Red sand dust

Chapter 168 Burial

The killing skills are so sophisticated that they are as pleasing to the eye as art.

Efficient, light, and without any unnecessary movements, with just a few movements, he avoided the combined attacks of Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru, and also easily defeated the shadow clones of Naruto Uzumaki that besieged him one by one.

Uzumaki Naruto, who encountered such an enemy for the first time, was still unconvinced and continued to use the technique of multiple shadow clones, besieging nearly a hundred people in batches.

This amount of chakra left Daimaru dumbfounded.

"If I had this amount of chakra, what would I have to worry about?" Learning any ninjutsu is not easy, so why did Uzumaki Naruto only have Rasengan and Rasenshuriken in his hands? 』

It's just a bit unexpected, Kimimaro is different from the opponents he has encountered before.

It's not that Kimimaro's absolute strength is stronger than the combined strength of everyone present, but it's just that he hasn't reached a certain level and isn't even qualified to hurt him.

Under such circumstances, the numerical advantage was completely useless in front of Kimimaro.

One Inuzuka Kiba can't beat him, ten of them are still no match, and a hundred of them won't make much difference. Unless there are thousands of continuous wheel battles that consume all his physical strength and chakra, maybe there is a possibility of victory.

As long as Kimimaro's body can hold on, with the level of Inuzuka Kiba and Uzumaki Naruto, it will be the same no matter what.

"Hey, aren't you coming? There seems to be no chance of relying on them..."

Daimaru stood up and said to Hinata Neji.

"Let's take a look! Such a guy is very dangerous..."

Hinata Neji opened his Byakugan and observed the flow of chakra in Kimimaro's body.

"That kind of bone... is it the blood successor's limit?"

"The Kaguya clan's 'Corpse Bone Pulse' is said to be the blood inheritance boundary most suitable for physical arts. Why don't you try it? Maybe your soft fist can break his defense..."

Hinata Neji shook his head:

"It's a bit difficult. Rou Fist has the best effect on the meridians, followed by skin and flesh, and the least damage to bones! Moreover, the dense bones formed by the blood inheritance limit are very resistant to the chakra of Rou Fist..."

"Then what should we do? Just rely on the numerical advantage to consume his chakra and then grind him to death?"

This is not impossible. Kimimaro's body has already reached the edge of collapse. Even if he falls down in the next second, Daimaru will not be surprised...

"Can't you use that light and shadow illusion to delay the time?"


Daimaru shook his head. This kind of strong man whose fighting instinct has been deeply rooted in his bones can no longer rely on his eyes to sense the enemy to a large extent.

Even if Kimimaro's back is turned to Daimaru, he will notice any trace of malice when he makes a move.

"This can't go on like this, come and stop him..."

"What are you going to do?"

"If you can't beat me, of course you have to find a way..."

Daimaru smiled mysteriously as he spoke, and used the sand teleportation technique to disappear. When he reappeared, he had grabbed the barrel containing Uchiha Sasuke, then carried it on his back, turned around and ran towards the leaf village. .

Konoha ninjas didn't dare to take action, but Daimaru knew that Uchiha Sasuke's life should not be cut off, so a slight bump would not be a big problem.

"You are so busy that you have no time to take care of your compatriots. I am here to help you send him home..."

As he spoke, Daimaru disappeared into the depths of the forest with his afterimage, leaving Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Kankuro and others who had just arrived stunned.

"That guy... made us afraid to take action, yet he is so unscrupulous!"

The corner of Nara Shikamaru's mouth twitched, and then he looked at the newly appeared powerful enemy.

"Is that him? What a scary guy."

Kimimaro, who had the demeanor of a strong man, was also stunned for a moment.

The guy who rushed up to him at the beginning and fought with him for a few moves was only so-so in strength. He obviously had a good impression of him, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually do such a thing.

"Tsubaki's Dance!"

Drawing out a bone knife from his left arm, he used delicate and light multiple consecutive attacks to disperse all the entangled shadow clones of Naruto Uzumaki, then rushed out of a road and headed towards the direction Daimaru left.

