Red sand dust

Chapter 265 A strange combination of circumstances

After a busy day, Daimaru returned to the apartment a little tired after settling the Konoha ninjas.

When Daimaru took the genin of Sunagakure Village to Konoha Village for "exchange", he was far from receiving such thoughtful care.

At that time, the two villages had just reconciled, and not many people took the sand ninja seriously.

Compared to the majestic Konoha ninjas, Sunagakure Village is much more cautious towards its allies. It was probably because he was more dependent on the covenant and could not bear the consequences of antagonizing the Leaf Village again. Now that even the Fifth Kazekage can't choose, it's not unacceptable to give up a little bit.

When Daimaru and his party were in Konoha Village, they were relatively leisurely due to special reasons, but this time the Konoha ninjas came to Sunagakure Village, their itinerary was much more compact.

Because Daimaru had to take care of the formation of the aerial team, he could not accompany him all the time, so he had to let Gaara, who was also a chuunin and was familiar with the Konoha ninja, take on more responsibility.

However, putting all the responsibilities on Gaara, although it means to increase his experience, is too difficult for him. What's more, there are two girls among the Konoha ninjas. There are some things that are really beyond his control. fixed.

After Kankuro helped Daimaru test the wing suit, apart from occasionally making some spare parts and helping Daimaru maintain the repaired puppet, he now barely had time. In his spare time, he could help Gaara.

Regarding Temari, Daimaru actually didn't want to put him too close to Nara Shikamaru, but sometimes, Yami and Chiya couldn't take care of both, and she really needed to be a temporary replacement.

"If like this, the spark of love can arise between two people, then I will take it back..."

To put it bluntly, Daimaru's performance today is definitely better than Nara Shikamaru's. The only thing he is not as good as is his appearance.

But this is not the decisive factor. If Nara Shikamaru wants Temari to look beyond him and focus on him, what actions must he take?

In the past, Daimaru was too influenced by the so-called "Original Official Dubbing" and always thought that Nara Shikamaru would be his biggest love rival.

But in fact, fate is a wonderful thing. Sometimes if you miss it, it will be a lifetime thing. Even if you want to redeem it, that is another story.

Uzumaki Naruto has no chance to save Hyuga Hinata, the hero, and it is unknown whether he can attract the opponent's attention.

How does Temari feel about Nara Shikamaru now?

The most distant distance between two people is not disgust, but no impression.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that because of Daimaru's influence, how could Nara Shikamaru have a chance to perform in front of Temari? Even Temari, in Nara Shikamaru's eyes, was probably just a ferocious ordinary Suna ninja.

In this case, we must be careful not to stick to it and interfere with normal communication activities, which will only attract attention. Nara Shikamaru didn't know much because he didn't know much, but Temari was a smart person who seemed carefree but was actually thoughtful.

If he told her that he regarded Nara Shikamaru as his love rival, it would only make people laugh and have no benefit other than showing his narrow mind.

"However, we can't just let it go. We have to quietly find a reason to keep Temari away from Konoha ninjas as much as possible!" 』

Understanding is one thing, but you can't open the door to robbers. In short, you don't need to care too much, but you have to deal with it carefully.

In view of this, Daimaru simply temporarily divided the event into two parts, and asked Temari to take Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino and Kurama Yakumo to help handle exchanges about ninja theory, literature, art and inheritance.

Although Temari's fighting style advocates violence, she is still a somewhat innocent girl. She should have some common hobbies and we can chat with her.

The other group, mainly headed by Daimaru, talked with Umino Iruka and Nara Shikamaru about the real training and selection of ninjas.

"It's strange. Your ninja school doesn't teach students the power of unity and will?"

After a few days, Umino Iruka had already wanted to ask.

The focus is on cultivating Suna Ninja through force, but the promotion of a sense of belonging and dedication is relatively neglected.

"We have it too, but it's not so obvious..."

Daimaru smiled and replied,

"Compared with the theories they talk about, Suna Ninja is more committed to his heart, but just because there is no unified standard, there are also some internal contradictions..."

The distinct internal factions in Konohagakure are simply too childish. No one can figure out the intricate relationships within Sunagakure Village.

For example, Fu Yi, who is super tough externally, is actually a framer who advocates steady and conservative policies internally. Although his ability to lead a group of heroes is slightly lacking, he still has the ability to steer a broken ship that is leaking everywhere and move forward reluctantly.

Therefore, after the fourth generation of the Kazekage Rasa was assassinated and Maki refused to act as the deputy Kazekage, the call to push Fuyi to the position has always been there, but because Chiyo and Ebizo did not nod, no one actually promoted this matter. .

Then again, if you want to promote the "Will of Fire" like Konoha Village, Sunagakure Village must have at least one uncompromising Kazekage to promote such things as "One Moral". Otherwise, why should others listen? your.

Since no one can convince anyone, let's just not teach them in the ninja school and let the students grow up freely. When they reach the age of twelve or thirteen and can understand more complex problems, they can choose like-minded partners based on their own inner thoughts. .

The situation of the ninja school is the epitome of Sunagakure Village.

"But it's really rare that you can still maintain good unity despite being so noisy..."

Daimaru smiled and said nothing.

Umino Iruka is a good teacher, but that's all. If the Suna ninja who made enemies everywhere had not united, they would have been wiped out long ago. The real predicament forced everyone to join forces to stay warm.

"Sunagakure Village Ninja School is a bit like what Konoha Village Ninja School was like when it was first founded..."

Umino Iruka said with a smile,

"It's just that later, it slowly turned into what it is now..."

"You mean our Konoha Village is decades behind?"

"Well, that's not what I meant..."

"It's okay, Mr. Iruka. We Sand Ninjas actually understand that there is a gap between us and the Leaf Village. As for how big it is, it's just a matter of degree, not important..."

Daimaru chuckled and said,

"That's why we have this 'exchange'. We say it's to learn from each other, but actually we also have the intention of letting our colleagues in Konoha help us check for gaps. If it's convenient, please don't hesitate to teach us..."

"It's easy to say, we are allies who support each other! First of all, I think you should update the outdated teaching materials..."

"Teaching materials? We are powerless and have to ask Mr. Iruka to help find a way..."

Daimaru's eyes lit up, as if he had met a fat sheep that could harvest wool!

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