Red sand dust

Chapter 171 Joining forces

Before dark, Suna Ninja and the Konoha Ninja who returned without success returned to Konoha Village.

In the lounge on the first floor of Konoha Hospital, Suna ninjas occupied two benches and sat facing each other chatting.

Yami turned his kunai around in boredom to pass the time; Chi was fiddling with the braided hair on his cheeks; Kankuro sat expressionless, moving his fingers from time to time, showing his inner uneasiness;

Temari took out a small fan to fan herself; Daimaru was focused on teasing the doll on his shoulder.

Only Gaara remained motionless with his eyes closed, seemingly completely undisturbed by the outside world.

Suddenly, Kankuro spat lightly and said dissatisfiedly:

"I really don't know what those Konoha ninjas are doing. We have helped to this extent, and yet we let Uchiha Sasuke escape!"

Just run away and come back in despair. Akimichi Choji's shoulder was actually opened with a big hole, and his heart and lungs were almost injured;

Uzumaki Naruto was also injured, but nothing serious; the most serious injury was Inuzuka Kiba... To be precise, Akamaru was in a near-death state.

Inuzuka Kiba's limbs had several scars that were deep enough to show the bones, his waist was cut open by a kunai, and his internal organs were almost cut.

Akamaru was hit by Chidori while trying to protect his companions. Whether he can survive or not depends on whether Tsunade can save him.

The steady Hyuga Neji Juuken Technique Kaiten was overused, and his body was overstretched and fell into a coma.

Nara Shikamaru suffered some skin trauma, but it was nothing serious.

"I thought they would be defeated, but I didn't expect that they would be injured like this!"

Daimaru sighed and said helplessly:

"The enemy flying in the sky has a huge advantage!"

Unlike the one-on-one duel between Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto in the memory, Uchiha Sasuke, who was at an absolute disadvantage, activated the second cursed state without hesitation after being caught up.

Under such circumstances, only Naruto Uzumaki, who had taken out the Tailed Beast Clothes, could cause harm to Uchiha Sasuke. The others were said to be assists, but in fact they were passively beaten.

In order to prevent being caught up by the serial killer again, Uchiha Sasuke directly took a heavy blow instead of showing mercy as expected.

Why does Daimaru have a sense of déjà vu that the power of fate forcibly brings things back on track?

Because people's hearts are the key factor that affects the development of things. Even if Uchiha Sasuke can be forced to stay this time, is it really foolproof?

With this defection, Uchiha Sasuke, who was captured back to Konoha Village, would definitely be locked up and either escape again or be killed by Shimura Danzo.

No one is a fool, and Konoha Village will no longer have a foothold for Uchiha Sasuke for a while.

Gaara opened his eyes and asked slowly:

"Can Sand Hidden Village form a flying force?"

"This... is a bit difficult!"

It's not that it hurts Gaara's morale, but this matter makes Daimaru feel unreliable.

"If it's just a flying attack team, we can try it out..."

If nothing else happens, the combination of Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara will be the next biggest challenge for Sunagakure Village.

If you don't want to be as frustrated as you remember, you must improve the air strike power of Sunagakure Village.

Gaara nodded:

"Try it later!"

Of course, this issue can only be tried after Gaara becomes the Kazekage. Now that he has no power and is still a "hostage" in Konoha Village, he is not qualified to decide such a big issue as the direction of the village's development.

In fact, there is still an emergency method, which is to use human puppets!

Not long ago, Daimaru secretly asked Kankuro whether Sunagakure Village now had the ability to create human puppets.

The answer was touching.

Except for Elder Chiyo who doesn't know the depth, the most brilliant puppet master Kankuro knows only has a general idea in theory, but he has never done it in practice.

In other words, except for the Red Sand Scorpion, no one in the ninja world can make human puppets.

As for the information, most of it has been shelved.

Just like those forbidden techniques in Konoha Village, there are still some people who have seen them, but very few have actually succeeded in practicing them.

In fact, every Hokage and advisor knows the Flying Thunder God Technique, but except for Namikaze Minato, no one has successfully practiced it.

"When practicing forbidden arts, you must also pay attention to fate!" 』

Daimaru's eyes grew hot when he thought of those extremely powerful ninjutsu, but he had no choice but to put down his coveting thoughts.

While several people were waiting with different thoughts, a young woman walked into the lounge sweating profusely.

"Suna Ninja?"

"You are Inuzuka Kiba's sister, right?"

Daimaru stood up and said hello.

This woman with a reputation as an intellectual and talented woman was a very good veterinarian, and she was exhausted from cooperating with Tsunade in treating Akamaru.

The woman nodded:

"My name is Inuzuka Hana, thank you for taking care of your teeth!"

