Red sand dust

Chapter 1213 Pressure

More than ten years ago, Ye Cang was betrayed and died at the hands of the Mist Ninja. Even in the village, people who knew about it kept it secret, and almost no one mentioned it. Most of the people who knew her were still alive.

The Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, has only passed away for about four years. Even though he has never been very popular, he has been in charge of Sunagakure Village for more than ten years, and the power he has accumulated cannot be underestimated.

Jounin who were promoted directly or indirectly, such as Maki, Nefaze, Maki, and Sandetsu, have now reached high positions in the village, either sitting on one side or holding great power; even Daimaru, the "red dust" The name was also given by him. The two leading jounin he had experienced could be regarded as the horse of Luosha's horse.

Anyone who can be named, except for the stragglers under the protection of Fu Yi, are basically the minions under the former Feng Ying.

As for Gaara, the current Kazekage, he has been in power for too short a time and is too young, so his influence is still not comparable to that of his father.

Respect is for the sake of authority and system, and optimism is the expectation for his future. In addition, he has done well in the past two years, and most of the villagers are willing to be tolerant to Gaara.

But when it comes to real authority, unquestionable and arbitrary intimidation, the Kazekage Fifth Generation still has a long way to go.

Therefore, Gaara still needs the support of his brothers and sisters, Daimaru's support to stabilize his position, and the jonins such as Maki, Sunatetsu, and Maki running around. Only in this way can the fifth generation of the Kazekage command, and there will still be people after leaving the Kazekage's house. Acknowledge and enforce.

"Father, you mean that Gaara feels pressure?"

Koyamabuki pondered Daimaru's words and asked with enlightenment. Daimaru replied with a smile:

"This is inevitable. If a person does not feel pressure and difficulties when he is involved in areas that he has not been exposed to before, in many cases, it does not prove how smart and wise he is. If you touch the edge of the threshold, you will not integrate into the mainstream system, but stay outside the core.”

It has been more than two years and nearly three years since he became the fifth generation of the Kazekage. After keeping a low profile, winning people's hearts, and establishing a firm foothold, as the head of a village, Gaara is bound to take over the main authority belonging to the Kazekage.

"Game of Thrones has entered deep waters!"

The hill is clear.

Now that you have become the Kazekage, you can stay out of some games if you don't want to play them. For example, the mobilization order formed by the ninja alliance will definitely harm the interests of many people, but it also contains great benefits. I don’t know how many people were staring at Gaara to see how he showed off his talents or how he embarrassed himself.

Once Gaara showed his inability to control the overall situation, it would be even more difficult for Gaara to establish his authority.

Apart from basics such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, which are related to people's livelihood, the most important thing for the ruler of a large force is to consolidate his power. The second step is to expand his living space and fight for foreign affairs.

War is the symbolic event that most tests Gaara's abilities.

Sunagakure Village does not have a queen mother who listens to the government behind the curtain, nor does it have an emperor who controls everything behind the scenes. But if Gaara wants to "handle the government", he must show that he can lead his compatriots in the important decisions that determine the future of the village. The ability of the ninja world to move forward.

If he couldn't do it, no matter how hard Daimaru supported him, the Kazekage Fifth Daime would not be able to set up the banner.

"A few years ago, the Kazekage Fifth Daime and I boasted privately that I would make the people of Sunagakure Village rich and powerful, while Gaara would be responsible for uniting the people together, overcoming obstacles and moving forward bravely! The original words were not so specific, But that’s roughly what it means. Now, most of my mission has been completed, and he is still a little far away from the goal..."

Xiao Shanchui smiled:

"If my father hadn't bothered me so much, the Kazekage Fifth Generation wouldn't have been in such a difficult situation! In the past, it was enough to just look at the palm-sized area of ​​Sunagakure Village, and look up and see down. The 'united front' is not that difficult, like Mu Like the Leaf Village, it is enough to have the spirit of Konoha and the Will of Fire. Now our Highness the Grand Palace is the head of the government of the Kingdom of Wind. With tens of millions of people, coupled with the continuous influx of immigrants, people's minds have changed. , I will catch anyone blind..."

Governing a village is completely different from ruling a country. Even if the village is as big as a town, the difference in size is too big.

Thousands of threads and contradictions are concentrated on the fact that the development speed is too fast, and the ruling model of Suna Ninja is far from keeping up with the actual needs caused by drastic social changes.

