Red sand dust

Chapter 1203 Error

The effects of the ongoing struggle on the ninja level are barely transmitted to secular society.

Compared with the endless conflict between the five major ninja villages and the "Akatsuki" organization, the common people are more concerned about the wealth effects of the country of wind after its rise.

In the Kingdom of Fire, which is close to solidification, there is rarely such a large-scale transfer of population and resources. The reconstruction plan of the Kingdom of Wind led by Sand Ninja has allowed many people to see the opportunity to make a fortune.

In fact, only a few can truly seize the opportunity to get rich. Just like the various gold rushes that occurred in Daimaru's previous life, those who actually found gold were rare, but it was those who sold mining picks who made a fortune.

Just like those beautified Western movies and road comedies, what is happening in the Kingdom of Wind can provide creative material for many literati.

Fortunately, the mobility of ninjas is simply not comparable to that of "cowboys" riding poor horses and carrying muskets astride their waists.

Even genin who have just graduated, or even senior puppet apprentices, can head-on suppress a group of less than twenty sand pirates.

When Sand Hidden Village really treats the entire Kingdom of Wind as its own industry, those "grey industries" that have taken root in dark corners will have no place to hide.

"It really smells like steampunk, and it's the kind where super powers are revealed!" 』

Daimaru, who had just finished the accumulated work and was thinking about walking around, looked at the puppet vehicles of different shapes and full of mechanical senses shuttled through the streets and alleys, and he couldn't help but feel like he was in another world.

A few years ago, common people in Sunagakure Village would only talk about which family's child became a ninja and became successful in their daily greetings; which family's daughter married a ninja and climbed to the top; an unnamed neighborhood celebrity, Being seriously injured during a mission and retired from service.

Basically, it is from the perspective of the lower class people looking at the upper class of Sunagakure Village.

Nowadays, as life becomes a little more affluent, various cinemas, theaters, children's playgrounds, toy malls, etc., pastimes that were almost impossible to exist in the past have also entered everyone's daily life.

Even the licensed gambling and Kabukicho are operating in a low-key manner. The common people of Sunagakure Village are not used to this kind of sensual and sensual activities. On the contrary, speculators, gold diggers, wage earners, etc. from other places like to come here. kind of local consumption.

The conditions in the Country of Wind are difficult, and in order to attract outsiders to come, the rewards given are quite generous. However, the money paid eventually returned to Sunagakure Village through various channels, and was distributed again with greater efforts to attract more people. people come.

Such a virtuous cycle is what gives Sunagakure Village its current superficial prosperity.

There is no doubt that most of the people who come to the Kingdom of Wind to take risks today are not fuel-efficient lamps. Most of the talents that are really needed do not have to leave their hometowns and go thousands of miles away to take risks.

Being conservative is Daimaru's most unwavering evaluation of the ninja world.

This is completely different from the previous life when goods were available all over the world and the Internet was developed, and people who were thousands of miles apart were still close neighbors. Once they left home, it would be many years before they came back. After an inadvertent separation, they would never see each other again.

Although ninjas are extremely capable and can easily cross national borders, civilians do not have such conditions.

Taking a sailing liner from Awaji Village on the southern border of the Country of Wind to the Country of Thunder takes one and a half months with smooth winds and rivers, and it takes twice as long to get to the secret base deep in the ocean - Turtle Island.

As for the ground-effect aircraft developed by the Sand Ninja, how can ordinary people afford the flying puppets that fly across the sky?

Even without Daimaru, if nothing unexpected happens, the ninja world will barely reach its current level in more than ten years.

Because of the intrusion of a certain "Red Dust" man, the development of productivity in the ninja world has accelerated for at least twenty years.

The most typical example is the development of the cultural industry. The unique puppet drama of the Land of Wind has become popular throughout the ninja world with its unique charm, keeping pace with the movies that have been developed decades in advance.

For example, right now, at dusk, there are obviously more people going out for recreation.

This is not a scene that only happens in the Kingdom of Wind. It is similar in other countries.

In terms of finding ways to entertain themselves, make themselves forget their worries, and become more happy, intelligent creatures are all similar, no matter in the world.

Thanks to their gift, the chakra refined from the complex spiritual power that Daimaru collected became more and more powerful. After being gathered together through various channels, it was absorbed by the sacred tree and promoted its growth so that the fruits of the sacred tree could mature faster.

