Red sand dust

Chapter 202 Cooperation

As the exchanges in the ninja world became more and more frequent, some advanced ninjutsu gradually spread.

The sectarianism still exists, and the master-disciple inheritance is still valued, but it is not as serious as before.

Daimaru's use of wind escape to produce effects similar to illusions is not a great trick, but the direction of development is somewhat unique.

Daimaru is quite supportive of Nighteye's idea.

"If you can really make something refreshing and innovative, your future will be limitless..."

The secret techniques learned from others can only be considered as one's own after one has thoroughly understood them and integrated them into one's own.

"A pioneering work? I don't quite understand this, but..."

Yemu said tentatively,

"Maybe I can really find some special uses for the polarized killing array..."

"Are you here to ask for advice? You're obviously here to show off..."

Daimaru chuckled and said,

"If you have any ideas, don't beat around the bush, just show them directly and let me see..."

Either a mule or a horse came out for a ride.

Although Daimaru is not particularly strong in combat ability, he thinks he has a good eye.

"Then just watch out!"

Yemu formed a seal with his hands, and the surrounding air was constantly trembling. The faint light was like running water, turning into colorful patterns.

"This is……"

Daimaru looked at this scene in surprise, a little surprised.

"A small riverside two kilometers away..."

The light of the fish floating in the water, the owl cooing on the branches, the occasional bat passing over the water, and the mottled moon shadow cast by the moonlight on the ground...

All of this was presented before Daimaru's eyes. Except for being severely dark, it was almost a flawless reproduction of a moonlit night.

"how did you do that?"

The propagation of light has a starting point and an end point. Theoretically, no matter which end the ninja is at, he can control the scenery at the other end, provided that the chakra can affect that far.

With Night Eye's strength, it is obviously impossible to control the air two kilometers away.

Outdoors where the light conditions are relatively good and there is less obstruction, Daimaru can observe this far, but it is a bit difficult to reproduce it at close range.

Unless the distant scenery can be "transplanted" intact, or light can be used as paint to depict it from scratch in the form of holographic projection nearby.

The former is like a photo taken by a point-and-shoot camera, and the latter is like a painter's sketch. For Daimaru, both are almost impossible to achieve.

Nighteye's strength is far inferior to Daimaru's, and his proficiency in the Polarized Killing Formation is far inferior, so he should not use the above two methods.


"This is my talent..."

Yemu blinked a little proudly,

"This is an ability I am proud of..."

Also, even if Yemu's strength does not improve much in the future, he is still an unparalleled battlefield observer. As long as the environment is suitable, he can observe anything within a radius of ten kilometers.

Against the background of the technological level of the ninja world, a ten-kilometer investigation zone is really terrifying.

Even during the Fourth Ninja War, sentient ninjas with such special abilities were extremely rare.

"I didn't pay much attention to it before, but it turns out your eyes can still be used like this..."

Human eyes can produce vision, that is, light passes through the pupil and shines on the retina, stimulating the optic nerve, and the generated signal is transmitted to the brain, and after analysis, it generates three-dimensional perception.

It seems that the night eye reproduces the reflected light from the retina in a polarized killing array in the vicinity.

"It's probably similar to the principle of a movie projector..."

The idea of ​​using Daimaru has always been to make the enemy invisible or see the wrong things; Nighteye can combine its own characteristics and think about the distant scenery that it can see, and show it to others, which is also quite useful.

In a rapidly changing battlefield, it is impossible to express all the details clearly in dry words. It is naturally best to present them intuitively in front of decision makers.

However, the picture still looks too dim, both due to the lack of light at night and the lack of proficiency in night eye operation.

It is already rare to be able to restore the actual scenery through the transfer of countless small water droplets in the air. It is a bit difficult to seek "fidelity" of color.

"Are those eyes of yours the limit of blood inheritance?"

Nighteye replied:

"Probably not. None of my ancestors have heard of similar specialties. They are probably special abilities obtained by accidental mutation..."


Daimaru nodded.

The ultra-long-distance observation and perception of night-eye eyes is, to put it bluntly, the abnormality of the pupils and ciliary muscles of the eyes, as well as the brain's super processing ability of visual signals.

There are many strange people and strangers in the ninja world, and there are many strange and strange abilities. However, there are very few who are called blood successors. Among them, the most critical definition criteria are two points:

One is that this specialty will be passed down through blood;

At this point, Yemu is probably satisfied, and his descendants will most likely inherit this specialty.

Another condition is that chakra is required to activate or continue to consume chakra.

This one is a bit subtle.

However, Daimaru believes that Yami's eyes are not the limit of blood.

Because when Night Eye's ability is activated, the eyes and brain that function theoretically do not need to use chakra.

However, Yami's long-term use of his eyes for long-distance observation will still consume chakra. This is actually because the brain's energy supply is insufficient and chakra is needed to maintain consumption.

This is equivalent to the fact that a ninja can run very fast without using chakra, but if he wants to run faster and further, he needs to consume chakra to strengthen himself. But no matter how fast you run, can you say that this is the limit of ninja blood inheritance?

However, even if it is not the blood inheritance limit, it is still a very valuable ability for Yemu.

After several generations of ninja development, it may not be possible to develop new blood inheritance limits.

Seeing Daimaru deep in thought, Yemu waited patiently for a while before seeing Daimaru raise his head.

"This method is also effective in battle; you can improve this method and discuss with Qian how to combine it with her illusions. Maybe it will have good effects..."

Maybe, this will be a good ninja combination.

The scent illusion trap that continues to take effect will trap you if you are not careful, and it will get deeper and deeper; if you add the support of night eyes and set up a series of illusions such as "ghost hits the wall", it may make the trapped enemies think that He has fallen into the illusion and is frightened, revealing even greater flaws.

"This is the original appearance of the polarized killing array in my mind. If you add in the virtual and real shadow clones, puppets, etc., it will be even more perfect..."

It's a pity that Daimaru doesn't know genjutsu, so it's difficult to do this.

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