Red sand dust

Chapter 249 Taking a step back and regretting it

"As reckless as you are, you can actually be considerate sometimes. You've grown a lot, Kankuro..."

Daimaru couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his brother-in-law.

"Why do your compliments always sound so awkward and make people unhappy?"

"Maybe it's because I'm too sincere!"

Daimaru spread his hands and said that it was not his fault, but the fault of the person listening.

"If you don't hide the words that you don't need to say, it would be too heavy to be so sincere..."

Kankuro smiled bitterly and said,

"Where has your self-restraint gone? Now you don't pretend?"

"You are my brother-in-law, so of course you have to be sincere..."

"Then thank you very much for your kindness..."

"You're welcome, you should!"

While Daimaru was perfunctory, he took out new puppets and filled up the empty exhibition hall again.

"Aerial Team, what role are you, instructor or leader?"

Kankuro asked seemingly casually, but in fact he was very concerned.

"it's all me!"

"That's right! That's good..."

Although Gaara's side was going smoothly, Temari and Kankuro didn't make much progress. Fortunately, although Daimaru seemed a little impetuous, he had never failed in major matters, and many of the big words he had said had already come true. Achieved.

If Daimaru really serves as the leader of the upcoming aerial team, the benefits will definitely be huge.

This is a new independent combat force. It may not be comparable to the formal departments in the village, but its status will definitely not be lower than standing institutions such as code decryption, intelligence torture, and sealing.

The head of a powerful department is also a special front-line team that outsiders cannot interfere with. As long as the air team can be managed well, it will definitely become a decisive force in the village in the future.

"Is there hope for the Jonin?"

"Well, you and Temari have to work harder too!"

Whether it was his relationship with Gaara or his connection with Maki and others, Daimaru was one step behind after all.

"Before Gaara becomes a Kazekage, you must at least become a Jonin..."

"We will try our best!"

"It's not about trying your best, it's about having to!"

Daimaru debugged it and found that the new puppet was performing well and there should be no problems. Then he turned back and said to Kankuro, who had not been going well recently,

"The day Gaara became the fifth generation, the one guarding him was not even a jounin. How could he establish his prestige as a Kazekage..."

Kankuro said angrily:

"Isn't there you? There is also Teacher Maki, who can also protect Gaara..."

"If you think this is okay, I have no problem..."

Daimaru said as he patted Kankuro's shoulder and chuckled,

"Think about it! Maybe because of my existence, a lot of problems have been solved, giving you the illusion that even if you stretch your hips a little, someone can fix it. But, Kankuro, keep Gaara in your heart. It is right to do your best to prepare for him, but don’t trample your thoughts in the mud. As I said before, the two are not contradictory..."

Daimaru's efforts to satisfy himself can also win Temari's favor; Kankuro's improvement of himself can also help Gaara obtain the position of Kazekage.

"Can you guess what I'm thinking?"

"I have no idea……"

Daimaru shook his head and smiled,

"Just say it casually. If you make a mistake, don't take it to heart..."

Not far away, two relatively diligent female clerks looked at each other in tacit understanding...

"Are you quarreling?" 』

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, when he graduated from the ninja school, his career as a ninja was hopeless, he was still too young to make money to support his family, and it was too early to marry his husband and raise his children. It was still good to have a place to work.

Seeing that the big boss and the little boss rarely appeared at the same time, the two did not dare to be lazy. Although they did not work hard, they did not take a nap during their free time. As a result, the two seemed to have said some unfriendly words. The former Kazekage family The young master's originally frightening expression became even more ugly.

"There was no quarrel, don't worry!"

Daimaru turned around and grinned at the two little girls.

"Have you guessed your thoughts? 』

The two of them were shocked.

"You two should know me, right? Unfortunately, I have no impression of you..."


Sha Sui, a slender girl with short blond hair, nodded and responded,

"We had dealings with each other when we were young!"


Daimaru looked embarrassed, and when he mentioned the past, it was most likely because he had bullied the other party.

Another cool girl with shoulder-length hair named Hashiya Aika said:

"We just threw bugs and other dirty things on us, there was no fight..."

"Ha ha……"

Daimaru smiled dryly,

"It's really a fate that can never be broken. I never thought we would meet again under such circumstances..."

Sha Sui hesitated and said:

"Senior doesn't remember us anymore. We can't talk about our past friendship. It doesn't matter if we meet again. Now we are all temporary workers under you..."

"As long as you don't feel embarrassed! I've worked hard for you these past few days..."

As Daimaru spoke, he looked at Hashiya Aika. Yes, this little girl came from one of the very few families with a surname in the legend of Sunagakure Village.

"Just call me Aijia..."

Facing Daimaru's gaze, Hashiya Aika smiled reservedly,

"Senior, do you have any instructions?"

"You are all talented people who have received ninja education. You are much better than ordinary people who are completely outsiders. Soon, I will recruit a few apprentices who have failed after graduating from the ninja school. When the time comes, you will first teach them how to process recycled materials. , as well as simply showing the puppet to guests..."


The pupils of the two temporary store clerks' eyes were shrunk.

"Is it about the puppets?"

"Roughly the same!"

"Then can we learn too?"

Daimaru smiled slightly:

"It's been almost two years and you haven't given up yet! You can, but I can't guarantee how much you can learn..."

People who can be persuaded by Yami and Chi to accept Daimaru's invitation, in addition to earning some commissions, probably also have the thought of getting involved with ninjas, maybe learning something, or even dreaming of starting the path of ninjas again. .

"Do your job well and then think about other things..."

"You are really treacherous. With just a few words, you can make two little girls work hard for you..."

Kankuro whispered,

"Are you really going to give them a chance to become ninjas?"

"How can I have such ability? Only the Kazekage can open the back door to give them ninja status for those who fail the formal selection..."

The selection of the air team is already a very special exception. A small puppet workshop wants to train ninjas. Is this a rebellion?

"It is beneficial to learn more things..."

Perhaps, these skilled "technicians" will become popular in the future!

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