Red sand dust

Chapter 16: Shun Tian Yingren

There is indeed a very low chance of encountering Iwagakure Village ninjas who are crossing the border while escorting the baggage.

However, in non-wartime, there are very few raids behind enemy lines, and latent infiltration is the common method.

This time, the Sound Wind Team is performing the most dangerous type of C-level mission, and may be temporarily upgraded to a B-level mission, or even an A-level mission.

Moreover, this kind of mission has very little profit and water. Unlike the extermination of the bandit group, you can get more or less stolen goods. As long as it is not particularly valuable, it is usually divided by the leading jounin.

Nothing happened on the way north, and the group arrived at their destination smoothly.

The Northern Fortress is not a city fortress, but a Great Wall that runs from east to west, blocking the way from the Kingdom of Earth southward to the Kingdom of Wind.

Such a wall and fortress defense system cannot prevent elite ninjas from climbing over, but it can prevent ninja troops and logistical supplies from passing through.

The overt and covert fighting between Iwagakure Village and Sunagakure Village on this line of defense has not stopped for decades.

The current commander of the fortress is a jounin named Fuyi.

This person is not an ordinary person. As far as Daimaru knows, the leader of the largest faction outside the direct jurisdiction of the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa is Fuyi.

After the disappearance of the third generation Kazekage, Fuyoshi once hoped to succeed the fourth generation Kazekage, but his ideas were not liked by Chiyo and Ebizo. In addition, Rasa was stronger and more suitable to lead the country that had inevitably fallen into war at that time. In Sand Hidden Village, Fuyi could only obey sadly.

In recent years, Fuyi has been quite dissatisfied with the policies of the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa. In particular, the one-tailed Shukaku's seal is far less reliable than the previous generation's jinchuriki, and the one-tailed jinchuriki Gaara is often out of control. Fu Yi was extremely angry, thinking that Luo Sha was nepotistic.

Since the sealing of the One-Tail Jinchuuriki has failed so badly, the candidate should be replaced in time. As the Kazekage, he should consider the lives of the entire village instead of cherishing the life of his own youngest son and delaying action.

But with the support of the elders Chiyo and Ebizo, Luo Sha's position was unshakable, so Fu Yi had to go into self-exile to guard the north gate of the Kingdom of Wind.

The Yinfeng team arrived at the northern fortress, took a short rest, and then began a somewhat boring patrol mission.

Captain Yinfeng seemed to have other plans when he came here.

"Lord Fu Yi, unfortunately, Senior Ma Ji does not agree with your plan."


Fu Yi's face is old-fashioned, he is not angry and intimidating. He is dressed in a plain robe that is elegant yet solemn. There are almost no unnecessary decorations, showing his graceful attitude.

"Has Ma Ji been subdued by Luo Sha too? Feng Ying's three children are all entrusted to him for guidance. Luo Sha really spared no effort to win over him."

Yinfeng bowed slightly and explained respectfully:

"Neither Maki-sama nor the Yondaime are indecisive people, they just have different ideas from you!"


Fu Yi looked at the scenery outside. On this side of the wall was the endless sea of ​​sand, on the other side were the endless hills. The boundary between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth was right here.

"Even though I was far away in the north, I heard some rumors that Maki and the Yondaime were dealing with some mysterious strangers. Do you know anything?"

Yinfeng shook his head:

"Neither the Yondaime nor Maki-senpai mentioned this matter to me!"

"Perhaps the time they mentioned has arrived!"

Fu Yi nodded slightly, hiding his actions from almost everyone. It seemed that the next move was not small.

Fuyi and Luosha have no personal grudges, but they have conflicts over the political affairs of Shayin Village.

Neither Luo Sha, who advocates waiting for opportunities to act, nor Fu Yi, who advocates that in order to fight against external forces, must first settle within the country, will think that they are wrong.

"Do you want to continue asking about the Yondaime's plans?"

"No need, put all unnecessary thoughts in my heart for now. The Yondaime is the Kazekage, even I must obey his orders!"

"Yes, Lord Fuyi."

The sound wind left, leaving only the cold wind coming from the northern country to the south, blowing on Fu Yi's face.

"Is it time to fight for the survival of the village again?"

The desert in the Kingdom of Wind is already very hot at noon, and the snow in the Kingdom of Earth in the north may not have completely melted. Everyone is busy at this time, and the northern fortress is relatively quiet.

Otokaze was not there, Daimaru leaned against the edge of the city wall to enjoy the cold wind, Qian sat on the stone bench and fell asleep, and Nighteye stood on the parapet and looked into the distance, maybe just to look taller.

"It's so boring. When are you going to change defense?"

Daimaru yawned. In fact, there was nothing wrong with completing the task safely like this, but it was a bit delayed in his practice time.

"It's better to be alert during the mission. It's not good to be seen by others."

I don't know what Ye Mu is looking at with his eyes wide open. At this time, except inside the fortress, it is not possible to see anyone for dozens of miles.

"I know, you'd better take a rest. Ye Mu, your eyes are good, and you need to take good care of them. If you look at them for so long every day, you will get myopia sooner or later."

"I'm not nearsighted!"

Nighteye jumped down with vigor,

"This is also a kind of spiritual practice. If there are too many things observed in the eyes, it would be bad if the consciousness cannot absorb them."

"Rest is also a part of spiritual practice. Just because your eyes are so good, your brain needs to process too much image information and consumes too much energy. Maybe this is the reason why your development is delayed and you cannot grow taller."

"That's nonsense again."

Nighteye is almost used to Daimaru's teasing.

"By the way, Daimaru, how do you know Ziluo? Before leaving, he asked me to thank you."

Daimaru waved his hand indifferently,

"No need, thank you Miss Saye for already giving it to me."

"It may be just a little effort for you, but it will be a lifetime favor to Zi Luo."

"How can it be that exaggerated? When he completely masters the 'Seven-day Breathing Technique', someone will naturally notice his potential. Do you really think that so many ninjas in the village are blind?"

"You know this as well?"

"I also thought about asking him for some physical skills. The 'Seven-day Breathing Technique' is still very powerful."

"You gave up later?"

"Yes, my qualifications are too poor to learn."

"You're joking again."


Daimaru did not continue to explain.

Not everyone can practice "Eight Gate Dunjia" and "Seven-day Breathing Technique"!

The difficulty of practicing these two secret arts is too high, and most ninjas' bodies are not suitable for that level of hard training.

If you want to force it, you will either die or be disabled.

Hinata Neji, a genius in taijutsu, can't even open a door, and Kakashi Hatake can only practice until Oyo Renge stops.

Do you really think that these two taijutsu training methods are prepared for people with poor ninjutsu qualifications?


Matt Dai, Met Kai, Rock Lee and Zi Luo, their outstanding physiques are a godsend.

Many ninjas strive to be good at everything, but end up being sparse at everything.

Daimaru is self-aware and should not do anything that goes against nature.

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