Red sand dust

Chapter 1139 Waiting

Although Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen were companions fighting side by side, their styles of conduct were very different.

That kind of persuasive and reasonable thing will never happen to the newly minted Sixth Generation.

The appearance Daimaru imagined was really just an "appearance".

In front of the public, he showed some majesty, and after letting people who were unfamiliar with him recognize this old face, he gave up the "stage" to today's big show-the collective wedding.

Daimaru, who was mixed in the crowd and applauding silently, was just like an ordinary tourist. No one in the surrounding villagers noticed that the young man next to him was the famous rising star of Sunagakure Village.

Now that Daimaru has initially mastered the ability of vague precognition, he can barely achieve it by weakening his own sense of existence and making people with extremely different strengths unconsciously ignore him.

This is not the same as blinding techniques such as invisibility and illusion, but a trick of misleading perception. With the blessing of Yin Yang Escape, it even has the power to slightly distort the law of cause and effect. It can be regarded as touching the edge of the underlying rules of the ninja world.

In the field of combat, it is not very useful. Some small things can have good effects, such as fine-tuning aesthetics and preferences, shaping images and manipulating public opinion, adding "false" charm, and generally just having fun and improving one's mood. Better yet, there will occasionally be some "surprises" unfolding.

Of course, this little trick can't fool powerful ninjas yet, but it won't be very effective for acquaintances who want to find Daimaru and have clear goals.

Daimaru, who was casually following the flow of people, suddenly noticed that his arm was hit by the person next to him. He was slightly surprised, and turned around to see the "Copy Ninja" Kakashi Hatake who was recovering from a serious injury.

"You? Senior can throw away his wheelchair and walk on his own. It seems to be almost better. It's really gratifying..."

"It's a bit difficult to use ninjutsu, but it's actually no problem to take care of yourself..."

As the former leader of the "Quick Aid Team", he also has some understanding of Daimaru's current working status. In terms of how to be the "boss", after all, Daimaru is also someone who has represented Kazekage and managed a small "Quick Aid Team". "Team" is still doing well.

It's just that the boss was too laid-back, and his subordinates complained from time to time. It was different from when Hatake Kakashi was in office, and he was so harmonious.

Nowadays, the "Rescue Team" that has assembled several people from Dai Ninja Village is more important than doing practical things to sort out relationships and balance the forces of all parties. Hatake Kakashi himself feels that he cannot do better than Daimaru.

"I thought you and Danzo-sama had a bad relationship and there would be some conflicts. But now it seems that you don't have any prejudice..."

"I'm a sand ninja..."

Daimaru shrugged and replied casually,

"The rights dispute in Konoha Village has nothing to do with me. Personal grudges are not worth mentioning under the general trend between Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village..."

Those conflicts in the past were the conflicts between the leader of the "Root" organization and the young Sand Ninja who was rumored to have mastered the Wood Release.

As Shimura Danzo became the Hokage, his role changed. He could no longer do things as roughly as before and could easily be manipulated by others.

Konoha Village can accept a sinister and unscrupulous tough Hokage, but it will not let a villain who only knows how to play some conspiracies and tricks that are not on the table, ignores the righteousness, and is obsessed with petty gains to embarrass himself in the position of Hokage.

"Sure enough, the person who best understands the idea of ​​being a 'shadow' can only be another 'shadow'..."


Hatake Kakashi pursed his lips:

"The one above is also..."

Daimaru, who was amused by the "Konoha Technician"'s rare joke, grinned:

"You Konoha ninjas don't seem to welcome the 'Sixth Hokage' who is about to be renamed..."

Hatake Kakashi sighed slightly:

"If it were Jiraiya-sama, it would probably be much better. Danzo-sama is also a capable leader, but his philosophy is too proactive..."

Such implicit rhetoric actually means "too ambitious" and "aggressive".

The current situation in Konoha Village really requires a more flexible approach to unite the ninja world to deal with the turbulent future.

"Konoha Darkness"'s past reputation makes it difficult for other ninja villages to believe that he is a good person.

"Actually, the 'quasi-Hokage Sixth Generation' is closer to the 'Hokage Second Generation' Senju Tobirama than the 'Hokage Third Generation'. He strikes hard externally and emphasizes order and development internally. However, there is a huge gap in prestige and a completely different reputation! If those things done by the 'Root' organization were attributed to the second generation, I'm afraid not so many people would question it..."