"Hey, what are you doing standing there and not chasing?"

Nara Shikamaru roared, waking up his compatriots who were still stunned, and then immediately chased after him.

Behind them, Choji Akimichi and Neji Hinata followed, followed closely by the stunned Inuzuka Kiba and Uzumaki Naruto.

The sand ninjas were left speechless.

"Hey, tell me, what does Daimaru want to do?"

Qian asked with some doubts.

He clearly said not to get too involved, just sniping the Sound Ninja. Let the Konoha ninjas handle the matter of Uchiha Sasuke on their own.

But now, he took the lead and ran back with Uchiha Sasuke.

What if something goes wrong as he said, or Uchiha Sasuke dies?

Yemu rubbed his sore eyes and looked forward.

Kankuro thought for a while and then said:

"That guy shouldn't do unnecessary things! It doesn't matter if he breaks his promise and gains weight, the key is that there is no benefit..."

"Then...Does Daimaru think it is necessary to do this?"

Kankuro nodded:

"I can only think so. The reason is probably because of the new enemy that appeared... Maybe, after trying it, Daimaru felt that the people present were not his opponents, or..."

"Someone's life is in danger! Is that bone monster really that strong, and you want to lure him away even at your own risk?"

Daimaru, who was walking vigorously through the primeval forest with a barrel on his back, used his third eye from time to time to observe Kimimaro's movements behind him.

In terms of speed alone, Kimimaro was even faster than Daimaru, who was using all his strength, but Daimaru was in control of the initiative, and despite all the twists and turns, he did not let the enemy shorten the distance.

It's just that having chakra all over your body and cutting through the air so that you can go on your way is really quite exhausting.

If he were alone, Daimaru would have abandoned Uchiha Sasuke and sneaked away. Fortunately, there were some reliable teammates nearby.

Relying on yourself and Hyuga Neji is still a bit too much. In addition, Kankuro's puppet poison may have some effect, and others can harass them.

Unless Uzumaki Naruto can summon Gamabunta to help out, who can guarantee that he will be able to do it now that he is extremely unstable?

Weighing the weight of the barrel with his hands, Uchiha Sasuke, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, was quite light and did not affect Daimaru's actions much, but the nauseating chakra emitted was very annoying.

"If there was no other way, I wouldn't take such a risk!" Who knows if Kimimaro, who feels he has no hope of fulfilling Orochimaru's instructions, will take risks and commit murder? 』

The damage that a person like Kaguya Kimimaro can cause who wants to die together cannot be overestimated...

Just when Daimaru was about to join the nearest Rock Lee, a heart-stopping fluctuation suddenly came from the barrel behind him.

"This is……"

Daimaru felt a shiver in his heart. After stopping, he placed the barrel on the ground, then distanced himself, and cautiously watched the upcoming changes.

"It's actually this time, it's interesting..."

After a while, Kaguya Kimimaro appeared opposite Daimaru, looking at the barrel that had begun to erupt violently with chakra,

"Uchiha Sasuke is about to wake up! The hope of bringing him back to Konoha Village has failed, and all your efforts have been in vain..."

"I'm not too worried about that..."

Daimaru lowered his upper body slightly and looked at the opposite side warily.

"You are too powerful. It would be bad if you cause any unwanted casualties!"

"So, you want to challenge me to a duel? With all due respect, you may be a little more interesting than those four losers, but you have no chance of winning against me..."

"I know, so I'm going to find a few guys who I think have the strength to compete with you, and we'll go together..."

"Is this so..."

Kimimaro put back the whip bone of his left arm, and then more than ten tough bone spurs sprouted all over his body.

"I was supposed to have a good fight with you and the chosen helpers, but unfortunately, I don't have much time. It's a pity..."

"It doesn't matter, the person I'm waiting for has arrived!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a green figure rushed out and attacked Kaguya Kimimaro directly.

"Konoha Tornado!"

The explosive dance of strength, accompanied by Locke Lee's vigorous figure, constantly changed his position and attacked the enemy's vital points from all directions.

