Red sand dust

Chapter 290 Analysis

"Do you see anything?"

Daimaru, who had been observing carefully for a long time with squinted eyes but found nothing, turned his attention to the other two girls.


Yemu replied helplessly,

"Except for the slight difference in angle, there is nothing unusual about the two paintings..."

Yame, who has super vision, had asked Daimaru for help before to see if she could detect some subtle changes that ordinary people couldn't see.

Tried it several times, but still got nothing.

Qian shook his head in disappointment:

"I don't have the same feeling as yesterday..."

"Is it because you drooled on the canvas?"

"How can it be?"

Qian smiled sheepishly and flinched slightly under the gazes of Yami and Daimaru.

"You can't be serious, can you?"

"There's nothing you can do anyway, so there's no harm in trying..."

"Okay, okay, I understand..."

Unable to resist, the girl turned her back, put her index finger into her mouth, soaked it with some saliva, and then smeared it on the canvas.

After more than ten seconds, Qian, whose face was slightly red, said angrily:

"Look, there's no response, so I'm going to say it's impossible!"

Sure enough, it's still wrong.

Daimaru took out a tissue in disappointment and wiped off the water stains on the portrait.

"It's no problem if it gets wet. It's a bit strange. Why don't you light a fire and try it..."

"If you don't care, we have no objection..."

Nighteye smiled.

"Okay, stop joking!"

Chi patted Yeme on the shoulder and told her to be honest and not encourage Daimaru to do stupid things.

"Daimaru, although you think the cause of the abnormality is me, I think the source may still be you. After all, this is what Kurama Yakumo gave you..."


"What did you do last night?"

Daimaru crossed his arms across his chest, frowning and thinking for a while:

"I have no impression at all. I was in a good mood last night and fell asleep looking at the moon."

"Then, is it possible that something happened after you fell asleep?"

"Probably not!"

Daimaru replied uncertainly.

There are indeed masters who can hide Daimaru, but if there is danger, there are clones of Ukon and Hakuzetsu that still maintain their instincts in their bodies. Since they are not abnormal, it means that nothing worth paying attention to has happened.

"Daimaru, when you fell asleep, didn't you have nightmares or anything like that?"

"No impression at all!"

Daimaru categorically denied,

"For a ninja with superior mental strength like me, dreaming is not an easy thing..."

Thoughts are powerful, and dreams portend some mental instability.

Daipi basically eliminates hidden dangers, and there are very few activities like dreaming.

Today, Daimaru doesn't feel at all that he has any emotions that are strong enough to affect his mind and cause dreams to occur at night.

"What's going on? A nightmare without any warning..."

"It should be interference from external forces..."

Daimaru said guessing.

After all, it was sent by Kurama Yakumo, who was good at illusions. It was normal that it contained some abnormal mental fluctuations.

"Daimaru, I think you may have made a mistake."

Qian was silent for a while and then said,

"According to your statement, these two paintings were gifts given to you as a thank you after you helped Kurama Yakumo with 'a little help'. There are probably two types of temporary gifts. One is what you have in your hand. ;The second is what the other party needs! Which one do you think these two paintings belong to?"

Daimaru thought for a moment and then replied:

"I think it's the first one. At that time, Kurama Yakumo didn't seem to be carrying any gifts worth giving..."

Qian retorted with some disagreement:

"The first time you two met, Kurama Yakumo was a troubled girl who was imprisoned, and you were an enemy genin who was being hunted, so it made sense that you had nothing to offer; the second time you met in Konoha Village, you were a genin who had regained his freedom. The daughter of the clan went to you specifically to ask for help. Didn't she prepare a gift? The daughter who is not familiar with the world may not understand, but her uncle Kurama Yunhai will not understand, right? "

"You mean..."

Daimaru thoughtfully recalled the scene when they first met.

"To take a step back, even if there is no gift that can be obtained, wouldn't it be better to just give money? The ninjas of the Kurama family are not very strong. They don't seem to be short of money. They are all smart people who understand the way of life. Think about it, If this painting and a large amount of money were placed in front of you at that time, which one would you choose?"

In order to strengthen his persuasion, Qian patiently explained to Daimaru.


There is no hesitation about this. Daimaru is not a pretentious young boy, and he has no deep friendship with Kurama Yakumo. There is no need to coy and coquettish. A picture of no use is not attractive. How can a large sum of money attract people? ?


Qian concluded,

"It should be the second one. At that time, Kurama Yakumo felt that these two paintings were what you needed most, so he gave them to you..."

"If you say so..."

Daimaru smiled bitterly and said,

"I'm even more confused! Can a young lady who is isolated from the world see what I need urgently? I may not even be able to figure it out myself..."

The two meetings between Daimaru and Kurama Yakumo were in completely different situations. How can we know the reason for giving the same gift?

"This direction is good. The biggest problem now is how to understand the elusive prompt of 'discover the beauty'..."

The two portraits that he had seen countless times were placed in front of Daimaru.

"What do you think of these two paintings?"

"The level is very high, far better than me..."

"The level of your painting skills is not important. I remember you said that when making a stand-in puppet, you also need to use a paintbrush to describe your own appearance in the mirror, just like rubbing your soul onto the puppet. Kurama Hachi Do you know what Yun was thinking when he was painting for you?"

"How can you guess this? I'm not good at this..."

Daimaru waved his hands and said with a smile.

"No need to guess, this is what your soul looks like in the eyes of Kurama Yakumo. If she is, as you say, the best genjutsu-type blood successor in the ninja world, there is no way you can hide your mental state from her. of……"

"It's possible..."

Daimaru thought for a moment and then said,

"I need a pair of 'eyes' to discover beauty, what should I do?"

While talking about Daimaru, he stretched out the star puppet string to wrap around one of the paintings, and then put a little spiritual seed into it, trying to see if he could find some secrets in it.

In an instant, thick darkness enveloped him, and the heavy pressure made it difficult for Daimaru to move.

There was no sound, nothing could be seen, the whole body ached, it was difficult to tell up and down, left and right, and I didn't know life or death.

"This is where! What just happened? 』

Daimaru, who was disturbed by the sudden impact, helplessly tried to move his body...

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