Red sand dust

Chapter 1223 Changes

There is definitely a lot of pressure in running such a large Kingdom of Wind, but with such a large territory and so many people, it is also quite a sense of accomplishment to change it according to their own wishes.

Daimaru and Gaara have discussed their future development many times, and they are basically on target and have gained a lot.

But today is not a good time. When I go out, I am surrounded by ninjas from other villages with different thoughts. Maybe there is a certain ninja who has special abilities and can eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

After a hasty exchange of information, Daimaru stood up to leave and prepare for the upcoming battle.

Entering the puppet army command room, an office room specially prepared for Daimaru, Daimaru casually looked through the ledger like a running ledger, glanced at it for a few times and put it aside.

“There are still too few talents who can stand alone!”

Uncle "Red Sand Dust" sighed slightly, having not dealt with such trivial matters for a long time.

Nowadays, the biggest problem of the Ninja Alliance is that there are too few capable and prestigious cadres.

The seniors Ma Ji, Sha Tie and other elders in Sunagakure Village have rich experience, but it is difficult to convince the ninjas from other villages. The young people promoted by Daimaru are also very good backbones, but not many of them really have the confidence to step up to the forefront.

Only Konoha Village can pick out a few masters such as Hatake Kakashi and Yamanaka Haiichi who are well-known and have brilliant records. They have many admirers in other villages, and their influence even exceeds that of ninjas. scope, and has quite a reputation in the secular world.

Without resounding names such as "Copy Ninja", "Konoha Technician", and "Ino Shika Butterfly", it is really difficult to control the members of the ninja alliance under his command.

Behind closed doors, we are all compatriots, and at least they are somewhat thin-faced. If you want to have a say on the big stage of the ninja world, you really need some "soft power" besides real ability.

Not long after, Daimaru, who was resting with his eyes closed, welcomed Leman and Yuno, who had already taken shape. If necessary, the close eldest sister Leman and the "scene person" Yuno can already handle most of the daily chores. , it is more private, and it is better to do actions that are best not known to outsiders.

"Tianhua and Tong, who were transferred from the rescue team, were taken away by the intelligence team and the medical team respectively!"

Yu Nai reported the report somewhat unhappily,

"If it weren't for Mr. Ma Ji's argument, I would have gone to the medical unit to report. Our puppet army doesn't have many sensing ninjas and medical ninjas. If this continues, we won't even be able to gather a complete second-line support unit... …”

"I'll ask later! Although Yamanaka Haiichi seems to be easy to talk to, he is actually very principled and may not always make sense. Shizune, on the other hand, is soft-hearted and usually tries to persuade her, but she can't keep her face... …”

Daimaru waved his hand and Yun Danfeng responded softly,

"There is a shortage of real technical talents everywhere. Konoha ninjas are responsible for the main front-line offensive tasks. It is not easy to refuse them if you offer more compensation. Be gentle when communicating and give full play to the advantages of your female ninjas..."

Not only intelligence, perception and medical treatment, but also in the logistics force, chefs who cook delicious food are all being competed for. After all, ninjas are a fierce fighting profession. Although auxiliary logistics is important, they are second-tier after all. Serious ninjas, There are very few people who aspire to be a support player.

Tenka's decision to go to the intelligence unit probably cannot be changed, but Kiri's transfer to the medical unit still needs to be discussed. If he cannot be brought back, it would be better to send him to the surprise attack unit under Kankuro's command.

Among the second-line ninja troops responsible for logistics, the biggest casualties were the intelligence troops dispatched by the headquarters and the medical troops who were disrupted and assassinated by Bai Zetsu after being infiltrated.

"Got it, Minister!"

"Here, I am no longer the minister, but the acting staff officer!"

Now that the coalition forces have been formed, the organization still needs to be serious.

Jiraiya, who has nothing serious to do, and whose main task is to protect the Jinchuuriki, also serves as an acting staff officer like Daimaru.

If a staff officer is not a leader, he will not fart loudly.

Now the chief of staff of the ninja alliance is the Fourth Raikage Ai, and his two handymen are Nara Shikaku and Azabui.

Daimaru and Jiraiya are not the type to work up and down, it is enough for them to strangle the enemy's core interests - the tailed beasts.

"Advisor Daimaru..."

