Red sand dust

Chapter 159 Fear

It rained lightly all night, and in the morning, the gentle breeze had dried the slightly wet ground.

After breakfast, Daimaru and Kankuro sat in the corner of the theater's outer wall, quietly watching the village gradually wake up after sleeping all night.

"Daimaru, are we very free?"

Kankuro holds a bottle of carbonated drink in his hand and takes a sip from time to time.

If he hadn't known that he was a fat and underage boy, he would have been mistaken for a hungover uncle.

"Why do you think so?"

Daimaru turned his palms over in boredom, and balls of colorful light appeared and died, just like a highly skilled juggler performing.

"In the past few days, I just walked around and looked around, and then found a place to practice. There was nothing else to do the rest of the time. Is it really good to be so leisurely?"

Kankuro, who had long been accustomed to Daimaru's tricks, turned a blind eye. It was a refreshing morning, but Kankuro felt a little unmotivated.

"Isn't this normal? It's called communication, but what do we have to learn from the Leaf Village in a big way?"

"It's a bit hurtful when you say that! Our Sand Ninjutsu and Puppetry Technique are both very unique!"

"Then what?"

Kankuro couldn't give an answer to Daimaru's question after thinking about it for a while.

The Sand Ninjutsu is good for use in a ghost place like the Kingdom of Wind, but in another place, it may not be as useful as ordinary earth escape;

As for puppetry, although Konoha Village is not as good as Sunagakure Village, it is not without it.

Even in Sunagakure Village, the secret technique is easy to learn but difficult to master. There are many ninja schools in Konoha Village. Is it necessary to promote such a partial puppet technique on a large scale?

From the ninja school to the genin level, Konoha ninjas have no need for puppetry.

As for the teaching methods, the two villages can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, but the students in the Ninja School are still too young.

The so-called exchanges will generally focus on the standards and methods of ninja selection.

After a moment of silence, Kankuro looked at the rising sun that brought some warmth and said:

"Of course it's not a bad day like this! But we are Suna ninjas and we don't belong here!"


"It doesn't really count, it's just that we are outsiders after all..."

"If that's the case, don't talk about it anymore! We will have to rely on the Leaf Village for a while in the future..."


Kankuro said with some dissatisfaction,

"Do you think too highly of our allies? You always teach us restraint during these times. Because you are a chuunin, I didn't say anything, but..."

Kankuro paused as he spoke, as if he didn't know whether to continue speaking.

"Why are not you talking?"

Daimaru chuckled.

"Afraid that I'll be angry? You can learn to watch people's emotions, and your social experience will increase..."

Kankuro ignored Daimaru's teasing and asked seriously:

"Are you scared?"

"Have you wanted to ask for a long time?"

Daimaru did not answer directly, but raised a transparent sheet in his hand, facing the sun, reflecting the brilliant light.

"What's this?"

Kankuro looked curiously at the new gadget in Daimaru's hand.

"Ordinary glass..."

It was just that Daimaru carefully carved a circle of small lines on its surface.

"Why study this?"

"Try it out and see if you can save some chakra when using the polarized killing formation..."

Using an air lens to deflect light requires a small amount of chakra, but it will rise linearly as the coverage area expands, and excessive energy consumption is also a problem.

In order to improve efficiency, Daimaru thought of many ways.

There is actually no need for overly realistic projections. How to cleverly mix Daimaru's "private goods" in the real world and quietly mislead the enemy is the focus of Daimaru's next research.

The imitated "Fresnel lens" in my hand is one of Daimaru's attempts.

Without endless chakra, Daimaru could only work on the principles of ninjutsu and chakra control techniques.

"How was the result?"

"In a small area, it can save about 30% to 40% of chakra, but the effect is average at medium and long distances!"

"That's not bad!"

Kankuro's chakra attributes are wind, thunder, earth, and water. Like many sand ninjas, he has the best aptitude for wind escape.

After the Chunin Exams, Kankuro also took the time to ask Daimaru about Wind Release.

