Red sand dust

Chapter 1158 Experiment

Temari tried to aim the strange-shaped gun with her hand, and then tapped the barrel of the gun, which was a row of ring-shaped metal tubes.

"I've seen shotguns and cannons. Is there something wrong with the shape of a catapult gun like yours?"

She could sense the problem instinctively, but with her own knowledge base, Temari still couldn't figure out what was so special about this thing.

"There won't be any danger, right?"

Miss Saya replied patiently:

"This kind of firearm is much safer than traditional gunpowder weapons, and its stability is superior to detonating charms..."


The suspicion in her heart has not been completely dispelled. Temari raised her hand, pointed the target not far from the muzzle, and pulled the trigger. Suddenly, she heard a strange whistling sound coming from the barrel of the gun, which became more and more shrill, reaching the point where she was holding the gun. The reaction force of the gun butt increased rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, a strange-shaped steel bullet came out of the chamber, hitting the target into pieces.

"With this kind of power, do you think there is no danger?"

She retracted the muzzle of the gun and checked it. There seemed to be no smell of gunpowder smoke at all. Temari touched the barrel of the gun strangely. There was no sign of heat at all. It was indeed different from traditional firearms.

"If you are not prepared, you may break bones..."

"If you aim at humans at close range, of course that's a different matter. The range of this thing can't adapt to the complex scenarios in large-scale actual combat. It's just a big toy..."

Temari didn't quite agree with Miss Saya's words and couldn't help but retort:

"Toys? Those puppet toys sold in the workshop are not as powerful as you!"

"That's the standard for ordinary people. Our ninja's endurance is much stronger! The one in your hand has been charged in advance. When you actually use it, you need to unblock and activate the chakra, otherwise you won't be able to use it at all... "

They cannot refine chakra and their control ability is not up to standard. For them, this special firearm is not as powerful as a mace in actual combat.

"You have a point!"

Temari muttered a few words, then thought of something and asked,

"That feeling just now, was it magnetic escape? It's a bit similar to when Kankuro manipulated a human puppet to cast Sand Iron Shigure..."

"The functions are similar, but...a little different!"

It was too troublesome to explain, so Miss Saya didn't bother to waste her words and said perfunctorily,

"Even if it is a weapon, the power of this 'big toy' is too small. It is barely enough to kill rats and hares..."

As she spoke, Miss Saya opened the magazine from the lower end of the firearm and took out a bullet that was about the thickness of her little finger, with a sharp front end and several wing-like protrusions at the rear end. At first glance, it looked like an enlarged nail.

"The range and rate of fire are not good, and the energy consumption is too high. It is okay for use in the security department. The real battlefield requires stronger weapons..."

To put it bluntly, this firearm can only be used as "police" equipment for the time being, and it does not yet reach the "military" level.

The fighting between ninjas was really cruel, and the intensity of the war naturally increased.

"All right!"

No matter how much inside information there is, it won't be of much use if you know it, and Temari doesn't have to ask questions anymore.

"First send a batch to the security department for trial use. If the effect is good, we can add more..."

"Wise choice!"

Miss Saya breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it can be used, demand can be generated.

The so-called test is of course true, but Miss Saya also has other purposes.

The so-called scientific research, from training talents, project establishment, research, correction, actual measurement to engineering machinery, every step costs money, and it is still a lot of money.

The development of secret techniques, puppet manufacturing, upgrading, etc. in the ninja world is a bottomless pit.

Miss Saya's family is indeed wealthy, but the wealth cannot withstand several years of net investment without any income coming back.

Even if Miss Saya can continue to push forward, it will inevitably be daunting on the road of burning money with no end in sight.

Just like Daimaru, they open up the situation first and then consider future goals. They even do not hesitate to sell toys to earn pocket money for children. They must balance their income and expenses and have a foundation before expanding aggressively.

Therefore, first use some "leftover materials" of research results to create a trial work. You can not only collect experimental data, but also see some money back. Why not?

With their own thoughts, Temari and Miss Saya reluctantly reached an agreement.

After the business has been said, it is better to leave immediately. It would seem too unkind. Although the two of them have no special friendship and even have quite a few conflicts, on the surface, they still have to maintain a bit of dignity and cannot let it go. Outsiders see the joke.

