Red sand dust

Chapter 195 Decisive

It was true that the four people who came were all rain ninjas, but with such a configuration, chasing down wandering ninjas, was it too much to make a fuss about?

"The person here is about thirty years old, moves quickly, and is at least a chuunin..."

Yemu asked doubtfully,

"Is it necessary to be so cautious when dealing with a group of wandering ninjas? Are the number of senior ninjas in Rain Ninja Village already so wealthy?"

"It seems the situation is not simple!"

Daimaru pondered playfully what state the Rain Ninja Village was in at this time.

To be honest, Daimaru paid a lot of attention to the Country of Rain, but this country was too closed due to the existence of Hanzo, and it was impossible to know too much information.

The situation of the Rain Hidden Village is extremely special. Although its main power is in the Country of Rain, the vast and sparsely populated Kawa Country is theoretically within the Rain Hidden Village's sphere of influence.

Amegakure Village is the only shinobi village responsible for the armed defense of two countries.

Although Ugakure in the Country of Rain and Ugakure in the Country of Kawawa are two villages, they are both under the command of Hanzo.

Of course, no one cares whether there is a ninja village in Kawakuni. Anyway, the strength of Amegakure Village cannot change the current situation of this country.

However, Hanzo is most likely dead.

Since Yahiko's death, the "Akatsuki" organization led by Nagato has transformed from an active force that promotes the concept of peaceful coexistence between the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth, into a secret organization. For a long time, he appeared in the eyes of a few people who were interested in serving as mercenaries in wars between small countries.

However, it was not long after the Chunin Exams that Nagato killed Hanzo, overthrew his rule, and officially took over the Rain Country.

"Now, it should be the stage where Nagato will exterminate Hanzo's clan and bloody purge his supporters. 』

It is not surprising that some rain ninjas who were afraid of Nagato's brutal killings fled the land of rain.

Then, the leader of the wandering ninjas encountered by the sand ninjas is likely to be a defector.

If this is the case, it makes sense that these guys are relentlessly pursued by the Kingdom of Rain.

Therefore, if they want to draw the Sand Ninja and the Rain Ninja into conflict, they actually have a way.

"If you want to involve us, all you have to do is tell the chasing Rain ninjas: The Suna ninjas know that Hanzo was killed and that the Land of Rain has changed." 』

That's enough!

As long as there is suspicion, these rain ninjas can be killed and silenced by the sand ninjas who have come into contact with these "wandering ninjas".

"We might be in trouble!"

Daimaru chuckled lightly,

"Originally we didn't want to cause trouble, but it seems like others don't necessarily want to let us go..."

"Is it too troublesome for you?"

Qian asked hesitantly,

"Even if they are all chuunin, they may not be able to defeat the enemy in the open and we are hidden! If there are jonin, they may not be able to find us..."

"That's what I say, but it's better to kill these rain ninjas! These 'wandering ninjas' probably have secret information that makes the rain ninjas have to hunt them down. It's impossible for us who have been in contact with them The suspicion has been cleared..."


Yemu looked unbelieving;

"We obviously don't know anything!"

"What does this have to do with it? As long as the enemy suspects that we may know, there is enough motive to kill! Do you remember the contents of the Chunin Exam? I don't need to say more about the importance of intelligence!"

In addition, Daimaru still has some worries.

Hanzo is dead and the Country of Rain falls into the hands of the "Akatsuki" organization. So what will happen to the Hidden Rain Village in the Country of Kawa?

It is very likely that he will be absorbed by the "Akatsuki" organization and become their tool to secretly control the Kingdom of Sichuan.

"Did something like this really happen in the original timeline?" 』

Daimaru could not confirm the direction of development of the matter. There were no such details in his memory.

However, regarding the "Akatsuki" organization, many activities took place in the Kingdom of Kawa, so Daimaru had to make some guesses.

"It's possible that I really encountered a story that should have happened naturally, but I have no memory of it at all. What should I do?" 』

While Daimaru was thinking, a hand waved in front of his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"You were stunned for a while, what were you thinking about?"

Qian asked with concern,

"Do you want us to get out of here first?"


Hesitation is a taboo. At critical times, even if you make a decision that is not the best, it is better than looking forward and looking back.

As a captain, it is extremely foolish to hesitate and make his subordinates panic.

"Let's find an opportunity to kill those rain ninjas!"

Although Yeme and Qian did not show up, when Daimaru appeared, they carefully disguised themselves to hide their true identity. Those wandering ninjas were not necessarily sure of Daimaru's identity.

But Daimaru didn't want to cause trouble. The ninja world has the secret technique of reading minds. Payne's human path can let the enemy know his approximate physical characteristics, and the characteristics of ninjutsu are also exposed.

As long as we check the Suna Ninja who will appear in Kawakuni at this time, and compare the effects of the polarized killing array, we can determine Daimaru's identity.

"There may even be a jounin hiding among the four chunin. Do we really want to try?"

