Red sand dust

Chapter 1167 Wishes

"It's actually him? 』

Not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was most concerned about it, but also Namikaze Minato was also very surprised?

"The Uchiha Obito you are talking about is the one who died at Kannabi Bridge?"

It's not that the Fourth Hokage cannot believe it, but that the ninja world really has a tradition of naming heroes or ancestors to show the blessing of the ancestors. For example, the Uchiha Sasuke in front of him is the benchmark for Sarutobi Hiji. Zhan's father, Sarutobi Sasuke, came here to express his parents' expectations for Uchiha Sasuke and wish him to grow into a strong and great ninja like Sarutobi Sasuke in the future.

When Konoha Village was founded, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara not only had an unshakable position in Konoha Village, but there were no strong men of the same level in the entire ninja world, but this did not mean that there were no sub-first-line leaders, such as monkeys. Tobi Sasuke is one of the most dazzling elites. If he hadn't been born in the wrong era and was overshadowed by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, he would have been a hero who dominated one side.

In Konoha Village, there have been countless children named "Sasuke" over the decades, but the most famous one is Uchiha Sasuke.

As for Uchiha Obito, after all, he is also the hero of Konoha Village who is on the commemorative memorial monument. He is admired by his tribe and even named his own child Obito. It is normal.

However, the facts disappointed Namikaze Minato.

Without waiting for Uchiha Sasuke to answer, the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen replied:

"Obito Uchiha just disappeared and his body has never been found. If it is him, some things would make sense!"

When the Kyuubi attacked the village, it was basically confirmed that it was controlled by the Sharingan. The Uchiha family took the blame and was investigated over and over again. However, the real culprit was still not identified, and not even a suspect could be found. Wasn't there? The evidence proves his innocence, but he just doesn’t have the strength.

The entire family was screened for the most worthy people, but they didn't expect that they were actually the nominally dead village heroes.

"Obito... will he also betray the village? What a good child. I wish I had taken a step faster. In that case, he would not go astray..."

After speaking, Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Sasuke's appearance and said in a kind tone,

"I heard your name from Kushina. Judging from your age, you must have been fifteen or sixteen years ago. Naruto should be slightly younger than you. I don't know how he is..."

"Hey, you guys, what are you talking about?"

Senju Tobirama, who was impatient with waiting, couldn't help but asked,

"The brats of the Uchiha family are indeed not good things! And..."

The white-haired ninja turned his head slightly and asked politely:

"Who are you, kid? You look great..."

"Huh? Ask me?"

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, then he quickly realized,

"It's true that these two seniors have never met me, so they don't know me! I'm sorry, I am the Fourth Hokage. I'm really embarrassed to say hello like this..."

As a prisoner, it was indeed a bit embarrassing. The four ancestors of Hokage were nailed to the wall side by side and could not move. They could only turn their heads slightly and turn their eyes to look around. It was too indecent.

Senju Hashirama, who finally found a chance to interrupt, laughed loudly:

"I see, the village we built has been passed down to the fourth generation. It seems like a long time has passed..."

Uchiha Sasuke glanced at Senju Hashirama, who could no longer hold back his image and his cold aura was gone, and interrupted coldly:

"Now the Sixth Generation is in power. However, this Sixth Generation will be killed by me soon. The Seventh Generation is already on the way. If Konoha Village is still there..."

"Huh? The village that Madara and I jointly built is not something that a little guy like you can handle! Also, although I don't know the cause and effect clearly, it is not okay for the Uchiha family to betray the village..."

When the last few words were spoken from Senju Hashirama's mouth, a cold and fierce intention suddenly broke out, and the mighty chakra surged out from Senju Hashirama's body. The simple and direct collision of forces caused the black rod on his body to They all began to tremble, as if they were about to force themselves out of trouble.

If it were anyone else, Uchiha Sasuke wouldn't care at all, but Senju Hashirama's name is too loud, and his powerful chakra can almost bulldoze all obstacles head-on. It's really unreasonable.

