Red sand dust

Chapter 205 Preliminary Test

After hesitating for a while, Daimaru collected the hyenas and vultures on the ground.

"The best material has been baptized by the chakra of the second state of the curse seal. The material is extraordinary and the chakra conductivity is also extremely excellent. 』

It was not easy to find such good goods in the past, but now that the strength has improved, it is much easier than before.

After erasing all traces, he checked carefully for a while and confirmed that there was nothing abnormal before returning to Yeme and Qian.

"so slow!"

Yemu complained with some dissatisfaction,

"You obviously just went out to fetch water, why are you back now?"

"I'm lost!"

Daimaru replied matter-of-factly.


Yemu was still about to argue, but was stopped by Qian Yishou:

"Okay, this is all a trivial matter. Let's discuss where to go for inspection later..."

"There's no hurry!"

Daimaru handed the bamboo tube filled with water to Yami and Sen.

"I have a personal matter to ask you..."


There's something strange about Night Eyes;

"You actually asked us for help?"

It's not like Daimaru has never asked others for help because of the situation, but this is the first time he told Yemu and Qian about this kind of thing.

Daimaru can solve ordinary small things by himself. If it feels difficult, Yeme and Qian Taban can't help.

"Just a little thing!"

"It always feels like it's not a good thing..."

Nighteye looked at Daimaru suspiciously and asked,

"Let me tell you first, it's too much trouble for us and we can't help..."

"No trouble at all!"

Daimaru waved his hand,

"You guys will be on guard nearby to prevent anyone from disturbing me..."

"Is there something wrong with your body?"

Qian looked at Daimaru with concern, but didn't find anything wrong!

"Not now, but it won't necessarily be later!"

Daimaru chuckled and said,

"Yeye, look around, don't let any ninja get close..."

"Wait, do you want to start right away?"

Yemu couldn't help but said nervously, he didn't expect Daimaru to come so soon,

"Not long ago, wasn't it good to be in the 'stronghold'? Why do we do dangerous things in such a wilderness?"

"Because, some things are not suitable for too many people to know..."

There are so many people with so many eyes, who knows if some of the abnormalities in one's body will be noticed by interested people.

Yemu and Qian looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

Secrets that cannot be revealed at will in front of compatriots are definitely not anything aboveboard.

Qian Zhengse said:

"Yeye and I are very happy that you can trust us, but do you want to think about it again? You are already a chuunin, the leading genius among your peers, why would you take risks?"

"I can not wait anymore!"

How could Daimaru not understand what his teammate and subordinate said, but there are some things that we really can't rely entirely on luck.

"I want to improve my strength as soon as possible and be promoted to Jonin..."

"You... we are still young, why are you in such a hurry?"

Qian asked hesitantly,

"You don't even have a love rival, Temari will still be waiting for you..."

"There are some things I don't know how to tell you..."

Daimaru sighed and said,

"Anyway, I have made a decision..."

In the wilderness, even if something went wrong, it would not be easy for anyone to notice the abnormality.

"Oh well!"

After a while, the three of them found a secluded place. Ye Mu carefully observed the surroundings. After confirming that no enemies were approaching, he and Qian guarded the surroundings.

Daimaru took a deep breath, took out a syringe from his ninja bag, and injected the lavender-colored blood inside into his body.

This tube of blood was not drawn from another person's body, but belonged to Daimaru himself.

These blood samples were injected into Ukon's body, and then the second cursed state was turned on. With the blessing of Ukon's life energy and Daimaru's super spiritual power, its chakra infected Daimaru's blood into this state.

Although it was still Dawan's blood, and the genetic material of the blood cells in it was exactly the same as that of Dawan's body cells, some abnormal changes still occurred under extreme circumstances.

The blood with the strong aura of the curse quickly activated after returning to Daimaru's body, and its vitality was far stronger than the cells of Daimaru's body.

Suddenly, severe pain spread along the spot where the syringe injected blood on his right arm.

