Red sand dust

Chapter 1117 Blocking

The sand escape ninjutsu cast with the puppet body was destroyed immediately.

An explosion like a small nuclear explosion will be more powerful and more effective in the air, on the surface, or underground, depending on the target.

If it is to kill humans, the distance from the ground to a hundred meters high in the sky is undoubtedly the best, because the lethal wind pressure does not need to be high, and striving for the maximum killing range will achieve the ideal effect.

Underground explosions have a relatively small scope, but their power is more concentrated. When destroying buildings and penetrating various fortifications, they are much more effective than ground explosions and aerial explosions.

The spurting sand, gravel and dust flew up into the sky and fell like raindrops. As long as they were not hit by large rocks or hit critical areas, even civilians would have a very small chance of death.

Save more people's lives, and temporarily give up on others. This is the strategy and tactics confirmed by the five major ninja villages when they faced the raid by the "Akatsuki" organization.


Daimaru looked at the Hokage Rock in the distance. The head of the first generation Senju Hashirama was still intact. The head of the second generation Senju Tobirama had an obvious crack. The worst was the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen. The beard and chin of the portrait were still intact. The whole thing fell and almost hit the old, weak, women and children who were queuing up to enter the shelter. Fortunately, the guarding ninjas were alert and smashed it into pieces and threw it aside.

Logically speaking, the portrait of Yondaime Namikaze Minato should not have been damaged, but it was completely covered by the sand that fell from the sky and was completely invisible.

In addition, the former underground laboratory of the Uchiha tribe was completely destroyed by seismic waves. Fortunately, Daimaru had moved the important instruments, so there was not much loss. With this incident, the traces of the activity were erased.

As for the shelter in the back mountain, I don't know if the Konoha ninjas considered the impact of a major earthquake when they opened it. The overlord of the ninja world should not be defeated by this "small scene".

The biggest trouble at present is that under such dusty climate conditions, the flying advantage of the Suna Ninja air combat troops cannot be used.

Just as Daimaru was thinking about countermeasures urgently, a small pile of sand not far away was pushed away, and a figure stood up. It was Jiraiya who took this opportunity to activate the sage mode.


The air that enters the throat is so filthy that even with a ninja's constitution, he can't stand it if he breathes too much.

"That blow just now, I was almost hit by my strength. I probably died without even feeling the pain..."

"I feel bad now!"

Seeing that the Konoha Village, which had some semblance before, is now like being hit by a sledgehammer, the fragile buildings have been turned into rubble, the wooden houses have also collapsed, and open fires have broken out in many places. Once it spreads, it will A terrible human tragedy.

"We have to find a way to purify the surroundings first, otherwise I don't know how many people will suffocate to death..."

Jiraiya said worriedly, Daimaru thought for a moment, then pointed to the center of the explosion not far away, the slowly rising Tendo and other figures emerging from the dust,

"Senior, please stop me first, and let me do the rest. How to deal with sand and dust weather, we sand ninjas are the experts..."

As Daimaru spoke, he activated the melting chakra mode of the five-tailed jinchuriki Lao Purple to the maximum. The three-tailed jinchuriki emitted small clumps of ice crystals, which were burned and turned into water vapor. Under Daimaru's ability to control the air, they flew in all directions. diffusion.

The haze with sand and dust as its core absorbs water vapor and rises under the transpiration of hot air. After cooling, it forms a rolling cloud of smoke. As the Six-Tails Jinchūriki and the Three-Tails Jinchūriki continue to replenish the water vapor, it turns into tiny wisps. black rain fell to the ground.

With the cool water moistening it, the air that was like burnt charcoal became much clearer.

Within a radius of several kilometers, this "timely rain" was also saved, which gave the living people more breathing space, but also gave the victims buried underground less time to save.

His intentions were good, but things were never perfect, so Daimaru could only do his best.

Squeezing the senjutsu chakra in his body again, the changes in senjutsu on Daimaru's face became more obvious, with a horn crown, black eyes, and green-faced fangs, like a soul-stirring ghost king crawling out of hell. At the same time, two sprouts appeared on the left and right sides of his neck. A black and white head.

Looking at the black-faced ghost to the left and rear, red and black runes kept emerging from his forehead, like flowing streams, entering Daimaru's body, further stretching his body; looking to the right and rear, his eyes were glowing blue-grey. The skin was badly damaged, and the emerald-green hair turned into rattan armor to wrap around Daimaru's body, and the blessed vitality continued to make up for the extracted cells.

