Red sand dust

Chapter 161 Interception

If I had to draw a conclusion for my first speeding flight...

forget it!

Except for Yemu, who seemed to be in slightly better condition, everyone else couldn't help but vomit.

"Fortunately, I didn't have breakfast! You guys..."

Daimaru shook his head with deep regret. It would be difficult for these compatriots to experience the fun of flying at high altitudes in the future.

Putting aside his compatriots who were recovering for the moment, Daimaru carefully checked the injuries of the two Konoha ninjas who fell on the ground.

The similarities were serious, but there was no life-threatening danger for a while, and Shiranui Genma was still barely awake.

"Mr. Examiner, I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Suna Ninja, why are you here?"

"You'd better say less... Look, he spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood, it's so ugly!"

Daimaru pulled out the hidden weapon from Shiranui Genma's body.

"It's not poisonous. I'll bandage your wound..."

"No, it's nothing serious for me, but you..."

"Don't worry, this time, we are in the same camp!"

Daimaru grinned,

"Tsunade-sama entrusted us to come and support the genin team that intercepted Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Yeah, that's good!"

"Since you are all right, we have to get on our way..."

There was a skilled medical ninja nearby, so Daimaru and the others didn't need to worry.

"Be careful, those sound ninjas are only so-so in strength, but one of them suddenly burst out with a terrifying secret skill that far exceeded their own abilities. We just fell for it because of our carelessness!"

"Thank you very much!"

Daimaru checked and generally understood.

A group of four sound ninjas were a little weaker than the special jounin of Konoha Village, but several people cooperated tacitly and broke out the curse seal, and they were able to defeat Amaizu Raido and Shiranui Genma.

Such strength...

"You can fight!"

In my memory, Nara Shikamaru's Konoha genin team was able to fight with the four sound ninjas, and the six sand ninjas should also be able to fight, not to mention Gaara is here, which is completely true.

"Are you guys okay? If you don't set off, the enemy will run away!"

"Please, don't talk to us... ugh!"

Kankuro opened his mouth and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of sour water, and fell to his knees dizzily.

Gaara stood up holding on to the tree trunk, his face, which was already pale, now revealed an unspeakable paleness.

"The guy inside me says it's very exciting!"

"Say to it for me, thank you for the compliment!"

Daimaru said angrily,

"The way you are acting makes me feel very embarrassed!"

Daimaru alone wouldn't dare to chase the four sound ninjas. He didn't have the security of having a large number of people. If he interfered in such an incident randomly, what if he was stabbed to death by Kimimaro who fell from the sky?

You have to take advantage of Gaara's aura.

"Yame, look behind you, where are Nara Shikamaru and the others?"

Yemu followed the instructions, stood up, and adjusted the focus of his pupils.

"According to their speed, it will probably take more than half an hour to arrive!"

"Too slow, can't wait for them!"

I really can't blame the Suna Ninja for stealing the show, who said they couldn't make it?

"You guys, come here..."

If there was no way to slow down the speed of the four sound ninjas, it would be a question of whether the Konoha genin team could catch up.

The reality made Daimaru unable to fully believe that the development in his memory would really become reality.

If we just row the water like this, it is not impossible to let the enemy leave safely. It is the "household matter" of Konoha Village anyway.

However, there is no possibility of implementation for some ideas that are not available.

The companion who didn't know what was going on approached, and was tangled up in Daimaru's star puppet string.

"Don't resist, I'll help you adjust your perception!"

Daimaru immediately resorted to tricks. Who knows how long it will take for these guys to recover from "airsickness"?

"By the way, Gaara, tell the guy inside you to be honest and don't test blindly. My little arms and legs can't bear it..."


Gaara, who squinted his eyes, silently let go of his senses like everyone else. After a while, he felt dizzy and the unbearable feeling subsided!

"This is!"

The three siblings, who experienced Daimaru's "special service" for the first time, looked at Daimaru with strange expressions.

Kankuro touched the star puppet thread with his hand. Even a layman could understand the rich spiritual power in it.

"Let's talk about it when we have time, Daimaru!"

This thing is not simple. How could Kankuro, a puppet master, not understand its power.

Daimaru waved his hand:

"Put everything else aside and leave quickly! If any of you feel uncomfortable, please tell us immediately!"

"We are not that fragile!"

The weak Temari stood up and recovered a little,

"It's just that I don't get used to it for a while."

"Okay, let's go!"

Daimaru retracted the star puppet line and took the lead, followed by the others.

Not far ahead, four sound ninjas who had just knocked down the jonins of Konoha and couldn't wait to escape were sitting on the ground to rest around a barrel.

Just as several people were breathing heavily and regaining their strength, Kidomaru suddenly looked behind.

"What, someone is catching up with me again?"

asked an impatient Tayuya.

"Six people, chakra reactions are strong or weak..."

"Why so fast?"

Jirobo, who was a little exhausted, asked,

"We just used the second state of the curse seal and haven't recovered yet. If we do it again, we might really die!"

"So what, isn't it natural to fight to the death for Lord Orochimaru?"

Sakon chuckled softly,

"No matter who it is, they can't stop us!"

"Sakon is right, but it would be best if he could not die. Wouldn't it be better to continue to contribute to Lord Orochimaru?"

As he spoke, Kidomaru stood up.

"It's not strange for enemies to catch up with you, but you have to choose your battlefield carefully!"

Although the four sound ninjas are powerful, they are definitely not reckless men with weak brains. Since they can't be avoided, let's have a good fight!

The combat experience of the sound ninja who crawled out from the dead was not comparable to that of ninjas who were trained step by step.

Making traps and ambush are just basic operations.

"Let us teach those Konoha ninjas a lesson!"

Sparse sunlight shines through the canopy of the trees, and the falling yellow leaves make the mottled tree shadows flicker from time to time.

As if aware of the danger, even the chirping of birds, animals and insects began to quiet down.

At this moment, a gust of sand mist rolled in with the strong wind.

"Earth Escape Sha Wu! You used traps to deal with me, but you paid the wrong attention!"

Then a piece of sand pellets shot out like raindrops.

"Suna Shigure!"

Gaara's sweeping fire made the four hidden sound ninjas unable to escape. After jumping out, they fell into the siege of the sand ninja.

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