Miss Saya absentmindedly led Temari to continue the tour. Temari also pretended to be interested and looked back and forth a few times.

"It looks quite messy. I wonder what your laboratory is researching?"

After a long time, Temari suddenly asked a question. Miss Saya was stunned and immediately replied:

"The external statement is that it is to research and develop powerful ninja tools that can be used by more low-level ninjas and even ordinary people..."

"What about reality?"

Temari asked.

"Needless to say, of course it is the conversion and utilization of natural energy and the assessment of secondary impacts?"

As if she didn't understand what the so-called "secondary influence" meant, Miss Saya paused and continued to explain:

"The magical power of natural energy seems to be inexhaustible and ubiquitous. It is the most ideal form of energy, but... is this thing really endless? There is no harm in using it casually. ?”

These words left Temari speechless.

After being promoted to jounin, the ability to use natural energy seems to be a must to move to the next level. From completely squeezing the body and mind to refine chakra to using the natural energy from the outside world, it is a qualitative leap. The difference between immortals and ordinary ninjas The gap between them is actually wider than the gap between ordinary ninjas and ordinary people.

One thing is for sure, the vast majority of ninjas are not essentially different from ordinary people in terms of life form, but immortals are different. To a certain extent, the powerful alienation ability of senjutsu chakra fundamentally affects the bottom form.

Immortals can generally be regarded as a subspecies that has not yet been reproductively isolated from humans. The difference is slightly larger than that between gray wolves and domestic dogs, and smaller than that between tigers and lions.

"Fairy magic chakra has an extremely violent mutation catalytic effect. In addition to the blessing of combat effectiveness, it is both a gift and a curse to ninjas. If it gets out of control, it is very likely to turn into an inhuman monster, or even because it cannot bear it. Death due to violent mutation..."

Things like petrification, madness, etc. are already relatively obvious. There may be more magical changes, but Daimaru and others don't know about them.

"Then Daimaru..."

Thinking of the first immortal in the history of Sunagakure Village, Temari couldn't help but feel worried. Miss Saya chuckled and said:

"He's fine. As long as he doesn't do any radical experiments on himself to improve his strength, there's no need to worry..."

"How do you know this?"

Miss Shaye said proudly:

"The accumulation of puppetry skills is indispensable for his ability to cultivate into immortal mode. I also know a thing or two about some situations..."

Well, it can only be said that Temari's Wind Release, which she is good at, did not help Daimaru too much when she needed it in practice. When there was an opportunity to cooperate, there was no need for it.

Temari pretended not to hear what she said about holding a gun and a stick, and continued to ask:

“Since the impact is controllable, what is there to study?”

Miss Saya replied:

"It's fine for people, but it's troublesome for the ninja world! Things like natural energy don't appear out of thin air, but are closely related to the overall prosperity of the creatures in the ninja world and the energy dissipated by natural spirits! Just like chakra, it needs the body It is the aggregation of energy extracted from the spirit and spirit. Natural energy also has this characteristic. The larger the overall scale of the ninja world, the richer the total amount of spiritual power, and the greater the concentration of natural energy! If you fish in the marsh and absorb too much natural energy, it will be like a ninja overdraft. The evil effects of chakra are the same..."

"You mean..."

After such a comparison, Temari understood something.

"Is it true that the scarcity of natural energy will make the Ninja world like the Kingdom of Wind in the past, with more deserts barren of grass and more frequent natural disasters?"

Miss Saya nodded, confirming Temari's guess:

"The existence of large deserts is not necessarily caused by the lack of natural energy, but the lack of natural energy will definitely cause the desert area to expand and the livability to decrease sharply..."

Therefore, the solution is to either limit the consumption of natural energy or make the ninja world more vibrant.

In short, it is still the same as increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

"In other words, the overall endurance of the ninja world is limited. If there are too many people who have cultivated the sage mode or can use natural energy, will it cause harm to the ninja world?"