If we really want to talk about the dark side under the bright appearance, the forbidden spells in the Book of Sealings of Konoha Village are actually very revealing.

If it weren't for Senju Tobirama's "torsion", the ninja world might have a lot less trouble.

After listening to Daimaru's words, Hatake Kakashi was silent for a while and then said:

"Senju... it's different!"

Konoha Village has an owner. The cooperation between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara has brought the families behind them together to establish this ninja village. Tsunade, who has left the village willfully for many years, can still be invited back to serve as a ninja village. The fifth generation of Hokage is the aura of the Senju family.

"Then...Uchiha, what happened is really disappointing..."

After joking casually, Daimaru stopped talking in detail.

It's taboo to make shallow acquaintances and talk deeply about other people's affairs. Just treat other people's housework as a joke.

Danzo Shimura, who acted in a straightforward style, had no intention of presiding over the follow-up matters, but let the always steady Kaichi Yamanaka take charge. The Sarutobi family also asked many clan members to build momentum for Sarutobi Asuma.

There were many newlyweds who appeared at the same time. The most eye-catching ones were undoubtedly Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai. The young masters of the big ninja family, their looks are not bad, and their rough beards can't be said to be a bonus. It's still a minus point, at least the momentum is still very sunny.

Kurenai Yuhi is also one of the rare beautiful female ninjas and has always been very popular.

The only regret is that the woman's elders died early and there are no relatives to support the scene.

Fortunately, this public event is not a pure wedding. There have been few precedents in the ninja world in the past. It is gratifying to announce the marriage to everyone in public and receive blessings, but not everyone likes to keep private matters private. Mixed with official business.

"Fortunately, the acting Hokage left early, otherwise there wouldn't have been much excitement..."

Kakashi Hatake took in the lively atmosphere and cheering crowd nearby and breathed a sigh of relief.

The village values ​​the positive impact of this public event more, but as classmates and friends, they still hope that the happiness of the newlyweds in the spotlight will be more "pure".

"Huh? Speaking of which, Kakashi-senpai, your peers, classmates, and comrades-in-arms are not going well in relationships. Not to mention having children, not many of them even have a partner..."

Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi, the only ones who are currently successful, have finally achieved success. Moonlight Hayate, who showed off their affection early, unfortunately died in battle, leaving Yuzuki Uzuki with a lot of regrets.

This generation of Konoha ninjas don't seem to be "curled" to the point of affecting their fertility rate. Why are they so "difficult"?

"Is it because women affect the speed of your seal formation, or is it a drag on your official career? None of you want to shine and have more outstanding children?"

"You...Daimaru? You're one year older this year, and you're starting to play this kind of joke on your seniors too?"

"It's my twentieth year since I was born. If there hadn't been the threat of the Akatsuki organization and the shadow of the Fourth Ninja War getting closer and closer, my child would have been born..."

Seeing the young Sand Ninja next to him, who was more than ten years younger than himself, telling adult jokes without shame, the "Konoha Technician" suddenly had the idea that he was getting old.

"The 'naughty' guy who was not satisfied with playing around with the Chuunin Exam candidates and even wanted to challenge the invigilator, is now this big..."

"Just look at me, I'm half a head taller than you!"

Daimaru chuckled,

"I won't talk about the others. I'm more curious about what will happen to Class 7 under my seniors in the future! The royal love triangle, the future is really worth looking forward to!"

"Sakura and Naruto will definitely get Sasuke back, they are very persistent!"

"If you put your mind to it, you can achieve it, and there won't be so many regrets in this world! Senior, do you think Uzumaki Naruto has deeper feelings for Uchiha Sasuke, or Haruno Sakura?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now I want to see, if Uchiha Sasuke was not here before, and there was such a good opportunity to get close to Haruno Sakura, what would Uzumaki Naruto do? He did not think about coming first, first come first, but instead prioritized helping Haruno Sakura to recover Uchiha Sasuke. , isn’t it a bit strange? The relationship that fulfills the person you like is the pursuit of relief and freedom after failure, rather than impatiently helping the girl you like to get back your rival like Uzumaki Naruto? From this point of view, Uzumaki Naruto My admiration for Haruno Sakura is nothing more than this..."

