Red sand dust

Chapter 1133 Branch

After Uzumaki Naruto walked out of the ward and Jiraiya left, Daimaru watched his back and disappeared around the corner.

"He is truly a wise senior..."

With a meaningful smile, Daimaru murmured softly.

A master like Jiraiya who is so powerful that he can almost single-handedly subdue a country can influence the future of the ninja world with every move he makes.

How could someone who can be teammates with Orochimaru and Tsunade be mediocre?

Whether you want to admit it or not, the ninja world is a community that operates under an order dominated by a very small number of elites. The influence of accidental events and heroes far exceeds that of most ordinary people.

In this case, establishing a smooth promotion system is an extremely important measure. No matter how difficult it is, we must persist, otherwise mankind will really split into two races: ninjas and secular residents.

Even so, using various methods to narrow the class gap can only ease the conflicts between the parties, but cannot really solve the problem.

The order of one village and one country is the choice of the residents of the ninja world after years of hard work.

No matter who touches the foundation of this order, there will be backlash.

Even Daimaru, tossing around in Sunagakure Village and the Land of Wind, still moved around within its framework without crossing any sensitive red lines.

The status quo is indeed unsatisfactory, but as long as it can be maintained, this "least worst" situation will have people to maintain it.

Nagato, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara obviously didn't think so. There were too many things they intended to change.

No matter how much Jiraiya liked Daimaru, he still had to test his position.

Nagato was a kind and good boy back then, didn't he become what he is now?

Thinking about the predecessors of time travel in fantasy novels in previous lives, it is too naive to use various "isms", "germinations" and "ideas" to bring changes to the ninja world.

No matter how powerful it is and kills most of the existing intelligent life in the ninja world, the remaining people will still find ways to resist the "big devil" who destroys the world.

The general public who shout that "the economic base determines the superstructure" probably don't know what the "capital" of "capital" means. They think that the combination of money and interests can overthrow the foundation of the entire society, and then come up with a few things. "High-tech" mass murderers can re-establish order.

Money is not the same as "capital". It must be converted into "means of production" to count. Those households that have been demolished in urban villages cannot be considered capitalists no matter how much money they have. In addition to eating, drinking, having fun and spending money, and other “Proletarians” are not fundamentally different.

The "production means" controlled by this "capital" do not even refer to land, industrial machinery, raw materials, human resources, social status, etc., but also include a series of matching politics, culture, information propaganda, distribution rules, etc. The core foundation of civilization.

To be a tyrant, it is enough to have enough strength and gather a group of careerists. If you really want to change the world and shake the original rules, you will become the enemy of the whole world.

If Daimaru now reveals that he wants to transform the Kingdom of Wind, implement the "unification of public and military affairs", abolish the daimyo, and allow ninjas to directly rule the country, or annex the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Sichuan, it is estimated that Jiraiya will immediately turn his back, and other ninja villages will immediately turn around. The gun was pointed at Sunagakure Village.

"Precedent is the source of evil that people love and hate..."

Accompanied by cold laughter, Kurama Yakumo's figure appeared from the corner of the shadows,

"Since you sand ninjas can do that in the Kingdom of Wind, other ninja villages will naturally notice it. This kind of easy operation mode is too easy to learn..."

How similar is the current situation of Konoha Village to Sunagakure Village last year?

If the Sand Ninja really intends to export this political, economic and cultural model, will the Konoha Ninja who are allies just watch?

There is also a bigger problem. If a ninja village is upgraded to a ninja country, the number of ninjas will inevitably increase dramatically. If other ninja villages do not follow suit, they will be pushed aside by the torrent of flying ninja armies.

It was more than two years ago that the air combat troops of Sunagakure Village defeated the Iwa Ninja. The feeling is still not deep. When they resisted the raid of the "Akatsuki" organization not long ago, everyone saw the lightning in the sky. .

"The little flame that is changing the world and sweeping the world has been ignited!"

Daimaru understood.

In the past, Daimaru, who had no time to calm down and think carefully, only felt that the Otsutsuki clan broke into the ninja world with the sacred tree, just like a giant ship and cannon blasting open the gate of the closed ninja world, so his existence as a time traveler should be another A "black ship attack" on the ideological, social, political and military levels.

