Red sand dust

Chapter 1121 Interception

The Samsara Eye can give its owner the ability to perform Yin-Yang Escape, but this requires an extremely powerful body and a large amount of chakra to support it.

The source of power is not that there is no heel. The ninjutsu used beyond the endurance limit is forbidden jutsu. If used rashly, it will cause considerable damage to the body.

Over the years, Nagato has used the heretic demons to increase the power output of the Samsara Eye, and he has also deeply realized how powerful and difficult to control the legendary "Eye of Immortals".

"Have you made your decision?"

Xiaonan had a look of reluctance on his face. After being together for many years, seeing Nagato doing his best regardless of himself, it was inevitable that he would feel the sadness of a rabbit dying as a fox.

"Many years ago, you, me, and Yahiko decided to make a dream that takes a lifetime to realize!"

After Nagato coughed violently several times, his tone was weak and he said in a low voice,

"I thought you were going to stop me!"

"As long as you are willing, I will support you..."

From the beginning, Konan had no thoughts like Yahiko and Nagato. It was certainly the right thing to establish the "Akatsuki" organization and work for the peace of the ninja world, but most people could not insist on walking on the right path. It’s complicated, and the world is full of materialistic desires. There are too few people who can never forget their original intentions.

Yahiko and Nagato are doing a great thing, so Xiaonan is willing to follow these childhood companions and move forward together.

In addition, past personal emotions are also an important factor in making decisions.

Long-lasting trust is born from this.

Even after Yahiko's death and the "Akatsuki" organization became the messy mess it is now, Konan still believed that Nagato was just trying to get into trouble, and his determination to realize his ideals remained unchanged.

Of course, some deep worries have to be buried in my heart.

As a refugee child, after being taken in by Jiraiya, they spent a peaceful and comfortable time, and Nagato, Yahiko and Konan also had a deep understanding between each other.

Yahiko is a natural leader, attracting like-minded people to gather together and strive for a common goal.

Even with his ninjutsu qualifications, Yahiko is not bad. He is incomparable to the Destiny Child of an era, and he does not have the powerful blood successor limit, but his strength is definitely not weak.

If not, Jiraiya, who is not very patient, would not teach him together with Konan and Yahiko.

Nagato, on the other hand, is a child who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. In terms of emotional importance, even if he doesn't show it often, people around him can still detect it to some extent.

Paying more attention to his companions does not mean that Nagato neglects to seek a career, but compared to the general truth, he actually cares more about his companions as he has reincarnation.

Although they say they want to realize everyone's dream, they just reluctantly inherit Yahiko's legacy. Konan and Nagato are not necessarily keen on subverting the entire ninja world and rebuilding order.

"If even we give up, then Yahiko's death is too unworthy. We cannot let his ideals be buried just like this." 』

For some things, death represents a settlement and complete relief, but for living relatives and friends, it is actually more painful.

A few kilometers away, Tiandao was still fighting, but failed to retrieve the remains of the other Six Paths of Pain, and they were even burned to ashes.

The damage is too serious, even the hell realm may not be able to restore it, so the ability of the hell realm, which is as troublesome as the hungry ghost realm, cannot be exerted.

"Over's almost the end!"

As he spoke, Nagato managed to raise his hands to form seals, and used his psychic technique to summon the heretic demon. The behemoth, which was dozens of meters tall, appeared not far from Konoha Village, immediately attracting the attention of some people. force.

No matter how magical the God's Papermaker's technique is, it cannot conceal such changes. The members of the "Root Organization" who were sent to deal with the leader of the "Akatsuki" organization quickly discovered the anomaly and gathered together.

"It's so similar to... back then!"

At that time, Yahiko died, and Nagato, who suddenly broke out, also used the power of the heretic golem to kill the besieging Konoha ninjas, forcing Shimura Danzo to lead the members of the "Root" organization to evacuate.

Now, Konoha ninjas wearing similar masks came to attack again.

Looking at the sudden heretic demon statue from a distance, Shimura Danzo smiled with joy and satisfaction.

Many years later, when I saw the familiar appearance of the heretic demon again, the "Darkness of Konoha" would no longer run away in such embarrassment as before.

With both the Wood Release and the Mangekyou Sharingan, the most powerful genjutsu - the power of the other gods is trustworthy, and Izanagi is protecting his life, he is already invincible in the ninja world no matter how he thinks about it.

