Red sand dust

Chapter 1109 Restart

After Jiraiya returned to Konoha Village, after a period of consultation, the senior management of the village, headed by Tsunade, significantly strengthened their protection, and the level of vigilance was far higher than before.

Not only did Sand Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village send a small number of elites to settle in, but even the Mist Ninja and Kumo Ninja put aside their prejudices and provided substantial support.

Whether it's to help or to see the limelight, the five great ninja villages are finally acting against the same enemy.

The troops that the Sand Ninja came to support were mainly new-style puppet troops. They generally had the ability to fly and control puppet machines. They could play a great role when uniting against the enemy on the battlefield.

But this kind of fighting style is obviously strong in offense and weak in defense. Excellent reconnaissance ability is also prepared for taking the initiative. It is not the same as the battle formation and legion ninjutsu of the Iwa ninja.

Therefore, large-scale investigation and early warning are the main tasks of the Sand Ninjas.

The situation of being loose on the outside and tight on the inside makes it impossible for ordinary people to feel the tension of the situation. Only a few keen ninjas are vaguely aware of the atmosphere before the war.

After a large number of lower-level Suna ninjas left the Leaf Village, and even this year's ninja school exchange students returned early, the orphans of alien visitors, including those who "experienced life", were mixed in with the replacement team and entered the Leaf Village as consultants. Leaf Village.

"It's a little different than it was many years ago, but..."

Accompanied by Daimaru, Otsutsuki Toneri strolled down the long winter street of Konoha Village. The biting cold wind did not stop the enthusiastic people from taking to the streets to celebrate the upcoming temple fair.

Winter is deep, and spring is not far away. On this approaching New Year's Eve, celebration activities come one after another, and various businesses also take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

It's just that such a scene is nothing special in the eyes of the two of them. Daimaru is well-informed and doesn't think it's strange, and Otsutsuki Toneri has observed such lively scenes countless times in the sky from a high position.

Year after year, except for the differences in people, everything else is the same.

"The aging state is becoming more and more obvious..."

It’s not just the Sand Ninja, Mist Ninja, and Rock Ninja that are left to chance. Konoha Village is no different, but it’s just that it’s bigger, so it seems like there are more choices.

No matter how strong Konoha Village has been in the past ten years or so, the three people who defected and ran away can still suppress the other four great ninja villages from taking any rash actions, just because the other villages are worse and have less ability to withstand risks. Worse, a wind-blown weed will damage your muscles and bones.

After truly understanding the difference between Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village, Daimaru felt that as long as he did his job well, there would be no difference. It happened that this basic requirement was met by most shinobi villages. Less than.

"Konoha Village is very lucky, and the next generation is also a genius blessed by fate..."

Daimaru commented nonchalantly, without much bitterness in his words.

The "Sannin" of Konoha Village have entered the sunset period of their old age, and those who are not dead will soon pass their peak period; the backbone of the future, the fourth generation of Hokage - Namikaze Minato's generation, can be suppressed In fact, there are not many scenes, and it is considered a break; as for Hatake Kakashi's peers, the problems are also quite serious. They can fight back and fight, but they are not as suppressed as the "Sannin", Golden Flash, and Konoha White Fang. An existence that is admired by all enemies of the same era.

During the mission to the Country of Waves, Zabuza Momochi, a rebel ninja from the Kirigakure Village, even had the idea of ​​​​competing with the "copy ninja" Kakashi Hatake and put it into action, without encountering him at all. "Konoha White Fang" and "Golden Flash" can abandon the mission and do not count as a deterrent to failure.

To say they are mediocre is not an understatement, it just feels like they are a bit lacking in every aspect.

The later Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi undoubtedly had potential, but unfortunately, their surname was Uchiha, and their family was their foundation and backing. When it overturned, it was also the culprit that crushed them.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are very important. Their existence will undoubtedly extend the hegemony of Konoha Village.

However, this kind of stable order is actually a good thing for Suna Ninja, who needs time to build the entire country. With Konoha Village above his head to support him, Sunagakure Village also has room to move around.

Although the interest was not very strong, the surrounding atmosphere was quite warm, and Otsutsuki Toneri also had the idea of ​​​​visiting. He tried various small games and delicious food in front of the small vendors.

