Red sand dust

Chapter 278 Equivalence

"What's wrong?"

Umino Iruka asked Gaara who was distracted, and at the same time looked in the direction of his gaze,

"What's there?"

"A few acquaintances..."

Today's Gaara probably hasn't learned how to lie quietly yet, being vague is his limit.

"I have troubled Mr. Iruka today. I have learned a lot. Thank you very much..."

"you are too polite……"

Umino Iruka, who was perfunctory, smiled politely and said,

"We have gained a lot from the care of our Suna ninja colleagues..."

Just as the two were chatting, a figure fell from the sky and landed next to Gaara. It was Daimaru who was belatedly arriving.

"Hey! It seems that the communication is going well, so I feel relieved..."

Daimaru said with a smile on his face,

"There are so many things going on that I really can't keep them separate. I'm sorry..."

"The acquaintance Gaara mentioned just now is you?"

Umino Iruka had a knowing expression.


Daimaru looked at Gaara with a calm face in surprise,

"Perception has improved a lot!"

He is indeed a genius with Kazekage potential. Chakra perception at this distance would be difficult to detect unless a ninja with specialized skills.

"The power of the wind fluctuates obviously..."

It turns out that Gaara, as a one-tailed jinchuriki, does have a great advantage in a unique place like the Land of Wind. As his relationship with the one-tailed Shukaku gradually became harmonious, some of his abilities were indirectly activated. Aspects of perceptual expertise.

"As expected of you, I have more confidence in you..."

After patting Gaara on the shoulder, Daimaru turned to Umino Iruka and said,

"Tomorrow is the entrance test for new students of the Ninja School. I hope that Mr. Iruka will give you some advice..."

"Communicate with each other..."

According to the itinerary, more than half of this "exchange" activity has passed. Although most of it is just a formality, some practical things have indeed been done.

"In addition, some elders from the village may be present..."

Daimaru said with some embarrassment,

"It is indeed a bit disrespectful in Sunagakure Village nowadays. However, there is no vacancy for the Kazekage Fifth Generation. There is nothing we can do. There has been no formal visit. I am really sorry..."

It would be a good idea to take advantage of the Ninja School's new student testing activities to allow the village's senior officials to meet with the Konoha ninjas and get a good understanding of the progress of this "exchange" activity, lest some people think that Daimaru only takes money and does not work.

"So, I understand, I will be ready when the time comes..."

It was impossible for Umino Iruka not to understand such a straightforward hint. When the Konoha ninja went back to hand in the mission, it was impossible for him to say that he had come here to eat, drink and wander around, and not even see a decent big shot. Just run back in despair!

After the Konoha ninja left, Daimaru suppressed his smile and said sternly to Gaara:

"I'm going to report to work, and you have to follow me..."

"I can too?"

"No matter how you say it, it's been a great help. Whether it's the formation of the aerial team or the 'communication' mission with the Konoha ninjas, there are some things that only you have experienced. If I can't answer them, I may have to ask you for help..."

"All right!"

Although he has not completed many official tasks, Gaara has been really busy recently, and together with Temari and Kankuro, he has appeared in front of many Suna ninjas.

A few minutes later, Daimaru led Gaara, and in front of Fuyi, Huangsha and Yura, he roughly explained the exchanges with Konoha Village in the past few days.

Yura flicked the report in his hand with his fingers, took a calm breath and said:

"Ignoring the trivial matters, there are probably three things. The first is that Konoha Village donated new textbooks to us, which is a symbol of the harmony and friendship between the two villages; the second is to establish a unified Chunin promotion mechanism and combine the Joint Chunin Examinations more than half a year ago. It is fixed as an annual long-term selection activity; and finally, there is a suggestion for Ninja School graduating classes to be sent to each other for half a year to exchange and study... called 'exchange students'? This word is still very vivid..."

"I wonder what you guys think?"

Daimaru lowered his head slightly, waiting for the opinions of several elders.

Huang Sha thought for a while and then said:

"The first one is no problem, it is a good thing for us, and there is no reason to object; the second one is a bit troublesome. If the joint chuunin exam is held every year, then the strength comparison will be obvious. In case of the strong Konoha Village restrictions What about our chuunin promotion quota?"

This worry is reasonable. Just compete behind closed doors and select the best batch. But in the joint selection, what if one's side is too stretched and not even a chuunin can be selected?

Like last year's Joint Chuunin Examination, Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village were equally matched, and there were very few years where they even performed better.

Fuyi asked Daimaru:

"Since you took the initiative to raise this opinion to the Konoha ninjas, you should consider it..."


Daimaru smiled and replied,

"The exam is an exam, but whether you are qualified or not can be carefully considered. Originally, every time the joint chuunin exams were held, each village jounin would set up a selection team to determine the promotion quota. Although it was fair in name, it was difficult to say in practice. Therefore, I suggest limiting the power of the selection team and only giving detailed performance and evaluation of all candidates in the final examination. Let the village leaders decide whether they can be promoted..."

Fu Yi and Huang Sha looked at each other:

"That's not bad. If Konoha Village agrees, we naturally have no objection...The key is the third one, sending exchange students to each other. Is this necessary?"


Daimaru nodded and replied,

"Although we can also train some strong ninjas, to be honest, it has little to do with the ninja school. The outstanding ninjas will have other opportunities after graduation..."

Although what Daimaru said was true, such harsh words still made people feel unhappy.

"The half-year exchange student experience for graduates may not improve their strength to a certain extent, but it can also increase their knowledge. Only by recognizing the gap can we be less impetuous and more steady on the next road to ninja..."

Yura waved his hand, interrupted Daimaru and asked:

"We can imagine the benefits. You probably want to get a good start and study in depth in the future..."


A few graduates of the Ninja School cannot make a big splash, but with cooperation, it is possible to go further.

"We do have requests from Konoha Village, but do Konoha ninjas have expectations for our Sunagakure Village Ninja School? We have nothing to teach, so how can we attract the 'exchange students' from Konoha Village..."

There is definitely some, but it is not necessarily possible if you are not willing to exchange it, such as puppetry, sand manipulation ninjutsu, etc.

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