Miss Saya shrugged:

"Isn't this a matter of course? Everything you ask for has a price. Over-cultivated farms and pastures will not be able to grow more crops or feed more cattle and sheep due to insufficient fertility. Natural energy is not rootless. Wood, sourceless water, will naturally have backlash if consumed too much! However, a few immortals, plus the nine tailed beasts, seem to be able to supply it. If there are no external influences, it will have a positive promotion effect, just like Ninjas who practice hard will slowly improve their strength..."

Is there really no external influence?

When she thought of the moon recovered by Daimaru and the captured Toneri Otsutsuki, Miss Saya knew it all.

Danger is everywhere in the ninja world. There are peeping wolves, tigers and leopards outside, and there are aliens inside who are trying to exploit their own territory.

The three major spiritual beast holy places are not only connected with the ninja world, enjoying the nourishment of natural energy, but also forming their own internal systems and self-reproducing cycles, which makes the natural energy concentration of the three major psychic beast holy lands much higher than that of the outside world.

Even these alien immortals guide the historical direction of human beings outside.

It is not necessary to say that they are malicious towards humans. For example, Mt. Miaomu and Shigulin are still friendly to the Leaf Village.

The shepherd dog is Daimaru's positioning in the holy land of the three psychic beasts. It can resist the invasion of hungry wolves and prevent the lambs from getting lost, while also enjoying the support of the sheep.

However, sheep do not always remain sheep. They will also grow sharp horns to protect themselves, and even sharp teeth, turning into terrifying carnivorous demons.

"With the current state of the ninja world and our consumption rate, there is actually no need to worry about the foreseeable future! However, we must roughly measure a limit to avoid being caught off guard..."

Miss Saya's barely coherent words dispelled Temari's doubts, but...

"Now that the village is so busy, you still have time to study something that is temporarily useless?"

"Someone has to do it! Moreover, the by-products of the research process are not useless, such as secret techniques to enhance strength, weapons to enhance combat effectiveness, etc.!"

Just like the electromagnetic ejection gun tested previously, this is the case.

Many great inventions were accidentally born while conducting other research.

The two have been communicating for so long, but Temari has always been at a disadvantage. The areas that Miss Saya is good at are really unfamiliar to Temari.

If it's tactical preparation, battlefield formation, decisive victory thousands of miles away, vertical and horizontal maneuvers, etc., Temari can speak clearly and logically, but in the laboratory, her good IQ and fast-moving little brain seem to be a bit insufficient.

"That's pretty much it. I hope more puppet machines that are useful to the village will appear!"

Temari, who wanted to say goodbye, said politely, and Miss Saya had no intention of continuing to deal with it. After sending Temari off, she went deeper underground, where there was a wider testing ground, a hollow upward corridor, along the plateau snow. The main frame of the peak reaches an altitude of several thousand meters.

Here is the base and launch pad of a multi-stage electromagnetic rail gun, as well as the accelerator of the land-based electromagnetic launch frame.

After Miss Saya entered, a leader-like researcher wearing protective clothing came forward and handed over an experiment record.

"Theoretically, to send an aerospace vehicle to a predetermined orbit requires fifteen times the speed of sound?"

Miss Saya frowned and asked,

"Can't go wrong?"

"This is still the ideal result of locating the ejection terminal at the top of the snowy peak of the plateau. In fact, it may be even higher!"

"If this is the case, only a very small number of Jonin can withstand such pressure. Each of these people is a high-ranking figure. It is impossible for them to risk their lives to go to outer space..."

It is obvious that using the giant reincarnation eye can easily retrieve the moon from low-Earth orbit, but it is so difficult to use other methods to get rid of the influence of gravity.

"Put aside the manned experiments for the time being, and test the strategic railgun data accurately first! The error of the impact point should not exceed twenty meters! Let's work hard to this standard first!"

"I understand, Miss!"

The leader sincerely promised, although the difficulty is still very high, at least there is hope of achieving it.

"The current energy accumulation rate has reached the point where we can fire two artillery shells per day, which is barely enough for actual combat!"

"Let's discuss it again! If we can't reach the border of the Kingdom of Wind, what's the use? If the enemy is allowed to invade the mainland, what's the use of us?"

In the past, it was just a lack of strength, but now we should not be so conservative. We must at least set a small target first, so we can bombard Iwagakure Village!

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