"you are too polite!"

take care of? Anyway, Daimaru didn't know when he had taken care of that Inuzuka Kiba who was always hostile to him.

"I wonder how your brother and Akamaru are doing?"

"Tooth is fine and Akamaru is out of danger..."

"Yeah, that's good!"

The Inuzuka family's ninjutsu is too straightforward. When the speed is far inferior to the opponent, once the force is too strong, it is easy to reveal flaws.

Konoha Village formed an experimental Class 8, with the intention of trying to make up for the weaknesses of these three young people with backgrounds.

Inuzuka Hana got herself a cup of tea and found a corner to sit down.

Daimaru stopped chatting with this unfamiliar female ninja.

"Daimaru, how do you know so many Konoha ninjas?"

Qian asked in a low voice.

"Still such a charming woman!"

"It's also my first time meeting you!"

Yemu teased with a weird look on his face:

"When we meet for the first time, we can know whose sister she is, and how can we greet her a few times? Who would believe it?"

"I am the captain. I must have a general understanding of the environment I am in, right?"

I met a few people I knew by name, and they got close to each other. Maybe I would get a pet in the future, and I would have to ask Inuzuka Hana to help tame it...

Temari turned her head slightly and looked out the window mentally:

"It's getting dark. I obviously wanted to go to the hot springs, but now I haven't even made it in time for dinner..."

"Don't worry about my money. After a while, I will open a hot spring hotel in Sand Hidden Village. You can go there every day..."

Daimaru touched the wallet that was not full at all in his pocket and muttered dullly.

"I hope there will be such a day!"

Temari, who was already resistant to Daimaru's crazy words, didn't care much.

"But, do we need to wait like this? The mission report has obviously been handed in..."

"Patience! It's hard to brush up the favorability level once, and don't make mistakes at the end. It's not difficult to show concern among allies, and it can also make Konoha ninjas feel our goodwill. It's just a matter of eating a little later and soaking in the hot springs... …”

"You are the captain, and you have the final say. However, you can't make do with the out-of-season promotional dishes that can only be purchased with coupons. I want to eat the seafood sashimi that has just been released..."


The muscles on Daimaru's face couldn't help but twitch.

"You guys rest here for a while, I'll go outside to get some fresh air!"

Qian covered her mouth and smiled in Temari's ear:

"You're killing me too hard. Daimaru will probably feel distressed for a long time!"

"Who cares about that idiot? When he became a chuunin, he bossed around and ordered others to do that. He didn't explain anything clearly and couldn't listen to what others said. If it were another time, it wouldn't be the same as extorting a delicious meal!"

It seems that during this period, Temari has accumulated a lot of resentment towards Daimaru.

Yemu leaned against the wall behind him, his calves dangling boredly, and said leisurely:

"But if Daimaru becomes poor, won't he be squeezed even more severely by Miss Saya? I don't like that weird guy. Apart from Daimaru, he doesn't take Qian and I into consideration at all... "

Temari's eyes that were lazily closed suddenly opened one, and she glanced at Sen, who seemed to have no emotion at all about Yame's words, and asked:

"Daimaru really owes Saya a lot of money?"

"If you live in a civilian home, you probably won't be able to pay it back in your lifetime! Even if you are a ninja, including interest, it will take you many years to pay it off!"

Temari sneered:

"You still want to open a hot spring hotel? Although the land in Sunagakure Village is not as valuable as that in Konoha Village, it is not cheap. Every piece of land is owned by an owner. It is not easy to get it..."

Kankuro, who had been silent until now, suddenly said:

"Hot spring hotels are too difficult. How about we build a sand bath hotel?"

"Sand bath?"

The three female sand ninjas looked at each other in confusion, really not understanding what was so good about such a dirty ghost thing.


Gaara, on the other hand, remained calm and began to support Kankuro's "entrepreneurial" plan.

"This is really subtle!"

Temari instantly thought of the poor people who were caught by Gaara's sand-bound coffin and then crushed to pieces by the sand waterfall, and she suddenly shuddered.


Qian Xiaosheng suggested to Temari:

"If we want Daimaru to stop getting involved with that eccentric Miss Saya, let's pool together a sum of money to help him pay off his debts, and then force him to repay the principal and interest, so that he won't dare to boss us around. …”


Although the suggestion has some practical significance, when it is implemented, I always feel a bit ashamed, as if I don't want Daimaru to hook up with other women!

Looking at Chi who was waiting for a reply, Temari asked hesitantly:

"How much……"

Qian's eyes lit up, and then he made a vague gesture!

"So much? Let him work for Saya! Who would lend so much money to a pauper like Daimaru? I won't be taken advantage of..."


