Red sand dust

Chapter 251 Frugality

As long as you become a contracted employee and have proof in black and white, there is room for quibbles.

After discussing with Shanai, we agreed on a shift date and explained some taboos, and the matter finally came to an end.

Daimaru had a temporary worker who had some experience, and Shana barely achieved his goal.

"Why are they all temporary workers and not looking for a few reliable long-term employees?"

"Those adults, how many of you can control them?"

If Daimaru takes action personally, maybe he can make those smooth and sophisticated guys be more honest, but not others.

However, Daimaru cannot keep an eye on him all the time and can only entrust others to act as his agent.

Don't think about adult ninjas. They are all human beings. Daimaru's foundation cannot attract them to join him, nor can he tolerate those people's abuse. Ordinary villagers are not suitable either. After all, this is a shop that sells combat puppets to ninjas. Civilians who know nothing about it cannot competent.

In the end, they could only find some half-grown boys and girls to work in the hope of cultivating a few capable helpers.

The ninja world does not have any explicit regulations such as the Law on the Protection of Minors, but there are still some conventional rules.

In Ninja Village, children under the age of sixteen cannot sign a work agreement on their own. But there are exceptions. For example, if you become an official ninja, even if you are a genin, you will not be treated like a child. In addition, boys and girls who have graduated from ninja school but are not qualified enough to be eliminated and have not become ninjas can go out to work to make money with their parents' permission, but after all, they are not adults yet and will only be treated as temporary workers or apprentices.

These children who are educated, can write and calculate, have much better physical fitness than ordinary people, and even know one or two basic ninjutsu are quite popular, but Sunagakure Village can provide them with too few opportunities. Most of them They are all lost to everyone.

After signing the drafted agreement, Shanai asked casually:

"I can be a regular employee, why am I just a dispensable temporary worker?"

Daimaru shook his head and said angrily:

"As Miss Shanai, you suddenly join a small store that has just opened. Aren't you afraid of causing criticism? If you cause trouble and Miss Saya gets angry, I won't be able to smooth things over for you..."

The daughter of a wealthy family in Sunagakure Village, working as a temporary worker for three days fishing and two days drying nets can also be interpreted as experiencing life and increasing experience. If she really wants to officially join the job, a small temple like Daimaru will not be able to accommodate this for a while. Respect the great Buddha.

"Besides, you're a ninja, so you don't have time to work as a shop assistant. It's enough to just come over and do business. Don't tell me you're really interested in doing business..."

"How is that possible? If my sister hadn't been here, I wouldn't have even looked at this shabby little place..."


Daimaru spread his hands,

"I have been thinking about Miss Shanai very carefully, and you can't cause trouble for me in the future..."

"Don't worry, I have my sister's share here too..."

Shanai smiled easily and clenched his fists confidently to encourage himself.

As the graduation period of the Ninja School approaches, the two major events of forming an aerial team and communicating with the Leaf Village will also be put on the agenda.

Regarding the training and selection of reserve talents, it is a little easier to deal with. Specific matters are secondary. The key is the meaning of the exchange itself.

With Daimaru, the "Konoha Tong", doing things in a measured manner, everyone didn't worry too much.

The problem is with the air team.

Not only does it involve the identification of special ninjas outside of regular selection, it can be foreseen that an experimental team itself will need to invest a lot of resources. If the effect is good and the scale expands, support will definitely need to be increased. For Hidden Village, this is definitely not a small matter.

Not only that, the emergence of a brand new front-line team indicates that the balance of power in the village will change, which will inevitably affect the interests of a large number of people.

The large conference room that was originally empty is now full of people. The eldest Sha Shang occupies the first place. Sitting on the left and right are Huang Sha, who has become increasingly authoritative recently, and Fu Yi, who has just returned from the northern fortress. The others are descending in sequence. Almost all the seats are occupied.

Even Maki and Yura were not in the front row, and jounin like Nekaze, Sunako, and Satoshi were not even qualified to attend.

Daimaru's position was at the long table near the door. At this moment, he was giving his last explanation before the official launch to the big shots who had the power to decide the final plan of the air team.

Under Daimaru's instructions, Qian distributed some important information to the elders and advisors present. However, at this moment, everyone did not pay attention to this. Instead, they raised their heads slightly and looked at the image in the center of the light and shadow. It was a scene where Night Eye manipulated the light to reproduce what had happened.

Things like televisions, cameras, and video tapes have already appeared in the ninja world, but not many people have seen three-dimensional projections like this before.

In the picture, Daimaru is wearing different flying equipment and demonstrating various flying skills.

Takeoff, acceleration, climb, dive, maneuvering, attack intensity, etc. are all presented to everyone one by one.

"Considering the biggest problem that the aerial team may face, I recommend using forward-swept wings. Although it sacrifices a little performance in ultra-high-speed flight, at medium and low speeds, it is not only easier to take off and has better control performance, but also has better control performance than other types. Saved nearly 30% of chakra..."

Daimaru explained to the people present in a timely manner.

"Thirty percent, this is impressive..."

Maki, who was not far from Daimaru, nodded with satisfaction. As an outstanding Wind Release ninja, how could he not understand the difficulty and terrifying chakra consumption of using Wind Release chakra to stay in the air?

It is not that no one has tried to use the power of ninja tools to help themselves fly before, but this is the first time that Daimaru has tried every possibility in different categories and recorded the advantages and disadvantages in detail.

While others were reading, they compared the explanatory materials in their hands.

"With these, the money invested so far has not been lost..."

Huang Sha, the leader, didn't have any objections to such a detailed report. He just took the records in his hand and took them out. Many people rushed to buy them.

Daimaru nodded proudly, and then continued:

"In fact, in ultra-high speed mode, the reaction speed of most ninjas cannot keep up at all. The advantages of straight wings and swept wings cannot be brought into play. On the contrary, it is difficult to take off and the shortcomings of easy stalling are obvious. Considering the ninja In actual scenarios in air combat, I think forward-swept wings are more promising, and other types can only be used as supplements..."

Well, although Daimaru explained it very clearly, Sunagakure Village's information reserve in this regard was limited, and no one could refute Daimaru's judgment for a while.

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