Red sand dust

Chapter 185 Era

The task assigned to Daimaru was not too troublesome and was basically within expectations.

Due to the failure of the "Konoha Collapse Plan", Sunagakure Village lost many ninjas.

However, because of the new alliance with Konoha Village, some of the lost mission shares were regained, making the entire village even more stretched.

In addition, the relationship with the Iwa ninja continued to deteriorate, and some of the backbones were transferred to the northern fortress to garrison. As a result, even many semi-retired Suna ninjas had to come back to do their best for the village.

Because of these unexpected changes, Sunagakure Village showed a false "prosperity" state, which caught some of the under-estimated senior management of Sunagakure Village off guard.

In addition, the position of Kazekage continues to be vacant, and the efficiency of relying on the advisory elders to make decisions in meetings is still too low, so that many less urgent matters are piling up.

It stands to reason that Daimaru and the genin team should have some time off after returning from Konoha Village.

But when you are so busy, who cares about this?

It is obvious that the three ninjas, Temari, Kankuro and Gaara, who are not high-level but powerful genin, are used as machines to complete tasks. They are "squeezed" to death.

Even Daimaru probably won't have much time to spare except for the tasks he has already arranged.

Of course, after being promoted to Chunin, the things in the village that Daimaru came into contact with were far more troublesome than before.

"First, we have to pass this hurdle..."

Daimaru sat on his knees on a futon made of unknown material, looking with awe at the two siblings who were fishing quietly not far away.

Although Ebizo is retired, he still controls a large number of spies lurking in Sunagakure Village and other shinobi villages. Daimaru does not expect to be able to win over him.

As for Chiyo, who has an even worse temper, it makes Daimaru even more hesitant.

Not long ago, when I heard Markey say to himself:

"Elder Chiyo wants to see you!"

Daimaru suddenly felt extremely anxious.

He just emerged in the village and attracted the attention of Chiyo and Ebizo?

No matter how high he thought of himself, Daimaru would never think that these two people would look at a chuunin in a different light.

"Did you do something unusual that made them notice something unusual? 』

Daimaru looked at himself for a long time and found nothing wrong, so he could only wait patiently for the questions from the two siblings.

I don’t know how long it took, but Chiyo, who seemed a little tired, moved his arms.

"All the bait has been eaten, and the fish have run away. It seems that I am going to become an old fool. I actually fell asleep while fishing!"

Just when Chiyo was complaining with a smile, he finally seemed to notice Daimaru waiting on the side.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Sister, you called him here..."

Ebizo's old and rich voice said so.

"Is this happening? By the way, it seems like it was really my order..."

Chiyo slowly put down the fishing rod and turned to look at Daimaru.

"When Xie disappeared, he was about the same age as you, but you were much uglier than my grandson..."

"I made you laugh!"

Daimaru smiled awkwardly.

"This old guy is quite old and has a really vicious mouth..."

An old man of about seventy years old has long passed the age of knowing destiny.

Among the people, most of them are old and confused. Even if they talk casually, others won't care.

Even if Daimaru was dissatisfied, he could only suppress his thoughts deep in his heart.

Chiyo smiled and shook off the fishhook again, and then said to himself thoughtfully:

"Why did I ask you to come... To you, are you?"

"Just call me Daimaru!"

"Daimaru... you are such a reserved boy! You are very nervous. Do you know something about me?"


"I have been retired for many years. There are not many rumors about me outside. A young man who has just been promoted to Chunin is so well-informed. He is really a restless guy..."

Although many senior people in Sunagakure Village know that Elder Chiyo's influence has always existed, except for a few people in the middle and lower levels of ninjas, they have no impression of her behind the scenes, and they don't even know whether she is dead or alive. , most of them are not even aware of the existence of Chiyo and Ebizo.

"How should I answer this? 』

Daimaru, who didn't know how to respond, simply lowered his head and listened patiently as if he was being taught.

"Daimaru, when you were born, the Ninja War was already over, right?"

"Yes, although my father narrowly survived the battlefield, his old injuries recurred and died not long after. I have no impression of him..."

"You can be considered a descendant of the village hero..."

Who is Daimaru's dead father? After so many years, not many people care about it except family members.

There are too many civilian ninja families like Sunagakure Village. If Daimaru hadn't appeared, no one would have mentioned that humble ordinary ninja.

"Only a child like you, who has not experienced the Third Ninja War, can place hope on Konoha Village..."

"what do you mean?"

Daimaru's heart moved, as if he had some realization.