Ye Mu looked up at the sky and let out a meaningless sigh.

"Lending so much money to Daimaru, I don't know what Miss Saya can do for him. Tell me, is she stupid..."

As he spoke, his little head glanced at Temari and Senga who were looking forward and backward.

"Perhaps, Miss Saya, who has no common sense, is really a well-thought-out strategist. I once heard Daimaru's mother talk about Miss Saya, and she seemed to have a very good impression of him!"

"There is such a thing! Why didn't I know?"

Qian hooked Yeme's shoulders, moved his head closer, pinched his chubby face, and looked at Yeme carefully, who didn't look like he was lying.

"Why haven't I heard you mention it?"

"This has nothing to do with you, does it?"

Yemu said vaguely, then pushed away Qian's big hand,

"In my opinion, Miss Saya is not an easy person. She can crush the big pill to death as soon as she strikes! I also have to learn from it. Maybe I will be able to use it in the future..."

"That idiot is so easy to get the handle on!"

Qian pulled Yame and wanted to ask for some more news, while Temari pouted and asked Kankuro dissatisfied:

"Don't you often have 'business' dealings with him? Why don't you know anything?"

Kankuro, who was unfortunately offended, replied inexplicably:

"What does this have to do with me? I'm not Daimaru, so do I care who he borrows money from?"

"It's really useless. You are still friends and it has nothing to do with each other's situation!"

Fortunately, Daimaru was not here, otherwise he would have been buried by resentful eyes again.

At the same time, Daimaru walked outside the door to take a breath of fresh air. Suddenly he saw a burly figure and a slightly thin figure standing side by side, as if they were waiting for something!

"Are they Choza Akimichi and Shikaku Nara?" 』

Although they have very different personalities, the two have a deep friendship and seem to be worried about their children.

One is physically injured, the other is mentally shocked!

"Seniors, why don't you go in and take a look?"

"It is you!"

Nara Shikaku took a look at Daimaru, who was wearing a chuunin vest of Sunagakure Village.

"Shikamaru has been influenced a lot by you. As a father, I am in a lot of trouble!"

"You are joking, Nara Shikamaru is very good, but there is still a bit of a gap between me and him!"

Daimaru said humbly.

Nara Shikaku sighed:

"I know my son is excellent, but whether an outstanding child can grow into an excellent adult requires a lot of training. Shikamaru may not be as aware as the children of the Choza family in this regard!"

"You are really discerning!"

Daimaru didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of this person.

Unlike Shikamaru Sora, who has a smart mind but has not yet fully realized his potential, Nara Shikaku is a model of the combination of wisdom and life experience. In terms of life wisdom, even Daimaru can't catch up, and his little thoughts will be seen through at a glance!

"Are you worried that Shikamaru will give in?"

"You are really a strange guy..."

Nara Shikaku came over and looked at Daimaru's face with a very sincere smile,

"I heard from other people that you have a very good ability to see through people's hearts. I was a little skeptical at first, but now it seems that you are really right..."

"Do you need my help?"

"No need, it is a father's responsibility to solve the problems of a confused child..."


Daimaru nodded,

"It may be easier to solve the problem among people of the same age... However, since you have already made a plan, I can't make irresponsible remarks..."

The rich voice of Akimichi Choza from the side came over:

"Are all the young people of Sand Ninja so immature?"

"I'm special!"

The two people opposite him were the murderers of Amomi. Daimaru once thought that his heart would be full of resentment, but during the face-to-face conversation, although there was some distance between them, the resentment was not overwhelming.

The reason is that life and death on the battlefield are probably just that.

To raise a weapon of slaughter, one must also have the consciousness to be killed.

There are so many dead souls on the battlefield, and if each one were to hold grudges against each other, the world would probably never have peace.

"By the way! You Suna ninjas are also here, what do you think of Shikamaru's performance?"

Nara Shikaku suddenly asked.

After all, idleness is idleness, and it doesn’t hurt to listen to other people’s opinions.

"Nara Shikamaru's performance!"

After Daimaru thought for a while, he said carefully:

"As a captain, he is steady and impeccable. In terms of leadership skills, among the Konoha genin I have come into contact with so far, only Hinata Neji can compare with him. It's just..."

"Just what?"

Nara Shikaku asked with interest.

"He seems to have a wrong understanding of himself. A sense of responsibility is a good thing, but he seems to be too proud of his own talent. Sometimes he is too demanding about perfection, especially..."

Daimaru paused and continued,

"It seems that there is some underestimation of death during the mission, especially the death of companions and even oneself..."

"Do you think he is a little afraid of death?"

Daimaru shook his head:

"I'm a little afraid of the sacrifices that come with one's own responsibilities!"