"Reincarnation Eye? Let you be my trophy and help me ascend to the position of Hokage! There is no more convincing military exploit than this..."

Konoha Village has been destroyed like this, with countless casualties. If Nagato can be defeated, the prestige gained will be unparalleled.

Turn the tide before it falls, and support the building before it collapses!

Uzumaki Naruto relied on this scene to embark on the road from hero to Hokage.

The big event that determines the fate of the future is often just an insignificant moment. Decades ago, it was because he was one step late in answering the question of the second-generation Hokage, Senju Tobirama, that his comrade Hiruzen Sarutobi lost his life. The hope of competing for Hokage.

That was a regret that Danzo Shimura would never let go of his whole life, and now, he had a chance to make up for it.

The black rods created by Yin and Yang Dun pierced Nagato's back, sending strands of chakra to him. At the same time, they brought indescribable pain and precious life.

"What a bunch of nasty things that can't be killed..."

At the top of the heretic demon statue, dense arcs of electricity gathered, became more and more powerful, and spread to all directions, covering everything around them.

Within ten seconds, a group of charred corpses smoking black smoke fell to the ground.

He almost lost his human emotions, leaving only the shell of his instinct to obey orders and complete tasks. He didn't even have the right to enjoy pain, so he was deprived of his life.

At the same time, those familiar figures reminded Nagato of the time of Yahiko's death.

For today's "Penn", hatred is already on the back burner. The dream of collecting tailed beasts, gaining extreme power, dominating the entire ninja world, and bringing eternal peace is what he strives for. The goal.

However, when Shimura Danzo appeared in front of them, both Nagato and Konan underestimated their "superficial" psychology that they had long thought had been erased. The anger and murderous desire that they had not experienced for a long time came from the bottom of their hearts again. emerge.

Although Shimura Danzo was impatient, his many years of combat experience allowed him to remain at least cautious. Anyway, there was no one around, which gave him a chance to show off.

He took off the bandages on his right arm and right eye, revealing the three magatama sharingan eyes in the eye sockets, as well as the pale arm covered with strange sharingan eyes.

"Is this what gives you the confidence to challenge 'God'?"

Although we don't know how powerful the Mangekyo Sharingan's pupil technique is, since Shimura Danzo is not its original owner, the power it can exert must be very limited.

As for that weird arm, no matter how many three Magatama Sharingan you have, it can't compare to a Mangekyo Sharingan. The hidden wood escape aura is slightly more powerful than Bai Zetsu, but it's also limited.

"The trump card of Konoha ninja is far beyond your imagination. If you surrender obediently, you may still be able to save your life..."

Well, those who don't know are not afraid. It is not only used to describe reckless young people, "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." It is also very applicable to senior people who cannot recognize the situation.

After watching the battle scene between Daimaru and Tiandao and other puppets, we should know that the power limit of the Rinnegan is far beyond imagination. Shimura Danzo still wants to "pick" the fruits of victory. It can only be said that he overestimates his own power. Escape strength and the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

The leader of the "Root" organization, who made seals with his hands, first used psychic skills to summon the huge psychic beast Dream Tapir, and then used the wood escape seal to catch Nagato and Konan in one fell swoop, and then use other gods to control them.

The Yume Tapir is bigger than Gamabunta, but its fighting ability is very average. In the field of wind escape, it cooperates well with Shimura Danzo.

As for the wooden escape, how far it is from the first generation of Hokage, I am afraid only those who have witnessed Senju Hashirama's full strength will know. It's a pity that such long-lived Konoha ninjas are basically gone.

The fragile egg charges against the hard stone. From the beginning, the sad ending is doomed.

Ten minutes later, a figure with no injuries on his body, but whose physical strength and chakra were severely exhausted in a short period of time, and who was on the verge of coma, appeared at the "Root" organization base.

Shimura Danzo, who endured the pain all over his body and suppressed the yin and yang energy that was about to become unbalanced in his right arm, breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the arm that still had four Sharingan eyes that had not been permanently closed, and sighed in his heart.

"So many times of resurrection have been used up!" Also... Wooden Release can no longer be used frequently! 』

Each loss of a three-magatama Sharingan means that the Yin attribute energy is weaker, and it becomes more difficult to achieve a balance with the first-generation cells transplanted in the arm.