Before Uchiha Sasuke, whose face changed slightly, could take action, Jugo, who was well prepared, instantly activated his sage transformation. With his huge alienated arms, he endured the pain of being corroded by the black rod's chakra, and held the black rod that pierced Senju Hashirama's hands. Holding it firmly, another giant hand pressed against the chakra in his abdomen, and he punched hard, disrupting his chakra movement.

The force was so great that a large portion of the thick wall behind Senju Hashirama collapsed.

After more than ten seconds, Senju Hashirama, who realized that he couldn't seem to pull out the black stick, relaxed his body and smiled awkwardly:

"What is this thing? It's really strong, and its restraint effect is outstanding..."

"Yin Yang Escape!"

Seeing that Senju Hashirama's struggle was under control, the Uchiha Organization breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"You better not think about escaping. Even if you turn on the immortal mode, you can't get rid of the suppression..."

As he spoke, Uchiha Sasuke glanced at Senju Tobirama casually. Not only his hands, but also his elbows, shoulders and abdominal chakras had a black rod inserted into them. Not to mention the seals, it would be good if he could speak.

"Having suffered a loss once, you will naturally have experience and will not let you get out of control again!"

Last time, Daimaru helped to suppress it. If we ask for foreign aid this time, I guess my underwear will be given away as a bargaining chip.

Senju Hashirama coughed twice and said to Senju Tobirama with a slight complaint:

"I told you a long time ago not to study these inexplicable forbidden arts. You are dumbfounded. You have been tricked!"

"Shut up, now is the time to say this?"

Qianju Tobirama rolled his eyes, pushed back his brother's complaints, and said bitterly,

"I have long said that the Uchiha family cannot be trusted. The cursed bloodline will only give birth to bad seeds with rebellious intentions. They should be eliminated..."

"Don't worry, the Uchiha family in Konoha Village has been exterminated, but sooner or later I will revive the family..."

"how come?"

Senju Hashirama was speechless, Namikaze Minato sighed, Senju Tobirama sneered, only Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his eyelids and asked calmly:

"You called us out because of what happened back then, right? Things must come to an end..."

After a pause, "Doctor Ninjutsu" said as expected:

"After my death, will the fifth generation succeed me, Tsunade or Jiraiya? Who will be the sixth generation?"

"Tsunade is the fifth generation, and Danzo Shimura is the sixth generation!"


Senju Hashirama was greatly surprised. It felt unreal to think that the girl who had been addicted to gambling since she was a child and couldn't help herself became Hokage, but...

"Little Tsunade has abdicated. Is she dead? She actually wants the older Danzo to take over..."

"There are too many problems..."

Uchiha Sasuke, who was a little impatient, was not here to answer questions for a few dead people. After interrupting the endless questions and answers, he asked Sarutobi Hiruzen seriously:

"Tell me, what was the truth back then?"

"Can't wait anymore? That's fine..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied,

"A long time ago, the village knew that someone was secretly instigating a relationship between the Uchiha family and the village. The person who tipped off the information was Uchiha Itachi! The village searched for a long time, but no suspect was found. I don't know that the Uchiha family deliberately concealed it. , or internal divisions led to the emergence of traitors. Over the years, several attempts to ease relations have had no effect! Since the unexplained death of Uchiha Shisui, both parties have completely lost trust, and the radical faction of the Uchiha family decided to launch a rebellion , your father, the current clan leader, is unable to control the situation! It is also Uchiha Itachi who delivers information to the village..."

In plain words, the flashes of swords revealed in the words must be understood by the senior Hokages. Uchiha Sasuke, who has seen a lot in the past few years, also understands the difficult situation at that time.

"The current Hokage who received the tip, that is, me, decided to take a preemptive strike to annihilate the Uchiha family and nip the rebellion in the cradle! Itachi Uchiha decided to side with the village and killed his parents with his own hands; at the same time, , I gave Uchiha Itachi a secret mission to undercover a hostile organization, and he made a request, which is to save your life..."

"So, Itachi Uchiha is not a traitor to the ninja, but is on a mission?"

Although there had been some speculations for a long time, when he really heard the truth from the mouth of the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, he was still unable to control his excitement, and his cold face also showed a look of shock.

"That's right! Uchiha Itachi, who slaughtered his clan members with his own hands, is the best undercover candidate! However, after my death, I don't know if anyone will be on the line..."