There is no distinction between family, friendship and love, but there is a difference between priority and inferiority.

Haruno Sakura, who is more mature, may be more aware of Uzumaki Naruto's true thoughts. He has not even reached the point where he truly understands the relationship between men and women. The so-called love is just a mirror.

When Daimaru was talking and wanted to continue to express his opinions, he saw Kakashi Hatake tilted his head and coughed a few times. Daimaru, who knew what he was thinking, turned his head and saw him holding a wine bottle with his cheeks flushed. Tsunade, who smelled of alcohol, led a few young girls and stood not far away, looking at herself strangely.

Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, and Shizune who was laughing, followed by Akimichi Choji who kept eating snacks, and Nara Shikamaru who pretended to pick his ears and whistled with his mouth tilted.

"Huh? What a coincidence..."

She didn't feel at all that her gossipy mind and nonsense words were so hateful, and she just greeted her like a normal person.

"Speaking of which, it is true that you are the only one who has an active boyfriend and girlfriend. The comments of seniors are still valuable. You should listen more..."

With her mouth smacked and her slightly red drunken eyes glancing at Daimaru, Tsunade said vaguely,

"It's important to distinguish between philandering men who talk nonsense. Don't be easily deceived and abducted by unreliable men..."

Just when the atmosphere was a little weird, Daimaru suddenly felt something in his heart. He frowned slightly and looked deep into the crowd, sensing several unusual auras.

After hesitating for a while, he still didn't take action.

"Forget it, it's not an important event anyway. As long as you don't cause trouble, let's let it go today!" On such a festive day, it would be bad to see blood! 』

The familiar aura of Bai Zetsu's clone somehow got in.

In fact, individual spies are not important. Now is the critical moment to calm down and restore order. It is best not to let ordinary people feel that the fatal threat is around them.

However, you have to be careful, Bai Zetsu is constantly spying, and he might be able to catch Daimaru at some point.

Outside Nanga Shrine, the secret stronghold of the Uchiha family, a figure shrouded in shadow appeared. Visitors were still cautious when visiting the old place again.

The aftermath of Nagato's attack on Konoha Village has also affected this place, but the underground buildings are very strong and should not be damaged.

After opening the secret stone door, he entered the black shadow underground and saw that the dusty place had indeed not collapsed. With a soft "Eh", he stepped forward and lit the oil lamp in front of him. The inheritance stone tablet of the Uchiha family was still there. Other places were empty, anything of value long since taken away.

"Is it Obito, or Sasuke? Or, Itachi?"

The muttering shadow stepped forward, and just as he was about to touch the stone tablet, he suddenly felt a sense of fear. He quickly backed away, and saw a small figure walking out of the shadows in front of him, like a smaller girl with vitality. The little man came out.

"The wait is finally here, Mr. Mysterious Man?"

Kaki, who had imitated the arrogance of Daimaru and Miss Saya, crossed his arms and smiled.

"You... know me? Did Daimaru ask you to wait here?"

Hei Jue asked in confusion, ready to run away at any moment.

"Father, I have wanted to get in touch with you for a long time, but I just never had the chance..."

"It's really him!"

Hei Jue had already suffered from big pills several times, and Hei Jue didn't dare to be careless.

"How did you notice my presence and are you still waiting for me here?"

"Don't be too anxious!"

Jin chuckled and responded,

"My name is Jin, big man, what do you call me?"

"Black Zetsu!"

"Then... Mr. Black Zetsu, do you want to abandon Uchiha Obito and cooperate with us? Even Uchiha Madara is powerless now..."


Hei Jue smiled dryly and said,

"What do you know about us? What qualifications do you have to cooperate with us?"

He stretched out his index finger and waved it in front of his eyes, and replied playfully:

"You know, we almost all know. What you don't know, we also know a lot! Also, don't imply 'we' and mislead others that you still have companions! This is the reincarnation of Indra's chakra , it’s not easy to deal with!”

"how do you know?"

Hei Jue originally thought that the other party was just being mysterious, but he didn't expect that there was really something "real" in store for him. Hei Jue was immediately startled.

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