Daimaru grinned and said confidently:

"Sunagakure Village is the ninja village that implements the most thorough elite training. Below the jounin, our combat effectiveness is relatively strong, especially those trained by small ninja villages like the rain ninja."

No matter how miserable Sunagakure Village is, it is still much better than Ame Hidden Village.

Without Hanzo, the unexpectedly born genius, and the "Akatsuki" organization, Yu Ninja would be a bully.

Since Daimaru is confident and has made a decision, it is naturally difficult for Yeme and Qian to refute.

"Yeye, look around, are there any people who are ready to fish in troubled waters? Qian, prepare to set up illusion traps!

This time, I will open your eyes to what a real ninja confrontation mission is like..."

In the Chunin Examination, Yome and Sen, who missed out on the "Konoha Collapse Plan" because they failed in the early preliminaries in the third trial, didn't quite understand what it was like to fight with other ninjas.

After intercepting and killing four sound ninjas, the two of them just played the drums and basically did not participate in the battle.

As for the ambush battle formed by the dangerous Loess and the Iwa Ninjas, the combat power was so much exceeded that it had no real sense at all.

"I am the main force in the battle this time, but there are too many enemies, so I may not be able to fully take care of you. Deal with it carefully..."

The first thing the sand ninjas have to do is to clear out all the bright or dark "eyes" nearby.

In a fight with the rain ninja, the sand ninjas are not guaranteed to have a complete advantage. At this time, it is not a bad thing to be cautious.

In the wandering ninja camp, "strategist" Yitu and "butcher" Belifu were waiting anxiously.

"Hey, that sand ninja really doesn't show up, what should I do?"

"Butcher" Beliv couldn't help but ask,

"We only know that he is a Suna Ninja... Wait, we don't even know if he is a real Suna Ninja! And does he have any companions?

Based on this, how can we persuade the 'traitors' who are chasing us to believe our words? "

"Just leave this to me, I'll deal with them. After all, we were compatriots who fought side by side in the past, so they shouldn't be merciless at all. Didn't we just beg for mercy from acquaintances and escape?"

Yi Tu seemed to be speaking very confidently, but his constantly shaking calves revealed his nervousness.

"It doesn't matter if we don't know the specific information. Anyway, as long as we insist that after being kidnapped by the sand ninja, we were tortured and leaked important information..."

"this is okay too?"

The relatively simple and honest Belifu stared at Yi Tu with his mouth open.

"What if someone else tells the truth?"

"other people?"

Yi Tu looked at the other shivering "companions" with a suspicious look.

"If they are honest, give them more food; if they talk nonsense, leave them here to feed the wild beasts!"

"You are indeed a bad guy!"

When Bei Lifu heard Yi Tu's plan, he spat lightly,

"I don't know how many people believed your words and were betrayed by you after boarding the pirate ship..."

"Why, are you sympathizing with these burdens? If it weren't for me, they would have died long ago!"

Yi Tu complained dissatisfiedly to the powerful Belifu.

"I sometimes worry that one day, I will be the one abandoned by you..."

"You're not like them, Beliv!"

Yi Tu promised,

"You are one of our own. We should unite to tide over the difficulties together instead of being suspicious of each other!"

Belifu snorted lightly and said nothing more, acquiescing to Tu Tu's rhetoric.

Half an hour later, four rain ninjas finally rushed over and surrounded the camp of this group of "wandering ninjas" with expressionless faces.

"Unfamiliar face?"

Yi Tu frowned and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Who is your boss? Maybe we have a good friendship!"

No answer, no greetings.

The bearded leader took out a few portraits and nodded after confirming them.

"It's them! Take action..."

The four Rain Ninjas were like hungry wolves entering the flock of sheep. In a matter of seconds, they killed the surrounding group of people until they were stunned.

"Butcher" Belifu drew out his machete and swung it violently, forcing back the attack, and then pulled Yi Tu back, who seemed not to believe that the other party would strike without mercy.

"Idiot, what are you doing? Think of a solution!"

Looking at his "companion" lying on the ground in a pool of blood, and the four rain ninjas surrounding him.

"Don't kill us! There is very important information..."

The leader with a beard waved his hand:

"You have ten seconds to convince us to show mercy!"

Yi Tu hurriedly shouted:

"Not long ago, a Sand Ninja captured us. After interrogation, he left with the news that the leader of the Rain Ninja, Hanzo, was dead!"

The bearded leader suddenly stepped forward, kicked Beilif away, grabbed Yitu's collar and lifted him up.

"Is everything you said true? You could have died happily, but if you tell lies, it will be miserable. You have to let me vent my anger before you are qualified to die..."

After saying this, both Yi Tu and Belifu, who was sitting on the ground, couldn't help but shudder.

"Please believe us, we would never dare to lie about this kind of thing!"

"Take us to find that Sand Ninja..."

Throwing Yitu to the ground, the bearded leader said coldly,

"Don't tell me you can't remember what he looks like or can't find where he is..."

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