Fortunately, Nagato didn't seem to focus his main energy on chasing and killing. Otherwise, no matter how many chances Shimura Danzo had to be resurrected, he would never be able to get it back alive.

Recalling the dense thunderstorm, the chakra dragon that could die if touched, the black rod that paralyzed the chakra fluctuations in the body, especially the force field manipulation that found no way to resist, it made it difficult for Shimura Danzo to even get close. , let alone find opportunities to use other gods.

The incomplete wood escape, which had high hopes, was completely unable to exert its advantages in the face of the Samsara Eye and the heretic demons. It was determined that even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara's resurrection could be dealt with by other gods, and it was even more of a show-off.

The attack distance of the Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique is not small, but it is not far either. With Shimura Danzo's control over Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, there is no way to deal with Nagato.

For the first time, Shimura Danzo had a thought in his heart that "ninjas are powerful, not ninjutsu".

Everyone knows the truth, but whether it can be practiced faithfully is another matter.

In front of the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, the nine tailed beasts were as honest as pets. Uchiha Madara even controlled the most powerful nine tails with the samsara eye and used it as a psychic beast.

However, these two powers seemed far less powerful in the hands of Shimura Danzo.

"By the way, Suna Ninja Daimaru uses external force to "trick" his Wood Release, and it doesn't look very powerful! 』

The examples are clearly in front of you, but you can't see them until you encounter setbacks.

The so-called lessons learned are also for those who want to see them.

Just when Shimura Danzo was still feeling sorry for himself and thinking about the next step, wondering whether to lead part of the force to evacuate Konoha Village and leave the seeds for a comeback, Yamafaze and Aburame Tori were ordered to guard the headquarters and deploy their forces. Roots appear.

"Be prepared to activate the highest alert and lead the people on the list to evacuate at any time..."

In Danzo Shimura's view, such a powerful Rinnegan Eye cannot be matched by humans at all. We must avoid its sharp edges and wait for the opportunity to rebuild Konoha Village.

The previous era of Konoha Village is coming to an end, and Danzo Shimura's hope of becoming the Sixth Hokage is too small. Since the situation is so difficult, it would be good to take the next best step and become the village leader who can revive Konoha Village.

"The sealed books of the Hokage family, various collections of ninjutsu classics, as well as precious materials, first-generation cells, etc., must be packed..."

Shimura Danzo, who gave the order indifferently, did not notice that Aburame Tori and Yamafaze, who understood the weakness of their superiors, were half-kneeling in front of them, with an unpredictable glimmer in their slightly lowered eyes.

More than a minute later, Danzo Shimura, who was still waiting for a reply from the two, suddenly coughed violently, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and fell to the ground slumped, his hands and feet trembling, and he lost control of his whole body.

"How is this going?"

There was no answer, and a black nano poisonous insect spread over, echoing the "similar kind" in Shimura Danzo's body. Shanfeng's palm had already pressed Shimura Danzo's forehead.

"This is impossible. You have a curse mark on your body - a mark that can eliminate the evil caused by tongue. It is impossible for you to have thoughts of betrayal..."

Once a "root" ninja planted with a curse seal rebels, he will be noticed, and his life and death are in the hands of Shimura Danzo, who can eliminate him at any time.

There was no answer, and the two people remained silent. They had already sent away their nearby colleagues and "thoughtfully" set up a tight protective barrier. The movement inside could not be noticed from the outside.

Danzo Shimura was a little confused about the current situation, and his last thought was to activate the other gods to deal with the obviously abnormal Aburame Togen and Yamafaze, but it was already too late.

As his eyes were shrouded in a silent darkness, the "darkness of the ninja world" was eventually swallowed up by the deep darkness.

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto, who had turned on the half-tailed beast state and exposed his four tails, was fighting with Tiandao very anxiously. Daimaru was watching the battle intently, ready to intervene at any time. Suddenly, he noticed something and turned to look at Mu A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Ye Cun.

"What are you laughing at?"

Ye Cang and Luo Sha gave Daimaru a strange look.

"A happy thing happened!"

Daimaru replied nonchalantly.

The curiosity of these two "old-timers" was still strong. Qian, who was closer, pretended not to see it, and Otsutsuki Toneri even ignored it.

Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing sometimes.

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