"You are indeed a sand ninja with ideas!"

Nara Shikaku sighed,

"How old are you? Is the difference that big?"

"No, maybe I died again, so I can bear it better!"

"Again? What a strange statement!"

Nara Shikaku suddenly smiled and said behind Daimaru,

"Did you hear that? This is actually what ninjas are like. Stop complaining about your mistakes. You are not perfect, but you are not bad at all. Think about how many people can do better than you?"

Daimaru turned around, and around the corner from the door, Nara Shikamaru came over with his head slightly lowered.

"I see!"

Nara Shikaku breathed a long sigh of relief:

"You didn't cry, it's much better than I thought!"

"It's not necessary to cry. Dad, if I have time, can I ask you for advice again?"

"If I'm free, sure!"

Nara Shikaku waved his hand as he spoke,

"I'm going back first, your mother is still worried!"

"Well, I still have to wait for news from other people!"

Nara Shikamaru stepped forward and said to Akimichi Choza:

"Chouji hasn't woken up yet, but he's fine! I'm sorry, Uncle Choji!"

"No need to apologize!"

Akimichi Dingzuo forced a smile on his face,

"I'm so happy that Choji has a companion like you! You can go about your business, I'll wait!"

Daimaru poured two glasses of water, and handed one to Nara Shikamaru, who was feeling a little heavy. Then he took a big sip himself to fill his belly, which had been hungry all day.

"Thank you! Are all sand ninjas like you? It's really hard to figure out!"

Nara Shikamaru whispered!

"What's the matter? It's because I'm hostile to you!"

"Hostile! Sure enough..."

Nara Shikamaru said,

"I thought it was an illusion. I always felt like I was being targeted when I first met you. During the Chunin Exam, you were in the Forest of Death. Although it can be explained as a coincidence, it happened to be me again!"

One encounter can be said to be accidental, but two encounters are worthy of attention.

"Actually, it was all a coincidence. I can only blame you for being unlucky! But..."

Daimaru said with a smile,

"Even if you don't take the initiative to send it to your door, I will probably give you some color to see..."

"Why? We didn't have any conflicts before, did we? You are a Suna ninja, and I was born in Konoha, so there is no intersection at all!"

"There is no special reason. I just feel that you will become my opponent, in every sense of the word! For example, I was the first to be promoted to Chunin in the Chunin Exam, and you are also likely to be the first to be promoted to Chunin. Shinobi's Konoha ninja!"

"For these ridiculous reasons?"

Nara Shikamaru's somewhat sad face also showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Our holiday comes so lightly, I feel like it will be very difficult in the future!"

"We'll tell you the joke later!"

Daimaru waved his hand,

"Can you tell me the details of your battle with Uchiha Sasuke? I'm very curious. How could so many of you be manipulated by one person?"

"Yes, they are obviously classmates, but the gap is so huge!"

Nara Shikamaru thought about it for a while and said,

"I seriously underestimated Sasuke's strength. At the same time, I was also a little unprepared for the fact that he did not hesitate to attack his compatriots. After a confrontation, Choji was seriously injured before he could react.

Inuzuka Kiba became furious and did not obey my command. He charged with Toga. After landing, he was crushed condescendingly. Chidori brushed half of Akamaru's body and deflected it at an angle. The aftermath injured Kiba!

Someone was seriously injured one after another, which made us realize the danger, but it was too late. We were restrained by several injured companions. Then, Uchiha Sasuke unexpectedly transformed and revealed his flying ability. After knocking Naruto down , after confirming that we lost the ability to pursue, we left on our own..."

After listening to Nara Shikamaru's words, Daimaru was silent for a while, and then asked again:

"Do you think Uchiha Sasuke is merciful?"

"There should be!"

Nara Shikamaru replied uncertainly,

"Actually, after the successful raid during our first meeting, we had no hope of coming back. He could have killed us all, but..."

"Why? 』

Daimaru fell into thought.

If Uchiha Sasuke is ruthless and kills all Konoha ninjas present, the possibility of opening the Mangekyō Sharingan is extremely high.

Obviously for the sake of power, he could defect to join Orochimaru, but he chose to give up because of the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan that was right in front of him!

"Even if I am blinded by hatred and my mind is eroded by Orochimaru's curse seal, my heart is not as unbearable as I imagined!" 』

Daimaru had to adjust his previous thoughts about this revengeful boy.

It was reasonable not to kill Uzumaki Naruto, but the others also let him go, which seemed a little merciful.

Although the attack was heavy-handed, no one died.

"It's too dangerous to deal with Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto. Maybe Uchiha Sasuke is a good choice!" Except for Xianglin..."

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