Not to mention that Gaara felt a lot of pressure. Up and down, he was almost in a state of bewilderment. He had a headache and a pain in his head and feet. All hell breaks loose.

Daimaru's advice to Gaara has always been to insist on putting me first, then hold on, slowly adjust, absorb talents, and improve myself.

Daimaru had seen too much of the pressure from all parties caused by the influx of foreign population due to insufficient "digestion" ability of the Country of Wind at present.

At a small scale, it is called sharing development dividends, but at a large scale, it is a population and cultural invasion.

People from the Kingdom of Fire like to drink sake, and residents of the Kingdom of Earth prefer grain wine. However, due to geographical constraints, the Kingdom of Wind mostly drinks fruit wine. If they meet each other, who will listen to them?

And this is just an insignificant microcosm of the problems currently encountered by the Kingdom of Wind.

It is not advisable to close the door to the country. If you don’t look at the world and entertain yourself behind closed doors, you are seeking death. However, when you are not strong enough and unable to resist the invasion, rashly tearing down the doors and windows is not called learning and communication, but Open the door and greet the thief.

Thinking about past lives, the so-called internationalization must have occurred when a certain country or civilization occupied a dominant position, and other forces either passively integrated or became vassals.

Once binary opposition occurs, or even multi-level confrontation, integration ceases to exist.

Internationalization means Americanization; integrating with the world means cutting off one's feet to fit the shoes, suppressing oneself, and forcibly abiding by European and American rules and cultural traditions.

The same is true in the ninja world. The Country of Fire is rich, the country is rich and the people are strong, which is desirable, and the Leaf Village is powerful and persuasive.

No matter how hard Daimaru and Gaara try, they cannot ignore reality. The Land of Fire and Konoha Village are now the beacons of the ninja world, the ideal country that everyone yearns for.

Daimaru didn't know the reason why Gaara firmly stood on the side of Konoha Village in the original timeline. At least for now, the Kazekage Godaime, who still had a sense of dissatisfaction in his heart, could really feel it. Under the appearance of force and wealth, the Fire Country and the Wind Country were crushed by huge soft power.

It is indeed difficult to meet the needs of the residents of the Kingdom of Wind for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but how easy is it to reshape the core of a rapidly turbulent original desert civilization?

Young people are still too naive.

Fortunately, Sunagakure Village maintains an almost crushing level of military superiority internally. It can trade time for space to slowly eliminate disharmony without worrying about being subverted.

In fact, after carefully weighing it, Daimaru did find a political entity in his previous life that was similar to Sunagakure Village now.

In the early days of the Great Navigation, there were many colonies that mastered absolute force and then fought against each other, gradually controlling a large number of indigenous colonies.

Race, culture, language, religion, etc. are all appearances. The Country of Wind is not a colony, and Sand Hidden Village is not a private colonial company, but the current situation is indeed somewhat similar.

The Sand Hidden Village has a very small population but prosperous military fortunes; a desert civilization with complex origins and a large population that can be disguised as a country; and a large number of immigrants or the upcoming influx of foreign populations.

In the social environment without extraordinary power in the previous life, Sunagakure Village had long been submerged by the black uncle just like South Africa when the apartheid policy was lifted. The Sand Hidden Village holds the cornerstone of social operation, and even holds great righteousness. As long as secular civil science has not developed to the level of rubbing nuclear bombs with bare hands, Sunagakure can persist for decades or even hundreds of years. Over the course of several generations, slowly Sort out the entire country.

As long as Gaara doesn't stupidly accept the deception of others, and believes in those lies that seem to have great meaning, but are actually nonsense.

"Even so, it's not easy for the Kazekage Fifth Generation. Fortunately, now that my father has expressed his support in a subtle way, he should feel at ease..."

Koyamabuki said speculatively.

Gaara probably hasn't confirmed the identities of Rasa and Hayakura yet, or there are some guesses, but there is no evidence, because he doesn't know Daimaru's plan, and it's hard to reveal them rashly.

Some secrets should not be exposed, and the tacit understanding between the two should not be broken by a little speculation.

Daimaru responded nonchalantly:

"Don't worry about it for the time being. Gaara is a very talented leader, but he lacks experience. You will understand after a while! Our Sunagakure Village and the Kingdom of Wind not only need the development of material civilization, but also the prosperity of spiritual civilization. Just For example, this war is a good subject..."

