Red sand dust

Chapter 1199 Around 1198

Most of the guessed results are caused by Daimaru inferring the reasons based on the results. The accuracy of doing so is definitely much higher than the other way around.

Seemingly aware that Daimaru would come to such a conclusion, Otsutsuki Toneri hesitated for a while and then said:

"There are many groups of psychic beasts, large and small, in the ninja world, and the three major psychic beast holy places are just relatively powerful examples!"

"Not just them?"

Now that Daimaru has understood this step, Otsutsuki Toneri can no longer be secretive.

"In addition to humans, there are actually many intelligent life forms in the Ninja World. Mt. Miaomu, Ryūchi Cave, and Shiggou Forest are closed ecosystems that are semi-independent of the Ninja World. They can communicate with the Ninja World directly or behind closed doors. , live their own small lives. There are also some weaker intelligent psychic beast groups such as cats, dogs, eagles, lizards, and insects. They have either been completely cut off from the ninja world and become alien creatures, or they are lingering among humans. In the barren mountains and ridges where the influence cannot reach. Therefore, the choice is clear at a glance..."

Either go away, completely separate the family, and never come to eat and drink in the future, or share weal and woe, live and die together, like the toads in Miaomu Mountain, the slugs in Shigu Forest, and the big snakes in Yongchi Cave. In the history that can be checked, , the performance is too active, and he is ruthless in reaping the benefits. When disaster strikes, he just shrinks back and takes care of himself. How can there be such a good thing.

If the human race in the ninja world really perishes, other living things will be almost extinct. After tens of millions of years, the world will restart and regain its vitality. By then, the dominant intelligent life will probably have nothing to do with humans.

After finally becoming Izanagi and Izanami, becoming the primates of all things and the ancestors of mankind, but as a result, there are monsters everywhere who talk and run rampant. Wouldn't it be a "human survival story in the prehistoric times"? ", "Rise of the Emperor" and other racial wars?


Ibaraki understood.

Going to great lengths to restart the world is not just to make room for those intelligent monsters.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

Don't think that those amazingly large amphibians, reptiles, etc. really don't have ideas.

The ninja world is now dominated by human beings, and there is no basis for the rise of other intelligent creatures. But if human beings cannot hold on, that is a different story.

In the face of major issues of right and wrong, personal likes and dislikes should be put aside.

"Still have any questions?"

Otsutsuki Toneri, who was slightly relieved and thought he had passed this level, asked. Ibaraki thought about it and asked:

"That's it? Is there anything else? For example, the Pure Land?"


Otsutsuki Toneri, whose expression suddenly changed, could no longer hide the surprise in his voice.

"Know what?"

"I don't know anything, I'm just talking casually, but from the look on your face, is there really some secret?"

Ibaraki shrugged and said with a smile,

"Death in the ninja world is really not rigorous. The dead are resurrected at every turn. What do the people who are still alive think?"

Logically speaking, the pure land of the ninja world should play a role similar to hell and Yama, shouldering the responsibility of the cycle of life and death of the gods. At the worst, it must be like a paradise to accommodate the souls of believers, but in fact, this is not the case. thing.

To judge the background of a civilization, you can get a rough idea by looking at its research on death. The struggle between humanity and divinity runs throughout.

In the ninja world, a world where extraordinary power appears, the spread of Shinto beliefs is shockingly low. Maybe they were afraid of ghosts, but at that time, they had an instinctive fear of death and had no idea of ​​placing their souls on gods after death. , but return to the Pure Land as a matter of course.

Daimaru's mother was also a person who served the shrine maiden, and some documents that had lost their meaning were still displayed at home.

After reading it many times, Daimaru discovered a strange phenomenon. The gods of the ninja world, except for some personal pseudo-gods, other so-called "righteous gods" are more like signing contracts with humans, each taking what they need from merchants, and Daimaru and Kurama Yakumo are doing similar things, but the methods vary from time to time.

In the end, as time goes by, they will most likely become the embodiment of rules that exist dependent on humans, just like the gods of death summoned by the forbidden technique and corpse sealing.

The so-called demons and ghosts are the same thing as gods. The difference is that the former are free and the latter are willing to make mutually beneficial transactions with humans.

It stands to reason that from the Warring States Period to the present, mankind has been in war for nearly a thousand years. The displaced society has given rise to all kinds of evil spirits and ghosts. As a result, there are only a few major sects that can be named.