"Finally, let Kurama Yakumo return the favor!" 』

It's really shocking to steal so much chakra and still use the Blood Succession Limit to create two little beings in the state of energy bodies without saying a word.

Even if the chakra is returned thousands of times, it's a done deal, and we can't kill those two little guys!

It is really rare to find intelligent species that can give birth to spiritual intelligence.

I just don’t know which direction Kurama Yakumo wants them to go, which is a bit uneasy.

As night falls, it is the peak time for all kinds of petty theft to "go to work", and people from the security department also begin to strengthen patrols.

Among the crowd, Temari, who was wearing a dark blue war skirt, carrying a three-star fan on her back, and tying her long blond hair hastily back her head, was doing a routine to cheer up her subordinates.

With Temari's background and status, there was no need to do anything personally. How could the head of the security department go out on the streets to catch thieves himself?

But Temari doesn't play according to common sense, and has to make a wave of presence every now and then.

Although it is exciting to suppress criminals through the streets, there are two sides to everything. Some people praise it, and some people criticize it.

Even if it can't affect her in any way, using her smart little brain for detective reasoning and catching the murderer is really too much fuss.

This is a hot-blooded battle manga, and the protagonist is not a female detective. No matter how popular you are, it will be of no use. Except for a few idiot fan groups composed of junior female ninjas, few people care about these small tricks.

He watched calmly for a while, and after Temari sent his subordinates away, she walked over to Daimaru who saw him.

"Aren't you going to spend time with your family today?"

"The old man is very awkward and losing his temper again. Go back later!"

Daimaru responded with a chuckle,

"Obviously you are a senior cadre, why do you have to take care of these trivial matters so carefully?"

"They are all young people who are arrogant and have a bad temper. They are afraid that they will do something wrong!"

Temari couldn't help complaining,

"It's not easy to deal with Lou Zi if he really stabs him! It's inappropriate to punish him too harshly. There are only a few people who can be more reliable. If he's punished too lightly, I'm afraid they won't take it to heart!"

It was originally a force prepared to maintain Sunagakure Village. As a result, the area and population that need to be managed have increased dozens of times. Many times, it is really too busy.

Daimaru glanced at Temari, who was shaking her head slightly next to her. She had a blond ponytail and a headband of the same color as her clothes. She had not seen her hair style casually used to facilitate fighting for a long time.

"What are you looking at...huh? My hair is long and it takes a lot of time to take care of it!"

"Very good! Why do you want to grow your hair long?"

Temari's eyes revealed complexity. She looked at Daimaru and seemed to be really not pretending to be stupid. She sighed slightly:

"You guys, do you like girls with long hair? Also, you have long thought that I am rather rustic..."

" nothing!"

Daimaru's face changed slightly. You said that a well-behaved young lady has not developed a lady-like attitude. She is not as good as her best friend Qian in catching up with trends. I don't know how she positioned herself in the past. Female ninjas have to compete with male ninjas. Ninja competition can also be heroic, not necessarily slovenly.

If Haruno Sakura learned Jiraiya's technique of messing up her hair, it would be hard to see if she would be willing to cut off her beautiful long pink hair.

Then again, that secret technique will probably make you bald if you use it for a long time, it’s hard to say!

"Okay, I don't doubt you! That guy Kurama Yakumo must be holding back his bad intentions. If you have nothing to do, don't talk to her. You may not be better at playing with people's hearts than she is..."

As Temari spoke, she seemed to be really relieved about Daimaru, and changed the topic and said,

"The day before yesterday, Sha Sui and I went to a clothing store to try on clothes with her. There was a very nice-looking coat!"

As time went by, the older ninjas under Daimaru also began to talk about marriage. Sa Sui and others also prepared for the wedding. A group of acquaintances occasionally went shopping in their free time.

"Hao? Didn't you say that Sha Sui would try on twelve singles? She would wear them so solemnly once in her life..."

"It seems very troublesome, but it's more convenient to stay away!"

Temari felt embarrassed at the thought of having so many layers of clothes on her body.