"What a bunch of ignorant guys. Their lives are dominated by shallow instincts and ignorant optimism. They are mediocre and insignificant to this world..."


He watched happily as the little devil next to him held a toy crossbow, pretending to aim at the doll in front of him, and pulled the trigger. After a lucky hit, the little boss happily held the "trophy" he had just won in his arms in front of the bitter face. The friends left with envious cheers,

"If we want to find a meaning for everything, the 'phenomenon' of life should not exist. Under the sophistry of agnosticism, human beings are no different from the twisted maggots in the mire. In the final analysis, we are all living somewhere. Just living in a daze on the basis of a hypothetical moral and ethical basis..."

Otsutsuki Toneri raised his eyebrows:

"Are you mocking me? You divide people into three, six or nine levels. From a superior perspective, you judge the good and evil in the ninja world and decide their life and death. Is this also a clown-like behavior?"

Daimaru shrugged:

"You said this yourself. I have never said such harsh words..."

"Actually, that's what it means, I understand it!"

He arrogantly believes that he has the ability to determine the life and death of the ninja world, but in fact he is just a fool who acts recklessly to satisfy his own selfish interests.


Daimaru is too lazy to argue clearly with the "alien" on this issue. In the final analysis, different races and different growth experiences cannot be measured by the same values. It doesn't matter what is right or wrong. Don't just change it. Above and above the line, in the final analysis, we are all ordinary people, with different positions and different choices.

"Would you like to go and see the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan who made you "sexy" before?"

"It's called love at first sight. I'm sincere to her..."

"it's the same!"

Daimaru waved his hand and smiled,

"My superficial personal relationship with Hyuga Neji is pretty good. It's normal to find an excuse to visit and meet Hyuga Hizashi's two daughters!"

Otsutsuki Toneri was shocked and looked at Daimaru in disbelief:

"What do you know?"

"I'm not an alien like you. I haven't had the blood of a 'celestial being' for many generations. I have no idea about the story of the Otsutsuki clan changing their eyes as casually as changing their clothes..."

Daimaru, who was laughing playfully, had no intention of admitting any speculation.

"I have had thoughts similar to 'I'm tired, this world will be destroyed soon' more than once before. I just thought about it before, but now I have the ability to implement it, so I am more cautious. A person's life is not long, nor is it short. If it's short, what you can do is actually very limited. The behavior of 'turning over the table' when you can't play or feel uncomfortable is actually like a child cheating after losing a bet. If you can't afford to play, just don't play..."

"You can't afford to lose and you're running away..."

The pondering Otsutsuki Toneri raised his head slightly, and accidentally discovered that he had arrived near the Konohagakure Security Department. The plaque on the building not far away still had some traces of the battle. It was just the 'Uchiha fan' mark symbolizing the Uchiha family. , was erased.

"Do you know why Otsutsuki Hagoromo chose Asura and abandoned the better and more qualified Indra?"

Otsutsuki Toneri said quietly as if he was affected by the tragic experience of the Uchiha family and thought of something.

After thinking for a while, Daimaru replied:

"The choice between personal power and collective power. Does the Sage of Six Paths think Asura is more suitable to lead the future Ninja Sect?"

Otsutsuki Toneri shook his head:

"It's a little vague, but it's not accurate! In fact, the answer is right in front of you, but no one noticed it..."

"Understanding and love?"

"Yes! Isn't it funny? When I saw the family records, I thought it was incredible..."

Otsutsuki Sheren replied with a half-smile,

"Natural energy is somewhat similar to the properties of chakra, but it is not the same thing! The Otsutsuki clan is a greedy person who wanders in the universe with the intention of devouring everything of value and eventually turning himself into the ultimate perfect life form. Chakra is actually the power that connects all things, and it is also the medium that absorbs the natural energy of the ninja world. Otherwise, why does the sage mode have to reach a balance between chakra and natural energy before it can be turned on?"

In fact, it is conceivable that most humans in the ninja world are unable to utilize natural energy, but this ubiquitous and pervasive primitive power in the ninja world is nourishing everything, including humans, at all times. In the final analysis, it is all a The components in the system are all interrelated.