Leman, who was nearly twenty-five years old and was becoming more and more charming, stroked the temples on his cheeks and said slowly,

"The mission given to our flight formation by the headquarters is too heavy. The area we are responsible for monitoring far exceeds the range of the perception barrier. Once it is attacked by someone, except for our own people, there will be almost no support!"

Assault troops with strong mobility can drive straight in if they perform well. If they make a mistake, they will go deep alone. Don't think that no one can hit them while they are flying in the sky. The heavy ballistae of Yunyin Village is quite powerful and has an extremely long range. It has been reasonably modified. , and can even threaten targets thousands of meters high.

There are no various weapons conventions in the ninja world, such as cluster bombs, poison gas bombs, etc. There are really no taboos. As long as they don't kill civilians on a large scale, no one will care.

Daimaru has seen it with his own eyes. The terrifying power of the ninja world's version of the Cloud Explosive Bomb and the thermobaric bomb can instantly drain the oxygen from a large area, causing people to suffocate to death, or be ravaged by the powerful high pressure.

He is quite proficient in studying various terrifying weapons and improving killing efficiency, both in his previous life and in the ninja world.

Fortunately, these killer weapons are basically in the hands of Sand Hidden Village and are sealed as strategic reserves.

"Aerial patrol means doing your best and obeying destiny. When we are actually fighting, it is rarely used! This time the enemy is quite special..."

Daimaru also knew the worries of his subordinates. The enemies of the Fourth Ninja World War, except for a few S-class rebellious ninjas, were the filthy earth bodies with unlimited chakra and immortality, and the Whites who relied on numbers to contain the ninja alliance. The ultimate army.

Until now, Daimaru can be sure that Tenzo has not been captured by White Zetsu, and the incident of using him as material to quickly create a large number of White Zetsu clones has not happened.

In other words, the pressure on the side of the five great ninja villages was relatively much smaller, but Obito Uchiha controlled Yakushi Kabuto and a large number of powerful filth bodies in advance.

In this case, the casualties of the surprise attack detachment responsible for testing the enemy and the close and mid-range joint detachment will definitely be considerable.

The surprise attack force was led by Kankuro, who also had a group of experienced members of Sunagakure Village's air combat force. As long as they looked after each other, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

The close and mid-range joint unit led by Hatake Kakashi, who is responsible for protracted warfare and intercepting the enemy's elite raids head-on, is expected to suffer more heavy losses than in the original timeline.

The Suna Ninjas are mainly concentrated in the melee alliance army unit, led by the taciturn Loess. The Suna Ninjas and Iwa Ninjas occupy the majority of this Ninja Army unit. If nothing goes wrong, they will have a head-on conflict with the White Zetsu Army. The battle should be tough, but the casualties will certainly not be huge.

In a sense, the deployment of the ninja alliance this time fully took into account the characteristics of each major ninja village, and did not deliberately arrange tasks that were inconsistent with the fighting style.

After rotating out of the "Quick Relief Team", Yuno, Shishio and Koji are already the most senior cadres of Sunagakure Village's air combat unit. If it were not for the problem of resource allocation, they would be eligible for promotion. Tolerable.

After Yuno left with a seemingly gentle but actually perfunctory smile, Daimaru said to his subordinate and senior who had also been with him for many years:

"You don't have to come to this Ninja Army gathering. Why do you have to take the risk? I heard that your family has been planning a blind date for you for a long time..."

“In the end, it’s probably not going to work!”

Leman smiled bitterly and said,

"I still want to thank you, Chief Staff Officer, for providing me with convenience during these days. It's really my parents' perspective on people that are very different from mine!"

Many younger female ninjas who had worked together in the same department for many years were getting married one after another. They watched Leman run towards the road of marrying older women, but there was no result.

"I won't get involved in your housework. As long as it doesn't affect your work, you can do whatever you want."

In recent years, there have been many male ninjas of the same age who have had scandals with Leman, and even Daimaru was once considered her "young lover".

Any pretty girl who has spoken to Daimaru for a few words will always tell big and small "stories" to Daimaru.

Many of them slowly disappeared over time, and only a few well-known female ninjas were often pulled out to "fried rice". Like Leman, who was not very famous and had no real targets for scandal, they gradually disappeared. People believe the relevant market rumors.

"As long as it's not because of my bad reputation that affects you!"

"You are worrying too much. I don't like superficial men who are really misled by these rumors!"

"All right!"

Daimaru nodded.

