Red sand dust

Chapter 197 Comparison

After killing the two unnecessary "guides", the rain ninjas did not hesitate.

"Don't divide your troops. Let's concentrate our efforts to defeat them one by one. Looking at the traces of the enemy, there are at least three of them. Don't be careless..."

The leader commanded thus,

"As for the direction, go upstream! The Sand Ninjas shouldn't go to places with dense water networks downstream. The upstream is close to the Kingdom of Wind, which is more suitable for them to perform."

As he spoke, the rain ninja stepped across the lake one after another and ran away.

However, when passing near the center of the lake, the leader with a beard suddenly caught a glimpse of the waves caused by his own steps out of the corner of his eye, which produced a strange diffraction at a certain point.

"What's that over there, a swimming fish? No, there's a situation, please disperse..."

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The companion who was leaning at the end had his head grabbed by invisible hands, and a tornado formed by fine wind blades rose into the sky with water spray.

Screaming accompanied by blood and water splashing everywhere, with bruises all over his body and several holes in his chest and abdomen, the Rain Ninja was thrown onto the water and quickly sank.

A rich red spread quickly, dyeing the transparent lake water into a dazzling blood color.

"The first one is so easy!"

There was undisguised sarcasm in Daimaru's tone;

"How dare you hunt us down at this level? I thought you were so capable, but it turns out it's just that..."

The bearded leader stopped his uneasy subordinates and said in a deep voice:

"Your actions are not worthy of your arrogant tone! You don't even dare to show your true face..."

"You also have to be able to make me show my true face!"

Daimaru sneered disdainfully,

"Why don't you just ignore your poor companion? If you don't help him, he will be fed to the fish. There are a lot of big guys in such a wide lake..."

The smell of blood will definitely attract many predators in the water. If you don't fish it out for a while, you may not find it in the future.

"After I kill you arrogant guys, I will naturally have time to do other things..."

The bearded leader said as he waved his hand, and a young-looking chuunin behind him slowly sank into the water; the other baby-faced chuunin quickly used his water body to explore in all directions; the leader took out his own The umbrella behind my back was thrown into the sky.

"The art of ninja is like rain and dew thousands of times!"

Thousands of densely packed steel needles fell from the sky and swept across the nearby lake under its control.

"It seems like every rain ninja knows this trick!"

Senbon is extremely fast and powerful and can penetrate steel plates that are not too thick.

If you block it hard, it will be very difficult, and the effect may not be very good.

On the contrary, the sand-operating ninjutsu, which is soft and elastic, but extremely tough, is easier to defend.

Unfortunately, this is a lake, and Daimaru doesn't have a gourd of sand on his back.

"You can't escape!"

Although the exact location of Daimaru is unknown, as long as the attack covers the entire vicinity, it can always hit the opponent.

But, is it really that easy?

Thousands of books fell like raindrops, causing little waves, but there was no sign of hitting the enemy.

"how come?"

The bearded leader watched in amazement as the useless Senbonsame sank to the bottom of the water.

"Up there, idiot!"

I couldn't help but look up, but I only saw the figure falling from the shadow of the sun.

"not good……"

By the time you realize something is wrong, it's too late.

A dazzling light shone into his pupils, causing him to temporarily lose his vision, and at the same time he couldn't help but scream.

Several star puppet strings fell from the sky and wrapped around his arms. Then Daimaru swooped down, and his arms turned into wind escape chakra blades, slashing, slashing, and stabbing him. Three consecutive fierce attacks were about to cut him into several pieces. .

It's just a pity that the wind blade hit the enemy, making a crisp sound of gold and iron.

"This is……"

Daimaru was stunned as he watched the bearded leader being slashed backwards and doing several backflips before standing firmly on the water.

"As a rain ninja, he actually wears armor. It really embarrasses the ninja..."

Not only was this guy carrying a lot of heavy Senbon, he was also shamelessly imitating a samurai, wearing a layer of armor with extremely high defensive power under his outer robe.

As for the star puppet string wrapped around Daimaru's arm, it failed to penetrate this layer of metal.

"As long as we can survive, what's the point of wearing armor? We Rain Ninjas don't have the luxury of Sun Ninjas, so we can proudly adhere to the tradition of ninjas..."

After the bearded leader got rid of Daimaru's pursuit, he managed to open his eyes and said solemnly,

"Finally let you do it! It turned out to be a puppet master, pretending to be several people..."

"You guessed it wrong!"

Daimaru stretched out his index finger and shook it proudly,

"I find it a bit difficult to deal with the four of you alone. It's good to have two teammates who can share some of the pressure! Look, it seems that your companions are not very powerful..."