In the past, Daimaru had speculated whether the masters of secular power had joined forces with the ninjas to suppress those "feudal superstitions".

In Daimaru's previous life, during the Renaissance after the Middle Ages, academically speaking, divinity faded and humanity awakened. In fact, it was also the reason why monarchy opposed divine authority. In Eastern countries, the White Lotus Sect, Tenri Sect, Yellow Turban Army, and Red Turban Army were all under the banner of Under the banner of gods and ghosts, they gather together foolish fathers and foolish women to attack the secular imperial power.

It’s not surprising that the famous names in the ninja world don’t like to see those monsters and ghosts. Ninjas themselves have mastered extraordinary powers, and they are not afraid of ghosts and monsters. If they encounter them, they will arrest them and study them, and come up with a few forbidden techniques to show off.

Among them, the Pure Land, which was taken for granted as common sense, was such a dazzling existence in Daimaru's eyes.

Seeing that Otsutsuki Toner remained silent, Ibaraki asked:

"Pure Land, when did it appear?"

"I have no idea!"

Otsutsuki Toneri shook his head and replied,

"You don't understand anything and you dare to steal the chakra of the Pure Land?"

"Anyway, it's all supplied to the sacred tree. What does it have to do with my 'Red Sand Dust'?"

Speaking of this, Ibaraki replied nonchalantly,

"I have studied the Forbidden Technique: Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth carefully. Sometimes, even if the sacrifices prepared are perfect, accidents will happen. Moreover, the souls summoned by the actual channeling still have great limitations and are too weak. Or maybe it's too old, and no matter how I do it, the soul can't return to the Pure Land. I'm wondering if after the soul goes to the Pure Land, it needs time to 'digest' these souls of the dead. The stronger they are, the longer they exist... …”

"What if this is true?"

Otsutsuki Toneri's words also confirmed some of Daimaru's guesses:

"Nothing in this world is immortal, not even the souls of the dead! The so-called pure land leaves no dirt, and some worldly worries will be washed away. What is left?"

"There's nothing left!"

Otsutsuki Toneri instinctively replied,

"The so-called eternal peace is eternal nothingness. Except for the purest natural energy or... Chakra, there is nothing left! The pure land and the dirty land of this world are actually the mechanism to clean up the ninja world..."

In fact, the chakra of the dirty earth body is not infinite, but the amount is so large that it cannot be used up.

However, there are some "stubborn stones" in the ninja world that do not belong to the ninja world, which cannot be washed away by the ability of the ninja world alone, such as Kaguya Otsutsuki, the sacred tree, the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, etc.

"One thing, I want to ask you, is the 'between reincarnations' an isolated space created to imitate the Pure Land?"

Otsutsuki Toneri didn't answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Without the blessing of a powerful person like Otsutsuki Hamura, the clan on the moon, whose descendants alone would not be able to build such a magical controllable alien space.

The Pure Land, like a barrier lake, has limited abilities. Correspondingly, the "self-purification" function of the Ninja world is not very good. At this time, a soul strong enough is needed to go to the Pure Land to sit in and prevent A bad situation occurs where the order of life and death is out of balance.

"The guardian of the eternal peaceful order is Otsutsuki Hagoromo. He is probably a figure like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!" 』

Daimaru guessed this, and at the same time he also figured out that the pure land and the dirty land are two sides of the same entity. If the shinobi world is destroyed, the pure land will be completely broken and returned to "between reincarnations." It is relatively easy to reshape the material plane, but it is difficult to reshape the reflected world of the soul. What reappears may not be the Pure Land, but may be the Abi Hell where hungry ghosts are infested.

"After all, what you care about is only the continuation of life. In fact, you don't take the lives of those mortals seriously, right? Their lives, flowers, plants and trees are all destructible in the eyes of the 'god' who really determines destiny. The resources utilized…”

"Don't you think so too? Otherwise, you wouldn't have snatched the sacred tree..."

Otsutsuki Toneri asked bluntly, but Ibaraki laughed inexplicably a few times and responded:

"It's different, isn't it? At least I didn't use my selfish interests to judge good and evil arbitrarily and decide their future! I will probably never be a 'man in heaven' like you Otsutsuki clan, manipulating fate indifferently."