"Don't be nervous, it's just that I, an old guy, want to know what the young people in the village think about Suna Ninja, Konoha Village, and even the entire Ninja World..."

"Understood, please inquire!"

After a series of major changes, the only genin to receive an exceptional promotion also went to Konoha Village many times. His active performance was not only appreciated by his superiors, but also by those in Konoha Village with whom he had interacted.

Unlike most young people living in the Kingdom of Wind, this is a civilian "genius" who has "seen the world". When he grows up in the future, he may have a great impact on the future of Sunagakure Village.

"Do you like Konoha Village very much?"

"Yes, it is a very lively place..."

Daimaru answered honestly.


Chiyo chewed the word for a moment, then laughed and said,

"Do you think Sunagakure Village is lifeless?"

"It's not that it's lifeless. It's just that compared to the vigor and hope of Konoha Village, we Sand Ninjas are just struggling to survive..."

"Your words are really bold. If only decades ago, I would have thrown you to the west to fish for fish in the sea based on your judgment that you would only enhance others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige..."

Yes, the Kingdom of Wind has a coastline.

Is there any continent in the world that has no borders?

All the way to the west and south, the Country of Wind becomes increasingly barren.

In the northern, eastern and central parts of the Kingdom of Wind, there is still water vapor from the Kingdom of Earth in the north, the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Rain in the east, and the west is completely barren.

The strong wind blowing from the ocean raged across a flat, unobstructed desert, blowing away all the remaining water vapor. Even the camel, known as the ship of the desert, found it difficult to cross this restricted area of ​​life.

Usually nothing happens, and Suna Ninja will not go to that kind of ghost place. Except for a few sentry towers staring at the ocean and the unlucky guys on routine duty, who would want to go there to smell the sour sea breeze and eat fishy food every day? sea ​​fish?

"Sister, don't scare the children by saying this..."

"I just talk casually. I have retired anyway, and not many people are willing to listen to my nagging, haha..."

Chiyo said, letting out a burst of self-deprecating laughter.

"Daimaru, do you think that so many seniors in the village have sacrificed their lives one after another in order to fight for a living space, don't they deserve your respect? Among them, there is your father..."

"I have full respect for them! But bloodshed and sacrifice are not the goal, but a means. Making the village better is what we hope for.

I don’t know what these heroes would think if they knew that future generations are still repeating their old ways..."

"Is that what you think?"

Chiyo whispered,

"Do you think that the seniors are incompetent, so the situation in the village has not improved over the years, but has become worse. If it were you in the future, it would be different?"

"I didn't think so!"

Daimaru explained,

"I just feel that the general trend is like this, and it would be the same for anyone..."

"Yeah, it's the same for everyone..."

Aren’t all the previous kazekages excellent?

The first generation led the Sand Ninjas to seal the raging One-Tailed Shukaku, the first person outside the Leaf Village to accomplish such a feat;

The Nidaime created the Sand Ninjutsu and the Puppetry Technique, laying the foundation for Sunagakure Village;

The Sandaime is the holder of the magnetic escape blood succession limit, and the iron sand ninjutsu is powerful in the ninja world;

The Kazekage Yondaime, who was criticized the most by his compatriots, also mastered the secret technique of magnetic release and sand gold, and led the sand ninja to escape unscathed from the extremely unfavorable Third Ninja World War, and survived for more than ten years in a precarious situation.

And the grandson whose talent has amazed thousands of generations, the scorching escape user Ye Cang with great military exploits...

It's not that there are no heroes in Sand Ninja, but it's the same every time, just the way of losing is different!

What do Chiyo and Ebizo, who have witnessed the history of Sunagakure Village, not understand?

It was just the first time someone said it so bluntly in person.

Looking at Chiyo who seemed a little immersed in the past, Daimaru boldly said:

"Although I am a little frustrated, Sunagakure Village is not the center of the ninja world. It is not us Sunagakure who determine the general trend..."

"So, what did you see in the Leaf Village, so do you want to strengthen your connection with the Leaf Village and use their power?"

Although he is full of prejudice and hatred towards Konoha Village, Chiyo is not an ignorant person.

After living in seclusion for so many years, I also want to know some changes that are different from the past, otherwise I wouldn't have asked a boy like Daimaru to come over.

"Senior, times have changed..."

Chiyo said with a smile:

"Every generation of Kazekage has said similar words, these are not new..."

Daimaru said seriously:

"This time is different! Almost all the people who have experienced the old era are dead..."

For a moment, Chiyo's smiling face froze, and even Ebizou's hand holding the fishing rod tightened involuntarily.

