Red sand dust

Chapter 1229: Sit back and wait.

The condition of Kisame Kisaki, who was being remembered, was not as good as Uchiha Obito and others expected.

Successfully finding the locations of several surviving jinchūriki was only the first step in the mission, and the information had to be passed back.

After merging himself with Samehada, Kisame Kisaki was inevitably affected.

What is even more worrying is that Samehada, a living weapon, is not as tame as imagined.

The ability to swallow chakra is both Samehada's specialty and a constraint. As long as a relatively pure and large amount of chakra is provided, there is the possibility of instigating rebellion.

Even if you only have the lowest biological instincts, you are no longer a dead thing at the mercy of others, but an existence with your own choices.

After being carried by the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kirabi for a long time and absorbing too much chakra of the tailed beast unknowingly, Kisame Kisaki already had a premonition that he would lose control of his muscles.

If he continues to dawdle like this, it is very likely that he will be abandoned by Samehada, or even have a backlash.

"Can't wait any longer!" 』

The situation on Uchiha Obito and Zetsu's side is still unknown, but our own side is already on the verge of being unable to hold on.

If you want to leave, you have to separate from Samehada and escape alone. However, there are enemy troops all around, sensory barriers and patrols everywhere, and flying ninjas who are observing from a high position are still passing by in the sky, trying to escape unnoticed. Leaving is almost impossible.

Leaving with Samehada has a higher success rate. After the dried persimmon Kisame is fused with it, it can turn into a lifelike big fish and leave along the waterway.

Although the border between the Country of Grass and the Country of Taki is not full of floods like the Country of Rain, nor does it have the convenience of a marine environment, it can be considered a dense water network. As long as you avoid other people's attention and find a big river that crosses the border, you can Can escape smoothly.

However, Rabbi Kiri, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, is a very difficult master. If he falls into his hands, it is not easy to escape smoothly.

Now that the war is imminent, Kirabi is almost inseparable from the weapon. Even when sleeping, he relies on the weapon to fall asleep.

Even if the Jinchuuriki himself is asleep, the tailed beast in his body is very energetic, and if there is any trouble, it will be noticed.

After waiting for a long time, the patient Inigaki Kisame finally got a chance.

All surviving Jinchūriki are objects of protection and also have rare combat power.

It is impossible for the ninja world alliance to provide several masters whose combat power is almost equal to that of the Five Kages as mascots.

Didn't the ninjas create war weapons like jinchūriki just to be effective on the battlefield?

In order to improve the tacit understanding of the several Jinchuuriki, everyone took the time to organize several tactical discussions. Kirabi and others who like to join in the fun also naturally participated.

The intensity of the battle is somewhat beyond imagination. After all, they are all perfect Jinchuuriki, or relatively close masters, and the power of each move is not so easy to resist.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kirabi was forced to let go of his weapon, the Great Sword Samehada turned into a writhing fish and dived deeper from the bottom of the water when it was submerged in the stream near the lake. In the wider river, he swam towards the southern country.

When the sparring between the jinchūriki came to an end, Kirabi, who was looking for a weapon but couldn't find it, realized that something was wrong. Unfortunately, by that time, Inigaki Kisame had already left far away without anyone noticing.

At the same time, in a torrent dozens of kilometers away from the ninja alliance station, Kisame Kisaki, who was about to speed up his escape, was suddenly captured by a huge crab-like thing. Before he could react, he rolled over. Entering an illusory light door, passing through the illusory and alternating illusion space corridor, and arriving at a place where the whole body is pitch black.

"who are you?"

Without an answer, he saw the giant crab-like puppet grabbing him, clamping him tightly with its slender claws, and spitting out a thick gelatinous substance from its big cracked mouth, wrapping the dried persimmon Kisame , some futile struggles became more and more powerless.

Immediately afterwards, a group of translucent tentacles stretched out from the shadow, and the dried persimmon Kisame was pulled out from the inside of the sword Samehada, and then it was quickly wrapped into a cocoon-like body by layers of pale vines, and gradually became silent.

Not long after, Daimaru, who was waiting for him, came out of the air, reached out and grabbed the handle of the sword Samehada, and swung it violently, forcing out the chakra it had swallowed, and dispersed in the surrounding space, slowly being slowed down by an inexplicable presence. absorb.

"If you are not honest, you will have no chance to make weapons!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the struggling Daito Sameji suddenly began to tremble, not daring to resist violently.

The top shell of the giant crab-like puppet not far away opened, and Koyamabuki, who was having a great time, flew over waving his black wings.

"Father, do you want me to play with this 'toy'?"


The chakra had been squeezed out, so Daimaru casually threw the languid sword Samehada to Koyamabuki, who happily accepted it. He didn't know how long it would take before it was ruined.

When it was in Kirabi's hands, it was difficult for Daimaru to start, and he lost it himself, so don't blame Daimaru for picking up a ready-made one.

At this critical moment, with Iniki Kaki Kisame's strength, there is really no possibility of fishing in troubled waters.

Although this large area is densely covered with rivers, there are only a few major rivers leading to other places. If you find a place to hide, you may still have a chance of survival, but if you want to escape, you only need to block a few traffic arteries. , just wait for the dried persimmon Kisame to be delivered to your door.

"This guy was known for his ruthless style before he defected to Kirigakure Village. After he defected, he did all kinds of evil. As long as it was an order from his superiors, he would do anything he could and try his best to complete it. He really deserves to die!"

There are really not many so-called S-class rebellious ninjas who have been wronged. Letting them die simply is a mercy.

With the addition of a "Tailless Tailed Beast" and the years of accumulation of the Great Sword Samehada, the slow-growing sacred tree sapling in the "Cradle Garden" has grown two more young leaves, and its top has grown several meters higher. .

"Growing up step by step is still too slow. You still have to kill people, steal goods, and plunder. This is the shortcut to get rich!" 』

If two more complete tailed beasts are absorbed and sealed, it is possible that the "Cradle Garden" will benefit from the growth of the sacred tree saplings and directly transform from a virtual reality into another complete holy land for immortals.

"Father, are there any such 'fat sheep'? I will go and guard..."

"It's not that simple!"

Daimaru touched the little guy's head lovingly and shook his head gently.

The size of the ninja world is only so small. A large part of it is sealed in the Pure Land for various reasons, and it also exists in the form of natural energy that is difficult to use. The rest is mostly in the nine tailed beasts, with talents like Inigaki Kisame. Damn it, it's still too little.

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