Not only that, two pairs of slender arms also stretched out in the corresponding direction, forming a seal with Daimaru himself. The demon with three heads and six arms flew in mid-air, squeezing out the nearby natural energy, and even showed a light golden color visible to the naked eye. .

"And you, it's time to contribute chakra..."

Just as he was talking, gray-black vines stretched out from the green vine armor around him, trapping the six Jinchuuriki. Tiny wooden thorns even penetrated into the chakras in their bodies, extracting the tailed beast's chakra.

As wisps of energy support Daimaru's body, he fully mobilizes the yin and yang escape power warmed in his body. After integrating them, they are condensed into black sheet energy, which is infected by the Senjutsu Chakra that is running to the extreme in Daimaru's body. , turned into a thick book composed of pale golden pages.

"What does this mean? The destiny of the ninja world thinks that I should be a magic stick, with "Genesis" in my left hand, my right hand stroking your dog's head, and saying that God loves the world?"

Daimaru spat lightly, and immediately touched the title page. A wind escape that previously required Daimaru to exert all his strength suddenly appeared. Six tornadoes with a thickness of more than ten meters spread out around Daimaru with Daimaru as the center, restraining all the sandstorms, thunder, rain and mist. Within the range of the wind tornado, it finally gathered in the palm of Daimaru's hand, and turned into a trident similar to Gaara's Shukaku Spear. Daimaru threw it towards the beast who was fighting with Jiraiya, and directly avoided it. If he failed, he was nailed to the ground, and then dispersed into dense wind blade spikes, smashing it into pieces that even the hell realm could not repair.

"The flying thunder god's technique is known as the fastest in the ninja world. The thunderbolt ninja is also known for its speed. Our wind type is not bad either!"

Daimaru, who was satisfied with the flexibility and power of the operation, once again looked at the tailed beasts that were regarded as "chakra batteries".

"It's not that I don't look down on your combat prowess, it's that the enemy is special and is your natural enemy. Instead of delivering food, it would be more efficient to contribute your strength to me..."

After a while, a swift figure passed through the battlefield like lightning, not far from Jiraiya, containing the world and hell. Jiraiya summoned Shima Sage and Fukasaku Sage, and used the immortal method Fire Release - - Goemon, burned Shurado to ashes, and then turned to support Hatake Kakashi.

As for the Hungry Ghost Path, it was restrained by the puppets of the "former Gaara" with astonishing combat power. Although the huge sand incarnation collapsed after absorbing chakra, the continuous power of the successors kept the Hungry Ghost Path away for a while. Will not be able to escape.

Finally, Daimaru looked at Tiandao.

I don't know how much stamina and chakra was consumed after I just charged up the attack, but seeing that he had been resting for nearly two or three minutes without making any major movements, I guess it wasn't easy.

"What are you...?"

Tiandao, who had said little during the whole process, suddenly asked,

"If you are not a Konoha ninja, why do you have to fight so hard for a so-called ally? If you Suna ninja really kept your promise, you wouldn't betray your alliance again and again..."

"whispering sound……"

Daimaru sneered,

"As long as there is a possibility that you will let Suna Ninja give in, I won't stop you here. We don't like the ally of Konoha Village and are very jealous, but at least they are more reliable than you! They claim to be gods, Idiot named 'Penn', this world is much more interesting than you think, don't think that everything revolves around you..."

"The 'Akatsuki' organization has existed for many years, and you must know its philosophy. Can't you see the desire for peace?"

"Does it have anything to do with you whether you can see or not? I don't like fighting and killing. This is too barbaric and does not show the ability of the 'Red Sand Dust' at all, but..."

As he spoke, Daimaru opened the title page of the gorgeous book in his left hand, took out a ball of black energy, and pressed it into his body. In an instant, the black-faced ghost behind him broke away and turned into a scaly monster waving his wings, and another white-skinned monster. The strange man fell to the ground and turned into a wooden puppet dozens of meters high, with a snake-like winding wooden dragon wrapped around his body.

On one side is an immortal body that is infinitely close to Jugo's third state of the cursed seal, and on the other side is a strong and indestructible wooden man.

It's a pity that the research on Daimaru's Sharingan and Byakugan's Blood Succession Limit has just entered the deep water area, and is still a bit far from practicality. The time for operating the "Eye Legend" is not yet mature.