To be honest, among the female ninjas who have worked together for many years, apart from Qian, this is the only eldest sister. It is relatively comfortable to get along with her and you don't have to worry too much.

It's not without reason that adolescent boys always look forward to the "girl in their senior year". They are really much more considerate than those girls who can't guess their thoughts.

"If necessary, I can transfer you to Naruto Village or Awaji Village, where you are now on the right track, relatively relaxed, and have time to deal with your own personal affairs!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Sir. Now I just want to contribute my own strength in the Ninja World War. As for the future... there will always be results..."

After Leman received the mission and left, Daimaru sighed and shook his head.

In Sunagakure Village today, the proportion of female ninjas has gradually increased. In the air combat troops, which are mainly puppet masters, the average strength of young girls with better physical flexibility and coordination exceeds that of male ninjas.

If the overall number of female ninjas were not at a disadvantage, the number of lower-level female puppet masters and apprentices might exceed that of male ninjas.

As women's economic and military status improves, there will be more and more outstanding female ninjas like Leman who cannot find a suitable marriage partner.

In the final analysis, there is a huge error in the expectations between men and women for their partner.

When men look for a lifelong partner, they tend to be good wives and mothers, gentle and skillful; women are naturally physically weak and prefer outstanding men who are stronger than themselves and can protect themselves.

Leman's earning power, ninja strength and connections are not without value, but they are not as useful in the marriage market of Sunagakure Village as she imagined.

It's not that Leman's excellence is wrong, but there are fewer male ninjas of the same age who meet the requirements of her husband.

"Times have changed, but people's hearts are still so "simple". There are still many trivial things that Gaara needs to deal with! 』

In ancient times, men farmed and women weaved, and it was a self-sufficient society. With the prosperity of the textile industry in large factories, women's economic status and independence have greatly improved. Men's physical advantage over women has declined. The changing people's hearts have created many Many conflicts; that phenomenon is happening in Sunagakure Village in another way.

When the room returned to silence, Kankuro, who had been waiting outside for a long time, knocked on the door and then walked in on his own.

"You are really lenient. Do you even know the private affairs of your subordinates so clearly?"

Daimaru didn't take it seriously and replied without raising his head:

"It's not as exaggerated as you said! Leman is still reassuring. I don't want some unexpected troubles to affect the work attitude of a capable subordinate."

"Is the problem difficult to deal with?"


Daimaru leaned back and replied lazily,

"Many rising stars of sand ninja have not yet realized that they have crossed the gap from the lowest class to a well-off family. Leman has vaguely realized that his parents, who have very short-sighted eyes, do not understand the bright future at all. What kind of future does my daughter need..."

He became the right-hand man of Mr. "Red Dust" who once represented the Kazekage, and was almost halfway into the core management of Sunagakure Village.

The amount of power does not depend on one's own strength and position, but is closely related to the distance from the supreme master.

The most influential people around the emperor, besides the ministers, are the eunuchs and concubines; the most promising people in Sunagakure Village are the talents valued by Gaara and Daimaru.

Under such circumstances, Leman would rather recruit a wife than accept the so-called "young talents" introduced by his parents' circle of friends.

"Stop talking about this, your kid is over 18, why don't you even have a rumored girlfriend?"

"Is this something you should be concerned about?"

"I am your brother-in-law, so of course I have to care about my brother-in-law? My father-in-law and mother-in-law died early. My elder sister is like my mother, and my brother-in-law is my father. Are you not convinced?"


Only on this point, Kankuro is very unconvinced. In terms of the charm that attracts female ninjas, Daimaru's apologetic appearance that is close to being "crippled" is actually favored by many outstanding female ninjas. The young master of the ancient Kazekage family, No one actually cares about Ren Kazekage's eldest brother, and his presence among female ninjas is incredibly low.

It's not that no one likes it, it's that no one cares.

"Okay, don't talk about this!"

Daimaru waved his hand and said seriously,

"Logically speaking, your surprise attack team is not very dangerous, smart and don't be fooled into being betrayed! It's not worth dying in a place like this!"

"I see!"

"You do not understand!"

Daimaru glared at his brother-in-law and warned in a low voice,

"Don't think that you are a big shot just because you have mastered the human puppet of the Third Kazekage. This time is different! Do what you can, and don't offend people who don't know the details. Even I don't want to stand out and cause certain existences. attention..."

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