Anyway, the polarized killing array is not a secret magic skill. The difficulty actually lies in the control ability and calculation ability.

Naturally, Daimaru would not ignore his brother-in-law's request.

As a result, the young puppet master was overwhelmed by Daimaru's series of optical theoretical knowledge, and gave up the idea of ​​imitating Daimaru.

"Kankuro, my ninja ability is average, and the only spiritual power and illusion talent I have that I can use are wasted..."

"Being able to create so many powerful ninjutsus on your own is pretty impressive considering your talent!"

Kankuro doesn't think so.

If Daimaru is regarded as "average" and "ordinary", then what does it mean to be one step behind him?

"Create your own ninjutsu?"

Daimaru smiled bitterly,

"If I have a choice, do I have to put in all the effort, get myself covered with bruises, and create these immature ninjutsu?"

Isn’t illusion good? Handsome and relaxed.

How much help did ninjutsu such as the Shadow Clone Technique, Wind Release Fiery Wind Palm, Wind Release: Vacuum Jade, and "Third Eye" help Daimaru?

If I had obtained these a few years earlier, why would it have been so hard?

"Isn't your new puppet, Black Ant, easy to use? When it is strong enough, it will be delivered to you naturally. I can't!

After a lot of hard work, I can barely be on an equal footing with the children of the Kazekage family, but those Konoha ninjas..."

Daimaru pointed at Konoha Team 7 who was slowly walking from the gate.

Probably they just completed their mission and returned to the village!

“A taijutsu ninja as powerful as Rock Lee, I barely managed to defeat him at the cost of serious injuries;

Uchiha Sasuke, who was originally beaten to pieces by me, used a month to close the gap and even injured Gaara;

That stupid Uzumaki Naruto was even defeated by Gaara who was completely possessed by his body.

You were also present in the monster battle that day. Aren't you afraid of that kind of growth rate? "

"If you think so, I have nothing to say!"

This was the first time Kankuro had seen such a terrifying battle. Even the nightmare-like monster in his heart was defeated by the little man with yellow hair.

"No matter how talented you are, you still need someone to teach you. You have only seen the terrible progress of the Konoha Genin. Have you never thought that the Konoha Village that can protect them and thrive is even more terrifying?"

Even if geniuses like Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto were born in Sunagakure Village, it's hard to say whether they would be able to reach their current heights.

"Don't think that just because we are one of the five great ninja villages, we are really the same. Sunagakure Village tried its best, but it only got the qualification to be on an equal footing with Konoha Village!

Do you remember what I said that day? I, a mediocre Suna ninja, can detect it, but your father, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, doesn't understand at all?

If there wasn't so much blood to prove the bravery of Sunagakure, reality would probably bend the backbone of Sunagakure Village. "

Win or lose, that is the question! Winning may not mean everything will be alright, and losing may not necessarily result in nothing. The important thing is to prove to others and to yourself that the sand ninja still has the courage to punch the strong.

"Both are the five major ninja villages of the five major countries. Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara back then probably viewed the Kage of the other four major nin villages no differently than the leaders of the smaller ninja villages!

Kankuro, having fear is not a bad thing. Fear, shame and anger will motivate yourself to work harder and become stronger. Don't bend down, let alone bend your knees! "

Kankuro, who was surprised by Daimaru's words, asked:

"Do you think the 'Ninja God' will reappear?"

"How would I know?"

Daimaru put away the glass mirror at hand and said quietly,

"I only know that based on the current speed of improvement in strength, if we don't work harder, it won't be long before except for Gaara, we won't even have the qualifications to fight with them in the future..."

"I thought you were only thinking about how to please Temari, but you still care about that?"

"If anyone dared to mock me as a coward, I would have beaten them up!"

Kankuro looked at the movement below;

"Those guys don't seem to get along well. The black-haired guy doesn't seem to be very gregarious!"

Daimaru stood up,

"Let's go back and get ready. I might be busy next time!"

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