"The so-called 'peace' imposed, even if it is a 'gift' from the true god, the 'Red Sand Dust' uncle will smash him to pieces! Who do you think you are, worthy of deciding my fate?"

"It seems that the pain that fate has inflicted on you is not enough to make you realize the meaning of life and the preciousness of peace..."

"Pull him down! Don't think that you are the only one who has to bear the incredible pain. The weight of life, you idiot who kills innocent people indiscriminately, can't bear it. Don't make me laugh anymore!"

After tacitly delaying for a while, Daimaru took a breath. After regaining his fighting strength, he held up the Yin Yang Release's natal artifact with one hand, formed a seal with one hand, and the violent wind release roared again.

"Immortal Technique·Wind Release·Shina Dohiko!"

The ultimate cyan wind escape blade that can almost cut through space, glowing with the black power of life and death in time and space, shoots towards the direction of heaven.

Tiandao no longer hesitated. The solid land around him rose up like water waves as he waved his hand, gathering into rock balls and colliding with the incoming wind-escape dragon, making a deafening roar. The low-frequency infrasound waves with huge energy are like invisible ghosts that threaten their lives, knocking out some weak people.

"When gods fight, little devils suffer. This battlefield is still too close!"

It was not so difficult to fight Uchiha Itachi in the past. This kind of scene was really a matter of life and death in one encounter.

Even if Daimaru wants to stay away from Konoha Village, there is nothing he can do. The tailed beasts are all here, and so many people are equivalent to hostages. It is really impossible to overestimate Nagato's mental state now. He is not far away from collecting all the tailed beasts. , my body can't hold on for long, there are really too many factors beyond my control.

At this moment, the Heavenly Way continued with a lot of chakra again, and used the repulsion field to shoot out a barrage of black rod fragments. The two-winged monster saw the opportunity early and blocked it in front of him. His body was penetrated by several penetrating wounds, but he was still fine. Generally, they would swoop towards the heavenly path and be forcibly bounced away. Even if their bones were broken, they would feel no pain. After a few struggles, they would recover as before and come forward to fight again.

As for the huge wooden puppet, it was like a bulldozer, running over the hungry ghost realm, the human realm, and the hell realm.

More is better, bigger is stronger.

At certain times, size and strength can also work wonders, especially when the abilities of other six-path puppets are more inclined to assist and deal with ninjas, so the big guy has a place to play.

As for the way of heaven?

Daimaru was still thinking about how to end it.

It's really hard to beat a dog's brain, but Tiandao seems to have realized this, and once again charged up his energy, releasing a small black dot, floating towards the sky of Konoha Village.

"This is going to force people to death! Why doesn't Uzumaki Naruto come?"


While Daimaru was hesitating, the sound of Koyama's wind came into his mind.

"A lot of energy savings have been used up. Should we look for outside help?"


Daimaru was stunned, and then realized that even if there were tailed beasts and jinchūriki "supporting" chakra, when Daimaru cast super powerful ninjutsu, there was really no ambiguity, and everything was squandered.

If it were all up to me, I would have been drained long ago.

The advantages of the Uzumaki family's natural sage body and jinchūriki are simply too great.

Of course, the sage mode and the incredibly powerful celestial spells are also big consumers of chakra, otherwise Daimaru wouldn't be stretched thin with his current strength.

"If we block another round, Konoha Village will be lucky if we don't succeed! To reach this point is enough to explain! Whether it is the obligation of an ally or the responsibility of being the leader of the 'Relief Team'..."

Daimaru wouldn't have been so interested if it wasn't for the opportunity to resurrect the heretic and reincarnated art of reincarnation.

"The limit of the Rinnegan's power has been discovered! You can be sure that I can't beat Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito in the state of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki..."

If it were just the Rinnegan, without Uchiha Madara, Daimaru could still fight for 300 rounds, but it would be different with the Divine Tree. It was another level of power.

Next, he ordered several "artificial elves" to take over the puppet control authority, and after staring in the direction of Otsutsuki Toner, Hagura, and Rasa, Daimaru's mental power suddenly exploded, and a huge nine-headed two-winged bird with colorful tail feathers waved to cover the air. Sun-blocking wings flew into the sky, nine heads opened their beaks, and circles of invisible force fields surrounded the black ball of the Earth Explosion Star, slowing down its power.

At the request of readers, I posted a video of a trick yesterday. Unfortunately, it was blocked by reviewers. I completely didn’t understand the review standards for Easter egg stamps. I was helpless.

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