The peripheral blood vessels ruptured under the strong pressure, causing Daimaru's whole body to turn red quickly, and the main blood vessels gradually became overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the life energy provided by the possessed White Zetsu clone cells continued to repair the injuries in Daimaru's body, allowing the hidden danger of death from explosion to pass smoothly.

Not far away, Yemu's eyes could not help but observe Daimaru's reaction. The little girl who was still a little careless suddenly changed her expression.

"This is……"

The familiar purple-black chakra, the spreading red-black cloud patterns on the body, and the disgusting aura make it difficult not to notice.

"What's wrong?"

Qian Qian, whose eyes are not as good as night eyes, asked worriedly,

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't know if that's a problem, but..."

Ye Mu wanted to speak but stopped, not knowing where to start.

"Just tell me if Daimaru is in danger..."

"It should be fine now..."

"Then let's wait. He will naturally explain it to us later..."

Qian said matter-of-factly,

"Otherwise, he wouldn't have avoided the compatriots in the 'stronghold', so we would have sent him a lookout!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Even though Yemu and Qian didn't quite understand ghost things like curse seals, they had seen them a few times.

How the evil secret technique developed by Orochimaru appeared in Daimaru needs to be explained by himself.

"It hurts!"

Daimaru's whole body was shaking involuntarily. If he hadn't been used to this feeling, he might have fainted long ago.

Even so, Daimaru almost failed to hold on.

"Uchiha Sasuke is really an amazing guy. The original 'Heaven's Curse Seal' is much more corrosive than this one. That guy actually passed the second test of the Chunin Exam with such a body, and then he didn't have to Chakra defeats the copper armor."

Not to mention his excellent physical fitness, his mental will is definitely top-notch.

As the infected blood flows throughout the body, red and black moirés spread all over the skin, and the pain reaches the extreme.

Daimaru gritted his teeth, veins popped out on his face, and tried hard not to scream.

The purple-black curse seal chakra continuously squeezes Daimaru's body cells and mental power.

Forget about mental strength, Daiwan is very rich. If you consume more, you can reduce your stress and return to normal as soon as possible.

The physical deficit was originally the biggest threat. With the life energy provided by Bai Jue's clone, he could barely persevere after constantly making up for it.

Coupled with the instinctive rejection of the curse seal by the White Zetsu cells, the curse seal chakra failed to penetrate further into Daimaru's core.

Ten minutes later, the red and black moirés all over his body slowly receded, and Daimaru's purple-black skin slowly returned to normal.

"The first adaptation attempt is over!" 』

After Daimaru sat there for a few minutes, he regained a little strength, managed to stand up, and staggered towards his two subordinates.

Seeing this, Yeme and Qian quickly came over and supported Daimaru.

"How are you? Are you okay? If you want to rest for a while, there are no enemies around. The two of us can hold on..."

Seeing that Daimaru's face was pale, as if he had lost too much blood and was recovering from a serious illness, Yeme suggested nervously.

"It's okay, I'll just take a walk."

As long as he doesn't collapse on the spot and has enough vitality to replenish, it won't take long to replenish the consumed chakra and physical strength.

"All right!"

Since Daimaru insisted, Chiya could not object.

"That was the curse seal just now? Are you related to Orochimaru..."

Daimaru shook his head:

"That's not a curse seal, it's just a by-product of the curse seal! As for Orochimaru, I also want to get to know him, but he may not be interested in getting to know me..."

Daimaru said with a self-deprecating smile,

"I just stole part of the power of the curse seal and wanted to see if it could be used for me. Now it seems that it is okay..."

After a period of time, after your body has recovered, try again and wait until your physical condition has been completely improved before proceeding to the next step.

"how did you do that?"

Qian asked curiously.

"Don't tell others! The four sound ninjas I killed were twin brothers. I just killed my younger brother Sakon and handed over the body. My older brother Ukon was hidden by me..."

"Do you want to gain the power of the curse seal?"

"No, I just want to improve my physical qualifications through the curse seal! If successful, I will let you experience it too..."

Chiwa Yeme's eyes lit up.

"Can we do that too?"

"should be no problem!"

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