Although the movements were very graceful, the effect was not very good. The violent steel punches were blocked one by one by the flexible bone armor.

"There are too many straight-line attacks and not enough variety. Although the speed and power are not bad, they are too easy to defend."

Kaguya Kimimaro said calmly:

"Is this your helper?"

"one of them……"

"Not bad, I have the qualifications to become Lord Orochimaru's power!"

"Orochimaru doesn't look down on such pure taijutsu ninjas who can't even use ninjutsu."

"As long as you are strong enough and have the heart to dedicate yourself to Lord Orochimaru, you will always be valued!"

As Kaguya Kimimaro spoke, he pulled out his spine from behind and turned it into a flexible bone whip.

"This is the dance of the maidenhair flower. It is the strongest posture before the second state of curse seal. I don't have much time. If..."

"I see!"

Daimaru waved his hand,

"If we don't get what we want, will we have to 'clear the place'..."

To be honest, Daimaru regretted a little. He shouldn't have taken such a risk. In order to get Ukon, he unscrupulously changed the order and results of the battle in his memory.

We believe too much in the so-called "original works" but ignore the influence of human hearts.

Kaguya Kimimaro is a guy who is willing to risk his life for Orochimaru. In order for Uchiha Sasuke to reach Orochimaru, he will definitely remove the obstacles as much as possible.

The "Battle of the Valley of the End", which originally had Naruto Uzumaki alone, turned into a siege by Konoha ninjas and Suna ninjas against Kaguya Kimimaro and Uchiha Sasuke.

How would Kaguya Kimimaro act in this situation?

After seeing this terminally ill young man appear and having an initial fight with him, Daimaru felt an ominous premonition.

Even Gaara, how many people can be saved by the "clearance" of Kaguya Kimimaro's second state of the Curse Seal - Corpse Vein and Hayabari no Mai?

Gaara is still far from being as strong as he was after becoming the Fifth Generation Kazekage. The empty sand defense wall that can protect the entire Sunagakure Village cannot be used at all now.

"You could just give that to me and be fine, right?"

Kaguya Kimimaro suggested.

It would be better if Uchiha Sasuke could be brought back earlier.

"Too late!"

Daimaru smiled bitterly and said,

"My biggest mistake was to underestimate the destructive power of paranoid people. Now I have to make up for it."

Now that the matter has come to this, regretting it will not help, just think of it as the price for grabbing Ukon in advance.

At this moment, Rock Lee, whose attack was fruitless, activated Oyo Renge without hesitation and rushed towards Kaguya Kimimaro again.

The speed and strength increased greatly, but the same moves still failed due to Kaguya Kimimaro's counterattack, and even Konoha Shoufeng was unable to kick the enemy off the ground.

The more Rock Lee attacks, the more familiar his enemies become with his simple steel fist routine, and the easier it becomes to defend against him.

Daimaru, who was skimming the formation on one side and waiting for the opportunity, suddenly saw the aura of the wooden barrel exuding strange chakra condensed, then suddenly exploded, and a figure with red and black cloud patterns all over his body jumped out.

"It's now! 』

Before Uchiha Sasuke could land, Daimaru appeared next to Uchiha Sasuke in an instant, grabbed his collar, and threw him to the ground. The wind blade tornado whistling in his palm was about to press down on him.

"Using Sasuke Uchiha as bait?"

The quick Kimimaro shook off Rock Lee's entanglement, crossed his arms, and stopped in front of Daimaru. He received Daimaru's "Dark Elegy" head-on. His originally calm appearance began to look a little embarrassed.

There was blood on his cheek, and his arm showed a wound that was deep enough to show the bone. Then he was hit on the shoulder by the chasing Rock Lee with several whip legs, and the hand holding the bone whip almost let go.

"It's useless, it won't change anything! I'm going to die soon. As long as the injuries don't kill me, it doesn't matter; as long as Lord Orochimaru's wish has not been fulfilled, I will definitely not die!"

