Red sand dust

Chapter 247 Elite

Which one of talent, hard work, teaching or resources has a more significant impact on the growth of a ninja? The difference between each person is actually quite large.

A person like Rock Lee needs a mentor like Metkai; for a genius like Uchiha Sasuke, talent and hard work are the decisive factors. Even without the guidance of Hatake Kakashi and Orochimaru, he will be extremely successful in the future. It is possible to become a super powerful ninja, but the growth rate will be slower.

It is too difficult for a puppet master like Kankuro to improve without abundant resource support.

As for Temari, her path of cultivation requires more mastery of the changes in the nature of Wind Release Chakra and improvement of combat wisdom. The battlefield is the most suitable stage for her.

In addition, blocking Temari out of his "career" also has Daimaru's selfish motives.

As Miss Saya said, public and private matters must be distinguished.

It's fine if it's a mom-and-pop shop where ordinary people rely on for survival, but in a "company" that is mixed with other snobbish relationships, it's better to be simple, otherwise it will make wrong judgments due to selfishness, which will cause conflicts, which is not good.

"Okay, I agree to join these three people, you can make your own decisions..."

Miss Saya was quite cheerful. She and Daimaru had agreed on the profit distribution and left all the trivial matters to Daimaru. She was only responsible for providing a good store and opening the business on a certain day.

Later, Daimaru informed Yami, Sen, and Kankuro about the incident.

Naturally, the "temporary workers" and "volunteers" did not object to the matters agreed upon by the major shareholders. Yemu and Qian were a little surprised. Suddenly, a piece of pie fell from the sky, and they really couldn't accept it.

Although it requires more energy and the share occupied by the two of them is very small, as long as the business grows as Daimaru promised, it will be a big fortune in the future.

"This is your hard-earned money, you're welcome!"

It's been made very clear that I will have to work harder in the future.

As for Kankuro, he didn't care about this at all. Instead, he complained about Daimaru suddenly letting Miss Saya join the gang.

The efficiency of the ninja should not be underestimated. In less than two days, Miss Saya found a store that was eager to cancel the lease due to poor management. Daimaru took a look and found that the location was not bad. It was close to a residential area and away from the ninja. The school is not far either.

After half a day of investigation, Daimaru quickly made up his mind and rented it for one year.

By this time next year, Gaara's Kazekage position should be somewhat clear. Until then, make plans based on the specific situation.

It took another two days to set up and asked Qian and Yeme to recruit two young girls as part-time clerks. After a little training and guidance, they were ready to take up the job.

It took less than a week in total for a store called "Daimaru Workshop" to open in a low-key manner.

Unlike many stores that are slightly dark and gloomy, Daimaru only slightly adds a little change in light and color, which makes people feel much more relaxed.

Unlike the imaginary puppet workshop that is full of mechanical and heavy atmosphere, Daimaru has no intention of on-site production here, but only uses it as a display hall.

In the spacious exhibition hall in the center, there is a finished product named Puppet Wolf Spider by Daimaru. It is one of the advanced types of the basic version of Puppet Spider. It is generously placed in the center.

Because it is a sample, it is very exquisitely made, the price is not cheap, and the materials are not bad. Overall, the quality is not bad, it cannot be compared with the best products, but it can be regarded as a very mature puppet shape.

In addition, there are some smaller puppets of different shapes placed on the surrounding booths. Some of them are Daimaru's previous trial works. After being perfected and modified, they were taken out to see if anyone would buy them.

In addition to selling ready-made puppets, this place also accepts customization. Of course, until Daimaru's stylist skills are recognized, this service is just a decoration.

In addition, the store also lists some recycled puppet materials with clearly marked prices. The prices are not high and are better than nothing.

On the first day it opened, not many people knew what it sold. Later, customers occasionally visited after listening to recommendations from Kankuro and Daimaru.

It wasn't until the fifth day that a rather old puppet master couldn't help but relented at his grandson's plea and bought a frog-shaped puppet the size of a millstone that could bounce forward and finally sold the first An item.

Although he knew that it would be difficult at the beginning and Daimaru was mentally prepared, the waiting days were still difficult.

Daimaru, who hid his figure, absently looked at the performance of the group of students who would graduate soon on the ninja school grounds.

After observing for several days, many of them still have the qualifications to become ninjas, but most of them are ordinary, and only a few meet the selection criteria of Sunagakure Village's elite training policy.

After submitting the formation plan for the aerial team, Daimaru checked the list of genin recommended by the village.

For ninjas, it is risky to change the old practice mode and find a new path. Even for genin, many people do not want to affect their future development for inexplicable reasons.

Daimaru's selection of members is a matter of mutual consent and will not be forced.

However, after at least a year of struggling in a big dye vat like Sand Hidden Village, there are very few good men and women left.

Daimaru doesn't have the patience to let these guys who are not very strong and have a bad temper listen to him, so he might as well just select new people to train.

The village supports Daimaru's choice.

Cultivating a group of more distinctive ninjas will not affect the village's original selection plan. Some people who were originally slightly dissatisfied with Daimaru's sudden promotion have somewhat subsided and feel that he is a reasonably interesting young man.

Just when Daimaru was feeling a little melancholy, he suddenly felt a familiar chakra approaching.

"Kankuro, this way!"

"You are indeed here! Good news, someone wants to buy your puppet..."

"Finally someone with knowledge..."

"I thought you would be a little more excited!"

"It's something that was expected. Although I'm very happy, it doesn't make me lose my composure!"

After gathering his emotions for a while, Daimaru continued to ask,

"How many puppets were sold?"

"Two basic version of Puppet Spider, and one advanced version of Wolf Spider."

"The inventory of the main product has been reduced by a quarter. It seems that we need to increase the inventory..."

One-third of the puppet spiders are rented out.

"Kankuro, please work harder these days and help me polish a batch of standard parts. I will take the time to assemble them..."

"Are you busy these days?"

Daimaru smiled and said:

"Don't think that every chuunin is as leisurely as Gaara. I have to be busy setting up an aerial team, and then I have to communicate with the foreign affairs of Konoha Village. I have been busy for a while..."

"It's not a big problem to let me do it for the time being, but it won't work if you do it for a long time. It will delay your practice..."

"I have a plan and I won't make any mistakes!"

Daimaru pointed at the children who were still training,

"After graduation, we will recruit a few smarter apprentices in the name of the workshop. We do not expect them to become puppet masters in the future, but they will at least become qualified material handling experts and assembly technicians..."

It is a pity that children who have been trained for six or seven years are eliminated like this. These are the lucky few who have received elite education!

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