The giant ships and cannons of the "interstellar colonists" were acquired, but they were not used efficiently, so the presence of Daimaru brought about a deeper cultural invasion.

If the influence of Daimaru's heart and mind in his previous life was relatively subtle and euphemistic, in the ninja world, spirit, will and soul are real powers.

"Don't think that ninjas from other countries are too stupid. It may be beyond their ability to create a new path, but they can still imitate existing examples..."

Kurama Yakumo responded with a smile,

"Our acting Hokage is currently preparing for two things, convening a five-kage conference to clear his name, and a note with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire..."

The reputation of "Darkness in the Ninja World" is known to the real big shots. Danzo Shimura's eyes could probably scare the great names of the Fire Country into fear.

Shimura Danzo is not a good old guy like Sarutobi Hiruzen, nor is he a tactful Tsunade who reaches out to the daimyo without any pressure at all.

"I know……"

The new acting Hokage is like a puppet on a string, what can he hide from Daimaru?

Giving him limited freedom of movement was to prevent others from suspecting him. In the past few days, Danzo Shimura had also gained recognition from many people, and Daimaru had also put a lot of thought into it.

"Maybe if you don't do anything, the ninja world will be completely different in a few decades, but... what does that have to do with me? What Jiraiya said makes some sense. People like Nagato, even bad guys, It's all bad because he is not bad in nature and is stupid enough to be deceived; what he and I want to do are essentially similar, but more hidden..."

Although the Kingdom of Wind is large, it takes too long to develop. The Kingdom of Fire, the richest country in the ninja world, must be added to the new order created by the Sand Ninja.

Even if they don't hesitate to let Konoha Village "take a ride" and share the benefits, they must open the door to the new world wider and make the road easier to walk.

In this future where ninjas and secular people combine, Daimaru is extremely confident that he can suppress other ninja villages and reap the greatest benefits.

Let’s make the cake bigger first, and then divide it up according to our abilities. It’s fair.

The two chatted for a while, and Kurama Yakumo stopped talking and said with a smile:

"You should worry about these 'little things' slowly! Let's go back to what you promised before..."

"The turmoil involving most of the ninja world becomes a 'little matter' in your words?"

"In my opinion, that's it! The Kurama family is the conservative powerful people you call hanging on the telephone poles. What does the fate of the general public have to do with me?"

"If you insist on saying it, it still matters, but..."

Daimaru shrugged and stopped preaching.

"I'm too lazy to worry about it. It's just that the efficiency of the current operation of the ninja world is too low, and it can't keep up with the pace of Suna ninja expansion..."

Once the "puppet industry" driven by extraordinary power breaks out, the power displayed is truly terrifying.

In the past, the Kingdom of Wind, which had to worry about the residents' food rations every year, had enough food left at the end of the year to feed the current residents of the Kingdom of Wind for three years.

This number will expand dramatically as more agricultural and pastoral areas are opened this year.

The power of ninjutsu, in some aspects, not only narrowed the gap between Daimaru and Daimaru's memories of his previous life, but even greatly exceeded it.

In just over two years, the whaling industry in the South China Sea has to consider the issue of "sustainable development."

The land in the Kingdom of Wind is relatively barren, and there is basically no good farmland, but it cannot support the large area. Even if the yield per mu is low, the harvest will be astonishing if the area increases.

Coupled with the replenishment of offshore farms and pastures, animal fats and cured meats flooded into the market, further reducing the consumption of individual rations.

As long as there is enough fresh water, a place as big as the Kingdom of Winds can be developed to meet the country's consumption, or even exceed it by a lot.

Next, you can use the industrial and agricultural scissors arbitrarily to cut off the "leeks" of the Ninja world. However, the pace of Suna Ninja is too fast, and even the Fire Nation cannot keep up. Without a mature dumping market, even if Suna Ninja masters Without the "Dragon Slaying Sword", there is no "dragon", so naturally there is no place to use it.

Taking this opportunity to promote Konoha Village and Fire Country is also a good choice.

Kurama Yakumo sighed:

"It's not that Nagato and his like are stupid, it's that they are knowledgeable and can only place hope on personal force, while you trust more in the combined efforts of the entire human race and bet on the power of civilization!"