A little far away from the area where the two were fighting, the young chuunin seemed to have lost his mind, and his throat was cut by Qian's white velvet iron fan.

It's not just air that carries odors, water can too. Although the distance cannot be spread too far, the distance is denser and the illusion effect is better...

Kicking the dying enemy into the water, Qian looked at the water avatar surrounding him with vigilance.

"Don't be proud, I have a helper!"

Daimaru chuckled and said:

"Let's not talk about your helpers for now. Uncle, should you care about yourself? Don't you feel any discomfort?"

"You are a puppet master who is good at using poison. How could I not notice this?"

"Really? That's weird..."

Daimaru pulled the star puppet string, and a wisp of purple-black cell tissue appeared inside his body, constantly eroding his body.

The bearded leader who was originally indifferent suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood:

"How is it possible, I was poisoned?"

In a hurry, he took out an antidote pill from his ninja bag and swallowed it, but it had no effect.

"To be honest, I'm still looking forward to an opponent who can fight evenly. But it's a pity that due to some other reasons, I can't continue..."

After all, during the mission, it is not advisable to be too willful and put yourself and your subordinates in danger.

"Go with peace of mind, your capable 'helper', we will send him to join you soon..."

A stand-in puppet appeared from the air behind the bearded leader, stabbed his heart mercilessly with a kunai, then flipped his wrist and stirred it, causing the wound to expand and bleed out more blood.

When attacking an enemy, Ukon will also suffer collateral damage. Fortunately, Daimaru terminated the Parasitic Ghost Art in time and allowed Ukon to return to his body.

Of course, the key parts were covered up with the polarized killing array. Daimaru didn't want Yami and Sentazaya to know about Ukon's existence.

"As for why your subordinates didn't help you, it's because he didn't even know you were in danger..."

Looking at the bearded leader who was slowly sinking, Daimaru explained with a sigh.

"Finally, there is only one left. Two against one, can you handle it?"

The water avatar, which has only one-tenth of the basic ability of the main body, is not very strong. The only trouble is that there are a lot of them.

Daimaru, who was quietly hiding in the dark and preparing for the formation of his two subordinates, was always staring at the body of the last enemy.

However, there are still many bright spots in Chiwa Yami's performance.

The siege of the Chuunin Water Avatar, with the cooperation of Chiwa Yemu's skilled Taijutsu, was completely useless. Apart from consuming a little physical strength and chakra, there was no threat.

"With such strength, if he had taken the Chuunin Examination in previous years, he would have been very likely to be promoted. 』

To improve one's strength, personal efforts are crucial. It seems that these two people have put in a lot of effort during the half-year team-up with Daimaru.

"The progress has been great. If there is no comparison of Daimaru's leapfrog improvement, it would be really good. 』

And, more importantly, Yemu's super observation ability should already know where the enemy is.

Moreover, Qian's white velvet iron fan was flying up and down, and the smell of illusion chakra around him was getting stronger and stronger. The unlucky guy, who seemed to be waiting for the captain to come to help after he defeated the enemy, was not aware of the danger at all.

Most of the smells used by Chiyo to perform genjutsu are indistinguishable to humans, but alert ninjas will detect strange chakra changes in the air.

If you lose your alertness, nothing will happen.

"We're going to win!" 』

Daimaru nodded with satisfaction.

Not being too strong a chuunin, Chi and Yami teamed up to already have the strength to win.

Unless he uses the exercise and personal training to control Yami and Sen, Daimaru is not very skilled in cooperating with them under normal circumstances. However, the two people who often practice together have a tacit understanding far better than Daimaru.

A few minutes later, the two subordinates who teamed up to kill the last enemy, together with Daimaru, collected the bodies of the four rain ninjas, put them together with "Strategist" Ito and "Butcher" Beilif, and hastily killed them bury.

"Let's go, take their forehead protectors away and take them back as trophies!"

The two female ninjas who had killed a chuunin for the first time with their own strength still couldn't believe it.

"Can we deal with Chuunin too?"

Daimaru smiled and replied:

"You two are already very strong at the level of genin. Don't fail to realize your progress just because you often hang out with Temari, Kankuro and Gaara..."

"However, compared with you, we are completely inadequate..."

Qian said with a sigh.

"I am special. It is not easy for ordinary people to compare with me! If I feel that I am not strong enough, I just need to work harder."

Daimaru said matter-of-factly,

"Okay, don't think too much, let's leave this place first..."

A few minutes later, the sand ninja's back disappeared, and a pale-skinned humanoid emerged from the ground, digging several rain ninjas out of the ground.

"Dead again! So much 'material' cannot be wasted. Wait, the injuries on this corpse are so strange..."

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