As he spoke, Kimimaro quickly activated his second state, waved his hand and broke off a bone spur, turning it into a bone spear to block Locke Lee's swinging fist. Then he flicked the bone whip in his right hand, tying up Daimaru who had been losing strength due to his continuous use of Wind Release. .

Then the tough bone spear in the other hand stabbed at the unable to move Daimaru with an indomitable momentum.

There was a loud bang, and a giant earth-yellow door blocked Kimimaro's sharp blow.

"This is...Shukaku's Shield?"

Daimaru turned around and saw Gaara who had arrived belatedly, and Temari who came with him.

"You are finally here!"

Daimaru let out a long sigh of relief.

Although Daimaru had a way to escape just now, the pressure to continue fighting was too great. Rock Lee's attack power would not be able to break Kimimaro's defense unless he opened the fifth gate of the Eight Gate Dungeon.


Unless Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto transform into tailed beasts, no one here can really break its defense. In my memory, Gaara only used Sand Ninjutsu to bury Kimimaro two hundred meters underground. The "suffocating kill" was not successful, and he was almost defeated. If Kimimaro hadn't just run out of gas, he would still have to fight.

But now...

Daimaru tied up Kimimaro with star puppet strings, then swung him violently, throwing him away, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

Shout to Gaara and Temari:

"Don't hesitate, attack with all your strength..."

Seeing Daimaru's embarrassment, Temari did not hesitate. She waved her three-star fan repeatedly, and the wind pressure of the Wind Release and Kamaitachi she used from a high position pinned Kimimaro to the ground.

"Quicksand Waterfall!"

Gaara didn't hold back either, the yellow sand filled the sky, like a huge wave, pounced towards the ground, completely submerging Kimimaro!


Dawan, who was holding back his physical discomfort, gritted his teeth and roared.

"Burial in prison sand!"

Although he didn't understand why, Gaara decided to trust Daimaru and directly consumed a large amount of chakra to bury Kimimaro two hundred meters underground.

"Daimaru, how are you, are you injured?"

Dawan, who was covered in cold sweat and fell to the ground in pain, saw tiny thread-like cloud patterns spreading from the palm of his hand to his arm.

"Don't come close, run!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? The enemy has been killed by Gaara. The bone monster buried underground cannot survive. As for the other one..."

The confused Uchiha Sasuke was almost beaten hard by Daimaru just after seeing the light of day again. In the end, an unmasked and ridiculously strong guy came to protect him from disaster.

Others are fighting life and death, but no one cares about the situation on their side.

Feeling the newly gained power in his body, Uchiha Sasuke put aside other thoughts, turned around and headed towards the Sound Ninja Village.

As for the four sound ninjas who were supposed to guide them to find Orochimaru.

"It doesn't matter to that kind of guy!" 』

As long as you can gain the power of revenge, everything else is trivial and not worth caring about.

At the same time, Daimaru, who had been eroded by Kimimaro's Earth Curse Seal and was almost unable to hold on, was twitching all over, the corners of his mouth gradually became ferocious, his claws became sharper, his skin quickly turned black, and there seemed to be a horn-like thing on his forehead. It's about to grow out.

"Gaara, take everyone, including the thick eyebrow over there, and leave quickly, from the sky. I can't restrain that guy anymore..."

Through the star puppet string, Daimaru could clearly feel that there was a dead silence in Kimimaro's mind, and only the crazy heart of dedicating everything to Orochimaru was still persisting.

In such a situation, let alone Daimaru's half-hearted genjutsu that relies entirely on mental power, the Sharingan may not be able to be used.

Kimimaro was so simple in his mind that he couldn't find any loopholes to exploit. Daimaru's ability to control him for just a moment was the limit.

What makes Daimaru even more uncomfortable is that unlike Uchiha Sasuke's "Heaven's Curse Seal"'s counterattack that targets the spirit, Kimimaro's "Earth's Curse Seal" is actually rooted in the body. Of course, its counterattack also makes Daimaru's whole body hurt. It was so powerful that all the physical strength and chakra were quickly drained, and it continued to destroy the overwhelmed body. It endlessly combined with the ubiquitous natural energy to generate blue-purple cursed chakra and dissipated in the air.

