with several black rods inserted into his back, and the ends were connected to the huge monster.

"Is it you...Nagato? How did you become like this..."

He could still vaguely see the appearance of the shy child who was so shy that he covered his eyes with his long hair for fear of being seen. Jiraiya couldn't help but ask.

"Intruders, those who obstruct the will of 'god' and hinder the peace of the world, all need to be eliminated..."

"what are you saying?"

Nagato, who no longer answered, did not have unlimited power to squander. Every time he used the Heretic Golem, it would bring extreme pain and consume the little remaining vitality.

A long energy dragon emerged from the mouth of the heretic demon, gathered into a huge chakra dragon, and attacked in the direction of Jiraiya.

At the same time, almost everything within the range of the heretic golem was controlled by Nagato. Black rods stretched out and shattered into pieces of small steel needle-like acupuncture weapons. They flew out and blocked Jiraiya's retreat. blockade.

Just being close to the Chakra Dragon made Jiraiya feel frightened. Even Jiraiya, who could barely maintain his sage mode, was stabbed by the black needle transformed into Yin Yang Escape. The sage clothes on his body began to float unsteadily. With the senjutsu and senjutsu restraining each other, Jiraiya, who fought hard, was obviously no match for the heretic golem.

"Leave, little Jiraiya. You can't do it alone. Don't be brave..."

Shima Sennin tried to persuade him, but Jiraiya still had to work harder. When he turned around, he saw a huge chain flying, grabbing Toadada who was not far away to provide support, and piercing the tip into his mouth, forcefully breaking through the space. Barrier, the corpses of the heavenly realm, the hell realm and the human realm were dragged out from inside.

"Can this be done? The brute strength is so great..."

After Fukasaku Sennin felt it for a while, he responded with a somewhat ugly expression:

"Those chains have the power of sealing, and it is possible to break the space barrier. After all, the stomach of the world-seeing toad is said to be a self-contained body, but in fact it is a natural sealing barrier. Between the same kind of spiritualism, There is also a connection..."

After all, it is the same time and space channel. As long as the psychic connection is still there, it is possible to be followed and caught.

Jiraiya sighed secretly, and released the channeling of Toadada and Miseto Toad. Feeling that the abundant senjutsu chakra suddenly had no source, he also knew that there was little chance of victory in another battle with Nagato's true form.

"Save up more strength next time and come again..."

Saving a disciple who has gone astray seems to be much more difficult than imagined.

The immortal mode is indeed powerful, but attacking the enemy's base camp alone is indeed a bit reckless.

As if sensing Jiraiya's intention to retreat, Nagato stretched out his palm and gathered chakra.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

Without noticing, Jiraiya felt an attraction in front of him pulling him towards the huge monster. In shock, he quickly flew back, but under the interference of other attacks, he could not close the distance, and even some The risk of exhaustion after being consumed with chakra.

Knowing that he was charging too hard and that the possibility of retreat was relatively small, Jiraiya took out a sphere glowing with crystal light and threw it into the sky with all his strength.

He saw this ball of light made of unknown material suddenly exploded under the pull of the All-Seeing Sky. The chaotic position disrupted the power fluctuations nearby, allowing Jiraiya to seize the opportunity and quickly fly away towards the southeast. .

Nagato, who was caught off guard by being sprayed at close range, wanted to pursue him again, but saw a mighty pressure coming from the sky, causing his weak body to lie on the power-assisted machine in front of him, making it difficult to move.

The originally ignorant heretic demon image sensed the external impact and actually moved instinctively, trying to break through the obstacles and fight back against the oncoming pressure.

Such a change affected Nagato and brought more pain.

For the first time, Nagato, who used the heretic golem as a tool, realized that this reliance might not be completely under his control.

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