Red sand dust

Chapter 193 Thanks for not being sensitive

Daimaru's simple and direct style made both Chi and Yami look sideways.

"That's too rough!"

Yemu couldn't help but ask,

"In the past, you didn't have much patience when doing tasks, but you were rarely so inhumane, right?"

"This time is different..."

Daimaru explained seriously,

"I only reason with people who are willing to talk nicely! These people, no matter what I say, they won't listen!"

"how do you know?"

Qian asked curiously.

"A reasonable wandering ninja will not live long, let alone have the ability to escape to the country of Kawa..."

Daimaru calmly said creepy words,

"As soon as I got close to them, these people had an attitude of 'I'm poor, I'm weak and I'm reasonable', which made me completely lose my mind to argue with them. What's more, we are not here to reason..."

Trespassers will die!

Daimaru could give them a chance to leave, which was an act of kindness.

"But there must be some innocent people among them!"

Daimaru smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"This is not a normal world with order. When you step into it, you should be aware of being watched by others! Yemu, Qian, you two, pay attention. It is possible that we will also become 'innocent' people..."

"You mean?"

Chiwa Yemu asked in disbelief,

"Will someone here regard us as a cleanup target?"

"Is there anything strange? This is a B-level mission. You don't think it's just to kill some bandits and expel some unsighted wandering ninjas, right?"

Daimaru said meaningfully,

"I am a chuunin, and I am not bringing you two genin here just to increase the workload..."

Daimaru and his team of Suna ninjas were definitely not the only "hunters" spying on them.

It's just that in this chaotic buffer zone, many people are unwilling to take the lead.

"How do you get the chuunin qualification?"

Daimaru said leisurely,

"I may not be able to lead you for much longer, and Captain Yinfeng doesn't have time to take care of you. When the time comes, you must learn how to survive in dangerous high-level missions!"

The battle damage rate of Suna Ninja has always been very high. Only the Suna Ninja who survive are the outstanding Suna Ninjas.

"This time, you should learn how to survive when you are surrounded by enemies with ulterior motives..."

Strength is the foundation, but precise vision and leadership are also essential.

"You mean..."

Yemu and Qian's expressions changed.

In the past, I had worried about whether I would be abandoned by Daimaru because of my lack of strength.

Although the worries in their hearts gradually faded away due to their hard work in practice.

However, Daimaru suddenly mentioned this matter today, which caught both of them off guard.

"I can't be like you, wallowing in low-level tasks. This doesn't mean much to me..."

Daimaru sighed and said,

"I need to be promoted to Jonin as soon as possible..."

As a chuunin, Daimaru is now barely considered a rising star, a rising star.

But Daimaru couldn't wait any longer.

The status of chuunin is still too delicate. The core of Sunagakure Village cannot be reached, and there are a lot of troubles. They are busy all day long, which not only wastes time and delays training, but also cannot participate in time in some things that they plan to intervene in. .

Only by being promoted to Jonin can Daimaru have a certain degree of autonomy.

Yemu and Qian looked at each other:

"This is probably the same as when you told us that you wanted to take the Chunin Exam when the team was first established, but this time you are even more arrogant..."

"As long as you don't feel disappointed..."

Qian said matter-of-factly:

"We have been mentally prepared for a long time, but it's just the first time I heard you say it so clearly!"

Yeme and Qian roughly understood Daimaru's thoughts, and they tried their best to help while they still had free time. Even if they couldn't do tasks together frequently in the future, the two companions could be self-reliant.

To be honest, both Yeme and Qian felt like they were being dragged away by Daimaru.

Daimaru understands the consequences of pulling seedlings to encourage growth.

Without enough time to accumulate, even if the two of them were promoted to chunin, without sufficient leadership, they would only be in a more dangerous situation.

"How soon do you think you will be promoted to Jonin?"

Qian looked at Daimaru who seemed to be explaining what happened after he left.

"Even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that the team is falling apart, right?"

"Try to do it in about a year!"

Daimaru thought for a while and then said,

"As for the team, if you can be promoted to chuunin and be qualified to participate in higher-level operations, maybe we won't break up."

If Daimaru becomes a Jonin, given the scarcity of senior ninjas in Sunagakure Village, his abilities will never be wasted on these low-level tasks.

Yemu and Qian An speculated to themselves.

"Do you have chuunin qualifications? Your performance in missions must be very important." 』

Kawanoguni's mission is a good opportunity for two teammates who have been too dependent on Daimaru to perform well and understand their own positions at the same time.

"Back to these wandering ninjas..."

Daimaru explained for his teammates who had not been exposed to this aspect in the past,

"They may be down and out, but they are definitely not pitiful. Those old, weak, women and children you think of may not really be of the same mind as those upright and upright leaders.

Intimidation, deception, and robbery, even if they are wandering ninjas who huddle together to keep warm, they may not be very harmonious, and they may not even be in the same group at all...

Don't take those rabble for granted as fellow ninjas in a ninja village..."

"You mean..."

Ye Mu suddenly realized,

"Perhaps they look miserable and are just pretending to gain sympathy?"

"I don't know, I can only say that it is very likely!"

Daimaru smiled and replied,

"Does a playboy from a prominent family have to be a bad guy who bullies the market and takes advantage of others?

Do poor and impoverished people have to be kind, honest, hard-working, simple, and hospitable? "


Chiwa Yemu looked at Daimaru without hesitation, not knowing what to say.

"The human heart!"

Daimaru could understand the mood of his two companions.

Like Daimaru, we are all children from poor families, so naturally we cannot think of ourselves as bad guys; those rich kids who do nothing and just sit back and enjoy the benefits are good people.

Daimaru's conclusion clearly betrays "class."

"Do you think we are not that bad? That's because we are not poor enough!

No matter how difficult life is, we are still ninjas. No matter how poor a low-level ninja is, he is still a ninja..."

Official ninjas may not be rich, but they can never be too poor. As long as they work harder and save more, they will definitely be richer than most civilians.

"The people in the warehouse know the etiquette, and the people with enough food and clothing know the honor and disgrace. You guys, you spend most of your time in Sand Hidden Village, and you probably don't realize what the word 'extremely evil' means..."

There is actually no direct relationship between poverty and good or bad. There are many people who are poor enough to have a backbone and rich enough to have a conscience! If you perform tasks based on personal likes and dislikes, it is very easy to make fatal misjudgments.

Although they were a little reluctant, Yeme and Qian could understand that what Daimaru said was right.

"Can we just expel them? If there is another hidden secret according to what you said, shouldn't we do something?"

Daimaru shook his head:

"What to do? Kill the bad guys and save the weak? Don't be stupid, we can't do anything..."

Those old, weak, women and children who may have been kidnapped may still survive because they have some use value, but if they are rescued and there is no place to take them, they will die immediately if they are unable to make a living on their own!

"Trying to drive them away is the 'biggest' mercy I can do!"

After patting Yeme and Qian who couldn't bear it, Daimaru said in a deep voice,

"We are ninjas, just tools. We make a living by completing tasks! When performing tasks, it does not even necessarily mean kindness. It is already very difficult to ensure that you do not do bad things and do not violate your true intentions. Don't make it too difficult for yourself..."

When Nekaze took him out on a mission for the first time, Daimaru said similar words to Yeme and Qian.

"In addition, these people have a troublesome aura about them. If they are contaminated, it may be difficult to deal with..."

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