Not just the Sand Ninja, there is almost no ninja village in the entire ninja world. Realizing these problems, Konoha Village has been struggling for decades, and after coming up with the Will of Fire, it has been boasted to the world. The Kingdom of Wind will definitely not be left behind in the future.

"Oh well!"

Xiaoshan Chui nodded,

"Looking back, I asked Xi Yan to fabricate a few scripts and arrange a puppet show..."

"How do we call it fabrication? That's called creation based on facts and rational sublimation. Art comes from life and is higher than life!"

The little guy speaks too straightforwardly and doesn't pay attention to the actual impact at all.

To be honest, Gaara's youthful maturity is indeed commendable, but his slightly conservative style makes Daimaru a little disappointed.

The will of the general public cannot be ignored, but there is no need to be too afraid. If an uncontrollable crisis occurs, Daimaru and his puppet masters can create a large number of puppets in a very short time regardless of the cost. The combat power should not be too strong, just suppress the rebellious forces.

Because the consumption is too high, the benefits are too small, and Daimaru doesn't like this too strong a method, so it has never been used on a large scale.

But if necessary, Daimaru wouldn't mind letting those dissidents experience what a puppet empire dominated by the top puppet masters is like.

After all, the ninja world is not a paradise where everyone is equal, the country of wind is not a paradise, and the sand ninja is not a selfless saint.

A strong man of Daimaru's level is still far away from conquering the entire ninja world, but it is still possible to control the entire Kingdom of Wind and turn a handful of people into terminators.

Even Orochimaru can build his own ninja village for fun, and occupy several small islands to cultivate and raise gu. With a puppet master like Daimaru and a strong Yin Escape master, his methods will only become more sophisticated.

Next, Koyamabuki told Daimaru about the state of the sacred tree fruits that had taken root and sprouted in the "Cradle Garden". It was generally within expectations. In a short time, its brand will be completely refined and integrated with the entire "Cradle Garden". One body.

At that time, the hometown of these "artificial elves" will really become something like the Holy Land of Psychic Beasts.

After receiving Daimaru's praise, Koyamabuki left happily. Xiang Rin had some personal matters and needed help from the little guy. Although it didn't bring much benefit, the friendship was pretty good during daily interactions. It was as expected with a little effort.

Among the floating islands of giant turtles swimming in the deep sea, Uzumaki Naruto has been in the "Waterfall of Truth" for half a day. In the past few decades, the jinchūriki and alternatives to enter the "Waterfall of Truth" have not spent so much time. Long-term.

The accompanying Konoha ninja was worried, and the guarding Kumo ninja was also a little confused.

"Strange, the energy activity of the 'Waterfall of Reality' has dropped by one-third..."


After completing the mission, Kakashi Hatake, who took the time to rush over because he was worried about the safety of the students, asked his allies around him,

"Is this not common? Will it have a bad impact on Naruto?"

"It doesn't count! There have been fluctuations before, but the amplitude is not this big! Logically speaking, it will not have any impact on exploring inner obsessions, but there may be shortcomings in protecting the mind from being disturbed..."

"How to say?"

"It's like swimming in water. When the wind is calm, it is naturally safer. If the wind and waves are too big, there is definitely a risk of choking on the water, and in the worst case, there is even the possibility of death! Of course, as long as you don't hold on and give up in time, you will be mentally healthy. After being injured, you can recover after taking some rest.”

The subtext is that if you know there is danger but still don't accept the reality, the result will be more troublesome.

And this is what Hatake Kakashi and all the Konoha ninjas are worried about.

Fortunately, after more than an hour, Naruto Uzumaki, who looked slightly tired, finally opened his closed eyes.

"Kakashi-sensei, why are you here?"

"Entrusted by the Godaime, I came to support you! Last time, the information about your situation in the stormy sea was sent back to the village, and it caused a bit of a stir! Fortunately, everything is safe..."

Kakashi Hatake pretended to be relaxed and replied,

"By the way, why did it take you so long to pass the trial?"

"When I...was wrestling with the Kyuubi, my father and mother suddenly appeared and helped me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the copy ninja:

"We'll talk about this later when we get back. Are you feeling okay?"

If there is no need to reveal information about the Fourth Hokage, it is better not to reveal it. What's more, there are several Kumo ninjas present, so it is not suitable to discuss the secrets of the Leaf Village.

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