Red sand dust

Chapter 141 What Can’t Kill Me

As he spoke, Gaara formed a hand seal to gather chakra, then put his hands on the ground, and a massive amount of chakra poured into the ground.

"Sand Waterfall Burial!"

In the sea of ​​​​thousands of miles of sand, the one-tailed Shukaku is the undisputed king of earth tyrants. As a one-tailed jinchūriki, Gaara is also at home in the Kingdom of Wind.

Performing Sand Waterfall Burial in the desert is simply bullying.

The sand within a radius of tens of meters is like a collapsing whirlpool, sinking continuously and then spreading in all directions.

With such a terrifying sand manipulation ninjutsu, there is no way to survive hiding underground. Even if the sand is not crushed, the huge pressure can make people suffocate to death.

"It's really... spectacular!"

Gravel sighed!

Many years ago, he was lucky enough to see the secret gold placer technique of Kazekage Yondaime Rasa, and it was just like what he saw before him. He used his own power to change the terrain, leaving the enemy with nowhere to escape and had no choice but to suffer death.

After the dull roar, figures rushed out of the ground and landed in the sea of ​​quicksand.

"Nine people? The estimate was wrong. There are more enemies than imagined..."

Shasha carefully observed the enemy's movements, showing a hint of solemnity.

There are eight people on Suna Ninja's side, but six of them are genin, so the situation is not optimistic.

"It's Wen Ya, we're in trouble!"

Juan said coldly.

On the Iwa Ninja side, the leader is tall and stocky, wearing a ninja hat and has blue marks under his eyes.

"Originally, I just wanted to hide and intercept a few batches of supplies. I didn't prepare for a head-on confrontation. It's you who are looking for death. You can't blame me..."

Except for Bunga, the remaining eight people were all Chuunin.

Fuga didn't take it seriously to new jonins like Suga and Maki.

"Young man, don't think that becoming a Jonin means you are really strong."

Wen Ya clenched his fist and punched the ground violently. The impact spread to the ground, and the rolling sea of ​​sand was cut off by this punch.

"What a powerful force!"

Gaara, who was so calm and calm, couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

In the past, when facing genin and chunin, the sand manipulation ninjutsu was invincible, but the effect was not so good in front of Fuga.

"Juan and I are here to hold Wen Ya down, you guys hurry up and kill the others!"

"You two, are you really okay?"

Wen Ya sneered, stepped suddenly, crossed the distance between the two, and punched him.

"Earth Release·Fist Rock!"

Juan quickly used the Buin Technique and tried to dodge, but was knocked away by a giant fist wrapped in Earth Release.

Gaara directed his giant palm of soft sand to catch the roll and pulled it back safely. Immediately afterwards, he stretched his hands forward, and the sand in his hands turned into countless bullets, shooting at Wen Ya who had no cover.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

The eight chunin behind them jointly used Earth Release to raise an earth wall, blocking all the rain of sand and earth projectiles.

"Danger, retreat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the earth flow wall in front of him broke, and a piece of detonating talisman and kunai were shot towards the Suna Ninja.

"Earth Release·Rock Missile!"

The Sand Ninja, who had formed a defensive formation, were easily dispersed by the Iwa Ninja's series of attacks.

Gaara manipulated the sand to block the broken soil, kunai and detonating charms.

"That does not work!"

Grit was a little anxious.

You can't rely entirely on Gaara for offense and defense. Bunga is already very powerful, and with the help of eight chuunin, it will be difficult for Suna Ninja to gain the upper hand.

"Let's use the same tactics as before. The two jonins will restrain Wenya while we go kill the others!"

Daimaru suggested. Jinchuuriki helped, he was so arrogant, it was natural to challenge him to a higher level.

"You have a solution!"

Temari waved her three-star fan, blowing up the dust in the sky, but she still stopped before the earth escape and earth flow wall.

Daimaru looked at the east, where a patch of fish belly white appeared, and the sun was about to rise.

"This is the Kingdom of Wind, our home court, and we should be more worried about our enemies! In the desert, are we sand ninjas afraid of others?"

"A war of attrition! They are isolated and helpless, and our compatriots may come over at any time..."

He rolled up a curtain, wrapped up a few people, and temporarily sent them to a safe place a little further away.

"But, can we really outlast them?"

"I have a solution!"

Daimaru waved his hand, and a hazy shadow appeared on the palm of his hand.

"If I were the only one, I wouldn't dare to speak out loud! Now, it's really my time to be in the limelight..."

In terms of bluffing, disturbing the enemy, and draining the enemy's chakra, no one present is Daimaru's opponent.

"Anyone who can't kill me will be disgusted to death by me..."

Looking at Daimaru with a crazily evil smile on his face, his doubtful companions decided to see if Daimaru's method was as effective as boasted.

In the hazy morning light, the light of a mirage enveloped the Iwa Ninja's head.

"what is that?"

In an empty place, a large rocket suddenly fell from the sky and exploded after landing, sending out acrid smoke.

"Everyone, be careful, it may be poisonous!"

Wen Ya ordered his subordinates to disperse to prevent the puppet master from using poison to destroy his side.

The Iwa ninjas used Earth Release to deflect the rockets and avoided the dangerous place with vigor.

"I seem to have accidentally been exposed to poisonous smoke..."

"Idiot, use the antidote pill quickly..."

"But I feel like it's okay..."

"Me too. Is it fake to smoke poisonous cigarettes?"

"Wait, I seem to be really poisoned, are you all okay? Are you under an illusion..."

After swallowing the antidote pill, the Iwagakure Chunin Shield tried to dispel the genjutsu, but there was no reaction at all.

"It's not an illusion! The surrounding environment is both real and fake. What on earth is going on?"

The fear of the unknown suddenly caused confusion among the Iwa Ninjas.

At the same time, a group of sand puppets rose from the ground and awkwardly surrounded the Iwa Ninja.

"Don't panic, just stay close to me."

Several Iwagakure chunin tried to attack, and the sand puppets were indeed real and fake.

Gravel looked with interest at the Iwa ninjas who were driven together by Daimaru's polarized killing array, and nodded slightly:

"The killing ability is not very good, but the containment effect is very strong. It is a very good ninjutsu! How is the chakra consumption?"

"For me, as long as it is within a certain range, there is no difference between confusing one person and a hundred people, as long as the light can reach it..."

How is it possible to control the flow of light in such a wide range? Chakra simply can't stand that kind of torment!

Daimaru only accurately controls the virtual image in a very small range and then projects it over. It's like showing an open-air 3D movie for those Iwa ninjas who have more muscles than brains.

Of course, some of these dangerous attacks are genuine and need to be carefully distinguished.

In order to reduce chakra consumption and increase the range of control, Daimaru also put a lot of thought into it.

"It's my first time dealing with earth escape ninjas. These clumsy big guys don't seem to be good at dealing with too complex environmental changes!"

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