Red sand dust

Chapter 288 Nightmare

After a busy day, Daimaru, who was a little tired, returned home for a long time and had dinner with his mother and grandfather before he returned to the rented apartment unhurriedly.

Daimaru was about to open the door and enter the house. He looked at the sky outside from the corner of his eye. It was not long after dark and there were many pedestrians walking on the road.

"At this time, Miss Saya must not be asleep yet!" 』

With this thought in mind, Daimaru walked to the next door, hesitated for a moment, and then knocked on the door.

I was thinking about how to greet Miss Saya, whom I hadn't seen for a while, but I didn't expect that no one came to open the door.

"Not there?" Are you going home or going out on a mission? 』

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement. Daimaru gave up his plan to pay back the money tonight, turned around and walked back to his house.

In the dimly lit bedroom out of Daimaru's sight, Miss Saya curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"It's shameless to knock on a young woman's door at night!"

Miss Saya is a polite lady. It would be too rude to meet people without a face.

During this period, no one visited Miss Saya except her sister Shana who visited from time to time. When she came back from a mission, she wanted to do what she liked easily.

After removing makeup and washing up, I lazily used the high-end materials I had just acquired to make weird dolls with gorgeous clothes but not very good-looking faces.

"The stand-in puppet made to look like your own face is obviously very successful, why can't other ones work?"

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no answer. Miss Saya could only blame it on herself being too neglectful to observe other people's appearance.

Except for a few people, no one had ever looked at those worthless guys.

Under normal circumstances, it is enough to distinguish the appearance and characteristics that are different from others. Too many details have not entered Miss Saya's mind at all.

Immediately afterwards, Miss Saya casually made a doll that looked like Shana. The shape of the doll's face was still very awkward.

Then there was Daiwan. According to what he had in mind, he succeeded in a short time.

"It's so ugly. I don't know if it's because of my poor skills or because you're just so ugly!"

The dissatisfied Miss Saya spat lightly, grabbed the doll and threw it into the trash can not far away.

The development of the situation has been relatively stable recently. The communication with Konoha has been calm. With Gaara's help from time to time, Daimaru doesn't have to worry too much. Regarding the training of the aerial team, Yame and Chi share a lot of pressure, so Daimaru can relax. few.

Without the immediate pressure, Daimaru exercised his muscles for a while, took a comfortable shower, and lay on the bench in front of the window, immersed in the moonlight.

Recalling the series of things that happened after returning from Konoha Village, except for being almost killed when being ambushed by Loess, and being frightened when he met Orochimaru, everything else was almost safe due to Daimaru's efforts. Spent.

Next, when the air team begins to take shape, they will definitely find an opponent to test their strength. The target will definitely be Iwa Ninja.

Daimaru can let go of the others, especially Gaara, who seems to be favored by heaven and can always find opportunities to show his face in front of the villagers and gain favor.

"Maybe it's because he really wants to protect the village and do something for everyone, so he can discover the difficulties of those who need help!" 』

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. For people like Daimaru, when they meet strangers they have never met, the ability to look good on them is already the limit.

Being a good person also requires talent, so Daimaru just wants to try not to cause trouble to others, so thank God.

At this thought, Daimaru couldn't help but smile on his face. He took out the portrait that Kurama Yakumo gave him and looked at himself on the hazy canvas under the light of the moon.

"This is what I looked like half a year ago!" 』

The calm expression on his face did not hide the trace of panic in his eyes. Kurama Yakumo's painting skills were indeed quite superb, and he accurately painted Daimaru's expression at that time.

After thinking about it for several months, Daimaru still couldn't figure out the mystery. If Kurama Yakumo hadn't happened to come to Sunagakure Village, he would have wanted to give up.

Such things as "adventures" are reserved for those who are destined, and cannot be forced.

Maybe the mystery here is very simple, and the secret can be found with just one key hint, but Daimaru really can't figure it out.

Analyzing certain people's personality traits, Daimaru can find some clues, but let's forget about guessing what the hell a teenage girl is thinking about. Daimaru knows that he is not the material.

"Discover the beauty in it? Apart from a face as handsome as mine, what else is so stinky and beautiful..."

Daimaru, who was smiling, flicked his face on the canvas, which was bathed in the warm sunshine, with his fingers. The paper trembled and made a clattering sound.

Daimaru gently covered his chest with the canvas, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He didn't see the canvas placed casually on his body in the palm of his hand. He was bathed in the mental fluctuations that Daimaru unconsciously radiated. The eyes of the characters in the painting were shining in the moonlight. There was a shimmering light underneath.

At the same time, in an ordinary two-story building, Qian was lighting a desk lamp, supporting his chin with his hands, and staring at the paintings spread out on the table for a long time as usual, and couldn't help but doze off.

Drowsily, the girl seemed to notice something. She suddenly opened her eyes and was stunned by what she saw.

In a studio with the setting sun shining slantingly, a girl who was a little weak and coughing from time to time was painting quietly. There were already many scraps crumpled into a ball on the ground.

Such a peaceful atmosphere should have been warm, but what was frightening was that the model, who was leaning against the window sill with her eyes closed and a slight smile on her lips, was surrounded by purple-black snake-like monsters.

"Kurama Yakumo and Daimaru?"

Qian looked at this horrifying scene with such obvious contrasts in shock and doubt, and couldn't help but ask.

However, Kurama Yakumo, who was creating, and model Daimaru, who was smiling slightly, were completely unaware of Chi's appearance.

Qian couldn't help but get closer, wondering if he should warn Daimaru of the danger.

At this moment, those purple-black snake shadows suddenly revealed their evil heads, spitting out snake messages in Qian's direction.

The startled girl quickly backed away, but was surprised to notice that there was also a strange hissing sound coming from her body. When she lowered her head, she saw that she was also entangled by a similar snake-like shadow monster.


The girl who screamed in fright couldn't help but wake up from the desk, lamp, canvas, and herself who had dozed off.

Also, that terrifying snake-like shadow monster...

"Is it an illusion?" Let’s ask Daimaru tomorrow! 』

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