Otsutsuki Toneri's words made Daimaru's mind spin. Long ago, Daimaru had already discovered that chakra is a link that connects the body and soul, forming a double helix mutual interference inheritance model. It can be said that expanding it Is it too arbitrary to say “all things”?

There is no doubt that there are cases in the ninja world that can prove it, but this does not fully explain the problem.

As if he understood Daimaru's doubts, Otsutsuki Toneri paused and continued to explain:

"On this issue, Otsutsuki Hagoromo and my ancestor, Otsutsuki Hamura brothers, had a fundamental conflict with his mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya. This also coincided with Otsutsuki Hagoromo's final choice of Asura and expulsion due to Indra's reasons are the same. If chakra is used as a tool to understand and convey love, the human race can escape the fate of slaves and livestock; the end of Indra's road is the same as the road of devouring and plundering pursued by the aliens. . The same clan kills blood relatives and seizes the evolution of pupil power. It is too slow to rely on the number of clan members and genius to promote the power of Sharingan. All other clan relatives are killed. The fewer people left, the stronger the Sharingan will naturally be. The greater the hope of opening the reincarnation eye..."

"Isn't it true that the Sharingan of the Uchiha family relies on violent mental fluctuations to stimulate the power of escape and improve the Sharingan?"

Daimaru asked in surprise, Otsutsuki Toneri nodded slightly and replied:

"That's true, but why can some succeed and others not? For more than a hundred years, the two brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke have had a particularly deep relationship? In order to open the Mangekyo Sharingan, the Uchiha family secretly held a The kin-killing ritual is not done once or twice. Why are Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi so special? Qualification is one thing. The Uchiha family is almost dead, which is also a big help..."

After all, the origin of bloodline of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura is the same. They are the children born after Otsutsuki Kaguya swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree.

There is only one person left in the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, Toneri Otsutsuki, so this guy with extremely special qualifications was born.

The external influence of the right time, place and people is still there, but if there is a problem with the direction, there is no way to save it.

While Daimaru was digesting the sudden news, Otsutsuki Toneri continued:

"Did you know? The Otsutsuki clan has two states, the guardian and the protected. All the descendants of the 'Celestial Being' in the ninja world are the blood descendants of the guardians. The instinct of inheritance has not been completely erased until now. Once If someone returns all things to himself and regains the power of the Blood Snare, he will awaken his guardian instinct! As for the guardian, he is actually the subordinate, tool and temporary power storage warehouse of the protected person..."

"So, what you said...isn't because people's hearts are corrupted and the world has been polluted, so it needs to be restarted?"

"The so-called filth does not mean that people's hearts are scattered, but that the guardians and the guardians may come back and need to be wiped out, including the ancestors Otsutsuki Hamura and Otsutsuki Hagoromo. In fact, it is not difficult to live forever. Swallow Cha Carat and natural energy are enough, but that will bring more problems, so the body has to die to prevent its own corruption. And Indra's path is dangerous..."

"I probably understand!"

Daimaru nodded in confusion.

Some of them have been known for a long time, and some are still being speculated, but Otsutsuki Toneri's words undoubtedly let Daimaru know more secrets.

The process of integrating the descendants of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura into the ninja world is not smooth. Time can erase all traces of the past, but it is hard to say whether a thousand years is enough.

Including the Senju, Uchiha, Hinata, Uzumaki and other families, the awakening and strengthening of the Blood Succession Limit is like a process of returning to the ancestors. The further you go, the more problems will arise.

Thousands of years have passed, and the duel between Indra and Asura is coming to an end, and with the help of Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection, there will be an explosive cleanup.

Just as Daimaru is doing research on Hyuga Hizashi's dirty body, he wants to cut off the connection between Hyuga Neji's Byakugan and his ancestors!

The same thing was done by the Six Paths Sage more than a thousand years ago. The Samsara Eye differentiated into the Sharingan Eye, and the immortal body and other powers were also given to the Uzumaki, Senju and other families respectively.

Even the descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura are divided into two parts: the Moon branch and the Hyuga family of Konoha Village.

There is nothing new in the ninja world. It's just that the conditions were insufficient a thousand years ago and the work was not thorough. Now it needs to be done again.

Once it fails, the Otsutsuki clan on the moon will be the key to "restarting" the human world.

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