"what is the difference?"

"I just gave them more choices, and the future is also full of more uncertainties. Although there are major limitations, at least it proves the value of existence. For example, whether it is the 'outsiders' or you Once these naturalized and semi-naturalized owners of the 'Heavenly Man' bloodline want to become our enemies, we will also make it difficult for you..."

Thousands of years ago, under the rule of Otsutsuki Kaguya, human beings were just little bugs that could be wiped away at any time, surviving on the kindness of their master. But things are different now.

"You mean, the ninja world doesn't need me anymore?"

"Isn't this natural?"

Ibaraki spread his hands,

"No matter what the two brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura think or plan, we humans have our own ideas and we don't need you to decide the future destiny for our own sake under the inexplicable banner..."

"That's very well said!"

Otsutsuki Toneri was not angry at all, smiled slightly, pointed to the sacred tree in the distance and said,

"Seriously, that thing is still the property of our ancestors, you are really rude..."

"Do you want to inherit? It seems that there is a more orthodox descendant waiting to take over..."

Ibaraki said with a smile,

“I don’t want it anyway, I’ll return it when I’m done with it!”

"As you wish!"

As he spoke, Otsutsuki Toneri jumped up and landed on the top of the sacred tree. He watched wisps of light blue chakra being absorbed by the flower bones, and a terrifying life force surged inside.

Ibaraki, who was one step behind, watched quietly as Otsutsuki Toneri stretched out his hand and touched the edge of the petals that had not yet opened. A trace of life force surged out along with chakra.

The scene was silent for a while, and Otsutsuki Toneri straightened up, swept away all the previous emotions, and then said to Ibaraki:

"What do you want me to do? Let me first state that if the reincarnation eye is directly transplanted, my physique will not be able to exert much ability..."

"Don't worry, I've already prepared it!"

As Ibaraki spoke, he turned over his hand and took out a glass bottle, which contained two eyeballs. One was Uchiha Madara's left samsara eye, and the other was the Byakugan of the clan that he had taken from Kiri Ninja Ao.

"This is……"

Even though he was prepared, Otsutsuki Toneri was shocked. This was not the same thing as the temporary clone Daimaru had installed on him before, but the real original Byakugan.

"Can it be used? First use the transplanted Byakugan to synthesize the reincarnation eye, and then transplant the other reincarnation eye!"

The last step is naturally to wait for Otsutsuki Toneri to transplant two eyes, and then use the Ten-Tails Coffin Seal to seal the sacred tree and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

"I... don't understand! You gave me these, how can you still control me? If you regret it then, you won't be able to do anything..."

"It's definitely not that simple!"

Ibaraki put away the glassware and said slowly,

"There is no such thing as something for nothing in this world. To be honest, even if I don't use these two things myself, it doesn't mean that I can't use them. You can still try if you work hard, but you don't have to force it..."

The samsara eye is too powerful, and for Daimaru, it is too reluctant. Turning on the sage mode can probably exert most of its power, but it can't sustain it in its usual energy-saving state.

As for the Soujia Byakugan, even Kirito Ao can use it, and Daimaru is certainly no problem.

If you really don't want to make do, it's not impossible to transplant it to the biological puppet and use it as a "consumable" pendant.

However, having Toneri Otsutsuki as a "tool man" is obviously more satisfactory, provided that he obeys the command.

"If it is just the Byakugan and Rinnegan, the general restraint methods are still effective. The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki is already an immortal body with no weaknesses. All restraints including the confinement talisman, the seal of tongue bane, and the caged bird are useless. .”

When it reaches a certain level of power, ordinary means are no longer of use. Daimaru has long expected this.

"I...of course have a way!"

Daimaru smiled mysteriously, not worried about such a "little trouble" at all.

"Since you pay so much attention to details, it seems that you have plans to cooperate, which is good! Your strength is still a bit weak. I will find a way to make you stronger. You have to cooperate! When the sacred tree results, Just start transplanting the white eyes..."

Now is not a good time. Daimaru is not stupid, he has not obtained the fruit of the sacred tree, and Otsutsuki Toneri has the reincarnation eye or reincarnation eye, which greatly increases his strength. How can Daimaru convince him?


After weighing it for a moment, Otsutsuki Toneri reluctantly agreed.

"Finally, I have a question. What benefits will I get after everything is done?"

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