"It's because you're not sure how to dress properly!"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Giving Daimaru a fierce look, Temari said stubbornly:

"I'm a ninja, there's no need to wear such a troublesome dress!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Daimaru suppressed his laughter and said solemnly,

"You are in the women's room uniform, and ordinary people can forget about it. You are the proud daughter of heaven in the eyes of everyone. Don't cause others to misunderstand..."

Forget about ordinary people, the women's room in a serious palace is a place where the second-class female family members, who are one step below the main owner, live.

Among them are the concubines who are the main wives and have a fair status. Most of them are ordinary concubines who are traded and treated like livestock. There are even concubines who have no status and hide their beauties in golden houses.

The female chamber of a more noble monarch is called daao or harem.

If Temari and Daimaru attended a formal occasion together, wearing ordinary garb, there was no telling what kind of association it would evoke, and there would be even more weird messages.

Why, is this a sign of self-degradation and letting Daimaru open a harem?


Temari's face suddenly turned red. No wonder when she was trying on clothes, Sasuo and others next door looked at her strangely.

"Here you have some snacks. After all, you are the eldest daughter of the Kazekage Yondaime family. These common senses are not as good as mine, a boy from a poor family!"

Daimaru hit Temari on the back of the head.

Fortunately, Daimaru knew that she was a very smart person who was always bad. She used to focus on training, and also focused on Gaara and Kankuro in her free time. There was no shortage of aristocratic and elite education, but her mother died early. , his father did not return home, and he lacked important family influence.

The lack of female friends is also an important factor.

For a wealthy daughter, her mother's words and deeds are much more important than learning a lot of etiquette and knowledge.

Forget about the informal folk. In the upper echelons of the shinobi world, where feudal kings are very popular, there is some etiquette, justice and shame, so you really have to pay attention to it.

If something goes wrong during a solemn occasion such as a wedding, it will be a stain that will be ridiculed for the rest of your life.

"Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Facing the angry Temari, Daimaru helplessly spread his hands:

"You didn't tell me what you were going to do in advance. I thought it was a pre-wedding bachelor party!"

Speaking of which, many male and female ninjas around him were getting married. Daimaru never told Temari about this matter. However, he hinted that he would give an answer after the final battle, so Temari didn't urge him much. However, he was very dissatisfied with Kurama Yakumo, who was full of malice, and Miss Saya, who was eyeing him with eagerness.

Originally, I was hoping to get some information from the contracted artificial elf, Chao Yan, but it turned out that the seemingly indifferent little guy turned out to be a loyal character, and had been unwilling to become a spy or betray the little sisters.

In the eyes of outsiders, Temari, who is handsome and unrestrained, knows that without the help of others, she really can't find anyone to discuss many aspects.

"When will Qian come back? First he was in Awaji Village, and then he was transferred to Naruto Village. Now he is stuck in Konoha Village. He is too busy, isn't he? Even your teammates shouldn't be used like this..."

"Come on, I still have a few tricks left. I'll come back after cleaning up!"

The chakra collection plan there, as well as the communication and handover with Kurama Yakumo, as well as the troubles with Hyuga Neji, all need a reliable person to handle it.

After the sacred tree bears fruit and everything is ready, Daimaru is ready to completely give up the big stage to Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, the two destined saviors.

Uchiha Obito is not worried that he will lose control, and Otsutsuki Toneri will be there to contain him.

Temari hesitated for a while, then whispered:

"Qian is a good girl who looks carefree but is actually very slender. Don't bully her..."

"how come……"

Daimaru shook his head helplessly,

"The future is very long, so don't underestimate her..."

Everyone likes to judge others by what they see. For so many years, my only close friend neither wants to get divorced nor wants to get hurt because of Daiwan.

"Ignore your face, which is full of joy every time it moves. In fact, it's only attractive. Why would anyone fall in love with you?"

Temari looked at Daimaru for a long time, then teased with a headache.

"This is called Xiuwaihuizhong, which is different!"

Daimaru, who didn't feel embarrassed at all, answered righteously.

At the same time, in the office of the Kazekage House, Gaara handed the newly written war mobilization and reserve recruitment orders to Maki, who came to return.

"Get ready early. Our determination will be known to all three villages immediately!"

The Sand Ninjas who were once attacked by the "Akatsuki" organization have not forgotten that it is time to eliminate the old enemies entrenched in the Land of Rain.

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