"It turns out that the murderer is indeed someone else, and Uchiha Itachi is just a tool..."

"He is an admirable Konoha ninja. Unfortunately, things are fickle. There are many things that even I, as the Hokage, can't do anything about!"

A powerful ninja clan who is outside the mainstream of the village is determined to launch a rebellion. No matter who is the Hokage, they will not tolerate it. The tragic ending is already destined. The only difference is which side wins and how many people die.

"It seems that the one who instigated dissension is the Akatsuki organization, or even Uchiha Obito! So what did Danzo Shimura do?"

"Danzo is the 'root' of Konoha ANBU, and he personally presided over the annihilation of the Uchiha family. I didn't know it at first, but later, I realized that Uchiha Shisui might have been killed by him, forcing the Uchiha family to give in. The fundamental reason why he decided to launch a rebellion was not him, it must have been one of the important factors! Although I am dead, it would be unkind to pass the responsibility around, and I do not agree with Danzo's ruthless methods, but all "

"That's all?"

Uchiha Sasuke asked, and Sarutobi Hiruzen replied in a deep voice:

"That's all I know! Next, you're going to seek revenge on Danzo, right? What happened back then is a done deal, and I, a dead man, can't say much. I just hope you won't implicate innocent people..."

"I can tell whether I am innocent or not. I don't need you to tell me what to do!"

Uchiha Sasuke, who was in a bad mood, controlled Yakushi Kabuto to annihilate the intelligence of several filthy earth bodies again. After taking a few deep breaths, he walked out under the concerned eyes of Juugo and Onito Suigetsu.

"Leave me alone!"

Outside, it was a starry midsummer night. Uchiha Sasuke stood facing the wind with his arms folded across his chest and said coldly to the night sky:

"Come out, I know you're here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Koyamabuki appeared in front of him in a handsome dress, with silver hair and red eyes and a pair of black wings on his back.

"You seem to be in a bad mood! You know the truth, but you don't feel the joy you expected..."

"You...have known this for a long time?"

"If you are referring to Uchiha Itachi's matter, well..."

Koyamabuki answered matter-of-factly,

"Perhaps he himself doesn't know as much as we do. After all, only bystanders know better, you know..."

"Then where did you learn the truth?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

Koyamabuki's rhetorical question made Uchiha Sasuke's excited heart freeze. He immediately understood and stopped worrying about these trivial matters.

"What I want to ask is, why did you help me kill Weasel when you knew it? He didn't deserve to die..."

"Help? Boy, do you overestimate yourself? It's just a deal where everyone gets what they need. You are bent on revenge..."

Koyamabuki sneered and retorted casually,

"Besides, who in this world deserves to die? Nagato, Uchiha Obito, Shimura Danzo, Orochimaru? Or is it you?"

Seeing Uchiha Sasuke, whose eyes were burning, become more and more excited, Koyamabuki stopped talking and said slowly:

"Do you feel sad that you have been deceived by lies and manipulated in your life? Boy, you haven't realized the real problem yet! In order to keep you alive, Uchiha Itachi agreed to be an undercover agent. In order to save your life in the past few years, , even if you don’t know what he did, you should be able to imagine it. The orphan of the traitor family, possessing the last limit of blood inheritance, the Sharingan, how can he live safely until now?"

He folded his wings, slowly sat on Uchiha Sasuke's shoulder, and patted his cheek with his small hand.

"A brother who has been thinking about his younger brother until his death. The ending now is exactly what he hoped for. In order for you to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan and have the minimum ability to protect yourself, you have really worked hard!"

Thinking of the outcome of the last battle, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but feel sad.

"Cry, there's no shame in it!"

Xiao Shanchui sighed,

"My father just doesn't like to see macho men crying, so he doesn't bother to tell you more! As a contractor who has been quite happy with the cooperation, I hope there will be a time in the future when we can put aside interests and grudges and communicate happily! By the way, Medicine Master Don't kill Kabuto, otherwise you will be in trouble; and don't forget, Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan..."

After saying that, Koyamabuki left behind words that echoed in the breeze and disappeared into the night.

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