The center of destiny's favor is not in Sunagakure Village and the Kingdom of Wind. Depending on individual "genetic mutations", Suna Ninja is no match for Konoha Ninja. Only by competing with collective strength can Daimaru be sure to lead Suna Ninja and Konoha Village.

Just like the weak Asura back then, he gathered the strength of everyone and defeated Indra.

If you don't have enough manpower, you have to go shoulder to shoulder, so there's no need to be embarrassed.

It is natural for the cognition to be closer to Asura. The derivation of understanding and love will make human beings stronger and drive the ninja world to become more prosperous.

Daimaru shrugged and replied matter-of-factly:

"Isn't this bad? Your power system and mine are so similar. In a larger system, the strength will become stronger..."

Through the theaters all over the ninja world and the stock exchange center that initially gained fame, the mental power fed back every moment made the two of them stronger and stronger.

Daimaru had also wondered whether the current state of the two of them was similar to that of the sacred tree and the ancient gods, except that their upper limit was higher, and their methods had been refined for countless years, making them more effective and more powerful.

“A rising tide lifts all boats, probably!”

Kurama Yakumo was quite satisfied with the current situation and couldn't help but smile and rolled his eyes.

"However, I am not looking for you now to discuss how to use the established system as a backing to compete with all kinds of monsters..."

"All right!"

Daimaru waved his hand and stopped thinking about how to collect the "wool" of the entire ninja world.

"The spiritual obsession in your body is not only a gift from your ancestors, but also a shackle. It will make your future development less possible..."

"According to the original plan, cut it into three parts: the horror illusion, the five magical senses, and the real illusion, and then put it into the blood inheritance pool so that the people of the tribe can understand it! Then I can start anew and follow my own ideas! "

Half a day later, in the private laboratory near the sea in the southeast corner of the Land of Fire, three groups of crystal clear crystals were placed in the sealing barrier at Daimaru's hand. If you look carefully, there seems to be a glow flowing in the center.

The pale-faced Kurama Yakumo, wearing plain white surgical clothes, looked as if he was seriously ill. After watching Daimaru take off the death mask on his face, his attention turned to the three "ancestral inheritance" in front of him.

"Things like the Blood Succession Limit are indeed very abstract, but they are not impossible to realize. Even pupil techniques such as Byakugan and Sharingan, if they are powerful enough to a certain extent, should be able to be transmitted across the air, without even needing to be transplanted... "

Kurama Yakumo curled his lips and did not directly respond to Daimaru's topic. Instead, he thought about it and asked:

"Has it been cleaned up? I don't want problems to arise again in the future..."

"Don't worry! The Forbidden Technique: Seal the Ghost is a rule-level power. It can even seal the soul, let alone spiritual obsession..."

Now, Kurama Yakumo's body is like a heretic demon that has been deprived of chakra, or a jinchūriki that has lost its tailed beast.

Of course, it is not as serious as the tailed beast losing control, and it is not fatal. It is just like removing a spiritual "organ". There was no problem at first, but Kurama Yakumo felt that it was deformed and unsightly, and wanted to cut it off and let it grow naturally again.

"That's good!"

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Kurama Yakumo breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I will leave these three balls of blood-bound seeds to my uncle to take care of..."

Daimaru admonished with some hesitation:

"Your action is like creating a branch different from the Kurama Tengu in the limited blood inheritance of the Kurama family. It may bring disputes to future generations..."

This is as eye-catching as the sudden appearance of a strange "blood dragon eye" branch in the Sharingan eyes of the Uchiha family, or the birth of a "red eye" mutation in the Byakugan inheritance of the Hyuga family.

The essence of power is similar, but the direction of development is not necessarily the same.

Kurama Yakumo responded nonchalantly:

"Never mind it, I have returned the family inheritance and even eliminated many hidden dangers. I am worthy of my clan members..."

By removing those unsightly branches, Kurama Yakumo can "graft" the power attributes he wants in the freed space.

In Kurama Yakumo's already empty spiritual sea, under his control, traces of chakra gradually began to pour in. It was not noticeable at all, but more and more accumulated, and sooner or later it would become impossible to ignore.

Hundreds of meters away, Xiao Baimu, who was playing with flowers, birds, insects and fish, seemed to have noticed something. After sensing for a while, he found nothing unusual and immediately forgot about this trivial matter.

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