"Next time, I will never do such stupid things again!"

With that said, Daimaru retracted the star puppet string, and was pulled up to the floating sand wall controlled by Gaara by Temari. He lay down without caring about his image, and slowly floated to the outer edge with Rock Lee who had hitched a "hitchhiker".

Just when a few people thought everything was fine.

Suddenly, a series of bone forests emerged from the ground one after another, like giant spears piercing the sky.

"Is this... also the death-defying counterattack you had expected?"

The stunned Temari swallowed her saliva and asked Daimaru, who had recovered a little but was completely unable to move.

"Don't be careless, it's not over yet!"

After hearing this, Temari looked down in preparation.

Sure enough, a familiar figure rose from the ground, and a huge bone spear struck in the direction of Gaara and the others with inexplicable power.

Temari quickly used Wind Release: Kamitachi, and Kamatari, who was channeled, wielded the giant scythe again, cutting down a large forest of bones. Kimimaro was also chopped off pieces of flesh and blood by continuous chops.

But Kimimaro didn't seem to feel the pain at all, and still swung his giant spear to stab the group of people in the air.

Hearing a bang, Gaara, who had been prepared for a long time, used Desert Rebellion. Sand's giant hand closed its fist and slammed it down at Kimimaro, finally repelling his final counterattack.


Even Gaara felt an emptiness in his body at this moment, which showed how exhausting the several large-scale attack ninjutsu he had just performed was.

"I don't know. Be cautious, move away quickly, and don't wander around in a place like this."

Who knows if that scary guy has the ability to strike a second time? Daimaru has already taken a risk once, and he doesn't want to risk it again.

The counterattack of the "Earth Curse Seal" made Daimaru extremely uncomfortable, and now he could only move his palms and fingers.

"How did you get into trouble with such a powerful person? Weren't there only four enemies in the beginning?"

"What can I do? I am no match for him at all. This is a guy who can assist Orochimaru in assassinating the Yondaime..."

"Do you have it?"

Temari had some doubts about Daimaru's intelligence.

"There is no mistake. My iron-clad uncle, Red Sand Dust, never lies..."

"Just you? If there are benefits to lying, I think you even want to lie to yourself..."

"Being able to deceive yourself is considered a skill. How can ordinary people do it?"

Daimaru grinned, but coughed violently and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"What's wrong with you? You're obviously fine, but you're suddenly hurt so badly?"

"Bad luck!"

Uchiha Sasuke's Heaven's Curse Seal messed up Daimaru's spirit, and now Kaguya Kimimaro's Earth's Curse Seal caused Daimaru's body to suffer a lot.

"We have formed this grudge. Sooner or later we will destroy the snake's nest, skin you, cramp your muscles, and boil you into snake soup!" 』

At this moment, Locke Li, who had recovered a little strength after using the Lotus Flower, said:

"When the mission is over, let Lady Tsunade treat you. It was with her help that I recovered so quickly and was able to practice to my heart's content..."

"Don't bother, I'll do it myself!"

Daimaru declined.

There's really no way to turn to Tsunade for this.

There is still Ukon in Daimaru's body!

It would be fine if a two-sword medical ninja like Yome couldn't detect the abnormality in Daimaru's body. If he was treated by Tsunade, it would be a matter of time before something was wrong, and then he would be in trouble!

Just when Gaara and others were burying Kaguya Kimimaro, Nara Shikamaru and Kankuro's group also encountered some uninvited guests.

"Where did this weird guy come from? Is he also a sound ninja?"

Inuzuka Kiba looked at the enemies surrounding him with an unkind expression.

"It looks like a bunch of rabble..."

Nara Shikamaru used the shadow imitation technique to restrain the enemy, and Akimichi Choji used the Meat Bullet Chariot to crush him unscrupulously.

"I guess they're not even ninjas!"

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