Red sand dust

Chapter 258 Hearsay

After all, Sunagakure Village is far less prosperous than Konoha Village, and there are only so many places to visit.

After walking around Sunagakure Village, I went to try out Sunagakure Village's special sand bath. It is said that the magnetic fine sand selected from the vast desert can not only quickly relieve fatigue, but also It has the effect of improving skin.

Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji actually don't want to go at all; Umino Iruka doesn't think too much and is not very persistent; Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino are very interested, and Kurama Yakumo has been looking forward to it for a long time, as long as it is good for the body. Yes, she wanted to try it.

Unable to resist the three enthusiastic girls, everyone went their own way.

Finally, Umino Iruka, Akimichi Choji and Nara Shikamaru came out still unsatisfied; on the girls' side, Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura carried out Kurama Yakumo, who was almost fainting from the heat, and took turns taking care of him for a long time, basically not enjoying it much. To the fun of sand bathing.

After drinking a large bottle of special milk, Yakumo-sensei regained some strength. He thanked Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino for helping him, and even considered trying again. The two horrified young ninjas did not hesitate. Stopped.

"You're in such poor health, but you're not afraid of these 'extreme sports' at all!"

Yamanaka Ino complained to the sick girl who didn't care about her body.

"Ino, stop talking, Kurama-sensei didn't mean it..."

Haruno Sakura stopped her friend's thoughts.

"You two are such good people, just call me Yakumo..."

"Yakumo...teacher! Don't you have an estimate of how bad your body is?"

Yamanaka Ino asked incredulously,

"You actually dare to go to the Kingdom of Wind to cause trouble. What should you do if something happens?"

"Isn't this okay? Don't worry!"

"If it weren't for us, Teacher Yakumo, you might have been steamed into dried meat by the hot sand! Next time, please don't act recklessly out of our sight..."

Haruno Sakura warned kindly.


Kurama Yakumo said nonchalantly,

"What's next?"

"Get ready, let's go have dinner! I heard from Mr. Iruka that Daimaru-senpai invited us to have barbecue together..."

Yamanaka Ino replied.

"Dinner? That's great. I've never had dinner with too many people. Do you want men and women to be introduced as a pair and then feed each other?"

"That's a sorority, it's too early for us!"

Yamanaka Ino couldn't help but interrupt Yakumo-sensei's delusion,

"Feeding each other? How could such a shameful thing be done in public? Where did you hear these strange things..."

"This is what is written in the book! It turns out to be false, what a pity!"

"What's the pity, Yakumo-sensei, do you still plan for something to happen?"

Haruno Sakura smiled and said:

"It should be just an ordinary dinner party, eating and talking about some light topics..."

"I think it's probably related to the exchange mission between the two villages..."

Yamanaka Ino guessed,

"Isn't this why we came all the way here? The Sand Ninjas seem to be quite busy, so they probably don't have time to waste..."

"Most others are like this, but that Daimaru-senpai may not be..."

Haruno Sakura said thoughtfully.

"Eh? Sakura, are you familiar with Daimaru?"

Kurama Yakumo, who heard that it was just an ordinary meal and chat, was greatly reduced in interest. Hearing Haruno Sakura's evaluation of Daimaru, he couldn't help but ask.

"Not very familiar! I beat him to pieces the first time I met. Later we met by chance and chatted a few words on the way. I felt that he was a strange ninja who always did unexpected things, and he was full of bad taste, very funny. He’ll make people angry, but he’s probably not a bad person…”

"Unexpectedly bad taste, I understand..."

During the Chunin Examination, Yamanaka Ino was deeply impressed by Ino Yamanaka, who was humiliated several times by Daimaru, Nighteye and Sengen. As for the evaluation of good or bad...

"Only people who haven't suffered much from him think he is a good person!"

"It seems that you know a lot about Daimaru. Can you tell me more about it?"

Kurama Yakumo stared blankly at the two of them talking about the story of the chunin exam half a year ago, unable to get a word in at all.

"Does Yakumo-sensei know Daimaru-senpai? I feel like it's better not to get too involved with him..."

Yamanaka Ino kindly advised.

If Yakumo-sensei, who is so weak, is bullied by that domineering Daimaru, no one here can protect her.

"It's not that exaggerated..."

Haruno Sakura waved her hand,

"Yakumo-sensei is not even a ninja. No matter how cruel Daimaru-senpai is, he will never bully an ordinary person..."

Kurama Yakumo replied:

"I have met Daimaru a few times before and have known him for a while, but I don't know much about him..."

"If you're interested, you can talk slowly in the future. It's a bit too late now..."

Nothing happened, Yamanaka Ino thought it would be better not to talk about the embarrassing past.

"It doesn't matter, there should be enough time..."

Kurama Yakumo said as he calmly received a hand seal, and his spiritual power spread along the chakra to all directions. Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino, who were still joking, suddenly stayed where they were, and their eyes lost their luster.

A few minutes later, Kurama Yakumo, who had gone over the news about Daimaru in the minds of the two young ninjas, showed a smile.

"There is also a story like this. It turns out that you are such a domineering person and are not as honest as you appear in front of me!"

It seemed that he had discovered something interesting again. Kurama Yakumo was in a good mood and withdrew the genjutsu that controlled the two genin.

The two girls, who did not realize that they had been completely controlled just now, continued the topic without knowing anything, as if time had just stopped and nothing had happened, and now it was just returning to normal.

After nightfall, the Konoha ninjas finally realized how noisy the night wind was in Sunagakure Village. If they hadn't known about it earlier, they might have thought that there were countless monsters and monsters wandering outside.

Fortunately, the atmosphere in the room was quite warm. Daimaru would not be stingy with public funds. No matter how difficult the situation was in Sunagakure Village, he could still afford a few "official meals".

Daimaru was not polite, not only called his two companions, Yome and Sen, but Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were all present.

In the future, the two villages will mainly deal with these people.

"If I'm too busy, I'll let Gaara take charge. Everyone already knows each other, so I won't make any more introductions..."

"Please give me some advice!"

Gaara lost no time in nodding in greeting;

"If you have any questions, you can come to me anytime..."

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