"We're getting old too, so we're almost ready to die, right? Ebizo?"

After a long time, Chiyo laughed a few times and said to his still dull brother.

Ebizo sighed:

"Sister, we have lived a long life, it would not be surprising if we died at any time..."

The Leaf Village was founded nearly sixty years ago, and the current Chiyo is nearly seventy years old. He is one of the few living fossils who has seen the chaos of the Warring States Period.

The third generation Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was of similar age, died a few months ago.

As Daimaru said to Gaara and Kankuro, after Konoha Village occupied the most fertile land in the ninja world, it established a balanced order of one village and one country.

But this stability was not reliable, so there were three ninja wars.

Old people who have seen the troubled times of the Warring States Period, the era of dominating the ninja world is about to pass.

They have witnessed history from above, so they have no hope in the so-called covenant. The imprint of that era has been deeply ingrained in their souls.

Is the "game" really over?

Indeed, it seems so on the surface.

However, not everyone is convinced, such as Shimura Danzo, Ohnoki, Ai, and even Chiyo.

Those who have taken advantage want more, those who have suffered a loss want to rob, those who are strong want to get everything, and those who are weak need to bluff to scare off the coveted ones.

In addition, there are Uchiha Madara, Nagato and others who are invisible behind the scenes.

A new generation replaces the old. Only ninjas who were born and grew up under the new order will agree with the current order of the ninja world, and the idea of ​​military expansion or even domination of the entire ninja world will take a back seat.

Just like Daimaru's previous life, the competition between Ninja Villages will be carried out in a less costly and more subtle way.

It is difficult to say whether that situation is good or bad for Sunagakure Village and even the Kingdom of Wind, but the historical trend is irreversible. Sunagakure Village is too weak to be the leader, so it must establish good relations in advance and occupy a good position.

Just when Daimaru was worried that he was speaking too bluntly.

Chiyo turned around and took a serious look at the boy in front of him for the first time.

"There are many sand ninjas who are brave and ruthless, and many of them are amazing geniuses; there are also many kind-hearted sand ninjas, some are naive, some are pedantic, and there are even more than one or two guys who do bad things with good intentions;

However, there are not many people who can look at the entire ninja world and truly think about the future direction of the village. You are really a strange guy. You are obviously just a newly promoted chuunin. Why are you thinking about this? "


Daimaru scratched his head in embarrassment,

"After going to Konoha Village to 'see the world', I feel a bit unbearable that the village is just drifting with the flow and unable to see the future. Think about it more when you have time, and you will understand a lot..."

"Why don't you choose to stay in Konoha Village, marry a bride from the Fire Country, and settle there?"

With the talent shown by Daimaru, Konoha Village will not be too rare, but it will not dislike him either. This kind of tolerance is still available in the strongest Ninja Village.

“My home is here, and although it’s a bit down and out, I feel more fulfilled when I build it with my own hands into what I want it to be…”

"Ha ha……"

Chiyo laughed again,

"It seems that the sand ninja girl is still attractive, making you unwilling to abandon this barren land..."

There is no improvement in Sunagakure Village. Every year, many people are disappointed with it and defect to the daimyo of the Land of Wind. They even go far away to start a new life.

After every Ninja World War, the Kingdom of Wind lost the largest population. Most of them were absorbed by the Kingdom of Fire, while a small number lived in the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Rain.

Kabuto Yakushi was stuffed into the Konoha Orphanage by the Red Sand Scorpion more than ten years ago.


Daimaru smiled awkwardly.

"I understand what you are thinking! Last question, what do you think of the young people in Konoha Village?"

"They all have faces that have never been bullied, and they will probably not be bullied in the future. If nothing else, they probably have no interest in bullying others..."

"The next generation of Konoha ninjas are guys like this. It's really interesting..."

Chiyo turned around, reinstalled the bait, shook the fishing rod, and looked at the fish shadows in the water casually.

"Unfortunately, we probably won't be able to see it..."

After that, the scene fell silent again.

Daimaru looked at Chiyo who was silent and Ebizo who was calm beside him. He hesitated for a while, got up and left this depressing place.

"A good place to relax, but not suitable for long stay..."

Daimaru saw the light of day again, and bumped into Ma Ji, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Is there nothing wrong?"


Daimaru replied happily,

"I just talked about my thoughts and things about Konoha Village!"

"That's good!"

Ma Ji breathed a sigh of relief. Chiyo and Ebizo, two reclusive elders, had not asked to see anyone for a long time. This time they summoned Daimaru, which really shocked people.

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